I have a question about blueprints import and need some help.
i have a partial blueprint (.yaml) file that contains:
label: imported Label
type: text
default: import default
If i import this file into a list as follow:
type: list
type: partials/mypartial
it works like expected.
But if i import it to bind directly to a header. variable it doesnt work:
type: partials/mypartial
type: partials/mypartial
can someone help me, please.
Thanks in advance!
I find it very repetitive to have to import vue things like:
import { ref, computed } from 'vue'
In the script setup section.
Would it be a bad practice to, let's say assign vue to a special character, like $ and then use it to access these like
let drawer = $.ref(null);
If so what would be the reasoning behind?
You can use the experimental version of vue3:
// vite.config.js
export default {
plugins: [
reactivityTransform: true
after that there is an auto import available and you don't have to write .value if using a $ref or $computed.
Because $ref() is a macro and not a runtime API, it doesn't need to be imported from vue.
I am using the https://louismazel.github.io/maz-ui/ library to include a country code dropdown in the phone number input field of my sign up form. Here is documentation for this particular component from the library.
Why is my phone number field formatted like this?
rather than the expected appearance from the Maz-ui docs? ...
Here the relevant code in my component...
... more code that is not directly relevant to this question.
import { MazPhoneNumberInput } from 'maz-ui'
import 'maz-ui/lib/css/maz-phone-number-input.css'
export default {
name: 'CuiRegister',
components: { MazPhoneNumberInput },
... code for handling the form submission that is not directly related to this question
This is happening because it is not importing the css properly.
So if you import the component and its CSS properly it should work:
import MazPhoneNumberInput from "maz-ui/lib/maz-phone-number-input";
import "maz-ui/lib/css/base.css";
import "maz-ui/lib/css/maz-phone-number-input.css";
add this code to your babel.config.js file:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
libraryName: 'maz-ui',
styleLibraryName: 'css'
I got the second solution from the documentation here
Can you import one .stories file into another .stories with Storybook?
Eg I have
I would like to also have a story for all of my components:
In /all-components/all-components.stories.tsx
import * as React from 'react';
import Component1Story from '../component1/component1.stories.tsx';
import Component2Story from '../component2/component2.stories.tsx';
export const Test = () => {
return (
<Component1Story />
<Component2Story />
export default {
title: 'Components',
I get this error:
Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: object.
Check the render method of storyFn.
this should be doable as your stories are just React components. Your problem is happening because you're trying to import the default from your module, which is actually just an object:
export default {
title: 'Components',
All stories are named exports, and you should import them with destructuring:
import { Component1Story } from '../component1/component1.stories';
import { Component2Story } from '../component2/component2.stories';
I created an example for you which shows a working scenario here.
p.s. It's interesting to know that starting with Storybook 6 there's a new mechanism to simplify the creation and reuse of stories so stay tuned! It's called Args.
Does anyone have a complete example of a custom filter for the clarity datagrid? The custom filter documentation is lacking and I can't figure out how to get their example to work. Better yet, a stackblitz for the full datagrid demo would be amazing!
Hope this helps:
1) My Field model field.ts
export interface Field {
field_nbr: number;
fieldType: string;
dataType: string;
2) Utility file util-filters.ts -
import {ClrDatagridStringFilterInterface} from "#clr/angular";
import { Field } from '../models/field';
* Class for filtering Field metadata in datagrids on filterType property of model
export class FieldTypeFilter implements ClrDatagridStringFilterInterface<Field> {
accepts(field: Field, search: string):boolean {
return "" + field.fieldType == search
|| field.fieldType.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) >= 0;
3) model-component.html
<clr-datagrid [(clrDgSingleSelected)]="singleSelected" [clDgRowSelection]="false">
<clr-dg-column >
Field Type
<clr-dg-string-filter [clrDgStringFilter]="fieldTypeFilter"></clr-dg-string-filter>
<clr-dg-column ><ng-container *clrDgHideableColumn="{hidden: false}">Data Type</ng-container></clr-dg-column>
<clr-dg-placeholder>No matching fields found</clr-dg-placeholder>
<clr-dg-row *clrDgItems="let field of allFields" [clrDgItem]="field" (click)='openModal(field)'>
4) model-component.ts
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '#angular/core';
import { NgIf } from '#angular/common';
import { Wizard } from "#clr/angular";
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Field } from '../models/field';
import { FieldTypeFilter } from "../utils/field-filters";
selector: 'model',
templateUrl: './model.component.html',
providers: [],
styleUrls: ['../app.component.css']
export class ModelComponent {
private fieldTypeFilter = new FieldTypeFilter;
Edit 01/14/2022
Sorry, I moved some things around on stackblitz and we have updated the repo since this was written.
Here is where the custom filter lives for the demo: https://github.com/vmware/clarity/blob/angular/src/app/datagrid/utils/color-filter.ts
I'm not posting source code because there are 12 different files and some are pretty long (> 100 loc).
Here is a working reproduction of the full demo in the Clarity docs: https://stackblitz.com/edit/full-datagrid-demo
If you ever have questions about how a Clarity component works you can always dive into the source code for the demos we use for development and testing. Take a look here, I linked to the dev app we use for dev/testing so you know where I got the full datagrid code from. https://github.com/vmware/clarity/tree/master/src/dev/src/app
I'm having a problem using RxJS with Angular 2. Most of methods suggested from Typescript definition file are not defined on my Observable object like...
then I figured out, that methods does not exists on the Observable prototype.
I know a lot of things changed from version 4 to 5,so do I miss something?
Browserify added it for me...
Without seeing your actual code, I can't tell you exactly what to add to fix it.
But the general problem is this: RxJS 5 is not included with Angular 2 any longer now that it has entered the Beta stage. You will need to import either the operator(s) you want, or import them all. The import statements looks like this:
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; // imports just map
import 'rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap'; // just mergeMap
import 'rxjs/add/operator/switchMap'; // just switchMap
import {delay} from 'rxjs/operator/delay'; // just delay
or like
import 'rxjs/Rx'; // import everything
To determine the path to your desired module, look at the source tree. Every import with add will add properties to Observable or Observable.prototype. Without add, you'd need to do import {foo} from 'rxjs/path/to/foo'.
You will also need to make sure that RxJS is being brought into the project correctly. Something like this would go into your index.html file:
map: {
'rxjs': 'node_modules/rxjs' // this tells the app where to find the above import statement code
packages: {
'app': {defaultExtension: 'js'}, // if your app in the `app` folder
'rxjs': {defaultExtension: 'js'}
System.import('app/app'); // main file is `app/app.ts`
If you use Webpack to build the Angular 2 app like in this Github project (like I did), then you don't need that System stuff and the imports should do it.
Yes, in Angular 2.0 you have to include the operators/observables you need.
I do it like this:
import 'rxjs/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/operator/delay';
import 'rxjs/operator/mergeMap';
import 'rxjs/operator/switchMap';
import 'rxjs/observable/interval';
import 'rxjs/observable/forkJoin';
import 'rxjs/observable/fromEvent';
However, you also need to configure this in System.js
defaultJSExtensions: true,
paths: {
'rxjs/observable/*' : './node_modules/rxjs/add/observable/*.js',
'rxjs/operator/*' : './node_modules/rxjs/add/operator/*.js',
'rxjs/*' : './node_modules/rxjs/*.js'
Here is working code: https://github.com/thelgevold/angular-2-samples
I have a JSPM setup in my project, so adding rxjs to the path section was not enough.
jspm added the following to my SystemJS configuration (map section):
"npm:angular2#2.0.0-beta.6": {
"crypto": "github:jspm/nodelibs-crypto#0.1.0",
"es6-promise": "npm:es6-promise#3.1.2",
"es6-shim": "npm:es6-shim#0.33.13",
"process": "github:jspm/nodelibs-process#0.1.2",
"reflect-metadata": "npm:reflect-metadata#0.1.2",
"rxjs": "npm:rxjs#5.0.0-beta.0",
"zone.js": "npm:zone.js#0.5.14"
So if you use jspm make sure you remove the rxjs mapping above, otherwise some rxjs files will be loaded twice, once via jspm_packages and once via node_modules.