So I'm trying to display a pie chart using the fl_chart plugin. The data for the chart is being retrieved from firestore. I have this function that is used to display the data:
List<PieChartSectionData> showSection(AsyncSnapshot<QuerySnapshot> snapshot) {
return List.generate(length, (i) {
final isTouched = i == touchedIndex;
final double fontSize = isTouched ? 25 : 16;
final double radius = isTouched ? 60 : 50;
return PieChartSectionData(
color: Color(int.parse(cerealData[i].colorVal)),
value: cerealData[i].rating,
title: cerealData[i].rating.toString(),
radius: radius,
titleStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: fontSize,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
color: const Color(0xffffffff)),
The List.generate() takes an int as an argument. Since I'm displaying realtime data, I'm trying to get the number of documents present in my collection. For that, I have a function called getLength():
void getLength(AsyncSnapshot<QuerySnapshot> snapshot) async {
length = await Firestore.instance.collection('cereal').snapshots().length;
cerealData = => Cereal.fromJson(;
However, when I run the code, I get:
Another exception was thrown: type 'Future<int>' is not a subtype of type 'int'
The entire code:
class _FlChartPageState extends State<FlChartPage> {
int touchedIndex;
var length;
List<Cereal> cerealData;
void getLength(AsyncSnapshot<QuerySnapshot> snapshot) async {
length = await Firestore.instance.collection('cereal').snapshots().length;
cerealData = => Cereal.fromJson(;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: StreamBuilder<QuerySnapshot>(
stream: Firestore.instance.collection('cereal').snapshots(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (!snapshot.hasData)
return CircularProgressIndicator();
else {
return PieChart(PieChartData(
pieTouchData: PieTouchData(touchCallback: (pieTouchResponse) {
setState(() {
if (pieTouchResponse.touchInput is FlLongPressEnd ||
pieTouchResponse.touchInput is FlPanEnd) {
touchedIndex = -1;
} else {
touchedIndex = pieTouchResponse.touchedSectionIndex;
borderData: FlBorderData(show: false),
sectionsSpace: 0,
centerSpaceRadius: 40,
sections: showSection(snapshot)));
List<PieChartSectionData> showSection(AsyncSnapshot<QuerySnapshot> snapshot) {
return List.generate(length, (i) {
final isTouched = i == touchedIndex;
final double fontSize = isTouched ? 25 : 16;
final double radius = isTouched ? 60 : 50;
return PieChartSectionData(
color: Color(int.parse(cerealData[i].colorVal)),
value: cerealData[i].rating,
title: cerealData[i].rating.toString(),
radius: radius,
titleStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: fontSize,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
color: const Color(0xffffffff)),
I read somewhere that awaiting the future gets rid of the Future. But that doesn't work here.
How do I fix this?
Edit: It works if I simply pass the number of documents instead of length in List.generate(). But this won't work if there are changes to the collection. So how do I convert Future to int?
I think you aren't getting the length of the documents, you are getting the length of the snapshots if you want to get the documents length :
QuerySnapshot querySnapshot = await Firestore.instance.collection('cereal').getDocuments();
int length = querySnapshot.documents.length;
In get getLength function you are trying to get length which is actually async task which returns future and because of that you are getting following error.
Change your method with following metod
length = len;
cerealData = => Cereal.fromJson(;
since Firebase was updated I have been having some issues, first it was because now, instead of a map, an Object? is returned and that is now fixed, but I can't seem to get any data from the database. I can put it there fine but the reading is not working.
This is on my firebase_utils .dart file
FirebaseDatabase data = FirebaseDatabase.instance;
DatabaseReference database = data.ref();
Future<void> init() async {
FirebaseAuth.instance.userChanges().listen((user) {
if (user != null) {
//_loginState = ApplicationLoginState.loggedIn;
} else {
//_loginState = ApplicationLoginState.loggedOut;
if (!kIsWeb) {
I have this class:
class ReservationStreamPublisher {
Stream<List<Reservation>> getReservationStream() {
final stream = database.child('reservations').onValue;
final streamToPublish = stream
.map((event) {
List<Reservation> reservationList = [];
Map<String, dynamic>.from(event.snapshot.value as dynamic)
.forEach((key, value) => reservationList.add(Reservation.fromRTDB(value)));
return reservationList;
return streamToPublish;
Next is my Reservation.fromRTDB
factory Reservation.fromRTDB(Map<String, dynamic> data) {
return Reservation(
pin: data['pin'],
day: data['day'],
hour: data['hour'],
duration: data['duration'],
state: data['state'],
userEmail: data['client_email'],
completed: data['completed'],
id: data['id'],
dateMade: '',
timeMade: '');
And this is one of the places where I am supposed to show data
Text('Slots Reservados neste dia:'),
_selectedDate != null
? StreamBuilder(
builder: (context, snapshot) {
final tilesList = <ListTile>[];
if (snapshot.hasData) {
List reservations = as List<Reservation>;
int i = 0;
do {
if (reservations.isNotEmpty) {
if (reservations[i].day !=
.format(_selectedDate!))) {
i = i;
} else
} while (i < reservations.length);
try {
.addAll( {
return ListTile(
leading: Icon(Icons.lock_clock),
title: Text(
"Das ${nextReservation.hour} as ${nextReservation.duration}"),
} catch (e) {
return Text(
'Ainda nao existem reservas neste dia');
// }
if (tilesList.isNotEmpty) {
return Expanded(
child: ListView(
children: tilesList,
return Text('Ainda nao existem reservas neste dia');
: SizedBox(),
I am not getting any error at the moment, but no data is returned.This is a Reservation example on my RTDB
I'm using a drop-down list (DropDown), whose elements are obtained from Firebase. The form works right, however when the internet connection is lost the Firebase Offline Persistence property doesn't work and the CircularProgressIndicator stays active. Reading some responses such as Using Offline Persistence in Firestore in a Flutter App, it is indicated that awaits should not be handled, however it is not clear to me how to achieve it:
class EstanqueAlimentarPage extends StatefulWidget {
_EstanqueAlimentarPageState createState() => _EstanqueAlimentarPageState();
class _EstanqueAlimentarPageState extends State<EstanqueAlimentarPage> {
final formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>();
AlimentoBloc alimentoBloc = new AlimentoBloc();
AlimentoModel _alimento = new AlimentoModel();
AlimentarModel alimentar = new AlimentarModel();
List<AlimentoModel> _alimentoList;
bool _alimentoDisponible = true;
void dispose() {
void initState() {
Future<void> _obtenerListaAlimentoUnaVez() async {
_alimentoList = await alimentoBloc.cargarAlimento(idEmpresa); // Await that I want to eliminate
if (_alimentoList.length > 0) { // Here appears a BAD STATE error when the internet connection goes from off to on
_alimento = _alimentoList[0];
_alimentoDisponible = true;
} else {
_alimentoDisponible = false;
_cargando = false;
setState(() {});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Form(
key: formKey,
child: Column(
children: <Widget> [
SizedBox(height: 8.0),
Widget _crearTipoAlimento(List<AlimentoModel> lista) {
return Container(
decoration: _cajaBlanca,
!_cargando // If it isn't loading, Dropdown must be displayed
? DropdownButtonFormField<AlimentoModel>(
decoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: 'Nombre del Alimento',
contentPadding: EdgeInsets.only(top:5.0),
prefixIcon: Icon(FontAwesomeIcons.boxOpen, color: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,),
border: InputBorder.none,
value: _alimento,
items: value) {
return DropdownMenuItem<AlimentoModel>(
child: Text(value.nombre),
value: value,
onChanged: (_alimentoDisponible) ? (AlimentoModel _alimentoSeleccionado) {
_alimento = _alimentoSeleccionado;
setState(() {});
} : null,
disabledHint: Text('No hay Alimento en Bodega'),
onSaved: (value) {
alimentar.idAlimento = _alimento.idAlimento;
alimentar.nombreAlimento = _alimento.nombreRef;
: Center (child: CircularProgressIndicator(strokeWidth: 1.0,))
Widget _crearComentarios() {
return TextFormField(
onSaved: (value) {
alimentar.comentarios = value;
Widget _crearBoton(String texto) {
return RaisedButton(
// -- DESIGN -- //
onPressed: (_guardando) ? null : _submit,
void _submit() {
The function code from my BLOC is:
Future<List<AlimentoModel>> cargarAlimento(String idEmpresa, [String filtro]) async {
final alimento = await _alimentoProvider.cargarAlimento(idEmpresa, filtro); //It's one await more
return alimento;
And the Query from PROVIDER is:
Future<List<AlimentoModel>> cargarAlimento(String idEmpresa, [String filtro]) async {
Query resp;
final List<AlimentoModel> alimento = new List();
resp = db.child('empresas').child(idEmpresa).child('bodega/1').child('alimento')
return resp.once().then((snapshot) {
if (snapshot.value == null) return [];
if (snapshot.value['error'] != null) return [];
snapshot.value.forEach((id, alim){
final temp = AlimentoModel.fromJson(Map<String,dynamic>.from(alim));
temp.idAlimento = id;
return alimento;
When using Firebase offline, you omit the await only on things that change the server (e.g., creating or updating a record). So you won't wait for the server to say "yes I wrote it", you assume that it's written.
In your case, however, you are not writing data, you are reading data. You will have to keep await in your example. The way you load your data has orderByChild and startAt, maybe those are preventing offline loading. Normally, you get it if it's already in the cache:
You mention a BAD STATE error, maybe if you provide that, we may be able to pinpoint the issue a bit better.
I am stuck in handling future and getting distance on extracting address from Firebase and displaying on the marker,
though I have managed to write some code for getting the current user location, calculating the distance, and converting the address to LatLng but still I am facing difficulties.
Below I have attached my code and also highlighted where I want to calculate the distance( Inside widget setMapPins() )
I have stored the addresses inside collection shops and document named Address in firebase
Please help me to calculate the distance inside Streambuilder and display it on the marker. Thanks in Advance.
This is the link to my complete map.dart file
'necessary imports'
'necessary initialization'
_getCurrentLocation() async {
await _geolocator
.getCurrentPosition(desiredAccuracy: LocationAccuracy.high)
.then((Position position) async {
setState(() {
_currentPosition = position;
sourceLocation =
LatLng(_currentPosition.latitude, _currentPosition.longitude);
print('CURRENT POS: $_currentPosition');
target: LatLng(position.latitude, position.longitude),
zoom: 14.0,
await _getAddress();
}).catchError((e) {
// Method for retrieving the address
_getAddress() async {
try {
List<Placemark> p = await _geolocator.placemarkFromCoordinates(
_currentPosition.latitude, _currentPosition.longitude);
Placemark place = p[0];
setState(() {
_currentAddress =
"${}, ${place.locality}, ${place.postalCode}, ${}";
startAddressController.text = _currentAddress;
_startAddress = _currentAddress;
} catch (e) {
// Method for calculating the distance between two places
Future<bool> _calculateDistance() async {
try {
// Retrieving placemarks from addresses
List<Placemark> startPlacemark =
await _geolocator.placemarkFromAddress(_startAddress);
List<Placemark> destinationPlacemark =
await _geolocator.placemarkFromAddress(_destinationAddress);
if (startPlacemark != null && destinationPlacemark != null) {
Position startCoordinates = _startAddress == _currentAddress
? Position(
latitude: _currentPosition.latitude,
longitude: _currentPosition.longitude)
: startPlacemark[0].position;
Position destinationCoordinates = destinationPlacemark[0].position;
await _createPolylines(startCoordinates, destinationCoordinates);
double totalDistance = 0.0;
// Calculating the total distance by adding the distance
// between small segments
for (int i = 0; i < polylineCoordinates.length - 1; i++) {
totalDistance += _coordinateDistance(
polylineCoordinates[i + 1].latitude,
polylineCoordinates[i + 1].longitude,
setState(() {
_placeDistance = totalDistance.toStringAsFixed(2);
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
// formula
double _coordinateDistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
var p = 0.017453292519943295;
var c = cos;
var a = 0.5 -
c((lat2 - lat1) * p) / 2 +
c(lat1 * p) * c(lat2 * p) * (1 - c((lon2 - lon1) * p)) / 2;
return 12742 * asin(sqrt(a));
// Create the polylines for showing the route between two places
_createPolylines(start, destination) async {
polylinePoints = PolylinePoints();
List<PointLatLng> result = await polylinePoints.getRouteBetweenCoordinates(
googleAPIKey, // Google Maps API Key
start.latitude, start.longitude,
destination.latitude, destination.longitude,
if (result.isNotEmpty) {
result.forEach((PointLatLng point) {
polylineCoordinates.add(LatLng(point.latitude, point.longitude));
Widget setMapPins() {
return StreamBuilder(
stream: Firestore.instance.collection('shops').snapshots(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (!snapshot.hasData) return Text('Loading maps... Please Wait');
for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
/// here i want to calculate distance by extracting address from Firebase and then displaying on marker
return Container();
void initState() {
To reduce the complexity of your code,you can use this function to calculate the distance between 2 points.( GeoLocator package)
double distanceInMeters =Geolocator().distanceBetween(lat1, long1,lat2,long2);
make a function to do the async task,
var distInMeters;
getDist({var latt,var longg}) async{
distanceInMeters = await Geolocator().distanceBetween(latt, longg,lat2,long2);// lat2 and long2 are global variables with current user's location
In your Streambuilder,
stream: Firestore.instance.collection('shops').snapshots(),
builder: (BuildContext context,
AsyncSnapshot<List<DocumentSnapshot>> snapshots) {
if (snapshots.connectionState == &&
snapshots.hasData) {
return ListView.builder(
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
DocumentSnapshot doc =[index];
Map yourdata=;
Here, you can get latitude and longitude from firebase, using keys,based on your document structure.
Example, var lat=yourdata["latitude"];
var long=yourdata["longitude"];
Now, you can calculate the distance,
here lat2 and long2 are current user's latitude and longitude.
return Text("please upvote and accept this as the answer if it helped :) "),
} else {
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
I'm trying to get data from Firestore, in debug print the future does it job and list gets data and in debugPrint length is +, but when I try to get data in another Widget list recives null, in debugPrint length is 0 .
class BBModel extends Model {
int _counter = 10;
int get counter => _counter;
var db = dbBB;
List<BB> _bbs;
List<BB> get bbs => _bbs;
Future<List<BB>> getBBs() async {
var snapshot = await db.getDocuments();
for (int i = 0; i < snapshot.documents.length; i++) {
print(bbs.length.toString()); //recives 23
return _bbs;
void main() {
var model = BBModel();
runApp(ScopedModel<BBModel>(model: BBModel(), child: MyApp()));
flex: 1,
child: Container(
height: 400.0,
child: ScopedModelDescendant<BBModel>(
builder: (context, child, model) {
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: model.bbs.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return Text(model.bbs[index].bbID);
Looks like the code you're written in main.dart is wrong. The instatiated model is different from the one you've sent in your ScopedModel.
Change model: model to model: BBModel() in your main.dart file.
void main() {
final model = BBModel();
runApp(ScopedModel<BBModel>(model: model, child: MyApp()));
In main.dart, I would try doing:
void main() {
var model = BBModel();
runApp(ScopedModel<BBModel>(model: BBModel(), child: MyApp()));
note: "someVariableName" will contain a List< BB>
To wait you can use the
await model.getBBs();
Apart from this however, I do not recommend uploading data to the main, as you would slow down the use of the app, as the data is getting bigger. Upload the data only to the pages you need and find a way to do this.
I am cracking my head over this one. I want all my items in my stack to be dismissible. I am able to show all my items but only the first item is dismissible. Why?
Here is the code snippet:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new StreamBuilder <QuerySnapshot>(
stream: Firestore.instance.collection('records').document(uid).collection("pdrecords").snapshots(),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<QuerySnapshot> snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
print("snapShot call");
final int recordCount =;
print("got data. records: $recordCount");
if (recordCount >0) {
return new Stack (
alignment: listSlideAnimation.value,
children: document) {
count = count + multiplyFactor; print("count: $count");
index ++;
//print("data: ${}");
return Dismissible(
resizeDuration: null,
dismissThresholds: _dismissThresholds(),
//background: new LeaveBehindView(),
key: ObjectKey(document.documentID) ,
onDismissed: (DismissDirection direction) {
direction == DismissDirection.endToStart
? print("favourite")
: print("remove");
// Do stuff
new ListPDRecord(
id: document.documentID,
margin: listSlidePosition.value * count, //new EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 80.0) * count, //listSlidePosition.value * 5.5,
width: listTileWidth.value,
date: document["date"],
} else {
return NoDataListData();
} else {
// No data
return new NoDataListData();
I suspect is the KEY and I have tried many variations of different keys such as manually increment of index, etc. but still, only the first item is dismissible.
Any pointers?
After many rounds of experiments, I got it resolved realising the following points:
You can generate a list of widgets inside a stack like the above but
The dismissible will probably won't work because each item inside the Stack has a different margin and the top one has the largest margin.
In the end, I have to change the Stack to a ListView and dismissible now works for every item.