Form Recognizer S0 tier limitations - microsoft-cognitive

When building a project with the Form Recognizer v. 2.0 API, I get an page limit error when trying to train with more than 500 pages in the project, even though the service has been configured to use tier S0.
Are there limitations on this level or is it because the service is in preview?

I think I find the right documentation for this point, but I agree, it was not easy to find it.
It's here:
It states that, for a custom model:
PDF and TIFF documents must be 200 pages or less, and the total size
of the training data set must be 500 pages or less.
So I guess yes this is a limitation, but I don't know if it is due to the preview or not.


How to integrate Recombee with ASP.NET

How do I integrate recombee with ASP.NET to display results in a list or grid view, as well as connect a book crossing dataset to it?
Recombee provides a .NET SDK (
The github page contains an example how to upload items catalog (your dataset) via it to Recombee. It also shows how the recommendations are requested.
Recombee API returns by default ids of the recommended items, but if you specify parameter returnProperties=true in the recommendation requests, it will also return properties of the items, which you can use for filling your list/grid view.
Another source of information is the Getting Started section of the Recombee docs.

Scorm Suspend Data issue migrating from scorm cloud

I currently have a client that has a Scorm 1.2 course which is hosted on Scorm cloud. Things are going fine there with the course but the client wants to get off Scorm cloud because the fees are adding up. I know Scorm cloud is a very in depth application but all the client really needs to worry about is allowing the user to continue where they left off, detecting if the user passed the final score and ideally the score they got on the final exam.
I have used a few different scorm player wrappers but I am running into the same issue with them all. The scorm course made from storyboard creates a huge value for suspend_data and when it is really long for some reason the course will ask if the user wants to continue where they left off but will bring them back to the beginning and not continue where they left off.
I know to be Scorm 1.2 compliant the suspend_data should be no longer than 4096 characters but some are upwards of 90,000 characters. I also have read Scorm doesn't really enforce this it is mainly a LMS restriction on field size. I am storing all of the cmi data into a medium_text field so I am not having an issue with storing it.
My main question is has any migrated off scorm cloud and took their users history (suspend_data) with them to have users continue where they left off with your scorm player? Another question is has anyone had this issue and is there a player/wrapper you have used to successfully use a large suspend_data for a Scorm 1.2 course. What I am trying to do is take them off Scorm cloud so I can do an api call to get all of the cmi data for each user and then start launching directly from their site and store new cmi data but we can't move away since many users would have to start the course over.
I did run more tests with my scorm player and when through the entire course and saved my suspend_data at various points and I can get it to launch at that point. The longest my suspend_data was just under 30k characters.
Any tips in the right direction would be appreciated.
Migrating SCORM data from system to system is tough as while the SCORM elements themselves should be named similarly in the systems SCORM implementation, each LMS could store/name them in a different manner.
As far as the large suspend data issue goes, are you moving to a system that allows for a customized maximum suspend data size? In SCORM Cloud and LMSs that run our SCORM Engine, we do have that course property that allows you to store as much suspend data as you want. There are a number of LMSs out there that use Engine so you may be able to modify that behavior.
Shoot us a message at if you have any other questions!
Joe Donnelly
Rustici Software Support

Single page application (angular 2) for line of business applications

these days I’m facing a fundamental problem – let’s call it an architectural design decision.
So my team and I build typical line of business (lob)-web-applications for my company. For my purpose, lob means especially this:
A lot of user-interaction (entering data, CRUD entities, display data, aggregating data, statistics and reports, validation and so on)
Very restrictive (users have to login, users have different permission-levels, they can make different kinds of changes on different entities, display various reports and so on)
For an example, let’s take an ordinary approval-workflow: I need a new laptop, so I go to the “ressources-webApp” and create a new purchase requisition. My boss gets a notification and has to approve my request. In the next step, the proper department has to buy the laptop and finish my requisition.
I know this is a simple “hello world”-example and in real life you would use an existing software for this purpose (SAP or something like that), but it describes my use-case pretty well: data-driven and very restrictive (I can see all requisitions of my department but only change or delete my ones, I should not see the page for the approval or call the approval-api, my boss should only see the requests of his employees but not for the empolyees of another department, neither my boss nor I should see the page or be able to finish a requisition and so on).
Currently we are using ASP.NET MVC and WebAPI in combination with angularjs 1. For each “action” (page or view) exists a mvc-controller which listens to a specific route and returns the appropriate view. Each view references a specific angular-controller. Also each view may consist of different “partial views” (components or controls). To handle data the angular-controller calls webAPI-controllers which also listen to specific routes and handle the request (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE). Each controller (mvc and webAPI) checks the authorization-token of each http-request which comes in a cookie, if the user is allowed to open the page or call the action.
Now I’m wondering how to do this in a SPA-application with angular 2. Angular 2 sounds pretty interesting for me and has some nice benefits over angular 1, so I want to try angular 2. It seems that with angular 2 you only can build a SPA-application (compared to the “classical” MPA-application I mentioned above, where every page comes from the server and contains a angular-controller).
Generally I’m not disinclined to SPA, but I’m not sure how to handle the security-questions mentioned above.
In addition there are other common problems with SPA: not working back-buttons from the browser, no way to enter a specific url directly to the browser, no bookmarking etc.
So, do you have any advice, tip or best practice for me? Do you think that SPA is a good “pattern” for lob-web-applications? And if yes, how would you handle the security-problems as well as the other common SPA-problems?
Best regards,

get request parameter from url in HP loadrunner

I am using HP loadrunner for my automatic tests.
Every time, when i run my application, it creates some transfer and also generates id in URL.
How can i get the id from URL?
Thanks in advance!
The web_reg_save_param function in LoadRunner is used for this. The following line will save the current page URL to the parameter (URL).
web_reg_save_param("URL", "LB/ic=Location: ", "RB=\r\n", "Search=Headers", LAST);
If you know what the ID is that your looking for, ie. you can adjust the call accordingly.
web_reg_save_param("URL", "LB/ic=Location:", "RB=\r\n", "Search=Headers", LAST);
Hope this helps.
Recording with Siebel 8.1 on Loadrunner 11 having issues,posted a question on HP and got the same comment. But usually we can try the below mentioned option
You can record in Siebel-Web or web (http/html) and playback as
either too (if you want to record in Siebel-Web and play back in
regular web, just copy the contents of the script to a regular web
script and save).
Try a proxy mode recording in LR.
Changing registry and disables NTLM.
Turn off all autocorrelation rules
Turn on record as URL mode (as an alternate use web_custom_requests())
Use a sniffer to capture the traffic and then build a script by hand.(Best Option)
Change settings on the Siebel server side as well (Enable Automation=True, EnableWebClientAutomation = TRUE)
If you are recording your scripts using Web http/html you can use automatic correlation. For automatic correlation go to Design Studio
If you are unable to find the value there,then you must correlate manually using web_reg_save_param by giving the left and right boundaries.
This is going to sound belligerent, condescending and downright offensive. It is not to be meant as a reflection on you, but upon your management who has placed you in this position.
The topic of Correlation is one covered extensively in the class for LoadRunner web script development. It is the topic of a full 1/3 of the class and an additional appendix. All told some four different techniques for collecting dynamic data are covered, presented or documented as a part of the class materials. This capability, the handling of dynamic data, is a foundation tool skill.
Vardges, your management has placed you in a tough spot. Personally I would bolt for greener fields, for any management which is willing to do this to a line-of-business employee is also willing to toss that same person under the bus to salvage their own hide or a client relationship. Blaming you for something that management is unwilling to address is not a question of "if?" when training and mentoring does not occur, but only "when?" will the blame be placed on you.
James Pulley
Moderator: YahooGroups Advanced-LoadRunner, YahooGroups LoadRunner, SQAForums LoadRunner, LinkedIn LoadRunner, GoogleGroups lr-loadrunner

How can we generate Reports using flex bulider?

is it possiable we can bulid the reports using flex bulider ? or can we and any
frameworks for build the reports ? .
i don't know what way to bulid the reports
flex bulider have any build reports compoents there?
i want sorting reports order like
By Product Company Name Expected Close Month
Consultant Expected Revenue
this is are fields
Product 1 A May’10 X £1,000.00
B Jun’10 Y £2,000.00 C Jul’10
X £3,000.00 Sub Total
Product 2 etc
Grand Total £24,000.00
This is are data . How is it possiable ?
Could u give any gudiends me ?
Answer based on first revision.
Typically applications would give this responsibility to the server. Your Flex application passes parameters to the server with a request for a PDF document and the server puts together the appropriate one and seconds it back.
If you're using AIR to run your Flex application you could probably write a library to create a PDF file and then same it to the user's computer but I would stress that the kind of libraries you would need for your server already exist. For example:
Report tends to be a rather generic term and as the other responder indicated that it meant PDF to him/her. The application I am working on is very report heavy. We have a requirement for a client side report ("Think Report in Flex") and PDF version of the same report.
When we originally looked 1yr back, there is no Report library that provides the equivalent of what lifecycle does on the server. Therefore we have had to build our own and it is based on a generic template mechanism.
So can it be done. Yes. But I would recommend developing a generic means to render your reports and it is not a easy task if you want to keep it generic so you can create multiple type of reports.
Also, avoid the trap of nesting your reports through VBOX, HBOX and containers to provide a flexible layout system as it will not perform well.
