Recursive Definitions - recursion

I'm currently learning about recursion in Scheme. I found this recursive definition but I don't understand what it is trying to do. If someone could explain it to me, I would appreciate it. Here is the definition:
(define (function ls)
(if (null? ls) '()
(map (lambda (x) (cons (car ls) x))
(function (cdr ls))
(function (cdr ls))

In its current state, function simply returns the empty list, no matter the input. However, it does ring a bell. It looks like a failed attempt to implement the powerset function:
(define (powerset ls)
(if (null? ls)
(append (map (lambda (x) (cons (car ls) x))
(powerset (cdr ls)))
(powerset (cdr ls)))))
Can you spot the difference? the base case in your code is wrong! In case you were wondering, powerset returns the set of all possible subsets of a list:
(powerset '(1 2 3))
=> '((1 2 3) (1 2) (1 3) (1) (2 3) (2) (3) ())


Scheme: Implementing a Quick-Sort

I'm trying to implement a quick sort using scheme, some dudes here already helped me fixing my split function and now I'm asking for you help with combining everything into one working algorithm.
Here is my code so far:
(define quick-sort (lambda (lst)
(define pivot (lambda (lst)
(if (null? lst)
(car lst))))
(define split (lambda (lst pivot)
(define lst1 null)
(define lst2 null)
(define split-helper (lambda (lst pivot lst1 lst2)
(if (null? lst)
(list lst1 lst2)
(if (<= (car lst) pivot)
(split-helper (cdr lst) pivot (cons (car lst) lst1) lst2)
(split-helper (cdr lst) pivot lst1 (cons (car lst) lst2))))))
(split-helper lst pivot lst1 lst2)))
(if (null? lst)
(append (quick-sort (car (split lst (pivot lst)))) (quick-sort (cdr (split lst (pivot lst))))))))
As you can see, I'm choosing the pivot to simply be the first element in the list, the problem I'm facing is that the program ran into an infinite loop when the pivot is the smallest element in the list because it makes the program choose the same pivot over and over.
Also, the way it's currently implemented makes it be really un-efficient because the split function is called twice with the same lst in every ineration of quick-sort but I just don't have good enough control over Scheme to write it any other way.
I saw some posts about Quick-Sort in Scheme but they were implemented a bit different and I rather try and correct my own implementation than copying some other dude's work.
Thank you.
This is a classical mistake when it comes to quicksort. Your pivot should not be a part of the partitions. That way a one element list makes two empty partitions, one before and one after the pivot.
As for doing the same operation twice. Use let to buffer the split result and use the variable twice.
Removed excessive lambdas, aliases, bindings, and reformatted, but didn't change or annotate semantics (Sylwester already pointed out the bug):
(define (quick-sort lst)
(define (pivot lst)
(if (null? lst)
(car lst) ))
(define (split lst pivot)
(let split-helper ((lst lst) ; Named let instead of internal
(lst1 '()) ; definition
(lst2 '()) )
(if (null? lst)
(cons lst1 list2)
(if (<= (car lst) pivot)
(split-helper (cdr lst)
(cons (car lst) lst1)
(split-helper (cdr lst)
(cons (car lst) lst2) )))))
(if (null? lst)
(let ((spl (split lst (pivot lst)))) ; Memoization of the `split`
(append (quick-sort (car spl))
(quick-sort (cdr spl)) ))))
I think you're trying to implement a partition:
(define (partition pred xs)
(let part ((ps '()) (ns '()) ; Initial "positives" `ps`, and "negatives" `ns`
(xs' xs) )
(if (null? xs')
(cons ps ns) ; Returning pair of lists
(let ((x (car xs'))) ; Memoization of `(car lst)`
(if (pred x)
(part (cons x ps) ns (cdr xs'))
(part ps (cons x ns) (cdr xs')) )))))
(define (quicksort xs)
(if (null? xs) '()
(let* ((x (car xs))
(pn (partition ; Memoization of `partition`
(lambda (x')
(< x' x) )
(cdr xs) )))
(append (quicksort (car pn)) ; Extracting positives from pair
(list x) ; Pivot
(quicksort (cdr pn)) )))) ; Negatives
(quicksort (list 4 2 3 5 1)) ) ; (1 2 3 4 5)
part is inefficient in strict languages like Scheme; it copies all three of its arguments for every recursive step. Often, straightforward formulations in terms of basic folds like filter and map are most efficient. A much more efficient implementation using filter:
(define (quicksort xs)
(if (null? xs) '()
(let ((x (car xs))
(xs' (cdr xs)) )
(append (quicksort
(filter (lambda (x')
(< x' x) )
(list x)
(filter (lambda (x')
(>= x' x) )
This strategy famously happens to be very briefly expressible in functional languages.
In lazy Haskell, a single-traversal partition is actually more efficient than filtering twice.
select :: (a -> Bool) -> ([a], [a]) -> a -> ([a], [a])
select pred (ps, ns) x | pred x = (x : ps, ns)
| otherwise = (ps, x : ns)
partition :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
partition pred = foldl (select pred) ([], [])
quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x : xs) = let (lt, gt) = partition (< x) xs
in quicksort lt ++ [x] ++ quicksort gt

Scheme syntax error when recursing

I'm writing a recursive function that will convert an expression from prefix to infix. However, I need to add in a check to make sure part of the input is not already in infix.
For example, I may get input like (+ (1 + 2) 3).
I want to change this to ((1 + 2) + 3)
Here is what I have so far:
(define (finalizePrefixToInfix lst)
;Convert a given s-expression to infix notation
(define operand (car lst))
(define operator1 (cadr lst))
(define operator2 (caddr lst))
(display lst)
((and (list? lst) (symbol? operand));Is the s-expression a list?
;It was a list. Recusively call the operands of the list and return in infix format
(display "recursing")
(list (finalizePrefixToInfix operator1) operand (finalizePrefixToInfix operator2))
(else (display "not recursing") lst);It was not a list. We can not reformat, so return.
However, this is giving me syntax errors but I cant figure out why. Any help?
You have to check to see if the lst parameter is a list at the very beginning (base case), otherwise car and friends will fail when applied to an atom. Try this:
(define (finalizePrefixToInfix lst)
(cond ((not (pair? lst)) lst)
(define operand (car lst))
(define operator1 (cadr lst))
(define operator2 (caddr lst))
((symbol? operand)
(list (finalizePrefixToInfix operator1)
(finalizePrefixToInfix operator2)))
(else lst)))))

Recursion on list of pairs in Scheme

I have tried many times but I still stuck in this problem, here is my input:
(define *graph*
'((a . 2) (b . 2) (c . 1) (e . 1) (f . 1)))
and I want the output to be like this: ((2 a b) (1 c e f))
Here is my code:
(define group-by-degree
(lambda (out-degree)
(if (null? (car (cdr out-degree)))
(if (equal? (cdr (car out-degree)) (cdr (car (cdr out-degree))))
(list (cdr (car out-degree)) (append (car (car out-degree))))
(group-by-degree (cdr out-degree))))))
Can you please show me what I have done wrong cos the output of my code is (2 a). Then I think the idea of my code is correct.
Please help!!!
A very nice and elegant way to solve this problem, would be to use hash tables to keep track of the pairs found in the list. In this way we only need a single pass over the input list:
(define (group-by-degree lst)
(foldl (lambda (key ht)
(cdr key)
(lambda (x) (cons (car key) x))
The result will appear in a different order than the one shown in the question, but nevertheless it's correct:
(group-by-degree *graph*)
=> '((1 f e c) (2 b a))
If the order in the output list is a problem try this instead, it's less efficient than the previous answer, but the output will be identical to the one in the question:
(define (group-by-degree lst)
(foldr (lambda (key ht)
(cdr key)
(lambda (x) (cons (car key) x))
(group-by-degree *graph*)
=> '((2 a b) (1 c e f))
I don't know why the lambda is necessary; you can directly define a function with (define (function arg1 arg2 ...) ...)
That aside, however, to put it briefly, the problen is that the cars and cdrs are messed up. I couldn't find a way to tweak your solution to work, but here is a working implementation:
; appends first element of pair into a sublist whose first element
; matches the second of the pair
(define (my-append new lst) ; new is a pair
(if (null? lst)
(list (list (cdr new) (car new)))
(if (equal? (car (car lst)) (cdr new))
(list (append (car lst) (list (car new))))
(append (list (car lst)) (my-append new (cdr lst)))
; parses through a list of pairs and appends them into the list
; according to my-append
(define (my-combine ind)
(if (null? ind)
(my-append (car ind) (my-combine (cdr ind))))
; just a wrapper for my-combine, which evaluates the list backwards
; this sets the order right
(define (group-by-degree out-degree)
(my-combine (reverse out-degree)))

how to write a reduce-per-key function in scheme?

"define a procedure 'reduce-per-key' which a procedure reducef and a list of associations in which each key is paired with a list. The output is a list of the same structure except that each key is now associated with the result of applying reducef to its associated list"
I've already written 'map-per-key' and 'group-by-key' :
(define (map-per-key mapf lls)
[(null? lls) '()]
[else (append (mapf (car lls))(map-per-key mapf (cdr lls)))]))
(define (addval kv lls)
[(null? lls) (list (list (car kv)(cdr kv)))]
[(eq? (caar lls) (car kv))
(cons (list (car kv) (cons (cadr kv) (cadar lls)))(cdr lls))]
[else (cons (car lls)(addval kv (cdr lls)))]))
(define (group-by-key lls)
[(null? lls) '()]
[else (addval (car lls) (group-by-key (cdr lls)))]))
how would I write the next step, 'reduce-per-key' ? I'm also having trouble determining if it calls for two arguments or three.
so far, I've come up with:
(define (reduce-per-key reducef lls)
(let loop ((val (car lls))
(lls (cdr lls)))
(if (null? lls) val
(loop (reducef val (car lls)) (cdr lls)))))
however, with a test case such as:
(lambda (kv) (list (car kv) (length (cadr kv))))
(map-per-key (lambda (kv) (list kv kv kv)) xs)))
I receive an incorrect argument count, but when I try to write it with three arguments, I also receive this error. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Your solution is a lot more complicated than it needs to be, and has several errors. In fact, the correct answer is simple enough to make unnecessary the definition of new helper procedures. Try working on this skeleton of a solution, just fill-in the blanks:
(define (reduce-per-key reducef lls)
(if (null? lls) ; If the association list is empty, we're done
<???> ; and we can return the empty list.
(cons (cons <???> ; Otherwise, build a new association with the same key
<???>) ; and the result of mapping `reducef` on the key's value
(reduce-per-key <???> <???>)))) ; pass reducef, advance the recursion
Remember that there's a built-in procedure for mapping a function over a list. Test it like this:
(reduce-per-key (lambda (x) (* x x))
'((x 1 2) (y 3) (z 4 5 6)))
> '((x 1 4) (y 9) (z 16 25 36))
Notice that each association is composed of a key (the car part) and a list as its value (the cdr part). For example:
(define an-association '(x 3 6 9))
(car an-association)
> 'x ; the key
(cdr an-association)
> '(3 6 9) ; the value, it's a list
As a final thought, the name reduce-per-key is a bit misleading, map-per-key would be a lot more appropriate as this procedure can be easily expressed using map ... but that's left as an exercise for the reader.
Now that you've found a solution, I can suggest a more concise alternative using map:
(define (reduce-per-key reducef lls)
(map (lambda (e) (cons (car e) (map reducef (cdr e))))

Scheme: sequential execution

I need to do something basically like this:
(define test
(λ (ls1 ls2)
((empty? ls2) null)
(append ls1 (car ls2)) (test ls1 (cdr ls2))) (displayln ls1))))
The issue is the else-clause and the function that follows it. I need both clauses of the else-clause to execute and then I need the last function to execute but I can't get the syntax right.
I need (test '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) to result in displaying '(1 2 3 4 5 6) and it has to use the recursive call.
Any advice is appreciated.
There is several problem there. First you make an append on a list and an atom (not a list)... at least if (car l2) is not a list. Second you probably think that (append l1 (list (car l2)) modifies l1. But this is not the case. The result is a new list.
To sequence your operation you can do as larsmans have said. But you can also write the following
(define (test l1 l2)
(if (null? l2)
(displayln l1)
(let ((l1-follow-by-car-l2 (append l1 (list (car l2)))))
(test l1-follow-by-car-l2 (cdr l2)) ))
This has exactly the same behavior.
If you desperately want to solve this recursively, and you don't care about the return value, use
(define (test l1 l2)
(if (null? l2)
(displayln l1)
(test (append l1 (list (car l2))) (cdr l2))))
(This is very inefficient btw: O(n × m) memory allocations.)
