Lookup value from another matrix - r

I have a stepwise structure of tariffs for treatments. Treatment between 0-33 hrs receive the tariff $96. Treatments between 34 and 96 hours receive 224, etc.
I would like to create graph with treatment hours and tariffs with the hrs on the x-axis and tariff on y-axis. In order to do that I need to create a variable that gives me the corresponding tariff for each treatment hour ('hr'). How do I do this in R?
min <- c(381, 201, 97, 34, 0)
max <- c(NA, 380, 200, 96, 33)
tariff2019 <- c(779, 536, 368, 224, 96)
dat <- data.frame(hr=seq(401))
dat$tariff <-


Survival::Survfit (left, right, and interval censoring)

I'm attempting to estimate survival probabilities using the survfit function from the Survival package. My dataset consists of animals that were captured at various times over the course of ~2 years. Some animals died, some animals were censored after capture and some animals lived beyond the end of the study (I'm guessing this means I have left, right and interval censored data).
I can estimate survival probability using right censors only, but this assumes all animals were captured on the same day and does not account for adding new animals through time. What I would like to do is estimate survival as a function of calendar day and not as a function of time since capture.
Example data:
time1<- c(2, 386, 0, 1, 384, 3, 61, 33, 385, 64)
time2<- c(366, 665, 285, 665, 665, 454, 279, 254, 665, 665)
censor<- c(3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3)
region <- c(1, 6, 1, 6, 5, 1, 1, 1, 5, 6)
m1<- data.frame(time1, time2, censor, region)
km.2 <- survfit(Surv(m1$time1, m1$time2, m1$censor, type = "interval") ~ m1$region)
Note the above code runs but doesn't estimate what I laid out above. I hope this is an issue of specifying certain arguments in the survfit function but this is where I am lost. Thanks for the help
Not sure if you've figured this out by now since it was nearly a year ago. I'm a bit confused by the experiment you're explaining.
However, one item that pops out immediately is the "time1". I believe you can't have any times start or end at 0. I recommend adding 0.5 or 1 to that specific time observation, and explaining why in your write up. But having a 0 value is a likely culprit for why it's not estimating properly

predicting values witn non-linear regression

My non-linear model is the following:
fhw <- data.frame(
time=c(10800, 10810, 10820, 10830, 10840, 10850, 10860, 10870, 10880, 10890),
water=c( 105, 103, 103, 104, 107, 109, 112, 113, 113, 112)
nl <- nls(formula = water ~ cbind(1,poly(time,4),sin(omega_1*time+phi_1),
sin(omega_3*time+phi_3)), data = fhw,
start = list(omega_1=(2*pi)/545, omega_2=(2*pi)/205,
omega_3=(2*pi)/85, phi_1=pi, phi_2=pi, phi_3=pi),
algorithm = "plinear", control = list(maxiter = 1000))
Time is between 10800 and 17220, but I want to predict ahead. Using the function predict like this:
gives wrong results, since the first value it returns is complete different than the last value it return when I use predict(nl). I think the problem has something to do with poly, but I'm not sure. Furthermore, predicting at one time point, gives the error: degree' must be less than number of unique points. Can anybody help?

Confidence Interval for Non Linear Regression Model

My data consist of two columns: time and cumulative number like below:
time <- c(1:14)
cum.num <- c(20, 45, 99, 195, 301, 407, 501, 582, 679, 753, 790, 861, 1011, 1441)
My non linear function is:
My objective is to model this function using non linear regression using nls() in R and to compute the confidence interval. I have donr the following:
I got an error while computing confidence interval, i have tried the following:
Once i issued this command got the following error:
Waiting for profiling to be done...
Error in prof$getProfile() :
step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976562
Can anyone help me in this regard?
Try package nlstools:
> nlstools::confint2(m1.fit)
2.5 % 97.5 %
c1 -48.556270 54.959689
c2 -175.654079 -45.216965
c3 3.285062 9.529072
c4 -49.254627 46.007629
c5 -34.135835 272.864743`

exponential function in R

I have basic knowledge in R, I would like to know how to write a code of an exponential function in R
where A=lambda parameter, B is a parameter represents the Y data, X represents the X data below.
I need the exponential model to generate the curve to fit the data; for example:
X <- c(22, 44, 69, 94, 119, 145, 172, 199, 227, 255)
PS: this x-axis in numbers (in millions).
Y <- c(1, 7, 8, 12, 12, 14, 14, 18, 19, 22)
This y-axis
any idea of how to write the code and fit this model in the data...?
In R you can write an exponential function with exp(), in your case:
F <- Y*(1-exp(-A*X))

Polynomial regression in Maple

In Maple I have two lists
A:=[seq(i, i=1..10)];
B:=[10, 25, 43, 63, 83, 92, 99, 101, 101, 96];
Is it possible to do polynomial or power regression in Maple?
I want to fit a trend line as a 3rd order polynomium where each point is (A[i], B[i]).
All you need is
Statistics:-LinearFit([1,x,x^2,x^3], A, B, x);
