Writing content inside a file in R language - r

I am doing a "Noughts and Crosses" in R game for class and I have a problem.
I have to write the names of the two players in a file, which I have already created, but it gives me error because I must have mistaken something or have a order mistake regarding the functions "write.table", the data.frame I created for the names…
I upload the code:
write.table(names,"C://progra//players.txt", append=TRUE)
names=data.frame(names=c(player1, player2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
player1=readline(prompt="Player 1, what's your name?: ")
for(i in 1:nrow(B))
Any suggestion Will be welcomed!
Thank you in advance!


Creating many different folders at once

I'm glad to find this website.
I want to know how create many folders at once in R.
I know "dir.create" function, but I can't.
This is what I tried.
for (i in 1 : length(names)) {
name = names[i,1]
ifelse(dir.exists('users/',name), False, dir.create('users/',name))
dir_names <- c('a','b','c')
for (dir in dir_names){
if (!dir.exists(file.path('users',dir))) dir.create(file.path('users',dir))

While loop for creating multiple resources with capacity

I need to create 52 resources with capacity 2 in the Simmer simulation package. I am trying to do this by using a while loop that creates these resources for me, instead of creating each resource myself.
The idea is that I have a while loop as given below. In each loop, a resource should be created called Transport_vehicle1, Transport_vehicle2, ..., Transport_vehicle52, with capacity 2.
Now I do not know how to insert the number i in the name of the resource that I am trying to create
while (i<=52)
{ env %>%
add_resource("Transport_vehicle"[i],capacity = 2)
i <- i+1
Could someone please help me out? Thanks!
You can use the paste method to concatenate the string and the number:
while (i<=52)
{ env %>%
add_resource(paste("Transport_vehicle", i),capacity = 2)
i <- i+1
If you do not want a space between the string and the number add the sep="" argument
paste("Transport_vehicle", i, sep="")
or use
paste0("Transport_vehicle", i)

Loop works outside function but in functions it doesn't.

Been going around for hours with this. My 1st question online on R. Trying to creat a function that contains a loop. The function takes a vector that the user submits like in pollutantmean(4:6) and then it loads a bunch of csv files (in the directory mentioned) and binds them. What is strange (to me) is that if I assign the variable id and then run the loop without using a function, it works! When I put it inside a function so that the user can supply the id vector then it does nothing. Can someone help ? thank you!!!
#read files
id<-str_pad(id,3,pad = "0")
for (i in id) {
Your function is missing a return value. (#Roland)
pollutantmean<-function(id=1:332) {
#read files
id<-str_pad(id,3,pad = "0")
for (i in id) {
Your mistake was that you did not specify in your function what you want to get out from the function. In R, you create objects inside of function (you could imagine it as different environment) and then specify which object you want it to return.
With my comment about accepting my answer, I meant this: (...To mark an answer as accepted, click on the check mark beside the answer to toggle it from greyed out to filled in...).
Consider even an lapply and do.call which would not need return being last line of function:
pollutantmean <- function(id=1:332) {
id <- str_pad(id,3,pad = "0")
direct_files <- paste0("/Users/ped/Documents/LearningR/", id, ".csv")
allfiles <- do.call(rbind, lapply(direct_files, read.csv))
ok, I got it. I was expecting the files that are built to be actually created and show up in the environment of R. But for some reason they don't. But R still does all the calculations. Thanks lot for the replies!!!!
#read files
id2<-str_pad(id,3,pad = "0")
direct<-paste("/Users/pedroalbuquerque/Documents/Learning R/",directory,sep="")
for (i in id2) {
#averaging polutants
mean(allfiles[,pollutant],na.rm = TRUE)

dump() in R not source()able- output contains "..."

I'm trying to use dump() to save the settings of my analysis so I can examine them in a text editor or reload them at a later date.
In my code I'm using the command
dump(ls(), settingsOutput, append=TRUE)
The file defined by `settingsOutput' gets created, but the larger objects and locally defined functions are truncated. Here's an excerpt from such a file. Note these files are generally on the order of a few kb.
createFilePrefix <-
function (runDesc, runID, restartNumber)
createRunDesc <-
function (genomeName, nGenes, nMix, mixDef, phiFlag)
datasetID <-
descriptionPartsList <-
c("genomeNameTest", "nGenesTest", "numMixTest", "mixDefTest",
"phiFlagTest", "runDescTest", "runIDTest", "restartNumberTest"
diffTime <-
structure(0.531, units = "hours", class = "difftime")
dissectObjectFileName <-
function (objectFileName)
divergence <-
Just for reference, here's one of the functions defined above
createFilePrefix <- function(runDesc, runID, restartNumber){
paste(runDesc, "_run-", runID, "_restartNumber-", restartNumber, sep="")
Right now I'm going back and removing the problematic lines and then loading the files, but I'd prefer to actually have code that works as intended.
Can anyone explain to me why I'm getting this behavior and what to do to fix it?

R's text mining package... adding a new function to getTransformation

I am attempting to add a new stemmer that works using a table look up method. if h is the hash the contains the stemming operation, it is encoded as follows: keys as words before stemming and values as words post-stemming.
I would like to ideally add a custom hash that allows me to do the following
myCorpus = tm_map(myCorpus, replaceWords, h)
the replaceWords function is applied to each document in myCorpus and uses the hash to stem the contents of the document
Here is the sample code from my replaceWords function
$hash_replace <- function(x,h) {
if (length(h[[x]])>0) {
} else {
replaceWords <- function(x,h) {
y = tolower(unlist(strsplit(x," ")))
z = unlist(lapply(y,hash_replace,h))
return(paste(unlist(z),collapse=' '))
Although this works, the transformed corpus is no longer contains content of type "TextDocument" or "PlainTextDocument" but of type "character"
I tried using
return(as.PlainTextDocument(paste(unlist(z),collapse=' ')))
but that that gives me an error while trying to run.
In the previous versions of the R's tm package, I did see a replaceWords function that allowed for synonym and WORDNET based subtitution. But I no longer see it in the current version of tm package (especially when I call the function getTransformations())
Does anybody out there have ideas on how I can make this happen?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Shivani Rao
You just need to use the PlainTextDocument function instead of as.PlainTextDocument. R will automatically return the last statement in your function, so it works if you just make the last line
PlainTextDocument(paste(unlist(z),collapse=' '))
