Getting ratings from aria-label with beautiful soup - web-scraping

I have a soup object like:
r = requests.get('')
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
and I'm trying to find the ratings from the following code,
rating_list = soup.find_all('span', {"class":"lemon--span__373c0__3997G display--inline__373c0__1DbOG border-color--default__373c0__2oFDT"})
the output is a list like this,
[<span class="lemon--span__373c0__3997G display--inline__373c0__1DbOG border-color--default__373c0__2oFDT"><div aria-label="3 star rating" class="lemon--div__373c0__1mboc i-stars__373c0__Y2F3O i-stars--large-3__373c0__2oM4P border-color--default__373c0__2oFDT overflow--hidden__373c0__8Jq2I" role="img"><img alt="" class="lemon--img__373c0__3GQUb offscreen__373c0__1KofL" height="560" src="" width="132"/></div></span>,
<span class="lemon--span__373c0__3997G display--inline__373c0__1DbOG border-color--default__373c0__2oFDT"><div aria-label="4 star rating" class="lemon--div__373c0__1mboc i-stars__373c0__Y2F3O i-stars--regular-4__373c0__3acau border-color--default__373c0__2oFDT overflow--hidden__373c0__8Jq2I" role="img"><img alt="" class="lemon--img__373c0__3GQUb offscreen__373c0__1KofL" height="560" src="" width="132"/></div></span>,
<span class="lemon--span__373c0__3997G display--inline__373c0__1DbOG border-color--default__373c0__2oFDT"><div aria-label="5 star rating" class="lemon--div__373c0__1mboc i-stars__373c0__Y2F3O i-stars--regular-5__373c0__ySHIl border-color--default__373c0__2oFDT overflow--hidden__373c0__8Jq2I" role="img"><img alt="" class="lemon--img__373c0__3GQUb offscreen__373c0__1KofL" height="560" src="" width="132"/></div></span>,
<span class="lemon--span__373c0__3997G display--inline__373c0__1DbOG border-color--default__373c0__2oFDT"><div aria-label="3 star rating" class="lemon--div__373c0__1mboc i-stars__373c0__Y2F3O i-stars--regular-3__373c0__1DXMK border-color--default__373c0__2oFDT overflow--hidden__373c0__8Jq2I" role="img"><img alt="" class="lemon--img__373c0__3GQUb offscreen__373c0__1KofL" height="560" src="" width="132"/></div></span>,
<span class="lemon--span__373c0__3997G display--inline__373c0__1DbOG border-color--default__373c0__2oFDT"><p class="lemon--p__373c0__3Qnnj text__373c0__2pB8f text-color--mid__373c0__3G312 text-align--left__373c0__2pnx_ text-size--small__373c0__3SGMi"><span aria-hidden="true" class="lemon--span__373c0__3997G icon__373c0__ehCWV icon--18-check-in" style="width:18px;height:18px;fill:#0077bc"><svg class="icon_svg" height="18" viewbox="0 0 18 18" width="18" xmlns=""><path d="M18 9l-2.136-1.84.932-2.66-2.772-.525-.524-2.77-2.66.93L8.997 0 7.163 2.136 4.5 1.206l-.525 2.77-2.77.524.932 2.66L0 9l2.137 1.84-.932 2.66 2.77.525.526 2.77 2.664-.932L8.998 18l1.84-2.137 2.662.932.524-2.77 2.772-.524-.932-2.66L18 9zm-9.85 3.23L5.324 9.4l1.13-1.13 1.698 1.696 3.396-3.395 1.13 1.134-4.525 4.525z"></path></svg></span> <!-- -->1 check-in</p></span>,
<span class="lemon--span__373c0__3997G display--inline__373c0__1DbOG border-color--default__373c0__2oFDT"><div aria-label="1 star rating" class="lemon--div__373c0__1mboc i-stars__373c0__Y2F3O i-stars--regular-1__373c0__14nrQ border-color--default__373c0__2oFDT overflow--hidden__373c0__8Jq2I" role="img"><img alt="" class="lemon--img__373c0__3GQUb offscreen__373c0__1KofL" height="560" src="" width="132"/></div></span>,
<span class="lemon--span__373c0__3997G display--inline__373c0__1DbOG border-color--default__373c0__2oFDT"><p class="lemon--p__373c0__3Qnnj text__373c0__2pB8f text-color--mid__373c0__3G312 text-align--left__373c0__2pnx_ text-size--small__373c0__3SGMi"><span aria-hidden="true" class="lemon--span__373c0__3997G icon__373c0__ehCWV icon--18-check-in" style="width:18px;height:18px;fill:#0077bc"><svg class="icon_svg" height="18" viewbox="0 0 18 18" width="18" xmlns=""><path d="M18 9l-2.136-1.84.932-2.66-2.772-.525-.524-2.77-2.66.93L8.997 0 7.163 2.136 4.5 1.206l-.525 2.77-2.77.524.932 2.66L0 9l2.137 1.84-.932 2.66 2.77.525.526 2.77 2.664-.932L8.998 18l1.84-2.137 2.662.932.524-2.77 2.772-.524-.932-2.66L18 9zm-9.85 3.23L5.324 9.4l1.13-1.13 1.698 1.696 3.396-3.395 1.13 1.134-4.525 4.525z"></path></svg></span> <!-- -->1 check-in</p></span>,
<span class="lemon--span__373c0__3997G display--inline__373c0__1DbOG border-color--default__373c0__2oFDT"><div aria-label="1 star .....
Any suggestion on getting the ratings from <div aria-label="3 star rating" ?

There's a lot ways actually, by loading the JSON from script tag, or find the assigned div. but i think the following way is clear enough :)
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def main(url):
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
target = soup.findAll("meta", itemprop="author")
for tar in target:
print(tar['content'], tar.findNext("meta")['content'])
Shia L. 4.0
Ryan L. 5.0
Chi K. 3.0
Joan T. 1.0
Nicky D S. 4.0
Matthew K. 3.0
Michelle W. 1.0
Jennifer C. 4.0
Niral P. 3.0
Shajitha R. 1.0
Veronica C. 3.0
Tanveer K. 1.0
Joey J. 2.0
Broadwaygirl M. 1.0
Sheena Y. 3.0
Wendy B. 4.0
Jacqueline L. 2.0
Mi S. 3.0
Sharon M. 2.0
Eduni C. 1.0


how to format an svg logo for tailwind

I am trying to figure out how to use Tailwind CSS templates so that I can add my own logo instead of its template logo.
The tailwind template (salient) shows its SVG logo example as:
export function Logo(props) {
return (
<svg aria-hidden="true" viewBox="0 0 109 40" {...props}>
That renders just fine.
When I try to add my svg file that I generated in
I get a file with xmlns in its markup. If I remove the xmlns using the toggle on the menu at svgomg, then the image disappears. If I import it with the xmlns into the logo component provided by tailwindcss, I am getting stuck for the formatting steps required to integrate with that component.
I tried to remove all the width, height, fill and xmlns data from the markup created by svgomg, but the icon does not render.
The first fragment of the svg tag has:
d="M97.742 171.805h179.516V203H97.742Zm0 0"
d="M61.738 292.654v-64.96c9.906 17.737 28.566 27.874 49.297 27.874 36.855 0 64.496-27.183 64.496-64.27 0-37.316-27.64-64.726-65.88-64.726-38.007 0-65.417 27.18-65.417 65.879v100.203Zm47.914-52.98c-27.871 0-47.914-19.582-47.914-48.375 0-29.024 20.273-49.063 48.144-49.063 28.102 0 48.14 20.04 48.14 48.832 0 29.024-20.269 48.606-48.37 48.606ZM330.78 292.654V192.451c0-38.7-27.184-65.879-65.419-65.879-38.238 0-65.652 27.41-65.652 64.727 0 37.086 27.414 64.27 64.27 64.27 20.73 0 39.386-10.138 49.523-27.876v64.961Zm-65.419-52.98c-28.105 0-48.375-19.582-48.375-48.606 0-28.793 20.27-48.832 48.145-48.832 28.102 0 48.371 20.04 48.371 49.063 0 28.793-20.27 48.375-48.14 48.375Zm0 0"
<g clipPath="url(#a)"
Does anyone know how to format an SVG file for use the Tailwinds CSS templates?
If i copy the full svg from svgomg and replace the svg tag from tailwind salient template entirely, then a huge logo renders. If I use the viewbox settings (and delete height and width settings from svgomg) from the tailwind template, then nothing renders in the header and the footer logo renders left aligned.
The full svg made by svgomg is:
<svg xmlns="" width="500" viewBox="0 0 375 375" height="500" version="1.0">
<clipPath id="a">
<path d="M146.258 167.793h82.484V318h-82.484Zm0 0"/>
<path fill="#fff" d="M-37.5-37.5h450v450h-450z"/>
<path fill="#fff" d="M-37.5-37.5h450v450h-450z"/>
<path fill="#fff" d="M-37.5-37.5h450v450h-450z"/>
<path d="M105.378 223.545c0 6.332 2.418 11.977 6.45 16.008 4.03 4.148 9.558 6.566 16.007 6.566 6.106 0 11.863-2.418 15.895-6.566 4.031-4.031 6.566-9.676 6.566-16.008V174.94h2.535c6.102 0 11.516-2.418 15.547-6.45 4.031-4.03 6.45-9.445 6.45-15.437 0-6.102-2.419-11.633-6.45-15.664-4.031-4.032-9.445-6.332-15.547-6.332h-2.535v-15.09c0-6.106-2.535-11.863-6.566-15.895-4.032-4.03-9.79-6.562-15.895-6.562-6.449 0-11.976 2.531-16.008 6.562-4.03 4.032-6.449 9.79-6.449 15.895v15.09h-2.074c-6.336 0-11.633 2.3-15.55 6.332a22.42 22.42 0 0 0-6.333 15.664c0 5.992 2.418 11.406 6.332 15.437 3.918 4.032 9.215 6.45 15.551 6.45h2.074Zm-1.5-67.148c-1.957 0-3.453-1.614-3.453-3.457 0-2.188 1.496-3.458 3.453-3.458h20.387v-33.515c0-1.957 1.266-3.453 3.457-3.453 1.84 0 3.453 1.496 3.453 3.453v33.515h21.309c1.957 0 3.457 1.27 3.457 3.458 0 1.843-1.5 3.457-3.457 3.457h-21.309v66.918c0 1.84-1.613 3.453-3.453 3.453-2.191 0-3.457-1.614-3.457-3.453v-66.918ZM237.372 246.12c13.359 0 26.836-2.536 36.738-8.18 9.906-5.645 16.473-14.512 16.473-27.41 0-9.333-3.457-16.704-8.871-22.231-5.41-5.527-12.782-9.559-20.614-12.438 1.266.114 2.418.23 3.801.23 4.95 0 10.25-1.151 14.395-4.148 4.148-2.996 7.14-7.832 7.14-15.203 0-8.867-5.758-15.894-14.625-20.617-8.87-4.723-21.078-7.14-33.98-7.14-11.516 0-20.27 2.535-27.067 6.566-6.793 4.031-11.402 9.328-14.394 14.742-2.996 5.527-4.262 11.172-4.262 15.664 0 13.707 6.91 23.149 15.777 29.14-.691-.116-1.382-.23-1.957-.23h-1.957c-6.105 0-10.71 2.301-13.82 5.758-3.113 3.457-4.61 8.063-4.61 12.668 0 8.754 3.458 15.203 8.868 20.043 5.414 4.836 12.672 8.063 20.387 10.02 7.718 1.957 15.664 2.765 22.578 2.765Zm.23-19.122c-7.832-.46-12.902-1.035-17.394-2.418-4.493-1.265-8.407-3.226-14.395-6.797-1.27-.804-1.73-1.84-1.73-2.879 0-1.382 1.039-2.535 2.879-2.535 1.152 0 2.535.461 4.148 1.27 1.496.922 3.453 1.843 5.875 2.879 4.605 2.074 11.055 4.144 20.617 4.144 8.29 0 15.086-1.265 19.695-3.57 4.606-2.188 7.254-5.067 7.254-8.637 0-3.226-1.265-5.988-3.914-8.176-5.183-4.379-13.363-7.488-22.46-10.484-4.493-1.496-8.755-3.11-12.669-5.066-7.832-3.801-13.707-8.754-13.707-16.93 0-4.149 1.383-9.215 5.645-13.016 4.144-3.8 11.172-6.68 22.574-6.68 3.57 0 6.91.344 10.25.919 6.45 1.27 11.633 3.113 14.629 5.183 1.496 1.04 2.188 2.074 2.188 2.88 0 1.73-1.383 2.882-3.34 2.882-1.614 0-2.996-.23-4.149-.809a54.023 54.023 0 0 1-4.144-1.726c-3.227-1.266-7.371-2.418-14.86-2.418-8.175 0-13.59 1.265-17.16 3.453-3.57 2.191-4.953 5.414-4.953 9.101 0 2.88 1.266 5.41 3.914 7.372 5.184 4.144 13.246 7.37 22.461 10.593 4.492 1.73 8.754 3.57 12.668 5.645 7.719 4.148 13.594 9.558 13.594 17.508 0 11.863-11.75 18.312-33.516 18.312Zm0 0" fill="#155e75"/>
<g clip-path="url(#a)">
<path fill="#fff" d="M146.258 167.793h82.789v150.062h-82.79Zm0 0"/>
<path d="M168.592 181.422v15.828h-2.406v-15.828h-6.11v-1.969h14.626v1.969ZM197.78 197.25l-2.03-5.203h-8.11l-2.047 5.203h-2.5l7.266-17.797h2.734l7.156 17.797Zm-6.077-15.969-.125.344c-.211.7-.524 1.594-.938 2.687l-2.266 5.86h6.657l-2.282-5.875a26.774 26.774 0 0 1-.718-1.969ZM210.436 197.25v-17.797h2.407v17.797ZM158.998 233.25v-17.797h2.407v15.828h8.984v1.969ZM198.086 233.25h-2.875l-3.078-11.297c-.211-.707-.508-1.973-.891-3.797a220.61 220.61 0 0 1-.563 2.438c-.148.656-1.293 4.875-3.437 12.656h-2.875l-5.25-17.797h2.516l3.203 11.313c.375 1.406.722 2.859 1.047 4.359.195-.926.425-1.938.687-3.031.27-1.094 1.441-5.305 3.516-12.64h2.312l3.094 11.077a127.65 127.65 0 0 1 1.11 4.594l.109-.438c.226-.968.41-1.753.547-2.359.144-.613 1.332-4.906 3.562-12.875h2.5ZM213.555 233.25v-17.797h2.406v17.797ZM163.791 269.25l-9.515-15.156.062 1.234.063 2.11v11.812h-2.14v-17.797h2.796l9.625 15.266c-.105-1.657-.156-2.852-.156-3.594v-11.672h2.172v17.797ZM193.999 260.172c0 1.836-.36 3.437-1.079 4.812-.71 1.375-1.726 2.434-3.046 3.172-1.313.73-2.825 1.094-4.532 1.094h-6.656v-17.797h5.875c3.02 0 5.348.758 6.984 2.266 1.633 1.511 2.454 3.664 2.454 6.453Zm-2.422 0c0-2.207-.606-3.89-1.813-5.047-1.21-1.156-2.96-1.734-5.25-1.734h-3.422v13.921h3.969c1.3 0 2.445-.285 3.438-.859.988-.57 1.75-1.394 2.28-2.469.532-1.07.798-2.343.798-3.812ZM168.506 300.344c0 1.636-.648 2.906-1.937 3.812-1.282.899-3.086 1.344-5.407 1.344-4.343 0-6.859-1.504-7.546-4.516l2.343-.468c.27 1.074.844 1.859 1.72 2.359.874.5 2.062.75 3.562.75 1.562 0 2.765-.266 3.609-.797.844-.539 1.266-1.328 1.266-2.36 0-.581-.137-1.054-.407-1.421-.261-.363-.632-.66-1.11-.89a8.014 8.014 0 0 0-1.718-.595l-2.203-.515c-1.406-.313-2.476-.625-3.203-.938-.73-.312-1.309-.66-1.734-1.047a4.009 4.009 0 0 1-.97-1.343c-.218-.508-.327-1.098-.327-1.766 0-1.52.582-2.691 1.75-3.516 1.164-.832 2.836-1.25 5.015-1.25 2.02 0 3.563.313 4.625.938 1.07.617 1.82 1.668 2.25 3.156l-2.375.422c-.261-.945-.757-1.629-1.484-2.047-.73-.426-1.746-.64-3.047-.64-1.418 0-2.5.234-3.25.703-.75.468-1.125 1.172-1.125 2.11 0 .554.145 1.007.438 1.358.289.356.707.657 1.25.907.55.25 1.64.558 3.265.922.551.125 1.098.257 1.063.281 1.563.469.5.18.961.387 1.39.625.438.242.813.539 1.047.281 1.704ZM187.318 305.25h-2.5l-7.265-17.797h2.546l4.922 12.531 1.063 3.141 1.062-3.14 4.891-12.532h2.547ZM203.74 296.266c0-2.883.773-5.118 2.328-6.704 1.55-1.582 3.726-2.375 6.531-2.375 1.969 0 3.566.336 4.797 1 1.226.668 2.176 1.735 2.844 3.204l-2.297.671c-.512-1.007-1.211-1.742-2.094-2.203-.887-.468-1.992-.703-3.312-.703-2.063 0-3.637.625-4.72 1.875-1.085 1.242-1.624 2.985-1.624 5.235 0 2.25.57 4.027 1.719 5.328 1.156 1.304 2.753 1.953 4.796 1.953 1.164 0 2.25-.176 3.25-.531 1.008-.352 1.82-.832 2.438-1.438v-3.203h-5.313v-2.031h7.547v6.14c-.949.961-2.105 1.703-3.468 2.235-1.368.523-2.852.781-4.454.781-1.867 0-3.468-.367-4.812-1.11-1.344-.738-2.375-1.804-3.094-3.203-.71-1.394-1.062-3.035-1.062-4.921Zm0 0" fill="#0b0a07"/>
SVG's needs a width and height attributes as well as viewbox attribute to properly display and change the size programmatically, with react and next js, I personally use this tool to format my svgs to use as a component, it will simply convert the SVG markup into a component and you can change the props as you wish. I tested your svg with the tailwind template and it's working. here's the changes to mark up. but you need to properly format the SVG before exporting it as a markup from some tool to remove extra space around the SVG.
<svg aria-hidden="false" viewBox="0 0 290 320" width="100" height="100">
<clipPath id="a">
<path d="M146.258 167.793h82.484V318h-82.484Zm0 0"></path>
<path fill="#fff" d="M-37.5-37.5h450v450h-450z"></path>
<path fill="#fff" d="M-37.5-37.5h450v450h-450z"></path>
<path fill="#fff" d="M-37.5-37.5h450v450h-450z"></path>
<path d="M105.378 223.545c0 6.332 2.418 11.977 6.45 16.008 4.03 4.148 9.558 6.566 16.007 6.566 6.106 0 11.863-2.418 15.895-6.566 4.031-4.031 6.566-9.676 6.566-16.008V174.94h2.535c6.102 0 11.516-2.418 15.547-6.45 4.031-4.03 6.45-9.445 6.45-15.437 0-6.102-2.419-11.633-6.45-15.664-4.031-4.032-9.445-6.332-15.547-6.332h-2.535v-15.09c0-6.106-2.535-11.863-6.566-15.895-4.032-4.03-9.79-6.562-15.895-6.562-6.449 0-11.976 2.531-16.008 6.562-4.03 4.032-6.449 9.79-6.449 15.895v15.09h-2.074c-6.336 0-11.633 2.3-15.55 6.332a22.42 22.42 0 0 0-6.333 15.664c0 5.992 2.418 11.406 6.332 15.437 3.918 4.032 9.215 6.45 15.551 6.45h2.074Zm-1.5-67.148c-1.957 0-3.453-1.614-3.453-3.457 0-2.188 1.496-3.458 3.453-3.458h20.387v-33.515c0-1.957 1.266-3.453 3.457-3.453 1.84 0 3.453 1.496 3.453 3.453v33.515h21.309c1.957 0 3.457 1.27 3.457 3.458 0 1.843-1.5 3.457-3.457 3.457h-21.309v66.918c0 1.84-1.613 3.453-3.453 3.453-2.191 0-3.457-1.614-3.457-3.453v-66.918ZM237.372 246.12c13.359 0 26.836-2.536 36.738-8.18 9.906-5.645 16.473-14.512 16.473-27.41 0-9.333-3.457-16.704-8.871-22.231-5.41-5.527-12.782-9.559-20.614-12.438 1.266.114 2.418.23 3.801.23 4.95 0 10.25-1.151 14.395-4.148 4.148-2.996 7.14-7.832 7.14-15.203 0-8.867-5.758-15.894-14.625-20.617-8.87-4.723-21.078-7.14-33.98-7.14-11.516 0-20.27 2.535-27.067 6.566-6.793 4.031-11.402 9.328-14.394 14.742-2.996 5.527-4.262 11.172-4.262 15.664 0 13.707 6.91 23.149 15.777 29.14-.691-.116-1.382-.23-1.957-.23h-1.957c-6.105 0-10.71 2.301-13.82 5.758-3.113 3.457-4.61 8.063-4.61 12.668 0 8.754 3.458 15.203 8.868 20.043 5.414 4.836 12.672 8.063 20.387 10.02 7.718 1.957 15.664 2.765 22.578 2.765Zm.23-19.122c-7.832-.46-12.902-1.035-17.394-2.418-4.493-1.265-8.407-3.226-14.395-6.797-1.27-.804-1.73-1.84-1.73-2.879 0-1.382 1.039-2.535 2.879-2.535 1.152 0 2.535.461 4.148 1.27 1.496.922 3.453 1.843 5.875 2.879 4.605 2.074 11.055 4.144 20.617 4.144 8.29 0 15.086-1.265 19.695-3.57 4.606-2.188 7.254-5.067 7.254-8.637 0-3.226-1.265-5.988-3.914-8.176-5.183-4.379-13.363-7.488-22.46-10.484-4.493-1.496-8.755-3.11-12.669-5.066-7.832-3.801-13.707-8.754-13.707-16.93 0-4.149 1.383-9.215 5.645-13.016 4.144-3.8 11.172-6.68 22.574-6.68 3.57 0 6.91.344 10.25.919 6.45 1.27 11.633 3.113 14.629 5.183 1.496 1.04 2.188 2.074 2.188 2.88 0 1.73-1.383 2.882-3.34 2.882-1.614 0-2.996-.23-4.149-.809a54.023 54.023 0 0 1-4.144-1.726c-3.227-1.266-7.371-2.418-14.86-2.418-8.175 0-13.59 1.265-17.16 3.453-3.57 2.191-4.953 5.414-4.953 9.101 0 2.88 1.266 5.41 3.914 7.372 5.184 4.144 13.246 7.37 22.461 10.593 4.492 1.73 8.754 3.57 12.668 5.645 7.719 4.148 13.594 9.558 13.594 17.508 0 11.863-11.75 18.312-33.516 18.312Zm0 0" fill="#155e75"></path>
<g clip-path="url(#a)">
<path fill="#fff" d="M146.258 167.793h82.789v150.062h-82.79Zm0 0"></path>
<path d="M168.592 181.422v15.828h-2.406v-15.828h-6.11v-1.969h14.626v1.969ZM197.78 197.25l-2.03-5.203h-8.11l-2.047 5.203h-2.5l7.266-17.797h2.734l7.156 17.797Zm-6.077-15.969-.125.344c-.211.7-.524 1.594-.938 2.687l-2.266 5.86h6.657l-2.282-5.875a26.774 26.774 0 0 1-.718-1.969ZM210.436 197.25v-17.797h2.407v17.797ZM158.998 233.25v-17.797h2.407v15.828h8.984v1.969ZM198.086 233.25h-2.875l-3.078-11.297c-.211-.707-.508-1.973-.891-3.797a220.61 220.61 0 0 1-.563 2.438c-.148.656-1.293 4.875-3.437 12.656h-2.875l-5.25-17.797h2.516l3.203 11.313c.375 1.406.722 2.859 1.047 4.359.195-.926.425-1.938.687-3.031.27-1.094 1.441-5.305 3.516-12.64h2.312l3.094 11.077a127.65 127.65 0 0 1 1.11 4.594l.109-.438c.226-.968.41-1.753.547-2.359.144-.613 1.332-4.906 3.562-12.875h2.5ZM213.555 233.25v-17.797h2.406v17.797ZM163.791 269.25l-9.515-15.156.062 1.234.063 2.11v11.812h-2.14v-17.797h2.796l9.625 15.266c-.105-1.657-.156-2.852-.156-3.594v-11.672h2.172v17.797ZM193.999 260.172c0 1.836-.36 3.437-1.079 4.812-.71 1.375-1.726 2.434-3.046 3.172-1.313.73-2.825 1.094-4.532 1.094h-6.656v-17.797h5.875c3.02 0 5.348.758 6.984 2.266 1.633 1.511 2.454 3.664 2.454 6.453Zm-2.422 0c0-2.207-.606-3.89-1.813-5.047-1.21-1.156-2.96-1.734-5.25-1.734h-3.422v13.921h3.969c1.3 0 2.445-.285 3.438-.859.988-.57 1.75-1.394 2.28-2.469.532-1.07.798-2.343.798-3.812ZM168.506 300.344c0 1.636-.648 2.906-1.937 3.812-1.282.899-3.086 1.344-5.407 1.344-4.343 0-6.859-1.504-7.546-4.516l2.343-.468c.27 1.074.844 1.859 1.72 2.359.874.5 2.062.75 3.562.75 1.562 0 2.765-.266 3.609-.797.844-.539 1.266-1.328 1.266-2.36 0-.581-.137-1.054-.407-1.421-.261-.363-.632-.66-1.11-.89a8.014 8.014 0 0 0-1.718-.595l-2.203-.515c-1.406-.313-2.476-.625-3.203-.938-.73-.312-1.309-.66-1.734-1.047a4.009 4.009 0 0 1-.97-1.343c-.218-.508-.327-1.098-.327-1.766 0-1.52.582-2.691 1.75-3.516 1.164-.832 2.836-1.25 5.015-1.25 2.02 0 3.563.313 4.625.938 1.07.617 1.82 1.668 2.25 3.156l-2.375.422c-.261-.945-.757-1.629-1.484-2.047-.73-.426-1.746-.64-3.047-.64-1.418 0-2.5.234-3.25.703-.75.468-1.125 1.172-1.125 2.11 0 .554.145 1.007.438 1.358.289.356.707.657 1.25.907.55.25 1.64.558 3.265.922.551.125 1.098.257 1.063.281 1.563.469.5.18.961.387 1.39.625.438.242.813.539 1.047.281 1.704ZM187.318 305.25h-2.5l-7.265-17.797h2.546l4.922 12.531 1.063 3.141 1.062-3.14 4.891-12.532h2.547ZM203.74 296.266c0-2.883.773-5.118 2.328-6.704 1.55-1.582 3.726-2.375 6.531-2.375 1.969 0 3.566.336 4.797 1 1.226.668 2.176 1.735 2.844 3.204l-2.297.671c-.512-1.007-1.211-1.742-2.094-2.203-.887-.468-1.992-.703-3.312-.703-2.063 0-3.637.625-4.72 1.875-1.085 1.242-1.624 2.985-1.624 5.235 0 2.25.57 4.027 1.719 5.328 1.156 1.304 2.753 1.953 4.796 1.953 1.164 0 2.25-.176 3.25-.531 1.008-.352 1.82-.832 2.438-1.438v-3.203h-5.313v-2.031h7.547v6.14c-.949.961-2.105 1.703-3.468 2.235-1.368.523-2.852.781-4.454.781-1.867 0-3.468-.367-4.812-1.11-1.344-.738-2.375-1.804-3.094-3.203-.71-1.394-1.062-3.035-1.062-4.921Zm0 0" fill="#0b0a07"></path>
you can resize the SVG by just passing width and height to the SVG.
But my preferred way of using svgs in react and next js is like this. I'm using typescript with react or next, this is an example of how my icons or logo svgs look like
import * as React from 'react';
import Svg, { Path } from 'react-native-svg';
import { FC } from 'react';
interface Props {
color?: string;
size?: number;
const BackIcon: FC<Props> = ({ size, color }) => {
return (
<Svg width={size ?? 8} height={size ?? 16} viewBox="0 0 8 16" fill="none">
d="M7 15 1 8l6-7"
stroke={color ?? '#525252'}
export default BackIcon;
this is a icon, so I need the luxury to change the color and size of the icon according to the place I use it, that's why I made it accept the color and size as the props. you can use this as a component in your app like below
<BackIcon size={10} color={'#ddd'} />
and this is another way I prefer my icon components should looks like
import React from 'react'
interface Props {
size?: number | string
color?: string
const CloseIcon: React.FC<Props> = ({ size, color }) => {
return (
<svg width={size ?? '100%'} height={size ?? '100%'} fill="none" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
d="M1.25 1.25 8 8m0 0-6.75 6.75M8 8l6.75 6.75M8 8l6.75-6.75"
stroke={color ?? 'currentColor'}
export default CloseIcon
see the difference here, I used 100% as width and height and currentColor as the default color, with this approach you can pass color and size to the icon itself if you want or you can just wrap it around another element, and style the parent element, so the sizes and color of the parent element will be used in the SVG component. I think this is easy to use in some scenarios. here's how we can use this kind of SVG
<button type="button" className="close-button">
<CloseIcon size={12} />
.close-button {
color: 'red';
color will be inherited from the icon component with the above implementation and you can do the same for the size.
those are just extra tips, if any one needs to know how to work with svgs in react as components, and as I described above, viewbox attributes plays a huge role when it comes to sizing the svgs, I suggest reading about it little more and try to understand how svgs work. svgs can be tricky sometimes. happy coding!
Your outer viewBox is overriding the base svg which is passed as props.
Try removing that, that might help.
export function Logo(props) {
return (
<svg aria-hidden="true" viewBox="0 0 109 40" {...props}> 👈 This viewBox is overriding your svg which is passed through as prop
Try to keep only one viewBox either in outside svg or inside svg, preferably use it in inner svg and dont alter that in your outer svg
export function Logo(props) {
return (
<svg aria-hidden="true" {...props}> 👈 Now this is expected to work
It's the viewbox setting.
Use the one from svgomg to replace the one in the template.

How to create a data frame from multiple xml files containing same structure?

I have more than 1000 XML files that probably have the same structure. I want to create a database using data in all the files.
I have never known how an XML file looked before yesterday. With the help of Google, I tried using the r-packages to load a single XML file in RStudio. But when I'm trying to convert that into a data frame, an error is occurring.
This is how file looks like: File A
<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='anzctrTransform.xsl'?>
<ANZCTR_Trial requestNumber="42">
<studytitle>Phase II study of fixed dose rate Gemcitabine-Oxaliplatin Integrated with concomitant 5FU and 3-D Conformal Radiotherapy for the treatment of localised pancreatic cancer: GOFURTGO</studytitle>
<scientifictitle>Phase II study of fixed dose rate Gemcitabine-Oxaliplatin Integrated with concomitant 5FU and 3-D Conformal Radiotherapy for the treatment of localised pancreatic cancer: GOFURTGO</scientifictitle>
<utrn />
<healthcondition>Locally advanced or locally recurrent inoperable pancreatic cancer not previously treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy.</healthcondition>
<interventions>All patients enrolled in the study will receive the same treatment consisting of all of the following:
a) 1 cycle of chemotherapy: the cycle is 28 days (gemcitabine on days 1 and 15 and oxaliplatin on days 2 and 16, followed by:
b)radiotherpay plus continuous 5FU infusion: 5FU is given continuously (7 days a week for 6 weeks), radiotherpay is given 5 days a week (Mon-Fri) for 6 weeks followed by:
c) 3 cycles of chemotherapy: each cycle is 28 days (gemcitabine on days 1 and 15 and oxaliplatin on days 2 and 16</interventions>
<comparator>This is a single group trial</comparator>
<interventioncode>Treatment: Other</interventioncode>
<outcome>The primary objective is to determine the proportions of patients starting and finishing greater than or equal to 80% of the planned dose on time for each component of the treatment.</outcome>
<timepoint>The outcome will be measured once all patients have enrolled and have completeed the study treatment.</timepoint>
<outcome>Adverse events</outcome>
<timepoint>Assessed at the end of ecah treatment cycle, and at end of treatment.</timepoint>
<outcome>Objective tumour response rates</outcome>
<timepoint>Before and after radiotherapy, at the end of treatment, and then as clinically indicated.</timepoint>
<outcome>Time to progression</outcome>
<timepoint>Before and after radiotherapy, at the end of treatment, and then as clinically indicated.</timepoint>
<outcome>CA 19-9 response rates</outcome>
<timepoint>Before and after radiotherapy, at the end of treatment, and then 2 monthly during follow up.</timepoint>
<outcome>Health-related quality of life.</outcome>
<timepoint>Before and after radiotherapy, at the end of treatment, and then 2 monthly until progression/disease recurrence.</timepoint>
<inclusivecriteria>Patient must have histologically/cytologically proven adenocarcinoma of the pancreas located in the head or the body of the pancreas (primary) or in the pancreatic bed (locally recurrent).Locoregional disease must be confirmed by dual phase CT (arterial and portal phases) without distant metastases (confirmed by CT of the chest, abdomen and pelvis).Patients must be assessed by a surgeon and considered inoperable.Performance status must be ECOG grade 0, 1 or 2.</inclusivecriteria>
<inclusiveminagetype>Not stated</inclusiveminagetype>
<inclusivemaxagetype>Not stated</inclusivemaxagetype>
<inclusivegender>Both males and females</inclusivegender>
<exclusivecriteria>1.Histological types other than pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
2. Metastatic disease.
3. Tumours of the tail of pancreas
4. Major co-morbid illnesses that, in the opinion of the investigator, would jeopardise the likely completion of the treatment program
5. Patients with peripheral sensory neuropathy with functional impairment.
6. Derangement of LFTs consistent with hepatic cellular dysfunction (ALT and/or AST >3 times upper limit of normal), or a bilirubin >3 times upper limit of normal. Patients with LFTs consistent with hepatic obstruction that is relieved (eg. by stenting, bypass) are eligible, provided the bilirubin has fallen to <3 times upper limit of normal.
7. Patients with significant loss of bodyweight, who, at the investigator’s discretion, is deemed not suitable for this study (eg.>15% weight loss since surgery or diagnosis)
8. Treatment with a drug within the last 30 days that has not received regulatory approval at the time of study entry.
9. Treatment with any previous cytotoxic chemotherapy for this malignancy. Previous hormonal manipulation (including HRT) is allowed.
10. Previous abdominal radiotherapy
11. A previous history of malignancy other than non-melanomatous skin cancers, in –situ carcinoma, or patients who are disease–free from non-pancreatic tumours treated definitively more than 5 years ago.
12. Pregnant or lactating women, or women of childbearing potential not using adequate contraception.</exclusivecriteria>
<allocation>Non-randomised trial</allocation>
<concealment>Paper enrolment through the AGITG Coordinating Centre, NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre</concealment>
<masking>Open (masking not used)</masking>
<assignment>Single group</assignment>
<designfeatures />
<statisticalmethods />
<masking1 />
<masking2 />
<masking3 />
<masking4 />
<patientregistry />
<followup />
<followuptype />
<purposeobs />
<duration />
<selection />
<timing />
<phase>Phase 2</phase>
<actualstartdate />
<anticipatedenddate />
<actualenddate />
<actualsamplesize />
<currentsamplesize />
<anticipatedlastvisitdate />
<actuallastvisitdate />
<dataanalysis />
<withdrawnreason />
<withdrawnreasonother />
<recruitmentstate />
<primarysponsortype>Other Collaborative groups</primarysponsortype>
<primarysponsoraddress>92-94 Parramatta Rd, Camperdown NSW 2050</primarysponsoraddress>
<fundingtype>Commercial sector/Industry</fundingtype>
<fundingaddress>Sanofi-Aventis Group
Talavera Corporate Centre
Building D
12-24 Talavera Road
Macquarie Park NSW 2113</fundingaddress>
<fundingtype>Other Collaborative groups</fundingtype>
<fundingaddress>NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre
University of Sydney
Locked Bag 77
CAMPERDOWN NSW 1450</fundingaddress>
<fundingaddress>NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre
University of Sydney
Locked Bag 77
CAMPERDOWN NSW 1450</fundingaddress>
<sponsortype>Other Collaborative groups</sponsortype>
<sponsoraddress>NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre
University of Sydney
Locked Bag 77
CAMPERDOWN NSW 1450</sponsoraddress>
<summary />
<trialwebsite />
<publication />
<publicnotes />
<ethicname>University of Sydney</ethicname>
<ethicaddress>Human Research Ethics Committee
Main Quad
University of Sydney NSW 2006</ethicaddress>
<ethicapprovaldate />
<ethicsubmitdate />
<ethicname>Prince of Wales Hospital</ethicname>
<ethicaddress />
<ethicapprovaldate />
<hrec />
<ethicsubmitdate />
<ethicname>Border Medical Oncology</ethicname>
<ethicaddress />
<ethicapprovaldate />
<hrec />
<ethicsubmitdate />
<ethicname>St. George Hospital</ethicname>
<ethicaddress />
<ethicapprovaldate />
<hrec />
<ethicsubmitdate />
<ethicname>Newcastle Mater</ethicname>
<ethicaddress />
<ethicapprovaldate />
<hrec />
<ethicsubmitdate />
<ethicname>Alfred Hospital</ethicname>
<ethicaddress />
<ethicapprovaldate />
<hrec />
<ethicsubmitdate />
<ethicname>Nepean Hospital</ethicname>
<ethicaddress />
<ethicapprovaldate />
<hrec />
<ethicsubmitdate />
<ethicname>Royal Adelaide Hospital</ethicname>
<ethicaddress />
<ethicapprovaldate />
<hrec />
<ethicsubmitdate />
<attachment />
<title />
<name>Dr David Goldstein</name>
<address>Department of Medical Oncology
Prince of Wales Hospital
High Street
Randwick NSW 2031</address>
<phone>+61 2 93822577</phone>
<fax>+61 2 93822578</fax>
<type>Scientific Queries</type>
<title />
<name>Dr David Goldstein</name>
<address>Department of Medical Oncology
Prince of Wales Hospital
High Street
Randwick NSW 2031</address>
<phone>+61 2 93822577</phone>
<fax>+61 2 93822578</fax>
<type>Public Queries</type>
<title />
<name />
<address />
<phone />
<fax />
<email />
<country />
<type>Principal Investigator</type>
File B.
<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='anzctrTransform.xsl'?>
<ANZCTR_Trial requestNumber="6">
<studytitle>Bisphosphonate and Anastrozole trial - Bone Maintenance Algorithm Assessment</studytitle>
<scientifictitle>Maintaining skeletal health in postmenopausal women with surgically resected Stage I-IIIa hormone-receptor positive breast cancer who are receiving anastrozole, through the use of alendronate as determined by the Osteoporosis Australia Bone Maintenance Algorithm</scientifictitle>
<utrn />
<secondaryid>Andrew Love Cancer Centre: ALCC 04.02</secondaryid>
<healthcondition>Breast Cancer</healthcondition>
<interventions>This trial aims to assess the utility, through DEXA scans and biochemical markers of bone turnover, of a strategy of monitoring and intervention with oral alendronate in postmenopausal women with hormone-receptor positive breast cancer receiving five years of adjuvant anastrozole. It specifically addressed the issues of osteopaenic and osteoporotic women in this setting and will test three years versus five years of alendronate use.</interventions>
<comparator>Five years of treatment with 70mg oral alendronate once weekly</comparator>
<interventioncode>Treatment: Drugs</interventioncode>
<outcome>Changes in lumbar vertebra and femoral neck BMD T-score after 5 years of anastrozole treatment</outcome>
<timepoint>After 5 years of anastrozole treatment</timepoint>
<outcome>Percent change in the lumbar vertebrae</outcome>
<timepoint>Annually for 5 years</timepoint>
<outcome>Biochemical markers</outcome>
<timepoint>6 months after commencing alendronate</timepoint>
<outcome>Evaluate the Osteoporosis Australia strategy for bone protection for this patient group.</outcome>
<timepoint>At 5 years</timepoint>
<inclusivecriteria>Postmenopausal women- Adequately diagnosed and treated Stage I-IIIa early breast cancer- Oestrogen receptor and/or progesterone receptor positive breast cancer- Anastrozole is clinically indicated to be the best adjuvant strategy</inclusivecriteria>
<inclusivemaxagetype>Not stated</inclusivemaxagetype>
<exclusivecriteria>Clinical or radiological evidence of distant spread- prior treatment with bisphosphonates within the past 12 months</exclusivecriteria>
<allocation>Randomised controlled trial</allocation>
<concealment>central randomisation via fax and phone</concealment>
<sequence>Computer generated stratified blocks</sequence>
<masking>Open (masking not used)</masking>
<designfeatures />
<statisticalmethods />
<masking1 />
<masking2 />
<masking3 />
<masking4 />
<patientregistry />
<followup />
<followuptype />
<purposeobs />
<duration />
<selection />
<timing />
<phase>Phase 3</phase>
<actualstartdate />
<anticipatedenddate />
<actualenddate />
<actualsamplesize />
<currentsamplesize />
<recruitmentstatus>Active, not recruiting</recruitmentstatus>
<anticipatedlastvisitdate />
<actuallastvisitdate />
<dataanalysis />
<withdrawnreason />
<withdrawnreasonother />
<recruitmentstate />
<primarysponsorname>Barwon Health</primarysponsorname>
<primarysponsoraddress>272-322 Ryrie Street, Geelong, Victoria 3220</primarysponsoraddress>
<fundingtype>Commercial sector/Industry</fundingtype>
<fundingname>Astra Zeneca</fundingname>
<fundingaddress>P.O Box 131, North Ryde PBC NSW 1670</fundingaddress>
<sponsorcountry />
<summary />
<trialwebsite />
<publication />
<publicnotes />
<ethicname>Barwon Health</ethicname>
<ethicaddress />
<ethicapprovaldate />
<hrec />
<ethicsubmitdate />
<attachment />
<title />
<name>Associate Professor Richard Bell</name>
<address>Andrew Love Cancer Centre
The Geelong Hospital
70 Swanston Street
Geelong VIC 3220</address>
<phone>+61 3 52267855</phone>
<fax>+61 3 52465168</fax>
<type>Scientific Queries</type>
<title />
<name>Ms Elaine Yeow</name>
<address>Andrew Love Cancer Centre
The Geelong Hospital
70 Swanston Street
Geelong VIC 3220</address>
<phone>+61 3 52267858</phone>
<fax>+61 3 52465168</fax>
<type>Public Queries</type>
<title />
<name />
<address />
<phone />
<fax />
<email />
<country />
<type>Principal Investigator</type>
Following is my code.
x = read_xml("ACTRN12605000026628.xml")
Trial 1.
x_df =
Error in :
cannot coerce class ‘c("xml_document", "xml_node")’ to a data.frame
Trial 2.
Error in UseMethod("xmlSApply") :
no applicable method for 'xmlSApply' applied to an object of class "c('xml_document', 'xml_node')"
Trial 3.
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘xmlToDataFrame’ for signature ‘"xml_document", "missing", "missing", "missing", "missing"’
I need help regarding why is that error occurring and how can multiple files' data be converted to a data frame or table in r.
You cannot directly convert XML file to a dataframe. You'll need to fetch the tags and data inside those tags and then create the dataframe.
Here's the code that will do the trick:
df <- read_xml("1.xml")
records <- xml_find_all(df, "//ANZCTR_Trial")
nodenames <- xml_name(xml_children(records))
nodevalues <- trimws(xml_text(xml_children(records)))
df <-
colnames(df) <- nodenames
write.csv(x = df, file = 'trialData.csv')
records contains all the tags and data inside the parent ta. In your case, it is ANZCTR_Trial in both of the files that you shared in the question.
nodenames is names of tags i.e. parent tags. Whereas, nodevalues contain data.
To fetch data from grandchildren tags that are tags inside tags (For e.g phone, fax inside contacts) you'll need to further update the code as follows:
records <- xml_find_all(df, "//contacts") ### You just keep changing it according to your need
Everything remains same.

How to reverse a CSS transition animation when removing an active class?

I am working with a fairly simple icon animation in a app built in VueJS.
I am using a Vue transition for the fade effect on the background elements, but wanted a simple shift up animation on the icon itself.
I have it working as I'd like on the upward shift, but is there anyway to reverse the transition when the _active class is removed?
All I'm looking to do is have the icon shift up and the background fade in on click and then shift back down to it's og position and background fade out.
I have a Codesandbox ready and the code below it
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="_isActiveOrNot">{{ active }}</div>
<div class="_icons">
<div #click="activate" class="_main">
<transition name="slide">
<div :class="[active ? '_active' : '', '_cast']">
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M6.6 9.9C7.26274 9.9 7.8 9.36273 7.8 8.7C7.8 8.03726 7.26274 7.5 6.6 7.5C5.93726 7.5 5.4 8.03726 5.4 8.7C5.4 9.36273 5.93726 9.9 6.6 9.9ZM6.6 12.3C8.58822 12.3 10.2 10.6882 10.2 8.7C10.2 6.71178 8.58822 5.1 6.6 5.1C4.61178 5.1 3 6.71178 3 8.7C3 10.6882 4.61178 12.3 6.6 12.3Z"
d="M6.66011 13.2C5.66597 13.2 4.86006 14.0059 4.86006 15L4.86005 16.8C4.86005 17.4628 4.32279 18 3.66004 18C2.9973 18 2.46005 17.4628 2.46005 16.8L2.46006 15C2.46008 12.6804 4.3405 10.8 6.66011 10.8C8.97969 10.8 10.8601 12.6804 10.8601 15V15.6C10.8601 16.2628 10.3228 16.8 9.66008 16.8C8.99734 16.8 8.46008 16.2628 8.46008 15.6V15C8.46008 14.0059 7.6542 13.2 6.66011 13.2Z"
d="M17.4001 9.9C16.7374 9.9 16.2001 9.36273 16.2001 8.7C16.2001 8.03726 16.7374 7.5 17.4001 7.5C18.0628 7.5 18.6001 8.03726 18.6001 8.7C18.6001 9.36273 18.0628 9.9 17.4001 9.9ZM17.4001 12.3C15.4118 12.3 13.8001 10.6882 13.8001 8.7C13.8001 6.71178 15.4118 5.1 17.4001 5.1C19.3883 5.1 21.0001 6.71178 21.0001 8.7C21.0001 10.6882 19.3883 12.3 17.4001 12.3Z"
d="M17.34 13.2C18.3341 13.2 19.14 14.0059 19.14 15V16.8C19.14 17.4628 19.6772 18 20.34 18C21.0027 18 21.54 17.4628 21.54 16.8V15C21.54 12.6804 19.6596 10.8 17.34 10.8C15.0204 10.8 13.14 12.6804 13.14 15V15.6C13.14 16.2628 13.6772 16.8 14.34 16.8C15.0027 16.8 15.54 16.2628 15.54 15.6V15C15.54 14.0059 16.3459 13.2 17.34 13.2Z"
d="M12.0601 16.5C11.066 16.5 10.2601 17.3059 10.2601 18.3L10.26 20.1C10.26 20.7628 9.72278 21.3 9.06003 21.3C8.3973 21.3 7.86005 20.7628 7.86005 20.1L7.86006 18.3C7.86007 15.9804 9.7405 14.1 12.0601 14.1C14.3797 14.1 16.2601 15.9804 16.2601 18.3V20.1C16.2601 20.7628 15.7229 21.3 15.0601 21.3C14.3973 21.3 13.8601 20.7628 13.8601 20.1V18.3C13.8601 17.3059 13.0542 16.5 12.0601 16.5Z"
d="M12 13.2C12.6628 13.2 13.2 12.6628 13.2 12C13.2 11.3373 12.6628 10.8 12 10.8C11.3373 10.8 10.8 11.3373 10.8 12C10.8 12.6628 11.3373 13.2 12 13.2ZM12 15.6C13.9883 15.6 15.6 13.9883 15.6 12C15.6 10.0118 13.9883 8.4 12 8.4C10.0118 8.4 8.39999 10.0118 8.39999 12C8.39999 13.9883 10.0118 15.6 12 15.6Z"
<transition name="fade" mode="out-in">
<div v-if="active" key="1" class="_circle">
viewBox="0 0 40 40"
<rect width="40" height="40" rx="20" fill="#F9F9FF" />
<transition name="fade" mode="out-in">
<div v-if="active" key="2" class="_text">
viewBox="0 0 30 12"
d="M8.99159 10.146C8.87959 10.2393 8.66959 10.3653 8.36159 10.524C8.06293 10.6827 7.69426 10.8227 7.25559 10.944C6.81693 11.0653 6.33159 11.1213 5.79959 11.112C4.98759 11.0933 4.25959 10.9487 3.61559 10.678C2.98093 10.398 2.43959 10.02 1.99159 9.544C1.55293 9.068 1.21693 8.522 0.983594 7.906C0.75026 7.29 0.633594 6.632 0.633594 5.932C0.633594 4.88667 0.843594 3.96267 1.26359 3.16C1.68359 2.35733 2.26693 1.72733 3.01359 1.27C3.76959 0.812666 4.64693 0.584 5.64559 0.584C6.33626 0.584 6.94759 0.677333 7.47959 0.863999C8.01159 1.05067 8.44559 1.25133 8.78159 1.466L7.98359 3.384C7.75026 3.20667 7.43759 3.02467 7.04559 2.838C6.66293 2.642 6.21959 2.544 5.71559 2.544C5.19293 2.544 4.70293 2.68867 4.24559 2.978C3.79759 3.26733 3.43359 3.65933 3.15359 4.154C2.88293 4.63933 2.74759 5.19467 2.74759 5.82C2.74759 6.48267 2.87359 7.066 3.12559 7.57C3.37759 8.06467 3.73693 8.452 4.20359 8.732C4.67026 9.012 5.21626 9.152 5.84159 9.152C6.39226 9.152 6.86359 9.06333 7.25559 8.886C7.64759 8.70867 7.94626 8.522 8.15159 8.326L8.99159 10.146ZM13.2793 11.168C12.71 11.168 12.192 11.056 11.7253 10.832C11.268 10.5987 10.904 10.244 10.6333 9.768C10.3626 9.292 10.2273 8.68533 10.2273 7.948C10.2273 7.25733 10.3673 6.66 10.6473 6.156C10.9273 5.652 11.296 5.26467 11.7533 4.994C12.2106 4.714 12.696 4.574 13.2093 4.574C13.816 4.574 14.2733 4.672 14.5813 4.868C14.8986 5.064 15.1506 5.27867 15.3373 5.512L15.4633 4.882H17.2833V11H15.3233V10.244C15.23 10.3373 15.09 10.4587 14.9033 10.608C14.726 10.7573 14.502 10.888 14.2313 11C13.9606 11.112 13.6433 11.168 13.2793 11.168ZM13.8393 9.572C14.5206 9.572 15.0153 9.264 15.3233 8.648V7.15C15.2113 6.85133 15.0153 6.61333 14.7353 6.436C14.4646 6.25867 14.1426 6.17 13.7693 6.17C13.3493 6.17 12.9853 6.32867 12.6773 6.646C12.3693 6.954 12.2153 7.35533 12.2153 7.85C12.2153 8.17667 12.29 8.47067 12.4393 8.732C12.5886 8.99333 12.7846 9.19867 13.0273 9.348C13.2793 9.49733 13.55 9.572 13.8393 9.572ZM21.2909 11.126C20.7869 11.126 20.3156 11.0373 19.8769 10.86C19.4476 10.6827 19.0836 10.4353 18.7849 10.118L19.5969 9.04C19.8956 9.31067 20.1709 9.50667 20.4229 9.628C20.6843 9.74 20.9176 9.796 21.1229 9.796C21.3656 9.796 21.5663 9.75867 21.7249 9.684C21.8836 9.60933 21.9629 9.488 21.9629 9.32C21.9629 9.16133 21.8976 9.03533 21.7669 8.942C21.6456 8.84867 21.4869 8.774 21.2909 8.718C21.0949 8.65267 20.8849 8.58733 20.6609 8.522C20.1009 8.34467 19.6949 8.088 19.4429 7.752C19.2003 7.40667 19.0789 7.03333 19.0789 6.632C19.0789 6.324 19.1583 6.016 19.3169 5.708C19.4849 5.39067 19.7463 5.12933 20.1009 4.924C20.4649 4.70933 20.9316 4.602 21.5009 4.602C22.0143 4.602 22.4483 4.65333 22.8029 4.756C23.1576 4.85867 23.4936 5.02667 23.8109 5.26L23.0689 6.408C22.8916 6.268 22.6909 6.15133 22.4669 6.058C22.2523 5.95533 22.0516 5.89933 21.8649 5.89C21.6129 5.88067 21.4169 5.92733 21.2769 6.03C21.1369 6.12333 21.0669 6.23533 21.0669 6.366C21.0576 6.54333 21.1229 6.68333 21.2629 6.786C21.4123 6.88867 21.5989 6.968 21.8229 7.024C22.0469 7.08 22.2663 7.14533 22.4809 7.22C22.9196 7.36933 23.2696 7.584 23.5309 7.864C23.7923 8.13467 23.9229 8.49867 23.9229 8.956C23.9229 9.32933 23.8249 9.684 23.6289 10.02C23.4423 10.3467 23.1529 10.6127 22.7609 10.818C22.3783 11.0233 21.8883 11.126 21.2909 11.126ZM26.1386 2.194H28.0986V4.854H29.5826V6.38H28.0986V11H26.1386V6.38H25.1866V4.854H26.1386V2.194Z"
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
data() {
return {
active: false,
computed: {},
methods: {
activate() { = !;
<style lang="sass" scoped>
display: flex
flex-direction: column
justify-content: center
align-items: center
height: 100vh
background-color: #d4caff
margin-bottom: 50px
font-weight: bold
color: purple
display: flex
justify-content: space-around
align-items: flex-end
width: 100%
cursor: pointer
transform: scale(2)
position: relative
display: flex
flex-direction: column
justify-content: center
align-items: center
min-height: 124px
position: absolute
top: 20px
z-index: 1
z-index: 2
position: absolute
bottom: 0
z-index: 2
transition: all .5s ease-in-out
transform: translateY(-20px)
.fade-enter-active, .fade-leave-active
transition: opacity .8s ease-in-out
.fade-enter, .fade-leave-to
opacity: 0
Yes, CSS has this functionality built in - you just need to have the transition property persist on the element's base styles, so that it applies regardless of whether the modifier class is added/removed.
For example:
.sliding-box {
transition: transform .5s;
background: green;
height: 5em;
width: 5em;
} {
transform: translateX(5em);
<div class="sliding-box"></div>
Toggle Slide</button>

Why doesn't the svg image change the color?

I have a svg image and want it to change color on hover. But it doesn't see colors. Can't get why... I watched and read many tutorials,however none of it helped. Mayve the problem it svg image, it is written incorrectly? Here is my code
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 150px;
margin:0 auto;
display: table;
<a href="">
<svg width="132" height="133" viewBox="0 0 302 133" xmlns="" class="">
<g filter="url(#filter0_d)">
<path d="M65.9365 126.497C33.8292 126.793 5.95769 100.729 6.00005 66.583C6.04241 32.9873 32.4737 6.45774 66.0635 6.50005C99.5686 6.54236 126.042 32.9873 126 66.7523C126 100.729 98.2132 126.835 65.9365 126.497ZM26.7131 31.8026C26.8825 31.591 27.3908 31.4641 26.9672 31.1256C26.586 30.8294 26.5013 31.4218 26.2471 31.5487C26.12 31.591 26.0353 31.6757 25.993 31.8026C24.3834 33.3681 23.9598 33.2835 22.4349 30.9564C22.0113 31.4218 21.5454 31.8449 20.9524 32.5219C22.6891 32.5642 23.2821 33.9182 24.2139 34.7221C25.2305 35.6107 26.3318 36.4146 26.9248 37.8532C27.4331 37.2185 27.8567 36.7531 28.3227 36.203C25.4423 35.1029 25.0187 34.2144 26.2471 32.3103C26.4165 32.0988 26.5436 31.9718 26.7131 31.8026ZM23.1126 98.2747C24.0445 100.475 21.8843 100.179 20.9524 101.025C21.3336 101.533 21.7148 102.083 22.0537 102.506C23.2397 100.56 25.2305 99.5863 26.9672 98.4862C28.3227 97.64 28.3227 97.0899 27.179 96.1168C26.7978 97.1323 25.8235 97.5977 25.0611 98.2747C24.2139 99.0363 23.9174 98.4862 23.4939 97.9362C22.9856 97.0899 21.6725 96.2437 22.1808 95.3975C22.7738 94.4666 23.8751 93.578 25.3576 93.4511C24.5104 93.028 24.5952 91.9279 23.748 91.5471C23.4515 92.9857 19.5546 96.1591 17.6061 96.4553C17.9873 97.0476 18.3686 97.5977 18.7498 98.1477C20.6559 95.736 20.91 95.6936 22.6043 97.8516C22.8161 97.9785 22.9856 98.1054 23.1126 98.2747ZM76.653 120.996C76.5683 120.827 76.5683 120.573 76.3141 120.7C76.2294 120.742 76.3141 121.039 76.3565 121.25C77.4155 122.519 78.432 122.054 79.3639 121.123C80.2958 120.192 79.9993 119.177 79.1945 118.331C78.7285 117.865 78.0085 117.569 77.4155 117.23C76.4836 116.723 75.2552 116.257 76.0176 114.903C76.6954 113.719 77.7543 114.226 78.6438 114.946C78.8133 114.226 78.898 113.507 77.9661 113.422C76.7801 113.338 75.6788 113.761 75.1281 114.819C74.5775 115.919 74.9163 117.019 75.8906 117.823C76.3565 118.204 76.9919 118.415 77.5425 118.711C78.305 119.092 79.2792 119.473 78.8556 120.488C78.432 121.462 77.4578 121.335 76.653 120.996ZM111.895 36.2877C112.064 36.5838 112.149 36.9223 112.403 37.1762C112.7 37.4724 111.937 37.9801 112.657 38.1071C112.827 38.1494 113.038 37.9801 113.208 37.8532C113.716 37.4724 113.293 37.1339 113.081 36.8377C112.869 36.4992 112.572 36.203 112.318 35.9069C112.107 35.1876 111.641 34.6375 111.386 34.3836C109.396 36.33 107.235 37.7686 104.524 38.8264C105.965 39.5457 105.711 41.8728 107.913 41.9575C107.617 40.8997 105.541 40.5612 106.769 39.3341C107.49 38.6148 108.887 36.7108 109.692 39.5457C109.819 39.9688 110.243 39.7149 110.539 39.5034C110.793 39.2918 110.751 39.2072 110.582 38.911C109.48 37.0493 109.65 36.7531 111.895 36.2877ZM116.469 90.5739C117.359 90.1085 117.317 89.1776 117.401 88.3737C117.655 86.1311 116.173 84.3964 113.674 83.8886C112.064 83.5501 110.073 84.7772 109.396 86.5966C108.591 88.7545 109.438 90.8701 111.471 91.9279C113.42 92.9011 115.241 92.4356 116.469 90.6162V90.5739ZM114.267 63.5366C116.046 65.4829 118.46 65.7791 120.282 64.2136C121.807 62.8596 122.018 59.94 120.663 58.2899C119.35 56.6397 116.596 56.3435 114.817 57.6552C113.038 59.0092 112.784 61.3787 114.267 63.5366ZM52.0431 20.3784C54.0763 18.7282 54.3728 16.2741 52.8055 14.3701C51.4924 12.7622 48.6968 12.593 46.8754 13.9893C45.1811 15.3009 44.9269 18.2205 46.4095 19.9976C47.9344 21.817 50.0522 21.9439 52.0431 20.3784ZM34.2104 20.2514C32.6855 21.9439 32.4314 23.7633 33.6598 25.4981C34.7611 27.0213 36.1589 27.9099 38.1497 27.2752C40.0134 26.6828 41.1147 25.4135 41.2418 23.4671C41.3689 21.69 40.6064 20.0822 38.9121 19.3206C37.2178 18.559 35.5235 18.8128 34.2104 20.2514ZM22.3502 66.6253C22.2231 90.1085 40.9453 110.334 66.0212 110.334C91.0547 110.334 109.65 90.1085 109.735 66.583C109.819 42.4652 89.9534 23.1286 66.7413 22.7902C42.0466 22.4093 21.969 42.846 22.3502 66.6253ZM104.059 99.4171C106.473 99.3325 108.506 100.602 111.048 100.644C109.014 98.4016 107.235 96.4553 105.456 94.5089C104.694 95.1436 104.059 95.6513 105.753 96.3283C106.812 96.7514 107.617 97.7669 108.549 98.4862C108.421 98.6555 108.252 98.8247 108.125 98.994C106.346 98.5709 104.567 98.1477 102.661 97.7246C102.957 99.671 104.313 101.025 104.482 103.056C103.211 102.21 102.195 101.533 101.178 100.813C100.755 100.517 100.458 100.433 100.077 100.856C99.8228 101.152 99.6533 101.448 100.077 101.702C102.195 103.014 104.355 104.325 106.981 105.933C105.88 103.437 105.033 101.533 104.059 99.4171ZM112.445 77.4149C115.368 78.3457 118.164 78.0496 120.62 79.2343C120.578 78.4727 121.256 77.5841 119.519 77.7957C118.164 77.9649 116.681 77.4572 114.775 77.161C117.359 75.3839 119.519 73.903 121.849 72.2951C119.138 71.1527 116.3 71.8297 113.928 70.3065C113.801 70.8565 113.716 71.3643 113.589 71.9566C115.538 71.9143 117.359 71.999 119.307 72.6336C118.037 73.4799 116.978 74.1569 115.961 74.8762C114.902 75.5955 113.843 76.3571 112.445 77.4149ZM49.3745 120.7C48.9933 119.473 49.0357 118.161 49.9675 117.78C51.0265 117.315 52.3819 118.034 53.3138 118.627C54.2033 119.177 53.2715 120.235 52.9749 120.954C52.8055 121.419 52.509 121.631 53.102 121.842C53.695 122.054 53.9915 121.927 54.2457 121.165C54.9658 118.923 55.2623 116.511 56.533 114.438C55.7282 114.226 55.0928 114.057 54.4151 113.845C54.4575 114.099 54.4151 114.226 54.4575 114.311C54.8811 115.58 54.6269 117.188 53.7374 117.696C53.0173 118.119 51.5348 117.273 50.3911 116.934C49.8405 116.765 50.0099 116.342 50.1793 115.919C50.4335 115.199 50.6876 114.48 50.8571 113.719C50.9418 113.422 51.7466 113.507 51.2806 113.126C50.8147 112.745 50.1793 112.449 49.5016 112.661C48.7815 112.872 49.544 113.168 49.5016 113.422C49.0357 115.75 48.6968 118.119 47.3413 120.192C47.892 120.277 48.5274 120.446 49.3745 120.7ZM87.7508 17.6704C87.7508 15.3432 85.7599 13.4815 83.3879 13.5238C81.27 13.6085 79.1945 15.851 79.2792 18.0512C79.3639 20.2091 81.3124 22.0285 83.6421 21.9862C85.9717 21.9862 87.7084 20.1668 87.7508 17.6704ZM18.0297 75.0454C17.4367 76.6533 15.9542 76.5263 15.3611 76.0609C14.3022 75.257 15.7 74.7069 16.1659 74.1569C17.0555 73.0991 18.1568 72.2105 17.5214 70.3065C16.9284 71.2373 16.7166 72.2105 15.9542 72.6759C15.2764 73.0991 15.0646 74.2415 13.7939 73.903C10.7018 73.1414 9.93933 73.9453 10.4476 76.9918C10.5323 77.5841 10.5747 78.1765 10.6171 78.515C13.2432 77.6688 15.8694 77.2879 18.7074 77.5418C18.4533 76.6956 18.2838 75.9763 18.0297 75.0454ZM22.6467 41.5343C23.7904 42.8883 22.8161 43.9461 22.0113 44.7924C20.8677 46.0617 19.3428 46.1887 17.7755 45.4694C16.5472 44.877 15.7 44.0308 15.9542 42.5075C16.2083 40.8574 16.9284 39.6303 19.0886 39.6726C18.072 38.7841 17.4367 38.1494 16.4624 39.5034C14.5563 42.2113 14.7258 45.0039 17.0131 46.4425C19.131 47.7965 21.7995 47.0772 23.0703 44.6654C23.6209 43.6923 25.0187 42.296 22.6467 41.5343ZM113.716 52.3239C111.556 51.4353 110.836 49.7006 111.641 47.9235C112.445 46.104 114.775 45.0886 116.385 45.8079C117.359 46.231 117.74 47.2042 118.037 48.135C118.333 49.0236 118.121 49.9121 117.232 50.716C119.35 50.7584 119.138 49.5313 118.884 48.4312C118.206 45.6809 116.173 44.0731 114.013 44.5385C111.429 45.0886 109.904 47.1195 110.539 49.6159C110.921 51.0545 110.963 53.1701 113.716 52.3239ZM85.9294 117.357C86.1835 118.838 86.7765 119.134 88.2167 118.542C91.2241 117.315 92.4949 115.369 91.6477 113.042C90.7158 110.545 88.3438 109.487 85.7176 110.587C84.4892 111.138 82.7949 111.645 84.0233 113.719C84.6586 111.518 86.2682 110.672 88.3438 111.307C89.911 111.814 91.2665 114.311 90.7158 115.707C90.0381 117.569 87.8355 118.331 85.9294 117.357ZM29.2122 109.487C30.1864 110.672 31.4148 111.518 32.982 111.095C34.7187 110.672 35.9047 109.445 36.3283 107.71C36.7519 105.933 35.4388 103.86 33.575 102.717C31.796 101.617 31.4995 103.479 30.61 104.114C30.3135 104.325 30.017 104.537 29.6781 104.748C30.2288 105.214 30.5253 105.891 31.2877 106.018C31.2877 104.706 32.0925 103.564 33.0244 103.437C33.9563 103.31 34.8458 104.452 35.0576 105.51C35.3964 107.16 35.0152 108.641 33.5327 109.784C31.8807 111.095 30.6523 110.122 29.2122 109.487ZM17.0131 84.1848C16.9707 84.9041 15.2341 84.0155 16.0812 85.2426C16.9284 86.512 16.3777 86.9351 15.2764 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One way to fix it, is to change the fule to:
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This exact solution may not work for every SVG though. You may need to tweak it for other ones.
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72.2105 15.9542 72.6759C15.2764 73.0991 15.0646 74.2415 13.7939 73.903C10.7018 73.1414 9.93933 73.9453 10.4476 76.9918C10.5323 77.5841 10.5747 78.1765 10.6171 78.515C13.2432 77.6688 15.8694 77.2879 18.7074 77.5418C18.4533 76.6956 18.2838 75.9763 18.0297 75.0454ZM22.6467 41.5343C23.7904 42.8883 22.8161 43.9461 22.0113 44.7924C20.8677 46.0617 19.3428 46.1887 17.7755 45.4694C16.5472 44.877 15.7 44.0308 15.9542 42.5075C16.2083 40.8574 16.9284 39.6303 19.0886 39.6726C18.072 38.7841 17.4367 38.1494 16.4624 39.5034C14.5563 42.2113 14.7258 45.0039 17.0131 46.4425C19.131 47.7965 21.7995 47.0772 23.0703 44.6654C23.6209 43.6923 25.0187 42.296 22.6467 41.5343ZM113.716 52.3239C111.556 51.4353 110.836 49.7006 111.641 47.9235C112.445 46.104 114.775 45.0886 116.385 45.8079C117.359 46.231 117.74 47.2042 118.037 48.135C118.333 49.0236 118.121 49.9121 117.232 50.716C119.35 50.7584 119.138 49.5313 118.884 48.4312C118.206 45.6809 116.173 44.0731 114.013 44.5385C111.429 45.0886 109.904 47.1195 110.539 49.6159C110.921 51.0545 110.963 53.1701 113.716 52.3239ZM85.9294 117.357C86.1835 118.838 86.7765 119.134 88.2167 118.542C91.2241 117.315 92.4949 115.369 91.6477 113.042C90.7158 110.545 88.3438 109.487 85.7176 110.587C84.4892 111.138 82.7949 111.645 84.0233 113.719C84.6586 111.518 86.2682 110.672 88.3438 111.307C89.911 111.814 91.2665 114.311 90.7158 115.707C90.0381 117.569 87.8355 118.331 85.9294 117.357ZM29.2122 109.487C30.1864 110.672 31.4148 111.518 32.982 111.095C34.7187 110.672 35.9047 109.445 36.3283 107.71C36.7519 105.933 35.4388 103.86 33.575 102.717C31.796 101.617 31.4995 103.479 30.61 104.114C30.3135 104.325 30.017 104.537 29.6781 104.748C30.2288 105.214 30.5253 105.891 31.2877 106.018C31.2877 104.706 32.0925 103.564 33.0244 103.437C33.9563 103.31 34.8458 104.452 35.0576 105.51C35.3964 107.16 35.0152 108.641 33.5327 109.784C31.8807 111.095 30.6523 110.122 29.2122 109.487ZM17.0131 84.1848C16.9707 84.9041 15.2341 84.0155 16.0812 85.2426C16.9284 86.512 16.3777 86.9351 15.2764 87.3582C13.6668 87.9929 13.8786 86.8504 13.8786 85.9619C13.8786 85.4118 13.5821 85.4118 13.2009 85.4542C12.735 85.4965 12.6502 85.7926 12.8197 86.1735C13.328 87.3159 13.7939 88.416 14.2175 89.4315C16.4624 87.739 18.9616 87.0197 21.4607 86.3004C20.1899 82.7462 20.1899 82.7462 18.7498 83.0847C19.724 83.4655 20.4864 84.3117 20.0629 85.0733C19.6393 85.835 18.4533 86.3004 17.5214 86.0888C16.6319 85.9619 16.886 85.031 17.0131 84.1848ZM13.328 51.4353C12.7773 51.2238 12.269 50.6314 11.8454 51.0968C11.2101 51.8162 11.1254 52.747 11.3371 53.6779C11.5066 54.4395 12.0149 54.8626 12.7773 54.9895C13.921 55.1588 14.7681 54.6087 15.6576 53.9741C16.5472 53.3817 17.6061 52.6201 18.3686 53.9741C19.0886 55.328 17.945 55.8358 16.7166 56.2166C17.479 56.809 18.1568 57.0205 18.6227 56.3012C19.3004 55.2857 19.4275 54.1433 18.7074 53.1278C18.1568 52.3239 17.3096 51.9008 16.3354 52.2393C15.5729 52.5355 14.8528 53.0432 14.1328 53.4663C13.4127 53.8894 12.5232 54.5664 11.9725 53.5509C11.4219 52.5355 12.0996 51.7738 13.328 51.4353ZM95.1634 19.0244C94.0197 21.5208 92.4949 23.6364 90.8005 25.6674C91.9442 26.5136 91.8595 26.429 92.7914 25.1596C93.2149 24.5673 93.1302 23.3402 94.528 23.5518C95.2058 23.6364 95.3752 25.4558 96.18 24.1441C96.5612 23.5518 95.2058 23.3825 94.7822 22.9171C94.6975 22.8325 94.6127 22.7055 94.4857 22.6209C95.9258 20.3784 96.3918 20.2091 97.366 21.4785C97.8319 22.0708 97.8319 22.0708 98.552 21.3092C97.4507 20.5899 96.3494 19.8283 95.1634 19.0244ZM64.2421 16.6126C63.6491 18.1358 62.8443 18.2628 61.9548 18.1781C60.9382 18.0512 61.2347 17.078 61.1077 16.4857C60.8535 15.174 60.6417 13.82 60.8111 12.5083C61.0653 10.6043 60.1334 10.8159 59.2016 11.0697C59.6675 13.6931 60.1758 16.2741 59.8793 18.9398C63.395 19.1513 64.1151 18.8975 64.2421 16.6126ZM39.8016 116.807C41.2842 114.438 42.1313 111.899 44.2492 109.995C43.5291 109.868 43.1903 109.064 42.3855 109.233C41.8772 111.222 39.5899 115.03 38.3615 115.834C38.8698 116.215 39.3357 116.511 39.8016 116.807ZM30.7794 33.7066C31.203 33.2412 31.6689 32.6911 32.0925 32.2257C29.3392 31.2949 28.0262 28.7984 25.8659 27.2329C25.4423 27.5291 24.934 27.9522 24.7646 28.2907C26.9672 29.9409 29.0004 31.5064 30.7794 33.7066ZM100.162 111.18C98.0437 109.403 96.6459 107.245 95.3752 104.875C94.8245 105.256 94.2739 105.637 93.7232 105.975C95.7564 107.076 96.773 109.149 98.0014 110.926C98.8485 112.111 99.3568 112.195 100.162 111.18ZM14.7681 64.1712C14.7681 63.2827 14.2598 62.7749 13.5398 62.6903C12.7773 62.6057 12.269 62.9865 12.1419 63.8751C12.0572 64.8482 12.5655 65.356 13.3703 65.3983C14.1328 65.3983 14.6834 64.9329 14.7681 64.1712ZM103.804 29.8562C103.804 28.9254 103.338 28.3753 102.576 28.3753C101.771 28.4176 101.136 28.9677 101.221 29.8562C101.263 30.6602 101.898 31.1256 102.618 31.0833C103.296 31.1256 103.889 30.6602 103.804 29.8562ZM72.629 16.1472C73.1373 16.1049 73.7303 15.6817 73.6032 14.8355C73.4762 14.1162 73.0102 13.5238 72.1631 13.5661C71.3159 13.6085 70.9347 14.2431 70.9347 15.0048C70.9347 15.8087 71.443 16.2318 72.629 16.1472ZM65.64 117.992C65.174 117.95 64.6657 118.288 64.6657 119.177C64.6657 119.938 64.9199 120.573 65.8094 120.573C66.6142 120.573 67.1225 120.023 67.2496 119.346C67.3766 118.5 66.8683 118.077 65.64 117.992ZM29.0004 109.318C28.8733 108.472 28.5768 107.668 28.7039 106.737C26.5013 107.922 28.0261 108.599 29.0004 109.318Z" fill="#0C1E34"/>
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GetReservationRS has duplicate PRICEQUOTE Summary PQR Information

Situation: 2 pax have tickets re-issued due to return date change. Means there is 495.00 Additional Collection. In the PriceQuote/Summary area of the response for one pax the PQR data is repeated. For the other pax it is only listed once as you would expect. In the AccountingLines section of the response it is correctly listed once for each pax. The problem starts on line 13 below with two PQR records. Is this a bug?
<NameAssociation firstName="JOHN MR" lastName="SMITH" nameId="1" nameNumber="1.1">
<PriceQuote number="1" pricingType="S" status="A" type="PQ">
<Indicators itineraryChange="true" />
<Passenger passengerTypeCount="2" requestedType="ADT" type="ADT" />
<Total currencyCode="AUD" decimalPlace="2">1697.66</Total>
<PriceQuote number="2" pricingType="S" reissueType="EXCH AC" status="A" type="PQR">
<Indicators ticketed="true" />
<Passenger passengerTypeCount="1" type="ADT" />
<ReissueDifference currencyCode="AUD" decimalPlace="2">495.00</ReissueDifference>
<PriceQuote number="3" pricingType="S" reissueType="EXCH AC" status="A" type="PQR">
<Indicators ticketed="true" />
<Passenger passengerTypeCount="1" type="ADT" />
<ReissueDifference currencyCode="AUD" decimalPlace="2">495.00</ReissueDifference>
<NameAssociation firstName="PAUL MR" lastName="SMITH" nameId="2" nameNumber="2.1">
<PriceQuote number="1" pricingType="S" status="A" type="PQ">
<Indicators itineraryChange="true" />
<Passenger passengerTypeCount="2" requestedType="ADT" type="ADT" />
<Total currencyCode="AUD" decimalPlace="2">1697.66</Total>
<PriceQuote number="4" pricingType="S" reissueType="EXCH AC" status="A" type="PQR">
<Indicators ticketed="true" />
<Passenger passengerTypeCount="1" type="ADT" />
<ReissueDifference currencyCode="AUD" decimalPlace="2">495.00</ReissueDifference>
Turned out to be a PNR booking error caused by delayed CC validation
