Recursive Summation with Conditional in Prolog - recursion

I was ask to do a program in Prolog which has to be able to do a summation of pair and odd numbers with a recursive structure. The rule has the following form:
With N as the number given as parameter.
For Example: if N=5 then PairSum=4+2 and OddSum=5+3+1
My Code is the following
suma(N,SumPares,SumImpares) :-
N1 is N -1,
( (0 is mod(N,2))
-> SumPares is SumaP + (N-2)
; SumImpares is SumaI +(N-2)
The code compiles successfully, it fails when i run it. For example with N=5
I get the following
ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated ERROR: In: ERROR:
[12] _9750 is _9756+(2-2)

You should see 2 singleton warnings when consulting this code: SumaI and SumI only appear once in the body of second clause of procedure summation/3.
Looking at your code it seems that you wanted to use the same variable, so rename SumaI to SumI. You should now see no singleton warnings after reconsulting the code.
[edit after clarification]
After your edit you still have singleton warnings. Aside from typos the problem is that your conditional branch assigns one of the sum variables and leaves the other as-is. I believe you want something like this:
suma(N,SumaPares,SumaImpares) :-
N1 is N -1,
( 0 is mod(N,2) ->
(SumaPares is SumaP + (N-2), SumaImpares=SumaI)
; (SumaImpares is SumaI +(N-2), SumaPares=SumaP)

After following the advices from #gusbro and inluding some others i could make to this code to work properly. The key was in the base case that was suma(2,2,1) and not suma(0,0,0). Other problem i had was my summations in the if clause were I a do N-2 and I just have to leave the N alone and not substract anything. Here is the working code:
suma(N,SumaPares,SumaImpares) :-
N1 is N -1,
( 0 is mod(N,2) ->
(SumaPares is SumaP + N, SumaImpares is SumaI)
; (SumaImpares is SumaI +N, SumaPares is SumaP)
Thanks a lot for the help.


How to make Pre and Post conditions for recursive functions in SPARK?

I'm translating an exercise I made in Dafny into SPARK, where one verifies a tail recursive function against a recursive one. The Dafny source (censored, because it might still be used for classes):
function Sum(n:nat):nat
decreases n
if n==0 then n else n+Sum(n-1)
method ComputeSum(n:nat) returns (s:nat)
ensures s == Sum(n)
s := 0;
// ...censored...
What I got in SPARK so far:
function Sum (n : in Natural) return Natural
if n = 0 then
return n;
return n + Sum(n - 1);
end if;
end Sum;
function ComputeSum(n : in Natural) return Natural
Post => ComputeSum'Result = Sum(n)
s : Natural := 0;
-- ...censored...
return s;
end ComputeSum;
I cannot seem to figure out how to express the decreases n condition (which now that I think about it might be a little odd... but I got graded for it a few years back so who am I to judge, and the question remains how to get it done). As a result I get warnings of possible overflow and/or infinite recursion.
I'm guessing there is a pre or post condition to be added. Tried Pre => n <= 1 which obviously does not overflow, but I still get the warning. Adding Post => Sum'Result <= n**n on top of that makes the warning go away, but that condition gets a "postcondition might fail" warning, which isn't right, but guess the prover can't tell. Also not really the expression I should check against, but I cannot seem to figure what other Post I'm looking for. Possibly something very close to the recursive expression, but none of my attempts work. Must be missing out on some language construct...
So, how could I express the recursive constraints?
Edit 1:
Following links to this SO answer and this SPARK doc section, I tried this:
function Sum (n : in Natural) return Natural
(if n = 0 then 0 else n + Sum(n - 1))
Pre => (n in 0 .. 2),
Contract_Cases => (n = 0 => Sum'Result = 0,
n >= 1 => Sum'Result = n + Sum(n - 1)),
Subprogram_Variant => (Decreases => n);
However getting these warnings from SPARK:
spark.adb:32:30: medium: overflow check might fail [reason for check: result of addition must fit in a 32-bits machine integer][#0]
spark.adb:36:56: warning: call to "Sum" within its postcondition will lead to infinite recursion
If you want to prove that the result of some tail-recursive summation function equals the result of a given recursive summation function for some value N, then it should, in principle, suffice to only define the recursive function (as an expression function) without any post-condition. You then only need to mention the recursive (expression) function in the post-condition of the tail-recursive function (note that there was no post-condition (ensures) on the recursive function in Dafny either).
However, as one of SPARK's primary goal is to proof the absence of runtime errors, you must have to prove that overflow cannot occur and for this reason, you do need a post-condition on the recursive function. A reasonable choice for such a post-condition is, as #Jeffrey Carter already suggested in the comments, the explicit summation formula for arithmetic progression:
Sum (N) = N * (1 + N) / 2
The choice is actually very attractive as with this formula we can now also functionally validate the recursive function itself against a well-known mathematically explicit expression for computing the sum of a series of natural numbers.
Unfortunately, using this formula as-is will only bring you somewhere half-way. In SPARK (and Ada as well), pre- and post-conditions are optionally executable (see also RM 11.4.2 and section 5.11.1 in the SPARK Reference Guide) and must therefore themselves be free of any runtime errors. Therefore, using the formula as-is will only allow you to prove that no overflow occurs for any positive number up until
max N s.t. N * (1 + N) <= Integer'Last <-> N = 46340
as in the post-condition, the multiplication is not allowed to overflow either (note that Natural'Last = Integer'Last = 2**31 - 1).
To work around this, you'll need to make use of the big integers package that has been introduced in the Ada 202x standard library (see also RM A.5.6; this package is already included in GNAT CE 2021 and GNAT FSF 11.2). Big integers are unbounded and computations with these integers never overflow. Using these integers, one can proof that overflow will not occur for any positive number up until
max N s.t. N * (1 + N) / 2 <= Natural'Last <-> N = 65535 = 2**16 - 1
The usage of these integers in a post-condition is illustrated in the example below.
Some final notes:
The Subprogram_Variant aspect is only needed to prove that a recursive subprogram will eventually terminate. Such a proof of termination must be requested explicitly by adding an annotation to the function (also shown in the example below and as discussed in the SPARK documentation pointed out by #egilhh in the comments). The Subprogram_Variant aspect is, however, not needed for your initial purpose: proving that the result of some tail-recursive summation function equals the result of a given recursive summation function for some value N.
To compile a program that uses functions from the new Ada 202x standard library, use compiler option -gnat2020.
While I use a subtype to constrain the range of permissible values for N, you could also use a precondition. This should not make any difference. However, in SPARK (and Ada as well), it is in general considered to be a best practise to express contraints using (sub)types as much as possible.
Consider counterexamples as possible clues rather than facts. They may or may not make sense. Counterexamples are optionally generated by some solvers and may not make sense. See also the section 7.2.6 in the SPARK user’s guide.
with Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers;
procedure Main with SPARK_Mode is
package BI renames Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers;
use type BI.Valid_Big_Integer;
-- Conversion functions.
function To_Big (Arg : Integer) return BI.Valid_Big_Integer renames BI.To_Big_Integer;
function To_Int (Arg : BI.Valid_Big_Integer) return Integer renames BI.To_Integer;
subtype Domain is Natural range 0 .. 2**16 - 1;
function Sum (N : Domain) return Natural is
(if N = 0 then 0 else N + Sum (N - 1))
Post => Sum'Result = To_Int (To_Big (N) * (1 + To_Big (N)) / 2),
Subprogram_Variant => (Decreases => N);
-- Request a proof that Sum will terminate for all possible values of N.
pragma Annotate (GNATprove, Terminating, Sum);
end Main;
output (gnatprove)
$ gnatprove -Pdefault.gpr --output=oneline --report=all --level=1 --prover=z3
Phase 1 of 2: generation of Global contracts ...
Phase 2 of 2: flow analysis and proof ...
main.adb:13:13: info: subprogram "Sum" will terminate, terminating annotation has been proved
main.adb:14:30: info: overflow check proved
main.adb:14:32: info: subprogram variant proved
main.adb:14:39: info: range check proved
main.adb:16:18: info: postcondition proved
main.adb:16:31: info: range check proved
main.adb:16:53: info: predicate check proved
main.adb:16:69: info: division check proved
main.adb:16:71: info: predicate check proved
Summary logged in [...]/gnatprove.out
ADDENDUM (in response to comment)
So you can add the post condition as a recursive function, but that does not help in proving the absence of overflow; you will still have to provide some upper bound on the function result in order to convince the prover that the expression N + Sum (N - 1) will not cause an overflow.
To check the absence of overflow during the addition, the prover will consider all possible values that Sum might return according to it's specification and see if at least one of those value might cause the addition to overflow. In the absence of an explicit bound in the post condition, Sum might, according to its return type, return any value in the range Natural'Range. That range includes Natural'Last and that value will definitely cause an overflow. Therefore, the prover will report that the addition might overflow. The fact that Sum never returns that value given its allowable input values is irrelevant here (that's why it reports might). Hence, a more precise upper bound on the return value is required.
If an exact upper bound is not available, then you'll typically fallback onto a more conservative bound like, in this case, N * N (or use saturation math as shown in the Fibonacci example from the SPARK user manual, section 5.2.7, but that approach does change your function which might not be desirable).
Here's an alternative example:
package Example with SPARK_Mode is
subtype Domain is Natural range 0 .. 2**15;
function Sum (N : Domain) return Natural
with Post =>
Sum'Result = (if N = 0 then 0 else N + Sum (N - 1)) and
Sum'Result <= N * N; -- conservative upper bound if the closed form
-- solution to the recursive function would
-- not exist.
end Example;
package body Example with SPARK_Mode is
function Sum (N : Domain) return Natural is
if N = 0 then
return N;
return N + Sum (N - 1);
end if;
end Sum;
end Example;
output (gnatprove)
$ gnatprove -Pdefault.gpr --output=oneline --report=all
Phase 1 of 2: generation of Global contracts ...
Phase 2 of 2: flow analysis and proof ...
example.adb:8:19: info: overflow check proved
example.adb:8:28: info: range check proved info: postcondition proved info: overflow check proved info: range check proved
Summary logged in [...]/gnatprove.out
I landed in something that sometimes works, which I think is enough for closing the title question:
function Sum (n : in Natural) return Natural
(if n = 0 then 0 else n + Sum(n - 1))
Pre => (n in 0 .. 10), -- works with --prover=z3, not Default (CVC4)
-- Pre => (n in 0 .. 100), -- not working - "overflow check might fail, e.g. when n = 2"
Subprogram_Variant => (Decreases => n),
Post => ((n = 0 and then Sum'Result = 0)
or (n > 0 and then Sum'Result = n + Sum(n - 1)));
-- Contract_Cases => (n = 0 => Sum'Result = 0,
-- n > 0 => Sum'Result = n + Sum(n - 1)); -- warning: call to "Sum" within its postcondition will lead to infinite recursion
-- Contract_Cases => (n = 0 => Sum'Result = 0,
-- n > 0 => n + Sum(n - 1) = Sum'Result); -- works
-- Contract_Cases => (n = 0 => Sum'Result = 0,
-- n > 0 => Sum'Result = n * (n + 1) / 2); -- works and gives good overflow counterexamples for high n, but isn't really recursive
Command line invocation in GNAT Studio (Ctrl+Alt+F), --counterproof=on and --prover=z3 my additions to it:
gnatprove -P%PP -j0 %X --output=oneline --ide-progress-bar --level=0 -u %fp --counterexamples=on --prover=z3
Subprogram_Variant => (Decreases => n) is required to tell the prover n decreases for each recursive invocation, just like the Dafny version.
Works inconsistently for similar contracts, see commented Contract_Cases.
Default prover (CVC4) fails, using Z3 succeeds.
Counterproof on fail makes no sense.
n = 2 presented as counterproof for range 0 .. 100, but not for 0 .. 10.
Possibly related to this mention in the SPARK user guide: However, note that since the counterexample is always generated only using CVC4 prover, it can just explain why this prover cannot prove the property.
Cleaning between changing options required, e.g. --prover.

Julia: Append to an array

Someone please help me understand this. I have the following code below. I am trying to append index[i]-1 to an empty array. However I am getting this error: "BoundsError: attempt to access 0-element Array{Any,1} at index [1]" :
sample_size_array = [9,5,6,9,2,6,9]
n_minus_1 = []
array_length = length(sample_size_array)
for i in 1:array_length
n_minus_1[i].append(sample_size_array[i] -1)
If Julia does not understand array[0] then why is i starting at 0 and not at 1?
Your code has two problems:
in the first iteration you are trying to access n_minus_1 array at index 1 while this array is still empty (has 0 length) - this throws you an error;
in Julia you do not invoke methods using a . (this symbol is used for different purposes - in this case it is parsed as field access and also would throw an error later)
To solve both those problems use push! function which appends an element at the end of an array. The code could look like this:
sample_size_array = [9,5,6,9,2,6,9]
n_minus_1 = []
array_length = length(sample_size_array)
for i in 1:array_length
push!(n_minus_1, sample_size_array[i]-1)
However in this case the whole operation can be written even simpler as:
n_minus_1 = sample_size_array .- 1
and you do not need any loop (and here you see another use of . in Julia - in this case we use it to signal that we want to subtract 1 from every element of sample_size_array).

Erlang: How to create a function that returns a string containing the date in YYMMDD format?

I am trying to learn Erlang and I am working on the practice problems Erlang has on the site. One of them is:
Write the function time:swedish_date() which returns a string containing the date in swedish YYMMDD format:
My function:
swedish_date() ->
[YYYY,MM,DD] = tuple_to_list(date()),
string:substr((integer_to_list(YYYY, 3,4)++pad_string(integer_to_list(MM))++pad_string(integer_to_list(DD)).
pad_string(String) ->
length(String) == 1 -> '0' ++ String;
true -> String
I'm getting the following errors when compiled.
demo.erl:6: syntax error before: '.'
demo.erl:2: function swedish_date/0 undefined
demo.erl:9: Warning: function pad_string/1 is unused
How do I fix this?
After fixing your compilation errors, you're still facing runtime errors. Since you're trying to learn Erlang, it's instructive to look at your approach and see if it can be improved, and fix those runtime errors along the way.
First let's look at swedish_date/0:
swedish_date() ->
[YYYY,MM,DD] = tuple_to_list(date()),
Why convert the list to a tuple? Since you use the list elements individually and never use the list as a whole, the conversion serves no purpose. You can instead just pattern-match the returned tuple:
{YYYY,MM,DD} = date(),
Next, you're calling string:substr/1, which doesn't exist:
string:substr((integer_to_list(YYYY,3,4) ++
pad_string(integer_to_list(MM)) ++
The string:substr/2,3 functions both take a starting position, and the 3-arity version also takes a length. You don't need either, and can avoid string:substr entirely and instead just return the assembled string:
integer_to_list(YYYY,3,4) ++
pad_string(integer_to_list(MM)) ++
Whoops, this is still not right: there is no such function integer_to_list/3, so just replace that first call with integer_to_list/1:
integer_to_list(YYYY) ++
pad_string(integer_to_list(MM)) ++
Next, let's look at pad_string/1:
pad_string(String) ->
length(String) == 1 -> '0' ++ String;
true -> String
There's a runtime error here because '0' is an atom and you're attempting to append String, which is a list, to it. The error looks like this:
** exception error: bad argument
in operator ++/2
called as '0' ++ "8"
Instead of just fixing that directly, let's consider what pad_string/1 does: it adds a leading 0 character if the string is a single digit. Instead of using if to check for this condition — if isn't used that often in Erlang code — use pattern matching:
pad_string([D]) ->
pad_string(S) ->
The first clause matches a single-element list, and returns a new list with the element D preceded with $0, which is the character constant for the character 0. The second clause matches all other arguments and just returns whatever is passed in.
Here's the full version with all changes:
swedish_date() ->
{YYYY,MM,DD} = date(),
integer_to_list(YYYY) ++
pad_string(integer_to_list(MM)) ++
pad_string([D]) ->
pad_string(S) ->
But a simpler approach would be to use the io_lib:format/2 function to just format the desired string directly:
swedish_date() ->
io_lib:format("~w~2..0w~2..0w", tuple_to_list(date())).
First, note that we're back to calling tuple_to_list(date()). This is because the second argument for io_lib:format/2 must be a list. Its first argument is a format string, which in our case says to expect three arguments, formatting each as an Erlang term, and formatting the 2nd and 3rd arguments with a width of 2 and 0-padded.
But there's still one more step to address, because if we run the io_lib:format/2 version we get:
1> demo:swedish_date().
Whoa, what's that? It's simply a deep list, where each element of the list is itself a list. To get the format we want, we can flatten that list:
swedish_date() ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w~2..0w~2..0w", tuple_to_list(date()))).
Executing this version gives us what we want:
2> demo:swedish_date().
Find the final full version of the code below.
swedish_date() ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w~2..0w~2..0w", tuple_to_list(date()))).
UPDATE: #Pascal comments that the year should be printed as 2 digits rather than 4. We can achieve this by passing the date list through a list comprehension:
swedish_date() ->
DateVals = [D rem 100 || D <- tuple_to_list(date())],
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w~2..0w~2..0w", DateVals)).
This applies the rem remainder operator to each of the list elements returned by tuple_to_list(date()). The operation is needless for month and day but I think it's cleaner than extracting the year and processing it individually. The result:
3> demo:swedish_date().
There are a few issues here:
You are missing a parenthesis at the end of line 6.
You are trying to call integer_to_list/3 when Erlang only defines integer_to_list/1,2.
This will work:
swedish_date() ->
[YYYY,MM,DD] = tuple_to_list(date()),
integer_to_list(YYYY) ++
pad_string(integer_to_list(MM)) ++
pad_string(String) ->
length(String) == 1 -> '0' ++ String;
true -> String
In addition to the parenthesis error on line 6, you also have an error on line 10 where yo use the form '0' instead of "0", so you define an atom rather than a string.
I understand you are doing this for educational purpose, but I encourage you to dig into erlang libraries, it is something you will have to do. For a common problem like this, it already exists function that help you:
swedish_date() ->
{YYYY,MM,DD} = date(), % not useful to transform into list
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~2.10.0B~2.10.0B~2.10.0B",[YYYY rem 100,MM,DD])).
% ~X.Y.ZB means: uses format integer in base Y, print X characters, uses Z for padding

Erlang sudoku solver - How to find the empty spots and try possible values recursively

I have been busy with a sudoku solver in Erlang yesterday and today. The working functionality I have now is that I can check if a sudoku in the form of a list, e.g.,
is valid or not by looking at the constraints (no duplicates in squares, rows, and columns).
This function is called valid(S) which takes a sudoku S and returns true if it is a valid sudoku and false if it is not. The function ignores 0's, which are used to represent empty values. This is an example of the same sudoku with some random empty values:
The next step is to find the first 0 in the list, and try a value from 1 to 9 and check if it produces a valid sudoku. If it does we can continue to the next 0 and try values there and see if it is valid or not. Once we cannot go further we go back to the previous 0 and try the next values et cetera until we end up with a solved sudoku.
The code I have so far looks like this (based on someone who got it almost working):
solve(First,Nom,[_|Last]) -> try_values({First,Nom,Last},pos()).
try_values(_,[]) -> {error, "No solution found"};
try_values({First,Nom,Last},[N|Pos]) ->
case valid(First++[N]++Last) of
true ->
case solve({First++[N]},Nom,Last) of
{ok,_} -> {ok, "Result"};
{error,_} -> try_values({First,N,Last},Pos)
false -> try_values({First,N,Last},Pos)
pos() is a list consisting of the values from 1 to 9. The idea is that we enter an empty list for First and a Sudoku list for [_|Last] in which we look for a 0 (Nom?). Then we try a value and if the list that results is valid according to our function we continue till we fail the position or have a result. When we fail we return a new try_values with remaining (Pos) values of our possibitilies.
Naturally, this does not work and returns:
5> sudoku:solve([],0,S).
** exception error: bad argument
in operator ++/2
called as {[6]}
in call from sudoku:try_values/2 (sudoku.erl, line 140)
in call from sudoku:try_values/2 (sudoku.erl, line 142)
With my inexperience I cannot grasp what I need to do to make the code logical and working. I would really appreciate it if someone with more experience could give me some pointers.
try_values([], []) -> error("No solution found");
try_values([Solution], []) -> Solution;
try_values(_, []) -> error("Bad sudoku: multiple solutions");
try_values(Heads, [0|Tail]) ->
NewHeads = case Heads of
[] -> [[P] || P <- pos()];
_ -> [Head++[P] || P <- pos(), Head <- Heads]
ValidHeads = [Head || Head <- NewHeads, valid(Head++Tail)],
try_values(ValidHeads, Tail);
try_values([], [H|Tail]) -> try_values([[H]], Tail);
try_values(Heads, [H|Tail]) -> try_values([Head++[H] || Head <- Heads], Tail).
solve(Board) ->
case valid(Board) of
true -> try_values([], Board);
false -> error("No solution found")
try_values does what you described. It builds solution by going through Board, trying all possible solutions (from pos()) when it finds 0 and collecting valid solutions in ValidHeads to pass them further to continue. Thus, it goes all possible ways, if at some point there are multiple valid sudoku they all will be added to Heads and will be tested on validity on following steps. solve is just a wrapper to call try_values([], Board).
Basically, the way to iterate recursively over 0's is to skip all non-zeros (2 last try_values expression) and do the job on zeros (fourth try_values expression).
First three try_values expressions check if solution is exist and single and return it in that case.

Erlang exception Error - no function clause matching lists:map - what am I missing?

I am working on Euler 8. After a bit of reading i decided that use of the map function would solve a problem for me. Throwing a simple test program together to make sure I understood the concepts came up short.
From within the shell.
1> List = {3, 1, 4}.
2> io:format("oh my ~w ~n", [List]).
oh my {3,1,4}
3> lists:map(fun (Z) -> Z * Z end , List).
** exception error: no function clause matching
I see the fun, and the list in the message.
What concept am I missing here?
your List is actually a tuple. {} is for tuples, [] is for lists.
your example should be:
1> List = [3,1,4].
2> lists:map(fun(Z) -> Z*Z end, List).
You are trying to apply lists:map function on tuple. Initiate List = [3,1,4] not as List = {3,1,4} and apply the same function, you will get desired output.
