Cannot build Caliburn.Micro solution - caliburn.micro

I'm trying to build Caliburn Micro and its sample applications that I downloaded from GitHub. I downloaded the code from the repository and I'm following the instructions to open and build the Caliburn.Micro project.
However, when I open the solution in Visual Studio, all the projects fail to load and I get these errors
C:\Users\brubin\Desktop\Caliburn.Micro-master\src\Caliburn.Micro.Core\Caliburn.Micro.Core.csproj : error : The expression "[System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName('')" cannot be evaluated. The path is not of a legal form. C:\Users\brubin\.nuget\packages\msbuild.sdk.extras\2.0.54\Sdk\Sdk.props
C:\Users\brubin\Desktop\Caliburn.Micro-master\src\Caliburn.Micro.Platform\Caliburn.Micro.Platform.csproj : error : The expression "[System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName('')" cannot be evaluated. The path is not of a legal form. C:\Users\brubin\.nuget\packages\msbuild.sdk.extras\2.0.54\Sdk\Sdk.props
C:\Users\brubin\Desktop\Caliburn.Micro-master\src\Caliburn.Micro.Core.Tests\Caliburn.Micro.Core.Tests.csproj : error : The expression "[System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName('')" cannot be evaluated. The path is not of a legal form. C:\Users\brubin\.nuget\packages\msbuild.sdk.extras\2.0.54\Sdk\Sdk.props
C:\Users\brubin\Desktop\Caliburn.Micro-master\src\Caliburn.Micro.Platform.Tests\Caliburn.Micro.Platform.Tests.csproj : error : The expression "[System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName('')" cannot be evaluated. The path is not of a legal form. C:\Users\brubin\.nuget\packages\msbuild.sdk.extras\2.0.54\Sdk\Sdk.props
How do I fix this? I'm using Visual Studio 2019 Community.

The problem doe not seem to be in your downloaded code, but in the Sdk.props
I suspect, but you should be able to find the exact location of those calls from the error log. The function GetDirectoryName() expects a valid path as input parameter. Perhaps you can try to feed it Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
By the way, this does not seem to be exactly related to Caliburn Micro.


Analysis Services in Visual Studio gives error "Invalid token 'Text' at root level of document."

For a few years I'm using Visual Studio to build an analysis services cube. So I have a solution with a Model.bim file in it. This used to work fine (though it could be slow).
Now it gives the error messages
"Invalid token 'Text' at root level of document." and "XML document must contain a root level element." I'm still able to deploy the model, but when I want to switch to Designer mode, it refuses because it thinks the syntax is not right.
Updating Visual Studio did not help. Maybe I have to change something in the properties or configuration.
Does somebody know how to fix this?

Compiler error ASP.NET MVC CS1525

I have just started up a new project and seem to be getting a compiler error from one of the files generated by Visual Studio. This view is accessible and readable by the current solution and I'm not quite sure how to go about solving this.
The error message states that you have a malplaced "=" inside the "Index.cshtml"-file. Find it and remove/replace it and it should be ok!

Error when building existing solution in Visual Studio

Hy guys,
I got one existing project from my co-worker. I opened the folder in VS as web site. When I build it and try to run I get the following message-
Warning C:\Users......: ASP.NET runtime error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Error - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I have a Visual Studio 2012, registered as student version, target framework is 2.0
Try to check your project reference to load well, not missing reference (you can check in folder "Reference"), or sometime this error because your object is not initialize [blank value], you can add images to give us detail information for your issue.
That is called a Null Reference, you (the code) try to use an object which is not created/initialised yet.
Its impossible to give you an answer which would fix your issue, you will have to debug the code yourself.
When the exception occurs, visual studio should ask you if you want to 'break' or 'continue'. Choose break and check where in the code the error is, then take it from there.
AClassofSomeSort myObj2 = new AClassofSomeSort();
myObj2.DoSomething(); //Totally fine, cause the myObj2 have been initialised.
AClassofSomeSort myObj;
myObj.DoSomething(); //Oh noes, the 'myObj' is not created! Exception is thrown.

What is the process involved in viewing a webservice in a browser from within visual studio?

I have created a new VS2008 ASP.Net Web service project, with the default name WebService1. If I right click on the Service1.asmx file and select 'View in Browser' what are the processes that go on to make this happen? I am asking because I have a situation where when I run this from a visual studio project started in our development shell (which sets up a common build environment) I cannot get the web service to show up in the browser.
It starts the development server and creates a single file:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\c43ddc22\268ae91b\hash\hash.web
but when I start it from a stand alone project i get a whole slew of files in here:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\edad4eee\d198cf0e\App_Web_defaultwsdlhelpgenerator.aspx.cdcab7d2.vicgkf94.dll
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\edad4eee\d198cf0e\service1.asmx.cdcab7d2.compiled
etc etc
I am trying to debug this but not really getting anywhere. i have inspected the output from VS but the only option I get is for the build output, which is basic and doesn't really contain any information that is useful. I have tried running both versions with DebugView running but no output there either.
I would like to know if there are any log files I could look at, or if anyone has any suggestions on how I might be able to debug what is going wrong here?
For completeness the output I get when it doesn't work is:
Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: Could not create type 'WebService1.Service1'.
Source Error:
Line 1:
Source File: /Service1.asmx Line: 1
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3603; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3082
Ok, not sure that its perfect but I found a resolution to this issue. the problems seems to be that the development shell redirects the <OutputPath> of the projects visual studio is building, and this was causing problems as, although the dependencies of the web service project were being copied into the $(ProjectDir)Bin\ directory, the actual webservice dll itself was not. The solution (workaround?) seems to be to add this to the post build event command line:
xcopy /y "$(TargetPath)" "$(ProjectDir)Bin\"
Then i am able to right click on the .asmx file and select view in browser and everything works as expected.
Hope this might help someone else in the future. or maybe even me in another place and time.

Selenium-Flex API sample problem

I'm trying the sample demo of selenium flex API. After following the instructions on the main page for compiling the project with sfpi.swc and taking the generated selben.swf in bin directory and trying to run some test(assertFlexText) using Selenium IDE, I get the following error:
[error] Function getFlexText not found on the External Interface for
the flash object selben
I have tried several other flex tests and got error messages similar to the one mentioned above.
For some reason I believe that the generated selben.swf through the automatic build of project in flex builder is not the desired one, though it didn't indicate any build problem after including sfpi.swc.
Any idea?
I use SeleniumFlex Api and SeleniumIde for my projecy with excellent result BUT using my own version of each of one. Your error maybe is for not include the lib of SeleniumFlexApi in the compile time( -include-libraries "libs\SeleniumFlexAPI.swc" ).
After that u can enable capture and replay with SeleniumIde change the main source (read this post) and use the user-extensions.js (in the SeleniumFlexApi project) with the SeleniumIde user option. Its really easy.
With these change u can capture and replay in firefox (v 3.06 or minor) and after that, if u use java, u can use Flex-UI-Selenium, Flash-Selenium for ur integration test with SeleniumRC.
I hope this information be usefull. I u have any question let me know.
