I want to merge 15 ggplot objects in only one image. All Plots has the same dimensions on x and y.
For example, with 2 objects:
a <- c(1:10)
b <- c(5,4,3,2,1,6,7,8,9,10)
a2 <- c(1:10)
b2 <- c(10:1)
df1 <- as.data.frame(x=a,y=b)
df2 <- as.data.frame(x=a2,y=b2)
p1 <- ggplot(df1,aes(a, b)) + geom_line()
p2 <- ggplot(df2,aes(a2, b2)) + geom_point()
I tried with plot_grid but the result is one image for ggplot object:
plot_grid(p1, p2, labels = "AUTO")
Me too with grids but is the same result of above.
My temporal solution is this:
merge <- p1 +geom_point(data=df2,aes(x=a2, y=b2))
But I have 15 ggplot object. It is any way to make something like?
merge <- p1 + p2 +p3 ...+p15
See the pictures please and thanks for your help.
We could use
ggplot() +
geom_line(data = df1, aes(a, b)) +
geom_point(data = df2, aes(a2, b2))
Or if we have already created the objects, reduce it and plot
p0 <- ggplot()
p1 <- geom_line(data = df1, aes(a, b))
p2 <- geom_point(data = df2, aes(a2, b2))
mget(paste0('p', 0:2)) %>%
marrangeGrob apparently displays the charts by column first. How to arrange these charts row-wise instead?
dat <- c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1)
time <- 1:10
data <- tibble(dat, time)
p1 <- ggplot(data, aes(x= time, y=dat)) +
p2 <- ggplot(data, aes(x= time, y=dat)) +
clist <- list(p1,p2)
marrangeGrob(clist, nrow=2, ncol=2, as.table=F )
Using the layout_matrix argument you could specify to add the plots by row (byrow=TRUE):
dat <- c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1)
time <- 1:10
data <- data.frame(dat, time)
p1 <- ggplot(data, aes(x= time, y=dat)) +
p2 <- ggplot(data, aes(x= time, y=dat)) +
clist <- list(p1,p2)
marrangeGrob(clist, nrow=2, ncol=2,
layout_matrix = matrix(seq_len(4), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
ggplot2 can create a very attractive filled violin plot:
ggplot() + geom_violin(data=data.frame(x=1, y=rnorm(10 ^ 5)),
aes(x=x, y=y), fill='gray90', color='black') +
I'd like to restrict the fill to the central 95% of the distribution if possible, leaving the outline intact. Does anyone have suggestions on how to accomplish this?
Does this do what you want? It requires some data-processing and the drawing of two violins.
dat <- data.frame(x=1, y=rnorm(10 ^ 5))
#calculate for each point if it's central or not
dat_q <- quantile(dat$y, probs=c(0.025,0.975))
dat$central <- dat$y>dat_q[1] & dat$y < dat_q[2]
#plot; one'95' violin and one 'all'-violin with transparent fill.
p1 <- ggplot(data=dat, aes(x=x,y=y)) +
geom_violin(data=dat[dat$central,], color="transparent",fill="gray90")+
Edit: the rounded edges bothered me, so here is a second approach. If I were doing this, I would want straight lines. So I did some playing with the density (which is what violin plots are based on)
d_y <- density(dat$y)
right_side <- data.frame(x=d_y$y, y=d_y$x) #note flip of x and y, prevents coord_flip later
right_side$central <- right_side$y > dat_q[1]&right_side$y < dat_q[2]
#add the 'left side', this entails reversing the order of the data for
#path and polygon
#and making x negative
left_side <- right_side[nrow(right_side):1,]
left_side$x <- 0 - left_side$x
density_dat <- rbind(right_side,left_side)
p2 <- ggplot(density_dat, aes(x=x,y=y)) +
Just make a selection first. Proof of concept:
df1 <- data.frame(x=1, y=rnorm(10 ^ 5))
df2 <- subset(df1, y > quantile(df1$y, 0.025) & y < quantile(df1$y, 0.975))
ggplot(mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) +
geom_violin(data = df1, aes(fill = '100%'), color = NA) +
geom_violin(data = df2, aes(fill = '95%'), color = 'black') +
theme_classic() +
scale_fill_grey(name = 'level')
#Heroka gave a great answer. Here is a more general function based on his answer that allows to fill the violin plot according to any ranges (not just quantiles).
violincol <- function(x,from=-Inf,to=Inf,col='grey'){
d <- density(x)
right <- data.frame(x=d$y, y=d$x) #note flip of x and y, prevents coord_flip later
whichrange <- function(r,x){x <= r[2] & x > r[1]}
ranges <- cbind(from,to)
right$col <- sapply(right$y,function(y){
id <- apply(ranges,1,whichrange,y)
if(all(id==FALSE)) NA else col[which(id)]
left <- right[nrow(right):1,]
left$x <- 0 - left$x
dat <- rbind(right,left)
p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x=x,y=y)) +
geom_polygon(data=dat,aes(fill=col),show.legend = F)+
x <- rnorm(10^5)
r <- seq(-5,5,0.5)
I want to plot some diagrams beside each other (e.g. in columns) and write them to one png file. In graphics::plot it works with layout(...), but how do I arrange diagrams in ggplot2?
Is there something I can do with facets?
df <- as.data.table(mtcars)
df$obs <- seq_len(df[,.N])
df <- as.data.table(pivot_longer(data = df, names_to = "name", values_to = "val", cols = names(df[, !"obs"])))
df[, name := as.factor(name)]
g <- ggplot(data = df)
g <- g + aes(x = df[, obs], y = df[, val])
g + facet_wrap(df[, name]) + geom_line()
It is not perfect. This gives me a matrix of diagrams for all properties of mtcars. But the y axis is always set to the maximum of the largest value of all properties.
I want the y axis to have the optimum range for each property.
Another thing is, how to plot different tables in the same file:
df1 <- as.data.table(mtcars)[, 1]
df1$obs <- seq_len(df1[,.N])
df2 <- as.data.table(mtcars)[, 2]
df2$obs <- seq_len(df2[,.N])
g1 <- ggplot(data = df1)
g1 <- g1 + aes(x = df1[, obs], y = df1[, mpg])
g1 + geom_line()
g2 <- ggplot(data = df2)
g2 <- g2 + aes(x = df2[, obs], y = df2[, cyl])
g2 + geom_line()
How can I arrange my plots? I don't want them to be plotted in the same diagram. They should have their own axes and titles.
Just free your scale using scales="free" option.
g + facet_wrap(df[, name], scales="free") + geom_line()
For your second question, you may want to consult this answer: Side-by-side plots with ggplot2
I would like to create a plot with
Using part of the data to create a base plot with facet_grid of two columns.
Use remaining part of the data and plot on top of the existing facets but using only a single column.
The sample code:
df2 <- data.frame(Class=rep(c('A','B','C'),each=20),
Type=rep(rep(c('T1','T2'),each=10), 3),
X=rep(rep(1:10,each=2), 3),
Y=c(rep(seq(3,-3, length.out = 10),2),
rep(seq(1,-4, length.out = 10),2),
rep(seq(-2,-8, length.out = 10),2)))
g2 <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = df2 %>% filter(Class %in% c('B','C')),
aes(X,Y,color=Class, linetype=Type)) +
g3 <- ggplot() + geom_line(data = df2 %>% filter(Class == 'A'),
aes(X,Y,color=Class, linetype=Type)) +
grid.arrange(g2, g3)
The output plots:
How to include g3 plot on g2 plot? The resulting plot should include the g3 two lines twice on two facets.
I assume the plot below is what you were looking for.
df_1 <- filter(df2, Class %in% c('B','C')) %>%
dplyr::rename(Class_1 = Class)
df_2 <- filter(df2, Class == 'A')
g2 <- ggplot() +
geom_line(data = df_1,
aes(X, Y, color = Class_1, linetype = Type)) +
geom_line(data = df_2,
aes(X, Y, color = Class, linetype = Type)) +
facet_grid(Type ~ Class_1)
For tasks like this I found it better to work with two datasets. Since the variable df2$class has three unique values: A, B and C, faceting Class~Type does not give you desired plot, since you want the data for df2$Class == "A" to be displayed in the respective facets.
That's why I renamed variable Class in df_1 to Class_1 because this variable only contains two unique values: B and C.
Faceting Class_1 ~ Type allows you to plot the data for df2$Class == "A" on top without being faceted by Class.
Based on the comment below here is a solution using only one dataset
g2 + geom_line(data = filter(df2, Class == 'A')[, -1],
aes(X, Y, linetype = Type, col = "A"))
Similar / same question: ggplot2:: Facetting plot with the same reference plot in all panels
ggplot2 can create a very attractive filled violin plot:
ggplot() + geom_violin(data=data.frame(x=1, y=rnorm(10 ^ 5)),
aes(x=x, y=y), fill='gray90', color='black') +
I'd like to restrict the fill to the central 95% of the distribution if possible, leaving the outline intact. Does anyone have suggestions on how to accomplish this?
Does this do what you want? It requires some data-processing and the drawing of two violins.
dat <- data.frame(x=1, y=rnorm(10 ^ 5))
#calculate for each point if it's central or not
dat_q <- quantile(dat$y, probs=c(0.025,0.975))
dat$central <- dat$y>dat_q[1] & dat$y < dat_q[2]
#plot; one'95' violin and one 'all'-violin with transparent fill.
p1 <- ggplot(data=dat, aes(x=x,y=y)) +
geom_violin(data=dat[dat$central,], color="transparent",fill="gray90")+
Edit: the rounded edges bothered me, so here is a second approach. If I were doing this, I would want straight lines. So I did some playing with the density (which is what violin plots are based on)
d_y <- density(dat$y)
right_side <- data.frame(x=d_y$y, y=d_y$x) #note flip of x and y, prevents coord_flip later
right_side$central <- right_side$y > dat_q[1]&right_side$y < dat_q[2]
#add the 'left side', this entails reversing the order of the data for
#path and polygon
#and making x negative
left_side <- right_side[nrow(right_side):1,]
left_side$x <- 0 - left_side$x
density_dat <- rbind(right_side,left_side)
p2 <- ggplot(density_dat, aes(x=x,y=y)) +
Just make a selection first. Proof of concept:
df1 <- data.frame(x=1, y=rnorm(10 ^ 5))
df2 <- subset(df1, y > quantile(df1$y, 0.025) & y < quantile(df1$y, 0.975))
ggplot(mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) +
geom_violin(data = df1, aes(fill = '100%'), color = NA) +
geom_violin(data = df2, aes(fill = '95%'), color = 'black') +
theme_classic() +
scale_fill_grey(name = 'level')
#Heroka gave a great answer. Here is a more general function based on his answer that allows to fill the violin plot according to any ranges (not just quantiles).
violincol <- function(x,from=-Inf,to=Inf,col='grey'){
d <- density(x)
right <- data.frame(x=d$y, y=d$x) #note flip of x and y, prevents coord_flip later
whichrange <- function(r,x){x <= r[2] & x > r[1]}
ranges <- cbind(from,to)
right$col <- sapply(right$y,function(y){
id <- apply(ranges,1,whichrange,y)
if(all(id==FALSE)) NA else col[which(id)]
left <- right[nrow(right):1,]
left$x <- 0 - left$x
dat <- rbind(right,left)
p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x=x,y=y)) +
geom_polygon(data=dat,aes(fill=col),show.legend = F)+
x <- rnorm(10^5)
r <- seq(-5,5,0.5)