Qt - How to count and measure the lines in a QTextDocument? - qt

In one of my project, I created a QTextDocument which owns a text I need to draw. The text is a word wrapped HTML formatted text, and it should be drawn in a rectangle area, for which I know the width. Its content will also never exceed a paragraph.
The text document is created as follow:
// create and configure the text document to measure
QTextDocument textDoc;
and here is a sample text I want to draw:
Ceci est un texte <img src=\"Resources/1f601.svg\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\"> avec <img src=\"Resources/1f970.svg\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\"> une <img src=\"Resources/1f914.svg\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\"> dizaine <img src=\"Resources/1f469-1f3fe.svg\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\"> de <img src=\"Resources/1f3a8.svg\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\"> mots. Pour voir comment la vue réagit.
The images are SVG images get from the qml resources.
In order to perform several operations while the text is drawn, I need to know how many lines will be drawn, after the word wrapping is applied, and the height of any line in the word wrapped text.
I tried to search in the functions provided by the text document, as well as those provided in QTextBLock, QTextFragment and QTextCursor. I tried several approaches like iterate through the chars with a cursor and count the lines, or count each fragments in a block. Unfortunately none of them worked: All the functions always count 1 line, or just fail.
Here are some code sample I already tried, without success:
// FAILS - always return 1
int lineCount = textDoc.lineCount()
// FAILS - always return 1
int lineCount = textDoc.blockCount()
// FAILS - return the whole text height, not a particular line height at index
int lineHeight = int(textDoc.documentLayout()->blockBoundingRect(textDoc.findBlockByNumber(lineNb)).height());
// get the paragraph (there is only 1 paragraph in the item text document
QTextBlock textBlock = textDoc.findBlockByLineNumber(lineNb);
int blockCount = 0;
for (QTextBlock::iterator it = textBlock.begin(); it != textBlock.end(); ++it)
// FAILS - fragments aren't divided by line, e.g an image will generate a fragment
QString blockText = it.fragment().text();
return blockCount;
QTextCursor cursor(&textDoc);
int lineCount = 0;
// FAILS - movePosition() always return false
while (cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Down))
I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong, and why all my approaches fail.
So my questions are:
How can I count the lines contained in my word wrapped document
How can I measure the height of a line in my word wrapped document
Are the text document function failing because of the html format? If yes, how should I do to reach my objectives in a such context?
NOTE I know how to measure the whole text height. However, as each line height may be different, I cannot just divide the whole text height by the lines, so this is not an acceptable solution for me.

I finally found a way to resolve my issue. The text document cannot be used directly to measure individual lines, the layout should be used for this purpose instead, as explained in the following post:
So the following code is the solution:
int getLineCount(const QString& text) const
// create and configure the text document to measure
QTextDocument textDoc;
// this line is required to force the document to create the layout, which will then be used
//to count the lines
// the document should at least contain one block
if (textDoc.blockCount() < 1)
return -1;
int lineCount = 0;
// iterate through document paragraphs (NOTE normally the message item should contain only 1 paragraph
for (QTextBlock it = textDoc.begin(); it != textDoc.end(); it = it.next())
// get the block layout
QTextLayout* pBlockLayout = it.layout();
// should always exist, otherwise error
if (!pBlockLayout)
return -1;
// count the block lines
lineCount += pBlockLayout->lineCount();
return lineCount;
int measureLineHeight(const QString& text, int lineNb, int blockNb) const
// create and configure the text document to measure
QTextDocument textDoc;
// this line is required to force the document to create the layout, which will then be used
//to count the lines
// check if block number is out of bounds
if (blockNb >= textDoc.blockCount())
return -1;
// get text block and its layout
QTextBlock textBlock = textDoc.findBlockByNumber(blockNb);
QTextLayout* pLayout = textBlock.layout();
if (!pLayout)
return -1;
// check if line number is out of bounds
if (lineNb >= pLayout->lineCount())
return -1;
// get the line to measure
QTextLine textLine = pLayout->lineAt(lineNb);
return textLine.height();


DocXtemplater multiple tags on a single line behavior

I am replacing an old program for template-merging with docxtemplater and am trying to recreate the old programs prefix functionality.
I want the line removed if all prefixed tags ({$tag}) on that line are undefined.
The issue being that if all the tags on that line are undefined docxtemplater still creates a blank line.
All the examples I have found online tend to reference inverted-sections or rawtags, which both seem to be designed for a single tag per line opposed to multiple tags side by side.
I have looked into using rawtags and writing a custom-parser / nullGetter. However I am still none the wiser to removing the blank line.
I am using:
const options = {
paragraphLoop: true,
linebreaks: false,
parser: function(tag) {
return {
get(scope, context) {
if (tag[0] == "$") {
tag = tag.substr(1); // needs to then remove line break
return scope[tag];
nullGetter: function nullGetter(part, scopeManager) {
if (!part.module) {
return "";
if (part.module === "rawxml") {
return "";
return "";
doc = new Docxtemplater(zip, options);
The prefix in the program I am replacing acts as follows:
existingtag: EXISTINGTAG
1 text above
text below
2 text above
text below
3 text above
text below
old program produced (What I want to produce)
1 text above
text below
2 text above
text below
3 text above
text below
my docxtemplater produces (extra line in example 3):
1 text above
text below
2 text above
text below
3 text above
text below
I'm the creator of docxtemplater and I don't think that there is a way to do what you want to achieve without taking a lot of time to handle this case.
The problem is that the tags such as :
have access only to the text that they are in, but they cannot have any effect ouside of that text, so it is not possible to remove a paragraph conditionnally.
There is one tag that has access to the whole paragraph, that is the raw xml tag, prefixed by a "#", like this :
It is used to add rawXML and if the raw value is an empty string, than that paragraph will be removed.
Edit : I have actually worked on a module back in the time to achieve quite similar functionnality, it is a paid module : https://docxtemplater.com/modules/paragraph-placeholder/

save cursor position of qtextedit

setCurrentCharFormat() function does not take a current cursor position as a parameter. And so in order to set the char format for arbitrary text in the control I have to save the curent cursor position, set the char format and then restore it.
However, I don't see any thing like cursorPosition() in the docs.
Am I missing something?
Or maybe there is a better way of doing what I want?
I think you're looking for the QTextEdit::textCursor() method which returns a copy of the editor's QTextCursor. You can then manipulate the cursor as needed (including changing char. format and inserting text with specific format). If you need the cursor changes to persist (like the char. format), then make sure to QTextEdit::setCursor() afterwards.
A very basic example of inserting some text:
QTextCursor cursor(ui->textEdit->textCursor());
cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 1);
Perhaps the Qt Text Edit example will help. Specifically, in textedit.cpp where we see something like this:
void TextEdit::textBold()
QTextCharFormat fmt;
fmt.setFontWeight(actionTextBold->isChecked() ? QFont::Bold : QFont::Normal);
void TextEdit::mergeFormatOnWordOrSelection(const QTextCharFormat &format)
QTextCursor cursor = textEdit->textCursor();
if (!cursor.hasSelection())
2nd ADDITION (based on comment):
So, if my cursor is at the line 3 col 10 and I call the function like this: SetCharFormat( 2, 5, attr ); it stores the current cursor position as (3, 10), then selects the text for text characters 2 and 5, set the text attribute for the selection, and then cursor will move back to the old position/selection.
Below is a specific example of what I think you're describing. One thing overall though, the text cursor position only has one dimension, which is, essentially, the number of visible characters from the start of the document. (The text cursor should not be confused with a QCursor which represents a mouse pointer with x,y coordinates.)
This simple test shows an editor with the text "I like this program." and a button. The button (or Alt-D) will toggle bold formatting on the word "like" while keeping the visible cursor position (and any selection) unchanged.
I've also included some sample code which moves the visible cursor initially, and in the formatting function there is a commented-out example of how to save and restore the cursor position programmatically. It is not needed in this particular example because the visible cursor is never modified.
#include <QtWidgets>
class Dialog : public QDialog
Dialog(QWidget *parent = nullptr) : QDialog(parent)
QTextEdit *textEdit = new QTextEdit("I like this program.", this);
// Position cursor at end of sentence (just as an example)
QTextCursor cursor(textEdit->textCursor());
textEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); // required for the visible cursor to actually move
QToolButton *btnTest = new QToolButton(this);
btnTest->setText("&Do it");
connect(btnTest, &QToolButton::toggled, this, [textEdit, btnTest](bool checked)
// Function to toggle bold formatting on a section of text in the editor.
const int start = 2; // start of "like"
const int end = start + 4; // length of "like"
// the formatting to be applied
QTextCharFormat format;
format.setFontWeight(checked ? QFont::Bold : QFont::Normal);
format.setForeground(checked ? QBrush(Qt::red) : QPalette().text());
format.setBackground(checked ? QBrush(Qt::gray) : QPalette().base());
QTextCursor cursor(textEdit->textCursor()); // get a copy of the editor's cursor
// const int oldCursorPos = cursor.position(); // save cursor position (not needed for this example)
cursor.setPosition(start, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); // move w/out selection
cursor.setPosition(end, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); // move and select
cursor.mergeCharFormat(format); // apply format to selection
// cursor.setCharFormat(format); // alternative to mergeChatFormat()
// cursor.setPosition(oldCursorPos); // restore cursor position
// cursor.setPosition(end); // or move it to the end of the affected text
// textEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); // required for the visible cursor to move
btnTest->setText(checked ? "Un&do it" : "Re&do it");
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
return Dialog().exec();

How can I reduce the amount of vertical space between lines of text using CSS?

The "obvious" answer is to use the line-height CSS rule, but this code (where I do use that):
private void GenerateSection7()
var headerFirstPart = new Label
CssClass = "finaff-webform-field-label",
Text = "<h2><strong>Section 7: Submit Information </strong></h2>"
headerFirstPart.Style.Add("display", "inline-block");
headerFirstPart.Style.Add("white-space", "pre");
headerFirstPart.Style.Add("line-height", "20%");
var headerSecondPart = new Label
CssClass = "finaff-webform-field-label",
Text = " (This payment is subject to post audit review by Financial Affairs)"
headerSecondPart.Style.Add("display", "inline-block");
headerFirstPart.Style.Add("line-height", "20%");
var submissionInstructions = new Label
CssClass = "finaff-webform-field-label",
Text = "<h4>Submit completed and approved form to Mail stop: FAST/AP Office</h4>"
...produces this result:
As you can see, the Cumberland gap could fit between these two lines. I started with 80% and kept reducing the percentage, but it makes no difference - 20% is no better than 50% (which was no better than 80%).
How can I cinch up the "play" between the lines?
Spurred on by oriol and quinnuendo, I changed my code to this:
private void GenerateSection7()
var headerFirstPart = new Label
CssClass = "finaff-webform-field-label",
Text = "<h2><strong>Section 7: Submit Information </strong></h2>"
headerFirstPart.Style.Add("display", "inline-block");
headerFirstPart.Style.Add("white-space", "pre");
//headerFirstPart.Style.Add("line-height", "20%");
headerFirstPart.Style.Add("margin", "0");
var headerSecondPart = new Label
CssClass = "finaff-webform-field-label",
Text = " (This payment is subject to post audit review by Financial Affairs)"
headerSecondPart.Style.Add("display", "inline-block");
//headerSecondPart.Style.Add("line-height", "20%");
headerFirstPart.Style.Add("margin", "0");
var submissionInstructions = new Label
CssClass = "finaff-webform-field-label",
Text = "<h4>Submit completed and approved form to Mail stop: FAST/AP Office</h4>"
submissionInstructions.Style.Add("margin", "0");
...but it still generates exactly the same page (with the Grand Canyon between the last two lines preventing Evel Kneivel from safely traversing the expanse).
Note: I tried both "0" (as shown above) and "0px" as the margin values, and the results are identical either way.
Line height is not the problem here. The problem is the space between the elements, which is controlled by the margin properties.
These tend to be preset to some values that allow for "normal" text flow, so you will have space before and after a heading and around paragraphs for instance.
Headings have various amounts of margin-top and margin-bottom depending on the level of the heading (h2 will have more than an h4). For instance it is "1em" sometimes (the width of a capital M in the current font).
So you will want to reduce these, or set them to 0 directly and experiment from there. The margins need to be set for the actual headings (h4, h2, or whatever) not for the containing element, they will not inherit it. For initial experiments you can try to just apply everything directly in the code, something like <h4 style='margin:0px'> ..... For a proper solution you would want to define actual CSS sheets for the particular case with introducing classes into the heading or in some surrounding div or an analogue.
In some cases you may also need to check out the padding property to fully control the spacings.
The problem is not the line-height but the vertical margins between elements. Also the fact that the headerSecondPart is untag.
See example for the solution.

Accessing text between two QWebElement objects

I am traversing a DOM using Qt's WebKit classes. Please have a look on the following pseudo HTML:
<br>111<a class="node">AAA</a>
<br>222<a class="node">BBB</a>
I can easily find the anchors using findAll(). However I also need to get the text before the elements ("111" and "222"). I tried to use previousSibling() but of course that gives me the <br> element since the "111" and "222" texts are no elements.
I found a function to access text within an element, but how can I access between the <br> and the <a> elements?
It seems it is not possible. The only workaround I could find is getting the plain text of the parent node and parsing the resulting plain text.
This is the way I solved it:
QWebElement *element = ...
// find out if QWebElement has text
QDomDocument doc;
QDomElement domelem = doc.documentElement();
for(QDomNode n = domelem.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling())
QDomText t = n.toText();
if (!t.isNull())
// it has text !
qDebug() << t.data();

Last line of a paragraph contains a single word only [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Widow/Orphan Control with JavaScript?
(7 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
A common problem when working with typography in HTML/CSS is something we call "horunge" in Swedish ("widow" in english).
What it is:
Let's say you have a box with a width of 200px and with the text "I love typograpy very much". Now the text breaks and becomes:
I love typography very
As a designer I don't want a word bastard (single word / row). If this was a document/PDF etc. I would break the word before very and look like this:
I love typography
very much
which looks much better.
Can I solve this with a CSS rule or with a javascript? The rule should be to never let a word stand empty on a row.
I know it can be solved by adding a <br /> but that's not a solution that works with dynamic widths, feed content, different translations, browser font rendering issues etc.
Update (solution)
I solved my problem with this jquery plugin: http://matthewlein.com/widowfix/
A simple jQuery / regrex solution could look like the following, if you add the class "noWidows" to the tag of any element that contains text you are worried about.
Such as:
<p class="noWidows">This is a very important body of text.</p>
And then use this script:
$(d).html( $(d).text().replace(/\s(?=[^\s]*$)/g, " ") )
This uses regex to find and replace the last space in the string with a non-breaking character. Which means the last two words will be forced onto the same line. It's a good solution if you have space around the end of the line because this could cause the text to run outside of an element with a fixed width, or if not fixed, cause the element to become larger.
Just wanted to add to this page as it helped me a lot.
If you have (widows) actually should be orphans as widows are single words that land on the next page and not single words on a new line.
Working with postcodes like "N12 5GG" will result in the full postcode being on a new line together but still classed as an orphan so a work around is this. (changed the class to "noWidow2" so you can use both versions.
123 Some_road, Some_town, N12 5GG
var value=" "
$(d).html($(d).text().replace(/\s(?=[^\s]*$)/g, value).replace(/\s(?=[^\s]*$)/g, value));
This will result is the last 3 white spaces being on a new line together making the postcode issue work.
End Result
123 Some_road,
Some_town, N12 5GG
I made a little script here, with the help of this function to find line height.
It's just an approach, it may or may not work, didn't have time to test throughly.
As of now, text_element must be a jQuery object.
function avoidBastardWord( text_element )
var string = text_element.text();
var parent = text_element.parent();
var parent_width = parent.width();
var parent_height = parent.height();
// determine how many lines the text is split into
var lines = parent_height / getLineHeight(text_element.parent()[0]);
// if the text element width is less than the parent width,
// there may be a widow
if ( text_element.width() < parent_width )
// find the last word of the entire text
var last_word = text_element.text().split(' ').pop();
// remove it from our text, creating a temporary string
var temp_string = string.substring( 0, string.length - last_word.length - 1);
// set the new one-word-less text string into our element
text_element.text( temp_string );
// check lines again with this new text with one word less
var new_lines = parent.height() / getLineHeight(text_element.parent()[0]);
// if now there are less lines, it means that word was a widow
if ( new_lines != lines )
// separate each word
temp_string = string.split(' ');
// put a space before the second word from the last
// (the one before the widow word)
temp_string[ temp_string.length - 2 ] = '<br>' + temp_string[ temp_string.length - 2 ] ;
// recreate the string again
temp_string = temp_string.join(' ');
// our element html becomes the string
text_element.html( temp_string );
// put back the original text into the element
text_element.text( string );
Different browsers have different font settings. Try to play a little to see the differences. I tested it on IE8 and Opera, modifying the string every time and it seemed to work ok.
I would like to hear some feedback and improve because I think it may come in handy anyway.
Just play with it! :)
There are also CSS widows and orphans properties: see the about.com article.
Not sure about browser support...
EDIT: more information about WebKit implementation here: https://bugs.webkit.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=orphans.
Manually, you could replace the space in between with
I've been looking for ways to dynamically add it in. I found a few, but haven't been able to make it work myself.
$('span').each(function() {
var w = this.textContent.split(" ");
if (w.length > 1) {
w[w.length - 2] += " " + w[w.length - 1];
this.innerHTML = (w.join(" "));
#foo {
width: 124px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="foo">
<span class="orphan">hello there I am a string really really long, I wonder how many lines I have</span>
