Editing the invoice template in Woocommerce - wordpress

I need to edit the Woocommerce invoice template with coding. I Copied all the files from wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips/templates/Simple to to my child them in wp-content/themes/church-event-child/woocommerce/pdf/yourtemplate and customized them there. I need the template like this:
Subtotal: € 0
IVA: € 0
Order total: € 0
But woocommerce simple template only shows it like this
Subtotal: € 0
Order total: € 0
So it is about adding the IVA with the amount inside. Here you can see the code I am trying to change, but I dont know how to find where the label of the tax_amount is kept and how to display it right.
<table class="totals">
<?php foreach( $this->get_woocommerce_totals() as $key => $total ) : ?>
<tr class="<?php echo $key; ?>">
<td class="no-borders"></td>
<th class="description"><?php echo $total['label']; ?></th>
<td class="price"><span class="totals-price"><?php echo $total['value']; ?></span></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Thanks in Advance


Customize WooCommerce My Account>Downloads table to display downloadable file links in a single row

I'm attempting to override WooCommerce>Templates>downloads.php to display a custom table that shows the links for multiple downloadable file types in a single row.
My current code is as follows:
$downloads = WC()->customer->get_downloadable_products();
$has_downloads = (bool) $downloads;
<?php do_action( 'woocommerce_before_account_downloads', $has_downloads ); ?>
<?php while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post(); ?>
<a class="productLink" href="<?php echo get_permalink( $loop->post->ID ) ?>">
<?php the_title(); ?>
/*This is the bit that doesn't work*/
$files = $product->get_downloads();
foreach( $files as $key => $each_download ) {
echo 'File Name | ';
<?php endwhile; wp_reset_query(); // Remember to reset ?>
I'm struggling with how to show the downloadable file links with the filenames visible and separated by a vertical line | .

Wordpress add user number field in contact information part

I am wondering how to achieve the following.
I try to create a number field input in the wordpress user profile under contact information.
So far if i use show_user_profile & edit_user_profile hooks, the field will appear on the bottom of the profile page.
Is it possible to create a number field under the contact information part (standard in wordpress?)
I tried to add different priorities to the actions, but that didnt solve it.
So far i have the following:
function addurenuser(){
$userid = get_current_user_id();
if ( current_user_can('update_plugins',$userid)){ ?>
<table class="form-table">
<input type="number" name="uren" id="uren" value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_the_author_meta( 'uren', $user->ID ) ); ?>">
</table> <?php
add_action( 'show_user_profile', 'addurenuser' );
add_action( 'edit_user_profile', 'addurenuser' );
Use this code
function addurenuser()
echo '<script>
$userid = get_current_user_id();
if (current_user_can('update_plugins', $userid)) { ?>
<table class="form-table your-custom-field">
<input type="number" name="uren" id="uren" value="<?php echo esc_attr(get_the_author_meta('uren', $userid->ID)); ?>">
</table> <?php
add_action('show_user_profile', 'addurenuser');
add_action('edit_user_profile', 'addurenuser');

Retrieving data from customer area wordpress

I'm trying to put on bold the title from some post on wordpress, I have this piece of code for it:
$title_popup = sprintf(__('Uploaded on %s', 'cuar'), get_the_date());
$file_count = cuar_get_the_attached_file_count($post->ID);
if(strpos(get_the_title(get_the_ID()),'Garajes Gran')!==false){
<td class="cuar-title">
<strong><?php the_title(); ?></strong>
<td class="text-right cuar-file-count">
<span class="label label-rounded label-default"><?php echo sprintf(_n('%1$s file', '%1$s files', $file_count, 'cuar'), $file_count); ?> </span>
And I don't get what I want because all titles appears on black.So what is wrong?. The titles which I have are:
Presupuestos (Garajes Gran Via) 0 files
Presupuestos (Viviendas) 0 files
Contratos (Garajes Gran Via) 5 files
Contratos (Viviendas Gran Vía) 6 files
Contadores de Agua 0 files
Estatutos (Viviendas) 1 file
Estatutos (Garajes Gran Vía)
Thanks so much.
Instead of using the_title(); use get_the_title();
<td class="cuar-title">
<strong><?php echo get_the_title(); ?></strong>

Add custom cart field to woocommerce

This may be a noob question, but I've googled a lot and haven't found the answer. I've already replaced the woocommerce cart to my child theme subfolder.
I'm trying to add a field to the woocommerce cart, so it will just display the cart subtotal multiplied by a number defined by me. I.e., the cart subtotal is 3,000.00, I want to define the multiplier number 3, so the field I want to show must display 9.000,00.
I've already added the field header to the cart:
<th class="product-remove"> </th>
<th class="product-quantity"><?php _e( 'Quantity', 'thefoxwp' ); ?></th>
<th class="product-subtotal"><?php _e( 'Total', 'thefoxwp' ); ?></th>
<th class="product-result"><?php _e( 'Total to be Received', 'thefoxwp' ); ?></th>
The field I want to configure is the class="product-result".
It's not a input field, it will just show the subtotal multiplied by a number defined by me.
I need this information to be sent with the woocommerce email to the client and saved in my order details.
Does anybody know how to do it?
Could figure it out.
I added two classes to the header
<th class="product-remove"> </th>
<th class="product-quantity"><?php _e( 'Quantity', 'thefoxwp' ); ?></th>
<th class="product-subtotal"><?php _e( 'Total', 'thefoxwp' ); ?></th>
<th class="product-tax"><?php _e( 'Exchange Tax', 'thefoxwp' ); ?></th>
<th class="product-result"><?php _e( 'Total to be Received', 'thefoxwp' ); ?></th>
And then added this code
<!-- Exchange Tax -->
<td class="product-tax">
$tax = 4.05;
echo "R$ $tax";
<!-- Product Result -->
<td class="product-result">
$resultado = WC()->cart->subtotal;
$mostrar = $resultado * $tax;
echo "R$ "; echo number_format("$mostrar",2);
So it's now echo the result of the cart subtotal * the exchange tax.
But now, how can I get this variable to echo on the email sent by woocommerce and on the checkout page?

$wpdb not work in another page

i create simple plugin , it work in main page , but when i create a link to user go to the another page for see informaation , it show me Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_results()
my code is :
global $wpdb;
$results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM wp_customers");
<?php foreach($results as $results){
<?php echo $results->id; ?>
<?php echo $results->name; ?>
<?php echo $results->family; ?>
<?php echo $results->numbers; ?>
<?php echo $results->tell; ?>
<?php }?>
You need to check you have not set up the database prefix to something other than 'wp_'.
And if you have wp_ prefix in the database then you have to included wp-load file on the custom page.
require( '/path/to/wp-load.php' );
If it's a plugin then you should encapsulate your code in a function and hook this funtion to the wordpress "init" action, so in your plugin file you should have somthing like this :
function your_function_name_here($some_params){
return "some results";
add_action('init', 'your_function_name_here');
