I'm currently trying to read a 20GB file. I only need 3 columns of that file.
My problem is, that I'm limited to 16 GB of ram. I tried using readr and processing the data in chunks with the function read_csv_chunked and read_csv with the skip parameter, but those both exceeded my RAM limits.
Even the read_csv(file, ..., skip = 10000000, nrow = 1) call that reads one line uses up all my RAM.
My question now is, how can I read this file? Is there a way to read chunks of the file without using that much ram?
The LaF package can read in ASCII data in chunks. It can be used directly or if you are using dplyr the chunked package uses it providing an interface for use with dplyr.
The readr package has readr_csv_chunked and related functions.
The section of this web page entitled The Loop as well as subsequent sections of that page describes how to do chunked reads with base R.
It may be that if you remove all but the first three columns that it will be small enough to just read it in and process in one go.
vroom in the vroom package can read in files very quickly and also has the ability to read in just the columns named in the select= argument which may make it small enough to read it in in one go.
fread in the data.table package is a fast reading function that also supports a select= argument which can select only specified columns.
read.csv.sql in the sqldf (also see github page) package can read a file larger than R can handle into a temporary external SQLite database which it creates for you and removes afterwards and reads the result of the SQL statement given into R. If the first three columns are named col1, col2 and col3 then try the code below. See ?read.csv.sql and ?sqldf for the remaining arguments which will depend on your file.
DF <- read.csv.sql("myfile", "select col1, col2, col3 from file",
dbname = tempfile(), ...)
read.table and read.csv in the base of R have a colClasses=argument which takes a vector of column classes. If the file has nc columns then use colClasses = rep(c(NA, "NULL"), c(3, nc-3)) to only read the first 3 columns.
Another approach is to pre-process the file using cut, sed or awk (available natively in UNIX and in the Rtools bin directory on Windows) or any of a number of free command line utilities such as csvfix outside of R to remove all but the first three columns and then see if that makes it small enough to read in one go.
Also check out the High Performance Computing task view.
We can try something like this, first a small example csv:
X = data.frame(id=1:1e5,matrix(runi(1e6),ncol=10))
You can use the nrow function, instead of providing a file, you provide a connection, and you store the results inside a list, for example:
data = vector("list",200)
con = file("test.csv","r")
data[[1]] = read.csv(con, nrows=1000)
COLS = colnames(data[[1]])
data[[1]] = data[[1]][,1:3]
id X1 X2 X3
1 1 0.13870273 0.4480100 0.41655108
2 2 0.82249489 0.1227274 0.27173937
3 3 0.78684815 0.9125520 0.08783347
4 4 0.23481987 0.7643155 0.59345660
5 5 0.55759721 0.6009626 0.08112619
6 6 0.04274501 0.7234665 0.60290296
In the above, we read the first chunk, collected the colnames and subsetted. If you carry on reading through the connection, the headers will be missing, and we need to specify that:
for(i in 2:200){
data[[i]] = read.csv(con, nrows=1000,col.names=COLS,header=FALSE)[,1:3]
Finally, we build of all of those into a data.frame:
data = do.call(rbind,data)
[1] TRUE
You can see that I specified a much larger list than required, this is to show if you don't know how long the file is, as you specify something larger, it should work. This is a bit better than writing a while loop..
So we wrap it into a function, specifying the file, number of rows to read at one go, the number of times, and the column names (or position) to subset:
data = vector("list",rows_to_read)
con = file(file,"r")
data[[1]] = read.csv(con, nrows=rows_to_read)
COLS = colnames(data[[1]])
data[[1]] = data[[1]][,col_subset]
for(i in 2:ntimes){
data[[i]] = read.csv(con,
I have over 300 large CSV files with the same filename, each in a separate sub-directory, that I would like to merge into a single dataset using R. I'm asking for help on how to remove columns I don't need in each CSV file, while merging in a way that breaks the process down into smaller chunks that my memory can more easily handle.
My objective is to create a single CSV file that I can then import into STATA for further analysis using code I have already written and tested on one of these files.
Each of my CSVs is itself rather large (about 80 columns, many of which are unnecessary, and each file has tens to hundreds of thousands of rows), and there are almost 16 million observations in total, or roughly 12GB.
I have written some code which manages to do this successfully for a test case of two CSVs. The challenge is that neither my work nor my personal computers have enough memory to do this for all 300+ files.
The code I have tried is here:
library(here) ##installs package to find files
( allfiles = list.files(path = here("data"), ##creates a list of the files, read as [1], [2], ... [n]
pattern = "candidates.csv", ##[identifies the relevant files]
full.names = TRUE, ##identifies the full file name
recursive = TRUE) ) ##searches in sub-directories
read_fun = function(path) {
test = read.csv(path,
header = TRUE )
} ###reads all the files
(test = read.csv(allfiles,
header = TRUE ) )###tests that file [1] has been read
library(purrr) ###installs package to unlock map_dfr
library(dplyr) ###installs packages to unlock map_dfr
( combined_dat = map_dfr(allfiles, read_fun) )
I expect the result to be a single RDS file, and this works for the test case. Unfortunately, the amount of memory this process requires when looking at 15.5m observations across all my files causes RStudio to crash, and no RDS file is produced.
I am looking for help on how to 1) reduce the load on my memory by stripping out some of the variables in my CSV files I don't need (columns with headers junk1, junk2, etc); and 2) how to merge in a more manageable way that merges my CSV files in sequence, either into a few RDS files to themselves be merged later, or through a loop cumulatively into a single RDS file.
However, I don't know how to proceed with these - I am still new to R, and any help on how to proceed with both 1) and 2) would be much appreciated.
Twelve GB is quite a bit for one object. It's probably not practical to use a single RDS or CSV unless you have far more than 12GB of RAM. You might want to look into using a database, a techology that is made for this kind of thing. I'm sure Stata can also interact with databases. You might also want to read up on how to interact with large CSVs using various strategies and packages.
Creating a large CSV isn't at all difficult. Just remember that you have to work with said giant CSV sometime in the future, which probably will be difficult. To create a large CSV, just process each component CSV individually and then append them to your new CSV. The following reads in each CSV, removes unwanted columns, and then appends the resulting dataframe to a flat file:
load_select_append <- function(path) {
# Read in CSV. Let every column be of class character.
df <- read_csv(path, col_types = paste(rep("c", 82), collapse = ""))
# Remove variables beginning with "junk"
df <- select(df, -starts_with("junk"))
# If file exists, append to it without column names, otherwise create with
# column names.
if (file.exists("big_csv.csv")) {
write_csv(df, "big_csv.csv", col_names = F, append = T)
} else {
write_csv(df, "big_csv.csv", col_names = T)
# Get the paths to the CSVs.
csv_paths <- list.files(path = "dir_of_csvs",
pattern = "\\.csv.*",
recursive = T,
full.names = T
# Apply function to each path.
walk(csv_paths, load_select_append)
When you're ready to work with your CSV you might want to consider using something like the ff package, which enables interaction with on-disk objects. You are somewhat restricted in what you can do with an ffdf object, so eventually you'll have to work with samples:
df_ff <- read.csv.ffdf(file = "big_csv.csv")
df_samp <- df_ff[sample.int(nrow(df_ff), size = 100000),]
df_samp <- mutate(df_samp, ID = factor(ID))
#### OUTPUT ####
values ID
Min. :-9.861 17267 : 6
1st Qu.: 6.643 19618 : 6
Median :10.032 40258 : 6
Mean :10.031 46804 : 6
3rd Qu.:13.388 51269 : 6
Max. :30.465 52089 : 6
As far as I know, chunking and on-disk interactions are not possible with RDS or RDA, so you are stuck with flat files (or you go with one of the other options I mentioned above).
I am running Flexmix code and it returns the value of BIC and AIC like this.
mp8<-initFlexmix(. ~ .|id, data=op18, k=8, model=list(Model_tc1,Model_1), nrep=100)
> BIC(mp2,mp3,mp4,mp5,mp6,mp7,mp8)
df BIC
mp2 50.03105 84912.01
mp3 78.11906 78081.28
mp4 108.32396 74303.05
mp5 137.38793 72677.82
mp6 165.54544 71368.86
mp7 190.11087 69935.62
mp8 194.56414 70693.15
> AIC(mp2,mp3,mp4,mp5,mp6,mp7,mp8)
df AIC
mp2 50.03105 84496.94
mp3 78.11906 77433.18
mp4 108.32396 73404.36
mp5 137.38793 71538.02
mp6 165.54544 69995.46
mp7 190.11087 68358.42
mp8 194.56414 69079.00
I would like to turn the result into an excel or csv file to use later. What possibilities do I have?
If your dataset is big, you may want to consider converting your table to a data.table and then writing it to a .csv with fwrite.
From ?fwrite:
As ‘write.csv’ but much faster (e.g. 2 seconds versus 1 minute) and just as flexible. Modern machines almost surely have more than one CPU so ‘fwrite’ uses them; on all operating systems including Linux, Mac and Windows.
data.table is a package that allows you to process, explore and manage your data. Again, from ?data.table:
‘data.table’ inherits from ‘data.frame’. It offers fast and memory efficient: file reader and writer, aggregations, updates,
equi, non-equi, rolling, range and interval joins, in a short and flexible syntax, for faster development.
It is inspired by ‘A[B]’ syntax in R where ‘A’ is a matrix and ‘B’ is a 2-column matrix. Since a ‘data.table’ is a ‘data.frame’, it is compatible with R functions and packages that accept only
You may want to check into its vignette(package = "data.table")
to save it in a csv you can either use write.csv or write.table:
write.table is a little more flexible.
It could look like this
write.table(mydata, file = "mycsv.csv", sep = ",", dec = ".", row.names = F)
See ?write.table for more info.
To save it into an xlsx you can use the openxlsx package:
write.xlsx(mydata, file = "myxlsx.xlsx")
I have a very large .csv file (~4GB) which I'd like to read, then subset.
The problem comes at reading (memory allocation error). Being that large reading crashes, so what I'd like is a way to subset the file before or while reading it, so that it only gets the rows for one city (Cambridge).
id City Value
1 London 17
2 Coventry 21
3 Cambridge 14
I've already tried the usual approaches:
f <- read.csv(f, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=T, nrows=100)
f.colclass <- sapply(f,class)
f <- read.csv(f,sep = ",",nrows = 3000000, stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
which seem to work for up to 1-2M rows, but not for the whole file.
I've also tried subsetting at the reading itself using pipe:
f<- read.table(file = f,sep = ",",colClasses=f.colclass,stringsAsFactors = F,pipe('grep "Cambridge" f ') )
and this also seems to crash.
I thought packages sqldf or data.table would have something, but no success yet !!
Thanks in advance, p.
I think this was alluded to already but just in case it wasn't completely clear. The sqldf package creates a temporary SQLite DB on your machine based on the csv file and allows you to write SQL queries to perform subsets of the data before saving the results to a data.frame
query_string <- "select * from file where City=='Cambridge' "
f <- read.csv.sql(file = "f.csv", sql = query_string)
#or rather than saving all of the raw data in f, you may want to perform a sum
f_sum <- read.csv.sql(file = "f.csv",
sql = "select sum(Value) from file where City=='Cambridge' " )
One solution to this type of error is
you can convert your csv file to excel file first.
Then you can map your excel file into mysql table by using toad for mysql it is easy.Just check for datatype of variables.
then using RODBC package you can access such a large dataset.
I am working with a datasets of size more than 20 GB this way.
Although there's nothing wrong with the existing answers, they miss the most conventional/common way of dealing with this: chunks (Here's an example from one of the multitude of similar questions/answers).
The only difference is, unlike for most of the answers that load the whole file, you would read it chunk by chunk and only keep the subset you need at each iteration
# open connection to file (mostly convenience)
file_location = "C:/users/[insert here]/..."
file_name = 'name_of_file_i_wish_to_read.csv'
con <- file(paste(file_location, file_name,sep='/'), "r")
# set chunk size - basically want to make sure its small enough that
# your RAM can handle it
chunk_size = 1000 # the larger the chunk the more RAM it'll take but the faster it'll go
i = 0 # set i to 0 as it'll increase as we loop through the chunks
# loop through the chunks and select rows that contain cambridge
repeat {
# things to do only on the first read-through
# read in columns only on the first go
# load the chunk
tmp_chunk = read.csv(con, nrows = chunk_size,header=grab_header)
# subset only to desired criteria
cond = tmp_chunk[,'City'] == "Cambridge"
# initiate container for desired data
df = tmp_chunk[cond,] # save desired subset in initial container
cols = colnames(df) # save column names to re-use on next chunks
# things to do on all subsequent non-first chunks
else if(i>0){
tmp_chunk = read.csv(con, nrows = chunk_size,header=grab_header,col.names = cols)
# set stopping criteria for the loop
# when it reads in 0 rows, exit loop
# subset only to desired criteria
cond = tmp_chunk[,'City'] == "Cambridge"
# append to existing dataframe
df = rbind(df, tmp_chunk[cond,])
# add 1 to i to avoid the things needed to do on the first read-in
close(con) # close connection
# check out the results
I'm trying to read quickly into R a ASCII fixed column width dataset, based on a SAS import file (the file that declares the column widths, and etc).
I know I can use SAScii R package for translating the SAS import file (parse.SAScii) and actually importing (read.SAScii). It works but it is too slow, because read.SAScii uses read.fwf to do the data import, which is slow. I would like to change that for a fast import mathod, laf_open_fwf from the "LaF" package.
I'm almost there, using parse.SAScii() and laf_open_fwf(), but I'm able to correctly connect the output of parse.SAScii() to the arguments of laf_open_fwf().
Here is the code, the data is from PNAD, national household survey, 2013:
# Set working dir.
# installing packages:
# Donwload and unzip data and documentation files
# Data
file_url <- "ftp://ftp.ibge.gov.br/Trabalho_e_Rendimento/Pesquisa_Nacional_por_Amostra_de_Domicilios_anual/microdados/2013/Dados.zip"
download.file(file_url,"Dados.zip", mode="wb")
# Documentation files
file_url <- "ftp://ftp.ibge.gov.br/Trabalho_e_Rendimento/Pesquisa_Nacional_por_Amostra_de_Domicilios_anual/microdados/2013/Dicionarios_e_input_20150814.zip"
download.file(file_url,"Dicionarios_e_input.zip", mode="wb")
# importing with read.SAScii(), based on read.fwf(): Works fine
dom.pnad2013.teste1 <- read.SAScii("Dados/DOM2013.txt","Dicionarios_e_input/input DOM2013.txt")
# importing with parse.SAScii() and laf_open_fwf() : stuck here
dic_dom2013 <- parse.SAScii("Dicionarios_e_input/input DOM2013.txt")
data <- laf_open_fwf("Dados/DOM2013.txt",
column_types=????? ,
I'm stuck on the last commmand, passing the importing arguments to laf_open_fwf().
UPDATE: here are two solutions, using packages LaF and readr.
Solution using readr (8 seconds)
readr is based on LaF but surprisingly faster. More info on readr here
# Load Packages
# Parse SAS file
dic_pes2013 <- parse.SAScii("./Dicion rios e input/input PES2013.sas")
setDT(dic_pes2013) # convert to data.table
# read to data frame
pesdata2 <- read_fwf("Dados/DOM2013.txt",
progress = interactive()
Take way: readr seems to be the best option: it's faster, you don't need to worry about column types, shorter code and it shows a progress bar :)
Solution using LaF (20 seconds)
LaFis one of the (maybe THE) fastest ways to read fixed-width files in R, according to this benchmark. It tooke me 20 sec. to read the person level file (PES) into a data frame.
Here is the code:
# Parse SAS file
dic_pes2013 <- parse.SAScii("./Dicion rios e input/input PES2013.sas")
# Read .txt file using LaF. This is virtually instantaneous
pesdata <- laf_open_fwf("./Dados/PES2013.txt",
column_types= rep("character", length(dic_pes2013[,"width"])),
# convert to data frame. This tooke me 20 sec.
system.time( pesdata <- pesdata[,] )
Note that that I've used character in column_types. I'm not quite sure why the command returns me an error if I try integer or numeric. This shouldn't be a problem, since you can convert all columns to numeric like this:
# convert all columns to numeric
varposition <- grep("V", colnames(pesdata))
pesdata[varposition] <- sapply(pesdata[],as.numeric)
sapply(pesdata, class)
You can try the read.SAScii.sqlite, also by Anthony Damico. It's 4x faster and lead to no RAM issues (as the author himself describes). But it imports data to a SQLite self-contained database file (no SQL server needed) -- not to a data.frame. Then you can open it in R by using a dbConnection. Here it goes the GitHub adress for the code:
In the R console, you can just run:
It's arguments are almost the same as those for the regular read.SAScii.
I know you are asking for a tip on how to use LaF. But I thought this could also be useful to you.
I think that the best choice is to use fwf2csv() from desc package (C++ code). I will illustrate the procedure with PNAD 2013. Be aware that i'm considering that you already have the dictionary with 3 variables: beginning of the field, size of the field, variable name, AND the dara at Data/
end_dom <- dic_dom2013$beggining + dicdom$size - 1
fwf2csv(fwffile='Dados/DOM2013.txt', csvfile='dadosdom.csv', names=dicdom$variable, begin=dicdom$beggining, end=end_dom)
dadosdom <- fread(input='dadosdom.csv', sep='auto', sep2='auto', integer64='double')
I am running into a big problem with importing data into R. The thing is the original dataset is over 5GB, which in no way I can read in my laptop with 4GB RAM in total. There are unknown number of rows in the dataset (at least thousands of rows). I was wondering if I could select say the first 2000 rows to load into R so the I can still fit the data into my working memory?
As Scott mentioned, you can limit the number of rows read from a text file with the nrows to read.table (and its variants like read.csv).
You can use this in conjunction with the skip argument to read later chunks in the dataset.
my_file <- "my file.csv"
chunk <- 2000
first <- read.csv(my_file, nrows = chunk)
second <- read.csv(my_file, nrows = chunk, skip = chunk)
third <- read.csv(my_file, nrows = chunk, skip = 2 * chunk)
You may also want to read the "Large memory and out-of-memory data" section of the high-performance computing task view.