I have the following data:
Treatment Dose Value
FeSo4 200 104.17
TQ1 6 98.17
TQ2 9 92
TQ3 12 86.67
TQ4 15 77.33
TQ5 18 71.33
TQ6 21 74.83
TQ7 24 82.17
How can I do Broken-line regression analysis of this data in R to get the graph as below:
The best way to fit linear models by segments in R is to use CRAN package segmented.
In what follows, I have created a new column, coercing column Treatment from class factor to its integer codes.
df1$Num <- as.integer(df1$Treatment)
fit <- lm(Value ~ Num, df1)
seg <- segmented(fit, seg.Z = ~Num, psi = 6)
plot(Value ~ Num, df1) # plot the points
plot(seg, add = TRUE) # plot the broken line
abline(v = seg$psi[2]) # plot the vertical at the breakpoint
df1 <- read.table(text = "
Treatment Dose Value
FeSo4 200 104.17
TQ1 6 98.17
TQ2 9 92
TQ3 12 86.67
TQ4 15 77.33
TQ5 18 71.33
TQ6 21 74.83
TQ7 24 82.17
", header = TRUE)
A different approach is to first find the threshold and then fit a regular lm() model:
df <- read.table(text = "
Treatment Dose Value
FeSo4 200 104.17
TQ1 6 98.17
TQ2 9 92
TQ3 12 86.67
TQ4 15 77.33
TQ5 18 71.33
TQ6 21 74.83
TQ7 24 82.17
", header = TRUE)
df$Num <- as.integer(df$Treatment)
thr.pwl = piecewise.linear(df$Num, df$Value,
middle = 1, CI = FALSE,
bootstrap.samples = 1000, sig.level = 0.001)
[1] "Threshold alpha: 6.30159931424453" #This is the threshold you need
[1] ""
[1] "Model coefficients: Beta[0], Beta[1], Beta[2]" #The estimates here are the same as in model.pwl, however, with lm() you can include also other independent variables
(Intercept) x w
111.48333 -6.63000 13.97001
model.pwl <- lm(Value ~ Num*(Num >= 6.30) + Num*(Num < 6.30),
data = df)
And you can plot it as:
abline(v = thr.pwl$change.point)
However, with piecewise.linear() you can only us one threshold, while with segmented() more of them.
I have a dataset with both missing-at-random (MAR) and censored data. The variables are correlated and I am trying to impute the missing data conditionally so that I can estimate the distribution parameters for a correlated multivariate normal distribution. I would like to use Gibbs MCMC, but am having difficulty implementing the procedure. My dataframe has 5 variables (denoted x1:x5), 1099 samples which contain some combination of MAR, censored and observed values. This is what I have tried so far:
# packages
library(msm, tmvtnorm, MCMCpack)
# priors
theta0<-c(rep(0, 5))
# initialize parameters
theta<-c(rep(0, 5))
# initialize output matrix
n_samples <- 1000
mu_MCMC <- matrix(0, nrow = n_samples, ncol = 5)
mu_MCMC[1,] <- theta
cov_MCMC <- matrix(0, nrow = n_samples, ncol = 25)
cov_MCMC[1,] <- c(diag(5))
# detection limits
det_lim <- matrix(c(-1.7, 0, 0, 0, 0), nrow = 1, ncol = 5)
# function to detect NaN (i.e., below detection data)
is.nan.data.frame <- function(x)
do.call(cbind, lapply(x, is.nan))
for(i in 2:n_samples){
imputedDF <- data.frame()
for(r in 1:nrow(originalDF)){
# variables that are MAR or censored
mis <- r[, is.na(r) & is.nan(r)]
# variables that are observed
obs <- r[, !is.na(r)]
# subset mu for missing, observed
mu1 <- mu[, names(r) %in% names(mis)]
mu2 <- mu[, names(r) %in% names(obs)]
# calculate sigmas for MVN partitions of mis, obs
sigma11 <- sigma[names(r) %in% names(mis), names(r) %in% names(mis)]
sigma22 <- sigma[names(r) %in% names(obs), names(r) %in% names(obs)]
sigma12 <- sigma[names(r) %in% names(obs), names(r) %in% names(mis)]
sigma21 <- t(sigma12)
# create matrix for detection limits based on missing values
## if NaN, use detection limit; if NA use Inf
dl <- c(ifelse("x1" %in% names(is.nan(r)), det_lim[1, "x1"], Inf),
ifelse("x2" %in% names(is.nan(r)), det_lim[1, "x2"], Inf),
ifelse("x3" %in% names(is.nan(r)), det_lim[1, "x3"], Inf),
ifelse("x4" %in% names(is.nan(r)), det_lim[1, "x4"], Inf),
ifelse("x5" %in% names(is.nan(r)), det_lim[1, "x5"], Inf))
# compute mu, sigma to use for conditional MVN
## if all values are missing
if(length(names(obs) == 0) {
mu_mis <- mu1
sigma_mis <- sigma11
## otherwise
} else {
mu_mis <- mu1 + sigma12 %*% solve(sigma22) * (obs - t(mu2))
sigma_mis <- sigma11 - sigma12 %*% solve(sigma22) %*% sigma21
# imputation
## if all data are observed, missing is empty
if(length(obs) == 0) {
mis_impute <- data.frame()
## only need to impute a single value
} else if(length(names(mis)) == 1) {
mis_impute <- rtnorm(1, mean = mu_mis, sd = sigma_mis, lower = -Inf, upper = dl)
## have more than one missing value
} else {
mis_impute <- rtmvnorm(1, mean = mu_mis, sigma = sigma_mis, lower = rep(-Inf, length = length(names(mis))), upper = dl)
# merge observed values with simulated
## if all values observed
if(length(names(mis)) == 0) {
sim_result <- obs
} else {
sim_result <- cbind(mis_impute, obs)
imputedDF <- rbind(imputedDF, sim_result)
# update theta
v <- solve(solve(Sigma0) + nrow(sim_result)*Tau)
m <- v %*% (solve(Sigma0) %*% theta0 + Tau %*% apply(sim_result,2,sum))
mu <- as.data.frame(rmvnorm(1,m,v))
mu_MCMC[i,] <- mu
# update Sigma
tmp <- t(sim_result) - mu
Tau <- rwish(nu0 + nrow(sim_result), solve(S0 + t(tmp) %*% tmp))
sigma <- matrix(c(solve(Tau)), nrow = 5, ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)
cov_MCMC[i,] <- c(solve(Tau))
I keep running into errors because the imputation returns NaN and NA values, but I can't figure out what is going wrong because when I test it just using the inner loop to impute the data, it seems to work. Thus, the issue seems to be the parameter updating but I can't figure it out!
My sense is that part of the problem here is we do not have a good example dataset to work off.
My feeling is we can address this by creating an example dataset to frame the solution discussion. A useful package to this end is the Wakefield package that allows for the creation of simulated datasets.
We might, for example, create a dataset of 2000 people, where some of the ages, gender, employment status, education data, and marital status information is missing.
The core question is can we impute the age or gender from other data in the data set?
For example, if we do not know someone's age, can we impute it from their marital status, employment type and or their Education level? At a very simplistic level, we might simply search for entries with NA for age, and look at Marital status. If the marital status is "married", then we impute that our data set is for American's and look up at the average age for marriage and replace with an estimated age for a married person.
We can expand on this and make our estimates more accurate by taking into account more variables. For example, we might look at both Marital Status, Education level and Employment status to further improve our age estimate. If a person is married, with a Ph.D., and retired we push the age upwards. If a person is single, a student we push the age lower. Further to this, we can look at the distribution of the ages in the data set to impute data about missing values.
Generate an Example Data Set.
# packages
requiredPackages <- c("wakefield", "dplyr", "BaylorEdPsych", "mice", "MCMCpack")
ipak <- function(pkg) {
new.pkg <- pkg[!(pkg %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
if (length(new.pkg)) {
install.packages(new.pkg, dependencies = TRUE)
sapply(pkg, require, character.only = TRUE)
# generate some data for Males with a 8% missing value for
# age
f.df <- r_data_frame(n = 1000, age,
gender(x = c("M", "F"), prob = c(0, 1), name = "Gender"),
employment(x = c("Full Time", "Part Time", "Unemployed", "Retired", "Student"), prob = c(0.6, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), name = "Employment"),
education(x = c("No Schooling Completed", "Nursery School to 8th Grade", "9th Grade to 12th Grade, No Diploma",
"Regular High School Diploma", "GED or Alternative Credential", "Some College, Less than 1 Year", "Some College, 1 or More Years, No Degree",
"Associate's Degree", "Bachelor's Degree", "Master's Degree", "Professional School Degree", "Doctorate Degree"),
prob = c(0.013, 0.05, 0.085, 0.246, 0.039, 0.064, 0.15, 0.075, 0.176, 0.072, 0.019, 0.012), name = "Education"),
marital(x = c("Married", "Divorced", "Widowed", "Separated", "Never Married"), prob = NULL, name = "Marital")) %>% r_na(cols = 1 - 3, prob = 0.05)
# str(f.df)
# generate some data for Females with a 5% missing value for
# age
m.df <- r_data_frame(n = 1000, age,
gender(x = c("M", "F"), prob = c(1, 0), name = "Gender"),
employment(x = c("Full Time", "Part Time", "Unemployed", "Retired", "Student"), prob = c(0.6, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), name = "Employment"),
education(x = c("No Schooling Completed", "Nursery School to 8th Grade", "9th Grade to 12th Grade, No Diploma",
"Regular High School Diploma", "GED or Alternative Credential", "Some College, Less than 1 Year", "Some College, 1 or More Years, No Degree",
"Associate's Degree", "Bachelor's Degree", "Master's Degree", "Professional School Degree", "Doctorate Degree"),
prob = c(0.013,0.05, 0.085, 0.246, 0.039, 0.064, 0.15, 0.075, 0.176, 0.072,0.019, 0.012), name = "Education"),
marital(x = c("Married", "Divorced", "Widowed", "Separated", "Never Married"), prob = NULL, name = "Marital")) %>% r_na(cols = 1 - 3, prob = 0.03)
all.df = rbind.data.frame(m.df, f.df)
Data Summary
> summary(all.df)
Age Gender Employment Education Marital
Min. :18.00 M:1000 Full Time :1142 Regular High School Diploma :459 Married :394
1st Qu.:35.00 F:1000 Part Time : 207 Bachelor's Degree :356 Divorced :378
Median :54.00 Unemployed: 193 Some College, 1 or More Years, No Degree:284 Widowed :411
Mean :53.76 Retired : 182 9th Grade to 12th Grade, No Diploma :156 Separated :379
3rd Qu.:72.00 Student : 196 Associate's Degree :145 Never Married:358
Max. :89.00 NA's : 80 (Other) :520 NA's : 80
NA's :80 NA's : 80
Is data Missing completely at Random or Not Missing at Random?
# Test for MCAR - Missing at Completely at Random...
test_mcar <- LittleMCAR(all.df)
Console Output
> # Test for MCAR - Missing at Completely at Random...
> test_mcar <- LittleMCAR(all.df)
this could take a while> print(test_mcar$amount.missing)
Age Gender Employment Education Marital
Number Missing 80.00 0 80.00 80.00 80.00
Percent Missing 0.04 0 0.04 0.04 0.04
> print(test_mcar$p.value)
[1] 0.02661428
Imputation of Data
Ok, let us first look at the distribution of missing values. We can run mice::md.pattern() function, to show the distribution of the missing values over the other columns in the dataframe. The md.pattern() function output is useful for suggesting which variables might be good candidates to use for imputing the missing values:
> md.pattern(all.df)
Gender Age Employment Education Marital
1696 1 1 1 1 1 0
73 1 1 1 1 0 1
73 1 1 1 0 1 1
2 1 1 1 0 0 2
71 1 1 0 1 1 1
3 1 1 0 1 0 2
2 1 1 0 0 1 2
71 1 0 1 1 1 1
2 1 0 1 1 0 2
3 1 0 1 0 1 2
4 1 0 0 1 1 2
0 80 80 80 80 320
Ok, from this we can now move to impute the missing values:
imp <- mice(all.df, m = 5, maxit = 50, seed = 1234, printFlag = FALSE)
The m=5 parameter specifies that you end up with five plausible imputations for the variable
The maxit=50 parameter specifies that there will be up to 50 iterations of the algorithm before it converges to a solution and this can be adjusted upward or downward to the desired precision
The mice() function may take a while depending upon the number of iterations we specify. In this case, upon completion we can see some of the imputed values for Age using head() function:
1 2 3 4 5
7 28 49 37 70 89
33 55 54 52 88 24
56 89 83 68 71 61
84 43 43 24 30 31
96 28 64 89 41 50
120 47 34 36 22 77
To actually complete the imputation, we have to run the complete() function and assign the results to a new dataframe. This version of complete() function will collect all imputations in the assigned dataframe via the "long" parameter:
all_imputed_df <- complete(imp, "long", include = TRUE)
table(all_imputed_df$.imp, is.na(all_imputed_df$Age))
> all_imputed_df <- complete(imp, "long", include = TRUE)
> table(all_imputed_df$.imp, is.na(all_imputed_df$Age))
0 1920 80
1 2000 0
2 2000 0
3 2000 0
4 2000 0
5 2000 0
Now we have a dataset of 12000 age values, across 5 age inputted values.
Let's try a regression with imputation #3.
First, extract impute #3
impute.3 <- subset(all_imputed_df,.imp=='3')
> impute.3 <- subset(all_imputed_df, .imp == "3")
> summary(impute.3)
.imp .id Age Gender Employment
Min. :3 Min. : 1.0 Min. :18.00 M:1000 Full Time :1192
1st Qu.:3 1st Qu.: 500.8 1st Qu.:35.00 F:1000 Part Time : 211
Median :3 Median :1000.5 Median :54.00 Unemployed: 202
Mean :3 Mean :1000.5 Mean :53.89 Retired : 191
3rd Qu.:3 3rd Qu.:1500.2 3rd Qu.:72.00 Student : 204
Max. :3 Max. :2000.0 Max. :89.00
Education Marital
Regular High School Diploma :478 Married :416
Bachelor's Degree :376 Divorced :390
Some College, 1 or More Years, No Degree:295 Widowed :425
9th Grade to 12th Grade, No Diploma :168 Separated :393
Associate's Degree :150 Never Married:376
Master's Degree :141
(Other) :392
Now we can run a linear regression:
> lm(Age ~ Education + Gender + Employment + Marital, data = impute.3)
lm(formula = Age ~ Education + Gender + Employment + Marital,
data = impute.3)
(Intercept) EducationNursery School to 8th Grade
51.6733 1.4100
Education9th Grade to 12th Grade, No Diploma EducationRegular High School Diploma
1.3675 0.7611
EducationGED or Alternative Credential EducationSome College, Less than 1 Year
1.0365 -2.6069
EducationSome College, 1 or More Years, No Degree EducationAssociate's Degree
0.3563 0.9506
EducationBachelor's Degree EducationMaster's Degree
1.2505 -1.6372
EducationProfessional School Degree EducationDoctorate Degree
1.1774 0.4936
GenderF EmploymentPart Time
-0.3190 1.1316
EmploymentUnemployed EmploymentRetired
3.1622 -0.6855
EmploymentStudent MaritalDivorced
3.0850 0.2934
MaritalWidowed MaritalSeparated
2.3162 1.6833
MaritalNever Married
library(MCMCpack) # b0 = prior mean, B0 = prior precision = 1/variance
fitBayes <- MCMCregress(Age ~ Education + Gender + Employment + Marital, data = impute.3, mcmc = 10000, seed = 1234, b0 = 0, B0 = 0.01, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
Console Output
> fitBayes <- MCMCregress(Age ~ Education + Gender + Employment + Marital, data = impute.3, mcmc = 10000, seed = 1234, b0 = 0, B0 = 0.01, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
> summary(fitBayes)
Iterations = 1001:11000
Thinning interval = 1
Number of chains = 1
Sample size per chain = 10000
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
(Intercept) 48.67377 2.5337 0.025337 0.025337
EducationNursery School to 8th Grade 3.77088 3.0514 0.030514 0.030514
Education9th Grade to 12th Grade, No Diploma 3.81009 2.7794 0.027794 0.027794
EducationRegular High School Diploma 3.24531 2.4933 0.024933 0.025412
EducationGED or Alternative Credential 3.38733 3.2155 0.032155 0.032155
EducationSome College, Less than 1 Year -0.08419 2.9104 0.029104 0.029577
EducationSome College, 1 or More Years, No Degree 2.82889 2.6092 0.026092 0.026092
EducationAssociate's Degree 3.32932 2.8410 0.028410 0.028410
EducationBachelor's Degree 3.72272 2.5228 0.025228 0.025659
EducationMaster's Degree 0.87738 2.8611 0.028611 0.028611
EducationProfessional School Degree 3.27542 4.0199 0.040199 0.040199
EducationDoctorate Degree 2.43794 4.5996 0.045996 0.045996
GenderF -0.11321 0.9327 0.009327 0.009327
EmploymentPart Time 1.25556 1.5756 0.015756 0.016170
EmploymentUnemployed 3.27395 1.6213 0.016213 0.015708
EmploymentRetired -0.52614 1.6394 0.016394 0.016394
EmploymentStudent 3.17027 1.6058 0.016058 0.016889
MaritalDivorced 0.72379 1.4715 0.014715 0.014715
MaritalWidowed 2.73130 1.4394 0.014394 0.014706
MaritalSeparated 2.10423 1.4608 0.014608 0.014608
MaritalNever Married 2.00781 1.4960 0.014960 0.014960
sigma2 448.01488 14.0715 0.140715 0.140715
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
(Intercept) 43.75477 46.9556 48.6619 50.3967 53.609
EducationNursery School to 8th Grade -2.19290 1.7079 3.7701 5.8216 9.718
Education9th Grade to 12th Grade, No Diploma -1.59323 1.9586 3.8326 5.6676 9.349
EducationRegular High School Diploma -1.61001 1.5641 3.2474 4.9296 8.155
EducationGED or Alternative Credential -2.88523 1.2095 3.4173 5.5405 9.691
EducationSome College, Less than 1 Year -5.75364 -2.0617 -0.1009 1.8986 5.614
EducationSome College, 1 or More Years, No Degree -2.28754 1.0853 2.8608 4.5718 7.895
EducationAssociate's Degree -2.27611 1.4311 3.3285 5.2330 8.978
EducationBachelor's Degree -1.21780 2.0258 3.7275 5.4203 8.655
EducationMaster's Degree -4.61270 -1.0872 0.8601 2.8484 6.456
EducationProfessional School Degree -4.63027 0.5900 3.2767 5.9475 11.059
EducationDoctorate Degree -6.47767 -0.6371 2.4553 5.4188 11.705
GenderF -1.95673 -0.7298 -0.1067 0.4903 1.727
EmploymentPart Time -1.82784 0.1849 1.2597 2.3160 4.354
EmploymentUnemployed 0.09335 2.1988 3.2674 4.3557 6.433
EmploymentRetired -3.80162 -1.6316 -0.5147 0.5953 2.706
EmploymentStudent 0.03387 2.0713 3.1502 4.2227 6.342
MaritalDivorced -2.15073 -0.2732 0.7249 1.7266 3.602
MaritalWidowed -0.13488 1.7817 2.7367 3.6961 5.567
MaritalSeparated -0.76396 1.1177 2.1118 3.0700 5.001
MaritalNever Married -0.92230 0.9950 1.9976 3.0248 4.898
sigma2 420.98019 438.4621 447.7222 457.2730 476.481
Hopefully, the above observations point in the right direction.
R Package: Mice - Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations Reference Manual By: Stef van Buuren
Flexible Imputation of Missing Data By Stef van Buuren (Online Book)
Practical Predictive Analytics by: Ralph Winters
Simulation for Data Science with R by: Matthias Templ
Bayesian Data Analysis, Third Edition, 3rd Edition By: Andrew Gelman; John B. Carlin; Hal S. Stern; David B. Dunson; Aki Vehtari; Donald B. Rubin
After fitting a Tree with party::ctree() I want to create a table to characterise the branches.
I have fitted these variables
> summary(juridicos_segmentar)
Financieras : 89
Gubernamental : 48
Sector Primario : 34
Sector Secundario:596
Sector Terciario :669
(-Inf,1.03e+08] :931
(1.61e+09, Inf] :109
(-Inf,6e+07] :922
(6e+07,2.67e+08] :256
(1.03e+09, Inf] :126
(-Inf,2.72e+08] :718
(5.83e+09, Inf] :168
(-Inf,3] :1308
(3,7] : 53
(7,22] : 44
(22, Inf]: 31
The first one is categorical and the others are ordinal and I fitted them to
another factor variable
> summary(as.factor(segmento))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
27 66 30 39 36 33 39 15 84 70 271 247 101 34 100 74 47 25 48 50
I used the following code
fit_jur <- ctree(cluster ~ .,
data=data.frame(juridicos_segmentar, cluster=as.factor(segmento)))
to get this tree
> fit_jur
Conditional inference tree with 31 terminal nodes
Response: cluster
Inputs: actividad_economica, ingresos_cut, egresos_cut, patrimonio_cut, op_ingreso_cut
Number of observations: 1436
1) actividad_economica == {Financieras}; criterion = 1, statistic = 4588.487
2) ingresos_cut <= (4.19e+08,1.61e+09]; criterion = 1, statistic = 62.896
3) egresos_cut <= (6e+07,2.67e+08]; criterion = 1, statistic = 22.314
4)* weights = 70
3) egresos_cut > (6e+07,2.67e+08]
5)* weights = 10
2) ingresos_cut > (4.19e+08,1.61e+09]
6)* weights = 9
plot of part of the tree
What I want is a table where every row is a path from the node to a leaf saying the prediction of the variable segmento and every column is the condition on the variable to split. Something alike this:
actividad economica ingresos (rango) egresos (rango) patrimonio (rango) operaciones de ingreso segmento
Sector Primario <=261.000.000 18
Sector Primario >261.000.000 20
The problem is there are several leaves to characterise and some time a variable appears several times in one path so I'd like to intersect the conditions, i.e. intersecting the ranges.
I've thought of data.tree::ToDataFrameTable but I've got no idea of how it works with party.
Thank you very much guys!
fit_jur <- ctree(cluster ~ .,
data=data.frame(juridicos_segmentar, cluster=as.factor(segmento)))
pathpred <- function(object, ...)
## coerce to "party" object if necessary
if(!inherits(object, "party")) object <- as.party(object)
## get standard predictions (response/prob) and collect in data frame
rval <- data.frame(response = predict(object, type = "response", ...))
rval$prob <- predict(object, type = "prob", ...)
## get rules for each node
rls <- partykit:::.list.rules.party(object)
## get predicted node and select corresponding rule
rval$rule <- rls[as.character(predict(object, type = "node", ...))]
ct_pred_jur <- unique(pathpred(fit_jur)[c(1,3)])
thank you Achim Zeileis for pointing me in this direction, I couldn't intersect the rules in a same variable, i.e. evaluate the '&s'. That problem is still open.
You can convert both party class (from partykit) and BinaryTree (from party) to a data.tree, and use it for conversion to data frame and/or printing. For example like this:
airq <- subset(airquality, !is.na(Ozone))
airct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = airq,
controls = ctree_control(maxsurrogate = 3))
tree <- as.Node(airct)
df <- ToDataFrameTable(tree,
criterion = function(x) round(x$criterion$maxcriterion, 3),
statistic = function(x) round(max(x$criterion$statistic), 3)
This will print like so:
pathString label criterion statistic
1 1/2/3 weights = 10 0.000 0.000
2 1/2/4/5 weights = 48 0.936 6.141
3 1/2/4/6 weights = 21 0.891 5.182
4 1/7/8 weights = 30 0.675 3.159
5 1/7/9 weights = 7 0.000 0.000
#print subtree
subtree <- Clone(tree$`2`)
style = "filled,rounded",
shape = "box",
fillcolor = "GreenYellow",
fontname = "helvetica",
label = function(x) x$label,
tooltip = function(x) round(x$criterion$maxcriterion, 3))
And the result will look like this: