sleep inside inotifywait in a shell function not working - zsh

I am trying to run the following function
foo () {
sleep 1
echo "outside inotify"
(inotifywait . -e create |
while read path action file; do
echo "test"
sleep 1
echo "end"
Until inotifywait it runs correctly; I see:
>> foo
outside inotify
Setting up watches.
Watches established.
However as soon as I create a file, I get
>>> fooo
outside inotify
Setting up watches.
Watches established.
foo:6: command not found: sleep
Any idea why? Plus do I need to spawn the subprocess ( ) around inotifywait? what are the benefits?
thank you.
I realized I am running on zsh

The read path is messing you up, because unlike POSIX-compliant shells -- which guarantee that only modification to variables with all-uppercase names can have unwanted side effects on the shell itself -- zsh also has special-cased behavior for several lower-case names, including path.
In particular, zsh presents path as an array corresponding to the values in PATH. Assigning a string to this array will overwrite your PATH as well.


make zsh prompt update each time a command is executed

I need a way for .zshrc to automatically be sourced each time a command is executed. PROMPT needs to be updated each time a command is executed in order to show relevant information in the prompt.
I use Watson cli for tracking time. On my previous bash setup, I prepended my prompt ($PS1) with a symbol that indicates whether the timer is running or not (red/green). I have mimicked this functionality with Oh My Zsh, as follows (in the theme file):
WATSON_DIR="$HOME/Library/Application Support/watson"
watson_status() {
local txtred="${fg_bold[red]}"
local txtgrn="${fg_bold[green]}"
local txtrst="${reset_color}"
# Started
local status_color="$txtgrn"
# Stopped
if [[ $(cat "$WATSON_DIR/state") == '{}' ]]; then
echo -e "$status_color""◉""$txtrst"
PROMPT="╭── %{$(watson_status) $fg_bold[green]%}%~%{$reset_color%}$(git_prompt_info) ⌚ %{$FG[130]%}%*%{$reset_color%}
╰─➤ $ "
Current issue
The icon will indicate the color of the state at the time that .zshrc was executed. For example, if the timer is running and the icon is properly indicating green, stopping the timer will not cause the icon to turn red. In order to see the icon change color, I have to source .zshrc.
This indicates that the function watson_status() needs to be run each time a command is executed, to give the latest status at the time of the command
I recently ported some prompt code from bash to zsh - on OSX Big Sur - and these were the two big "things to know" for me:
add setopt PROMPT_SUBST to your .zshrc. This "allows for functions in the prompt"
use single quotes when defining your PS1 / PROMPT. If you use double quotes, then the whole string will be evaluated once when the terminal starts, and then that evaluated value is "re-executed" every time the command changes. But you want the functions to be re-evaluated, not the output of the function at the time when the terminal is created.
Easiest example I used to confirm I had it working:
# print_epoch() { date '+%s' }
# this is what you want
# export PS1='$(print_epoch) > '
# this is not what you want
# export PS1="$(print_epoch) > "
Also worth noting PS1 and PROMPT are interchangeable
While we are sharing here is my fairly minimal echo my user, directory, and git branch PROMPT with some colors and a pretty leaf:
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/\1/'
autoload -U colors && colors
export PROMPT='%n %~ %F{blue}🌿$(parse_git_branch)%f > '
noting that:
%n prints name
%~ prints directory relative to home
%F{blue} changes text to blue
%f resets color

What does autoload do in zsh?

I wasn't able to find a documentation for the widely used autoload command in zsh. Does anybody can explain it in plain English?
A bit more specific: What does autoloading of modules mean, for example in this line:
autoload -Uz vcs_info
What does it do?
I've tried autoload --help, man autoload, googling - no success. Thanks!
The autoload feature is not available in bash, but it is in ksh (korn shell) and zsh. On zsh see man zshbuiltins.
Functions are called in the same way as any other command. There can be a name conflict between a program and a function. What autoload does is to mark that name as being a function rather than an external program. The function has to be in a file on its own, with the filename the same as the function name.
autoload -Uz vcs_info
The -U means mark the function vcs_info for autoloading and suppress alias expansion. The -z means use zsh (rather than ksh) style. See also the functions command.
Edit (from comment, as suggested by #ijoseph):
So it records the fact that the name is a function and not an external program - it does not call it unless the -X option is used, it just affects the search path when it is called. If the function name does not collide with the name of a program then it is not required. Prefix your functions with something like f_ and you will probably never need it.
For more detail see
autoload tells zsh to look for a file in $FPATH/$fpath containing a function definition, instead of a file in $PATH/$path containing an executable script or binary.
A script is just a sequence of commands that get executed when the script is run. For example, suppose you have a file called hello like this:
echo "Setting 'greeting'"
If the file is executable and located in one of the directories in your $PATH, then you can run it as a script by just typing its name. But scripts get their own copy of the shell process, so anything they do can't affect the calling shell environment. The assignment to greeting above will be in effect only within the script; once the script exits, it won't have had any impact on your interactive shell session:
$ hello
Setting 'greeting'
$ echo $greeting
A function is instead defined once and stays in the shell's memory; when you call it, it executes inside the current shell, and can therefore have side effects:
hello() {
echo "Setting 'greeting'"
$ hello
Setting 'greeting'
$ echo $greeting
So you use functions when you want to modify your shell environment. The Zsh Line Editor (ZLE) also uses functions - when you bind a key to some action, that action is defined as a shell function (which has to be added to ZLE with the zle -N command).
Now, if you have a lot of functions, then you might not want to define all of them in your .zshrc every time you start a new shell; that slows down shell startup and uses memory to store functions that you might not wind up calling during the lifetime of that shell. So you can instead put the function definitions into their own files, named after the functions they define, and put the files into directories in your $FPATH, which works like $PATH.
Zsh comes with a bunch of standard functions in the default $FPATH already. But it won't know to look for a command there unless you've first told it that the command is a function.
That's what autoload does: it says "Hey, Zsh, this command name here is a function, so when I try to run it, go look for its definition in my FPATH, instead of looking for an executable in my PATH."
The first time you run command which Zsh determines is autoloaded function, the shell sources the definition file. Then, if there's nothing in the file except the function definition, or if the shell option KSH_AUTOLOAD is set, it proceeds to call the function with the arguments you supplied. But if that option is not set and the file contains any code outside the function definition (like initialization of variables used by the function), the function is not called automatically. In that case it's up to you to call the function inside the file after defining it so that first invocation will work.

How do I keep functions/variables local to my zshrc?

Any variable that I declare in my zshrc is available in the shell as an environment variable. I don't want this to happen.
I tried putting the variables in a function and setting them as local, but then the function is available outside of the zshrc.
How can I make it so what happens in my zshrc stays in my zshrc?
If you're using a recent version of zsh you can use an anonymous function:
function () {
local xyz=abc
# whatever
The function will be automatically executed and then thrown away, it exists only for scoping purposes.
This works for any sourced file, not only zshrc.
They are available, but they are not exported so scripts launching from command-line don’t get these variables. If your .zshrc looks like
function zshrc()
local VAR=1
# Do stuff
and you then never want to launch zshrc function again you can just do
unfunction zshrc
If you do not prefix a variable with the word local it will remain until you do one of the following:
Open a new terminal window.
Run exec zsh or exec bash depending on your shell. This just clears out your local variables that were not assigned with the word local.
Avoid this
echo $a
Correct Example
local a=11
echo $a
This variable is scoped to the function name method_name and only available inside of the function when called (and not afterwards).
If you want direct access to that local variable you can set it this way
local z=11
And call it this way
echo $z
Additionally, environment variables are different from local variables
Depending on your shell and needs, you may use .bash_profile or .bashrc or .zshrc etc. to store functions and aliases.
View this reference for more on environment variables and their respective shells
Also read this to understand how to set environment variables on the command line using shell expansions
You can quickly view environment variables with env or printenv
The convention is to use UPPERCASE
To temporarily set an environment variable (stored until you close the terminal)
export A=11 or export B="11 is part of this string"
Assuming you have opened a new terminal window or sourced .zshrc or .bashrc or whichever you are using you can now use this environment variable until you close your terminal session. Note: do not use $ when setting, but do use $ when referencing the variable.
echo "A is equal to: $A and that is pretty nice"
echo "$A"
How to source a file
source ~/path/to/file/filename
source ~/.bash_profile
To set an environment variable (until you remove it or set it again)
Use the code above but place it in your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc or other respective file. Save the file and source it.
export B="11 is part of this string"
You now can view it with
To remove that environment variable, remove it from the file and again source the file.
To temporarily remove an environmental variable, use unset
unset B
Note there is no $ when unsetting.
To set environment variables from the command line
export BLABLA="environment variable set from the command line, saved in file for later use"
Check the file you are sending it to, it may not start on a new line, it might have been concatenated to your last line which was some other function, alias or other.
This is not a fully comprehensive answer, but it is a great step in the right direction. It shows how scope in a terminal shell can be set, used and removed.
There is apparently a bash convention to name 'private' functions with double underscore .. of course they are not actually private . I am using this convention in my .zshrc.
function __comment()
echo "$curr $*"
__comment 'Here is a Comment'

Setting environment variable in shell script does not make it visible to the shell

I want to use a shell script that I can call to set some environment variables. However, after the execution of the script, I don't see the environment variable using "printenv" in bash.
Here is my script:
echo "Hello!"
export MYVAR=boubou
echo "After setting MYVAR!"
When I do "./", I see:
After setting MYVAR!
When I do "printenv MYVAR", I see nothing.
Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?
This is how environment variables work. Every process has a copy of the environment. Any changes that the process makes to its copy propagate to the process's children. They do not, however, propagate to the process's parent.
One way to get around this is by using the source command:
source ./
. ./
(the two forms are synonymous).
When you do this, instead of running the script in a sub-shell, bash will execute each command in the script as if it were typed at the prompt.
Another alternative would be to have the script print the variables you want to set, with echo export VAR=value and do eval "$(./" in your main shell. This is the approach used by various programs [e.g. resize, dircolors] that provide environment variables to set.
This only works if the script has no other output (or if any other output appears on stderr, with >&2)

'tee' and exit status

Is there an alternative to tee which captures standard output and standard error of the command being executed and exits with the same exit status as the processed command?
Something like the following:
eet -a some.log -- mycommand --foo --bar
Where "eet" is an imaginary alternative to "tee" :) (-a means append and -- separates the captured command). It shouldn't be hard to hack such a command, but maybe it already exists and I'm not aware of it?
This works with Bash:
set -o pipefail
mycommand --foo --bar | tee some.log
The parentheses are there to limit the effect of pipefail to just the one command.
From the bash(1) man page:
The return status of a pipeline is the exit status of the last command, unless the pipefail option is enabled. If pipefail is enabled, the pipeline's return status is the value of the last (rightmost) command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if all commands exit successfully.
I stumbled upon a couple of interesting solutions at Capture Exit Code Using Pipe & Tee.
There is the $PIPESTATUS variable available in Bash:
false | tee /dev/null
[ $PIPESTATUS -eq 0 ] || exit $PIPESTATUS
And the simplest prototype of "eet" in Perl may look as follows:
open MAKE, "command 2>&1 |" or die;
open (LOGFILE, ">>some.log") or die;
while (<MAKE>) {
print LOGFILE $_;
close MAKE; # To get $?
my $exit = $? >> 8;
close LOGFILE;
Here's an eet. Works with every Bash I can get my hands on, from 2.05b to 4.0.
while [[ $# > 0 && $1 != -- ]]; do
tee_args=("${tee_args[#]}" "$1")
# now ${tee_args[*]} has the arguments before --,
# and $* has the arguments after --
# redirect standard out through a pipe to tee
exec | tee "${tee_args[#]}"
# do the *real* exec of the desired program
exec "$#"
(pipefail and $PIPESTATUS are nice, but I recall them being introduced in 3.1 or thereabouts.)
This is what I consider to be the best pure-Bourne-shell solution to use as the base upon which you could build your "eet":
# You want to pipe command1 through command2:
exec 4>&1
exitstatus=`{ { command1; echo $? 1>&3; } | command2 1>&4; } 3>&1`
# $exitstatus now has command1's exit status.
I think this is best explained from the inside out – command1 will execute and print its regular output on stdout (file descriptor 1), then once it's done, echo will execute and print command1's exit code on its stdout, but that stdout is redirected to file descriptor three.
While command1 is running, its stdout is being piped to command2 (echo's output never makes it to command2 because we send it to file descriptor 3 instead of 1, which is what the pipe reads). Then we redirect command2's output to file descriptor 4, so that it also stays out of file descriptor one – because we want file descriptor one clear for when we bring the echo output on file descriptor three back down into file descriptor one so that the command substitution (the backticks) can capture it.
The final bit of magic is that first exec 4>&1 we did as a separate command – it opens file descriptor four as a copy of the external shell's stdout. Command substitution will capture whatever is written on standard out from the perspective of the commands inside it – but, since command2's output is going to file descriptor four as far as the command substitution is concerned, the command substitution doesn't capture it – however, once it gets "out" of the command substitution, it is effectively still going to the script's overall file descriptor one.
(The exec 4>&1 has to be a separate command to work with many common shells. In some shells it works if you just put it on the same line as the variable assignment, after the closing backtick of the substitution.)
(I use compound commands ({ ... }) in my example, but subshells (( ... )) would also work. The subshell will just cause a redundant forking and awaiting of a child process, since each side of a pipe and the inside of a command substitution already normally implies a fork and await of a child process, and I don't know of any shell being coded to recognize that it can skip one of those forks because it's already done or is about to do the other.)
You can look at it in a less technical and more playful way, as if the outputs of the commands are leapfrogging each other: command1 pipes to command2, then the echo's output jumps over command2 so that command2 doesn't catch it, and then command2's output jumps over and out of the command substitution just as echo lands just in time to get captured by the substitution so that it ends up in the variable, and command2's output goes on its way to the standard output, just as in a normal pipe.
Also, as I understand it, at the end of this command, $? will still contain the return code of the second command in the pipe, because variable assignments, command substitutions, and compound commands are all effectively transparent to the return code of the command inside them, so the return status of command2 should get propagated out.
A caveat is that it is possible that command1 will at some point end up using file descriptors three or four, or that command2 or any of the later commands will use file descriptor four, so to be more hygienic, we would do:
exec 4>&1
exitstatus=`{ { command1 3>&-; echo $? 1>&3; } 4>&- | command2 1>&4; } 3>&1`
exec 4>&-
Commands inherit file descriptors from the process that launches them, so the entire second line will inherit file descriptor four, and the compound command followed by 3>&1 will inherit the file descriptor three. So the 4>&- makes sure that the inner compound command will not inherit file descriptor four, and the 3>&- makes sure that command1 will not inherit file descriptor three, so command1 gets a 'cleaner', more standard environment. You could also move the inner 4>&- next to the 3>&-, but I figure why not just limit its scope as much as possible.
Almost no programs uses pre-opened file descriptor three and four directly, so you almost never have to worry about it, but the latter is probably best to keep in mind and use for general-purpose cases.
{ mycommand --foo --bar 2>&1; ret=$?; } | tee -a some.log; (exit $ret)
KornShell, all in one line:
foo; RET_VAL=$?; if test ${RET_VAL} != 0;then echo $RET_VAL; echo Error occurred!>/tmp/out.err;exit 2;fi |tee >>/tmp/out.err ; if test ${RET_VAL} != 0;then exit $RET_VAL;fi
exec 2>&1
exec "$#" | tee "$logfile"
Hopefully this works for you.
Assuming Bash or Z shell (zsh),
my_command >>my_log 2>&1
N.B. The sequence of redirection and duplication of standard error onto standard output is significant!
I didn't realise you wanted to see the output on screen as well. This will of course direct all output to the file my_log.
