Percentage change in values in r - r

Here is the df I am using:
Date Country City Specie count min max median variance
27 2020-03-25 IN Delhi pm25 797 6 192 92 12116.60
159 2020-03-25 IN Chennai pm25 96 27 89 57 1928.38
223 2020-03-25 IN Mumbai pm25 285 12 163 90 6275.41
412 2020-03-25 IN Bengaluru pm25 179 25 145 73 4890.82
419 2020-03-25 IN Kolkata pm25 260 6 168 129 10637.10
10 2020-04-10 IN Delhi pm25 835 2 393 137 24542.30
132 2020-04-10 IN Chennai pm25 87 5 642 53 87856.50
298 2020-04-10 IN Mumbai pm25 168 1 125 90 5025.35
358 2020-04-10 IN Bengaluru pm25 159 21 834 56 57091.10
444 2020-04-10 IN Kolkata pm25 219 4 109 64 2176.61
I want to calculate the percentage change between 'median' values of the data frame. For that I have used the following code:
pct_change_pm25 <- day %>%
arrange(City, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
mutate(pct_change = -diff(median) / median[-1] * 100)
But I am getting this error:
Error in arrange_impl(.data, dots) :
incorrect size (1) at position 2, expecting : 10
The number of rows that mutate is creating is 9 and is not matching with the number of rows in the df.
I have followed this post on stackoverflow:
Calculate Percentage Change in R using dplyr
But, unfortunately id didn't work for me.

Since diff returns vector of length 1 less than the original vector, append an NA at the start of the calculation. Also probably you want to do this for each City separately,hence grouping by city.
df %>%
arrange(City) %>%
group_by(City) %>%
mutate(pct_change = c(NA, -diff(median) / median[-1] * 100))
Another way to do the same calculation is using lag
df %>%
arrange(City) %>%
group_by(City) %>%
mutate(pct_change = (lag(median) - median)/median * 100)
# Date Country City Specie count min max median variance pct_change
# <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 2020-03-25 IN Bengaluru pm25 179 25 145 73 4891. NA
# 2 2020-04-10 IN Bengaluru pm25 159 21 834 56 57091. 30.4
# 3 2020-03-25 IN Chennai pm25 96 27 89 57 1928. NA
# 4 2020-04-10 IN Chennai pm25 87 5 642 53 87856. 7.55
# 5 2020-03-25 IN Delhi pm25 797 6 192 92 12117. NA
# 6 2020-04-10 IN Delhi pm25 835 2 393 137 24542. -32.8
# 7 2020-03-25 IN Kolkata pm25 260 6 168 129 10637. NA
# 8 2020-04-10 IN Kolkata pm25 219 4 109 64 2177. 102.
# 9 2020-03-25 IN Mumbai pm25 285 12 163 90 6275. NA
#10 2020-04-10 IN Mumbai pm25 168 1 125 90 5025. 0

With data.table, we can do
setDT(df)[, pct_change := (shift(median) - median)/median * 100, City]


dplyr summarize output - how to save it

I need to calculate summary statistics for observations of bird breeding activity for each of 150 species. The data frame has the species (scodef), the type of observation (codef)(e.g. nest building), and the ordinal date (days since 1 January, since the data were collected over multiple years). Using dplyr I get exactly the result I want.
phenology %>% group_by(sCodef, codef) %>%
summarize(N=n(), Min=min(jdate), Max=max(jdate), Median=median(jdate))
# A tibble: 552 x 6
# Groups: sCodef [?]
sCodef codef N Min Max Median
<fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ABDU AY 3 172 184 181
2 ABDU FL 12 135 225 188
3 ACFL AY 18 165 222 195
4 ACFL CN 4 142 156 152.
5 ACFL FL 10 166 197 192.
6 ACFL NB 6 139 184 150.
7 ACFL NY 6 166 207 182
8 AMCO FL 1 220 220 220
9 AMCR AY 53 89 198 161
10 AMCR FL 78 133 225 166.
# ... with 542 more rows
How do I get these summary statistics into some sort of data object so that I can export them to use ultimately in a Word document? I have tried this and gotten an error. All of the many explanations of summarize I have reviewed just show the summary data on screen. Thanks
out3 <- summarize(N=n(), Min=min(jdate), Max=max(jdate), median=median(jdate))
Error: This function should not be called directly
Assign this to a variable, then write to a csv like so:
summarydf <- phenology %>% group_by......(as above)
write.csv(summarydf, filename="yourfilenamehere.csv")

Simplify multiple rowSums looping through columns

I'm currently on R trying to create for a DF multiple columns with the sum of previous one. Imagine I got a DF like this:
sep-2016 oct-2016 nov-2016 dec-2016 jan-2017
1 70 153 NA 28 19
2 57 68 73 118 16
3 29 NA 19 32 36
4 177 36 3 54 53
and I want to add at the end the sum of the rows previous of the month that I'm reporting so for October you end up with the sum of sep and oct, and for November you end up with the sum of sep, oct and november and end up with something like this:
sep-2016 oct-2016 nov-2016 dec-2016 jan-2017 status-Oct2016 status-Nov 2016
1 70 153 NA 28 19 223 223
2 57 68 73 118 16 105 198
3 29 NA 19 32 36 29 48
4 177 36 3 54 53 213 93
I want to know a efficient way insted of writing a lots of lines of rowSums() and even if I can get the label on the iteration for each month would be amazing!
We can use lapply to loop through the columns to apply the rowSums.
dat2 <-, function(i){
rowSums(dat[, 1:i], na.rm = TRUE)
names(dat2) <- paste0("status-", names(dat[, -1]))
dat3 <- cbind(dat, dat2)
# sep-2016 oct-2016 nov-2016 dec-2016 jan-2017 status-oct-2016 status-nov-2016 status-dec-2016 status-jan-2017
# 1 70 153 NA 28 19 223 223 251 270
# 2 57 68 73 118 16 125 198 316 332
# 3 29 NA 19 32 36 29 48 80 116
# 4 177 36 3 54 53 213 216 270 323
dat <- read.table(text = " 'sep-2016' 'oct-2016' 'nov-2016' 'dec-2016' 'jan-2017'
1 70 153 NA 28 19
2 57 68 73 118 16
3 29 NA 19 32 36
4 177 36 3 54 53",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(dat) <- c("sep-2016", "oct-2016", "nov-2016", "dec-2016", "jan-2017")
Honestly I have no idea why you would want your data in this format, but here is a tidyverse method of accomplishing it. It involves transforming the data to a tidy format before spreading it back out into your wide format. The key thing to note is that in a tidy format, where month is a variable in a single column instead of spread across multiple columns, you can simply use group_by(rowid) and cumsum to calculate all the values you want. The last few lines are constructing the status- column names and spreading the data back out into a wide format.
df <- read_table2(
"sep-2016 oct-2016 nov-2016 dec-2016 jan-2017
70 153 NA 28 19
57 68 73 118 16
29 NA 19 32 36
177 36 3 54 53"
df %>%
rowid_to_column() %>%
gather("month", "value", -rowid) %>%
arrange(rowid) %>%
group_by(rowid) %>%
value = replace_na(value, 0),
status = cumsum(value)
) %>%
gather("vartype", "number", value, status) %>%
mutate(colname = ifelse(vartype == "value", month, str_c("status-", month))) %>%
select(rowid, number, colname) %>%
spread(colname, number)
#> # A tibble: 4 x 11
#> # Groups: rowid [4]
#> rowid `dec-2016` `jan-2017` `nov-2016` `oct-2016` `sep-2016`
#> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 28.0 19.0 0 153 70.0
#> 2 2 118 16.0 73.0 68.0 57.0
#> 3 3 32.0 36.0 19.0 0 29.0
#> 4 4 54.0 53.0 3.00 36.0 177
#> # ... with 5 more variables: `status-dec-2016` <dbl>,
#> # `status-jan-2017` <dbl>, `status-nov-2016` <dbl>,
#> # `status-oct-2016` <dbl>, `status-sep-2016` <dbl>
Created on 2018-02-16 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).
A clean way to do it is by convert your data in a long format.
your_data <- tribble(~"sep_2016", ~"oct_2016", ~"nov_2016", ~"dec_2016", ~"jan_2017",
70, 153, NA, 28, 19,
57, 68, 73, 118, 16,
29, NA, 19, 32, 36,
177, 36, 3, 54, 53)
You can change the format of your data.frame with gather from the tidyr package.
your_data_long <- your_data %>%
rowid_to_column() %>%
gather(key = month_year, value = the_value, -rowid)
#> # A tibble: 6 x 3
#> rowid month_year the_value
#> <int> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 1 sep_2016 70
#> 2 2 sep_2016 57
#> 3 3 sep_2016 29
#> 4 4 sep_2016 177
#> 5 1 oct_2016 153
#> 6 2 oct_2016 68
Once your data.frame is in a long format. You can compute cumulative sum with cumsumand dplyrfunctions mutate and group_by.
result <- your_data_long %>%
group_by(rowid) %>%
mutate(cumulative_value = cumsum(the_value))
#> # A tibble: 20 x 4
#> # Groups: rowid [4]
#> rowid month_year the_value cumulative_value
#> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 sep_2016 70 70
#> 2 2 sep_2016 57 57
#> 3 3 sep_2016 29 29
#> 4 4 sep_2016 177 177
#> 5 1 oct_2016 153 223
#> 6 2 oct_2016 68 125
#> 7 3 oct_2016 NA NA
#> 8 4 oct_2016 36 213
#> 9 1 nov_2016 NA NA
#> 10 2 nov_2016 73 198
#> 11 3 nov_2016 19 NA
#> 12 4 nov_2016 3 216
#> 13 1 dec_2016 28 NA
#> 14 2 dec_2016 118 316
#> 15 3 dec_2016 32 NA
#> 16 4 dec_2016 54 270
#> 17 1 jan_2017 19 NA
#> 18 2 jan_2017 16 332
#> 19 3 jan_2017 36 NA
#> 20 4 jan_2017 53 323
If you want to retrieve the starting form, you can do it with spread.
My preferred solution would be:
# library(matrixStats)
DF <- as.matrix(df)
DF[] <- 0
RES <- matrixStats::rowCumsums(DF)
colnames(RES) <- paste0("status-", colnames(DF)), RES)
This is closest to what you are looking for with the rowSums.
One option could be using spread and gather function from tidyverse.
Note: The status column has been added even for the 1st month. And the status columns are not in order but values are correct.
The approach is:
# Data
df <- read.table(text = "sep-2016 oct-2016 nov-2016 dec-2016 jan-2017
70 153 NA 28 19
57 68 73 118 16
29 NA 19 32 36
177 36 3 54 53", header = T, stringsAsFactors = F)
# Just add an row number as sl
df <- df %>% mutate(sl = row_number())
#Calculate the cumulative sum after gathering and arranging by date
mod_df <- df %>%
gather(key, value, -sl) %>%
mutate(key = as.Date(paste("01",key, sep="."), format="%d.%b.%Y")) %>%
arrange(sl, key) %>%
group_by(sl) %>%
mutate(status = cumsum(ifelse(,0L,value) )) %>%
select(-value) %>%
mutate(key = paste("status",as.character(key, format="%b.%Y"))) %>%
spread(key, status)
# Finally join cumulative calculated sum columns with original df and then
# remove sl column
inner_join(df, mod_df, by = "sl") %>% select(-sl)
# sep.2016 oct.2016 nov.2016 dec.2016 jan.2017 status Dec.2016 status Jan.2017 status Nov.2016 status Oct.2016 status Sep.2016
#1 70 153 NA 28 19 251 270 223 223 70
#2 57 68 73 118 16 316 332 198 125 57
#3 29 NA 19 32 36 80 116 48 29 29
#4 177 36 3 54 53 270 323 216 213 177
Another base solution where we build a matrix accumulating the row sums :
status <- setNames(,1,function(x) Reduce(sum,'[<-'(x,,0),accumulate = TRUE)))),
# status-sep-2016 status-oct-2016 status-nov-2016 status-dec-2016 status-jan-2017
# 1 70 223 223 251 270
# 2 57 125 198 316 332
# 3 29 29 48 80 116
# 4 177 213 216 270 323
Then bind it to your original data if needed :

dplyr group_by summarise inconsistent number of rows

I have been following the tutorial on DataCamp. I have the following line of code, that when I run it produces a different value for "drows"
hflights %>%
group_by(UniqueCarrier, Dest) %>%
summarise(rows= n(), drows = n_distinct(rows))
First time:
Source: local data frame [234 x 4]
Groups: UniqueCarrier [?]
UniqueCarrier Dest rows drows
<chr> <chr> <int> <int>
1 AirTran ATL 211 86
2 AirTran BKG 14 6
3 Alaska SEA 32 18
4 American DFW 186 74
5 American MIA 129 57
6 American_Eagle DFW 234 101
7 American_Eagle LAX 74 34
8 American_Eagle ORD 133 56
9 Atlantic_Southeast ATL 64 28
10 Atlantic_Southeast CVG 1 1
# ... with 224 more rows
Second time:
Source: local data frame [234 x 4]
Groups: UniqueCarrier [?]
UniqueCarrier Dest rows drows
<chr> <chr> <int> <int>
1 AirTran ATL 211 125
2 AirTran BKG 14 13
3 Alaska SEA 32 29
4 American DFW 186 118
5 American MIA 129 76
6 American_Eagle DFW 234 143
7 American_Eagle LAX 74 47
8 American_Eagle ORD 133 85
9 Atlantic_Southeast ATL 64 44
10 Atlantic_Southeast CVG 1 1
# ... with 224 more rows
Third time:
Source: local data frame [234 x 4]
Groups: UniqueCarrier [?]
UniqueCarrier Dest rows drows
<chr> <chr> <int> <int>
1 AirTran ATL 211 88
2 AirTran BKG 14 7
3 Alaska SEA 32 16
4 American DFW 186 79
5 American MIA 129 61
6 American_Eagle DFW 234 95
7 American_Eagle LAX 74 31
8 American_Eagle ORD 133 67
9 Atlantic_Southeast ATL 64 31
10 Atlantic_Southeast CVG 1 1
# ... with 224 more rows
My question is why does this value constantly change? What is it doing?
Apparently this is normal behaviour, see this issue here.
This is because values in list columns are compared by reference, so
n_distinct() treats them as different unless they really point to the
same object:
So the internal storage of the df changes the way the thing works. Hadley's comment in that issue seems to say it might be a bug (in the sense of unwanted behaviour), or it might be expected behaviour they need to document better.

How to cross-reference tibbles in R?

My task is
Look at each destination. Can you find flights that are suspiciously fast? (i.e. flights that represent a potential data entry error).
I have generated a tibble with the average flight times between every two airports:
# A tibble: 224 x 3
# Groups: origin [?]
origin dest mean_time
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 EWR ALB 31.78708
2 EWR ANC 413.12500
3 EWR ATL 111.99385
4 EWR AUS 211.24765
5 EWR AVL 89.79681
6 EWR BDL 25.46602
7 EWR BNA 114.50915
8 EWR BOS 40.31275
9 EWR BQN 196.17288
10 EWR BTV 46.25734
# ... with 214 more rows
Now I need to sweep through flights and extract all rows, whose air_time is outside say (mean_time/2, mean_time*2). How do I do that?
Assuming you have stored the tibble with the average flight times, join it to the flights table:
flights_suspicious <- left_join(flights, average_flight_times, by=c("origin","dest")) %>%
filter(air_time < mean_time / 2 | air_time > mean_time * 2)
You would first join that average flight time data frame onto your original flights data and then apply the filter. Something like this should work.
#get mean time
mean_time <- flights %>%
group_by(origin, dest) %>%
summarise(mean_time = mean(air_time, na.rm = TRUE))
#join mean time to original data
df <- left_join(flights, mean_time)
flag_flights <- df %>%
filter(air_time <= (mean_time / 2) | air_time >= (mean_time * 2))
> flag_flights
# A tibble: 29 x 20
year month day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time sched_arr_time arr_delay carrier flight tailnum origin dest air_time distance hour minute
<int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <int> <int> <dbl> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2013 1 16 635 608 27 916 725 111 UA 541 N837UA EWR BOS 81 200 6 8
2 2013 1 21 1851 1900 -9 2034 2012 22 US 2140 N956UW LGA BOS 76 184 19 0
3 2013 1 28 1917 1825 52 2118 1935 103 US 1860 N755US LGA PHL 75 96 18 25
4 2013 10 7 1059 1105 -6 1306 1215 51 MQ 3230 N524MQ JFK DCA 96 213 11 5
5 2013 10 10 950 959 -9 1155 1115 40 EV 5711 N829AS JFK IAD 97 228 9 59
6 2013 2 17 841 840 1 1044 1003 41 9E 3422 N913XJ JFK BOS 86 187 8 40
7 2013 3 8 1136 1001 95 1409 1116 173 UA 1240 N17730 EWR BOS 82 200 10 1
8 2013 3 8 1246 1245 1 1552 1350 122 AA 1850 N3FEAA JFK BOS 80 187 12 45
9 2013 3 12 1607 1500 67 1803 1608 115 US 2132 N946UW LGA BOS 77 184 15 0
10 2013 3 12 1612 1557 15 1808 1720 48 UA 1116 N37252 EWR BOS 81 200 15 57
# ... with 19 more rows, and 2 more variables: time_hour <dttm>, mean_time <dbl>

Creating new column based on row values of multiple data subsetting conditions

I have a dataframe that looks more or less like follows (the original one has 12 years of data):
Year Quarter Age_1 Age_2 Age_3 Age_4
2005 1 158 120 665 32
2005 2 257 145 121 14
2005 3 68 69 336 65
2005 4 112 458 370 101
2006 1 75 457 741 26
2006 2 365 134 223 45
2006 3 257 121 654 341
2006 4 175 124 454 12
2007 1 697 554 217 47
2007 2 954 987 118 54
2007 4 498 235 112 65
Where the numbers in the age columns represents the amount of individuals in each age class for a specific quarter within a specific year. It is noteworthy that sometimes not all quarters in a specific year have data (e.g., third quarter is not represented in 2007). Also, each row represents a sampling event. Although not shown in this example, in the original dataset I always have more than one sampling event for a specific quarter within a specific year. For example, for the first quarter in 2005 I have 47 sampling events, leading therefore to 47 rows.
What I´d like to have now is a dataframe structured in a way like:
Year Quarter Age_1 Age_2 Age_3 Age_4 Cohort
2005 1 158 120 665 32 158
2005 2 257 145 121 14 257
2005 3 68 69 336 65 68
2005 4 112 458 370 101 112
2006 1 75 457 741 26 457
2006 2 365 134 223 45 134
2006 3 257 121 654 341 121
2006 4 175 124 454 12 124
2007 1 697 554 217 47 47
2007 2 954 987 118 54 54
2007 4 498 235 112 65 65
In this case, I want to create a new column (Cohort) in my original dataset which basically follows my cohorts along my dataset. In other words, when I´m in my first year of data (2005 with all quarters), I take the row values of Age_1 and paste it into the new column. When I move to the next year (2006), then I take all my row values related to my Age_2 and paste it to the new column, and so on and so forth.
I have tried to use the following function, but somehow it only works for the first couple of years:
extract_cohort_quarter <- function(d, yearclass=2005, quarterclass=1) {
ny <- 1:nlevels(d$Year) #no. of Year levels in the dataset
nq <- 1:nlevels(d$Quarter)
age0 <- (paste("age", ny, sep="_"))
year0 <- as.character(yearclass + ny - 1)
quarter <- as.character(rep(1:4, length(age0)))
age <- rep(age0,each=4)
year <- rep(year0,each=4)
df <- data.frame(year,age,quarter,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
n <- nrow(df)
dnew <- NULL
for(i in 1:n) {
tmp <- subset(d, Year==df$year[i] & Quarter==df$quarter[i])
tmp$Cohort <- tmp[[age[i]]]
dnew <- rbind(dnew, tmp)
levels(dnew$Year) <- paste("Yearclass_", yearclass, ":",
year,":",quarter,":", age, sep="")
I have plenty of data from age_1 to age_12 for all the years and quarters, so I don´t think that it´s something related to the data structure itself.
Is there an easier solution to solve this problem? Or is there a way to improve my extract_cohort_quarter() function? Any help will be much appreciated.
I have a simple solution but that demands bit of knowledge of the data.table library. I think you can easily adapt it to your further needs.
Here is the data:
DT <- = c(2005, 2005, 2005, 2005, 2006, 2006 ,2006 ,2006, 2007, 2007, 2007),
Quarter= c(1, 2, 3, 4 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,1 ,2 ,4),
Age_1 = c(158, 257, 68, 112 ,75, 365, 257, 175, 697 ,954, 498),
Age_2= c(120 ,145 ,69 ,458 ,457, 134 ,121 ,124 ,554 ,987, 235),
Age_3= c(665 ,121 ,336 ,370 ,741 ,223 ,654 ,454,217,118,112),
Age_4= c(32,14,65,101,26,45,341,12,47,54,65)
Here is th code :
DT[,index := .GRP, by = Year]
DT[,cohort := get(paste0("Age_",index)),by = Year]
and the output:
> DT
Year Quarter Age_1 Age_2 Age_3 Age_4 index cohort
1: 2005 1 158 120 665 32 1 158
2: 2005 2 257 145 121 14 1 257
3: 2005 3 68 69 336 65 1 68
4: 2005 4 112 458 370 101 1 112
5: 2006 1 75 457 741 26 2 457
6: 2006 2 365 134 223 45 2 134
7: 2006 3 257 121 654 341 2 121
8: 2006 4 175 124 454 12 2 124
9: 2007 1 697 554 217 47 3 217
10: 2007 2 954 987 118 54 3 118
11: 2007 4 498 235 112 65 3 112
What it does:
DT[,index := .GRP, by = Year]
creates an index for all different year in your table (by = Year makes an operation for group of year, .GRP create an index following the grouping sequence).
I use it to call the column that you named Age_ with the number created
DT[,cohort := get(paste0("Age_",index)),by = Year]
You can even do everything in the single line
DT[,cohort := get(paste0("Age_",.GRP)),by = Year]
I hope it helps
Here is an option using tidyverse
df1 %>%
gather(key, Cohort, -Year, -Quarter) %>%
separate(key, into = c('key1', 'key2')) %>%
mutate(ind = match(Year, unique(Year))) %>%
group_by(Year) %>%
filter(key2 == Quarter[ind]) %>%
mutate(newcol = paste(Year, Quarter, paste(key1, ind, sep="_"), sep=":")) %>%
ungroup %>%
select(Cohort, newcol) %>%
bind_cols(df1, .)
# Year Quarter Age_1 Age_2 Age_3 Age_4 Cohort newcol
#1 2005 1 158 120 665 32 158 2005:1:Age_1
#2 2005 2 257 145 121 14 257 2005:2:Age_1
#3 2005 3 68 69 336 65 68 2005:3:Age_1
#4 2005 4 112 458 370 101 112 2005:4:Age_1
#5 2006 1 75 457 741 26 457 2006:1:Age_2
#6 2006 2 365 134 223 45 134 2006:2:Age_2
#7 2006 3 257 121 654 341 121 2006:3:Age_2
#8 2006 4 175 124 454 12 124 2006:4:Age_2
#9 2007 1 697 554 217 47 47 2007:1:Age_3
#10 2007 2 954 987 118 54 54 2007:2:Age_3
#11 2007 4 498 235 112 65 65 2007:4:Age_3
