how do i add images directly into firebase? - firebase

I am totally new to firebase and wanted to know what would be the best way store images in database.
There is about 50-100 images that I want to add and it comes around 300-400 mb.
I do know about firebase realtimeDatabase is there anyway i can store images in it ,if not what are some other viable options

The best way to store images in a database is not at all. Databases are typically not well suited for large amounts of binary data. Consider Cloud Storage for Firebase instead.


Firebase Cloud Firestore Social network database design

I have a simple question. I am building a Instagram clone app and I want to show each user to their friends. Also they can see the friends list. I am using cloud firestore approach. However I'm a little bit confused about how to store user's friends data? . Should I create a new collection as friendsList
or should I hold the data in users collection as a friends array ?
In the first approach I will create the user data again when some user adds a new friend. Am a new for both firestore and NoSql I would be thankful If anyone can explain.
I'm not going to "answer" as such, but explain the philosophy of NoSQL a bit. The best approach is to design your queries first (i.e. what do you want to get from the database), then design your database schema to make getting the results of those queries efficient and affordable. There are many ways to organize data; you want to take advantage of NoSQL "schema-less" to make your schema match your needs, not the other way around.
Other things to keep in mind: DRY is less critical to NoSQL. Static data (i.e. never or rarely changes) can be stored in multiple places (i.e. a friend's name might be in their profile and in a friends-list) if that saves reads & writes (which are the biggest factor in costs).
So how to organize your database? I don't know; what do you want your database to do?
I should read to this tutorial.This tutorial about is MySql but not important for me if you understand this tutorial you can apply firebase.
I leave a tip below.

Big picture on creating a Database for Social App

I have a question regarding the most suitable way to organise datas when your app/product becomes used by more people.
Until now I've coded an Instagram-alike application for iOS which used Firebase to store data.
In particular I used "Firebase Realtime Database" with JSON data format to store all the datas.
My question here is: if I want to code an app which is potentially used by a lot of people, can I still use the same Realtime database way of storing or it's better if I use something else?
In particular I'm thinking about querying speed and sustainability of realtime database with a larger amount of data.
I'm a novice in this field and I don't know so much about Firebase so I'm sorry if my technical descriptions are raw.
Both databases will scale very well. If you have only simple querying needs than RTDB is fine. If your querying requirements are more sophisticated then Firestore. The other major factor is how usage of the two databases is charged for. You need to research that and then work out how the two cost models will work for your use case.

Firebase Realtime Database vs Cloud Firestore

Edit: After posting the question I thought I could also make this post a quick reference for those of you needs a quick peek at some of the differences between these two technologies which might help you decide on one of them eventually. I will be editing this question and adding more info as I learn more.
I have decided to use firebase for the backend of my project. For firestore is says "the next generation of the realtime database". Now I am trying to decide which way to go. Realtime database or cloud firestore?
At a first glance, it looks like firestore charges per number of results returned, number of reads, number of writes/updates etc. Real-time database charges based on the data transmitted. The number of read-write operations is irrelevant. They both also charge on the data stored on the google servers too (I think in this respect firestore is cheaper one). Why am I mentioning this price point? Because from my point of view, although it might a lower weight, it is also a point to consider while choosing the one over the other.
Cloudstore seems to scale horizontally seamlessly. I think this is not possible with the real-time database.
In the real-time database, you need to shard your data yourself using multiple databases. And you can only do this if you are in BLAZE pracing plan.
Performance & Indexing:
Another thing is the real-time database data structure is different in both. The real-time database stores the data as a JSON object in any way we structure them. Firestore structures the data as collections and documents. And hence the querying also changes between the two.
I think firestore does auto indexing which increases the read performance greatly too (which will decrease read performance). I am not sure if this is also the case with the real-time database.
The real-time database does not automatically index your data. You need to do it yourself after a solid inspection of your data and your needs.
What other differences can you think of?
What would be (or has been) your choice for different types of projects?
Do you still go with the real-time database or have you migrated from that to the firestore? If so why?
And one last thing. How would you compare the SDKs of these two?
Thanks a lot!
What other differences can you think of?
what i think, ok. I use realtime-database for 6 months experience and difference is, firestore easy for sorting data. As Example, i want to retrieving user name based timestamp.
Query firstQuery = firestore.collection("Names").orderBy("timestamp", Query.Direction.DESCENDING).limit(10); // load 10 names
What would be (or has been) your choice for different types of
For me, Realtime-Database for Data Streaming when i work with Arduino, i want to store Drone Speed.
And Firestore for SMART OFFICE, like Air Conditioner, or light-room and Enterprise like Inventory Quantities, etc.
Do you still go with the real-time database or have you migrated from
that to the firestore? If so why?
still go with real-time because i need TREE for displaying streaming data strucure instead of query TABLE like firestore.

How to use a pre-filled database for IONIC?

I am new to IONIC. I want to know what is the ideal choice for storage. Is it IONIC storage?
Also i need to manually enter some data for the app. Now i can’t find any way to store data beforehand, is this possible in ionic?
For example, lets say i need a database/storage filled before with some values. How can i do that? Is that possible or i need to get the data from cloud?
I have posted my query in IONIC forum, this is the best answer i got:
Super simple solution: On start you check if a special value is set, e.g. databasePreloaded. If it is missing, you open a file, read the content and write it to the storage. Then you set databasePreloaded. On next start it will be present and the data won’t be loaded again.
My question is if the data is around 5-6 MB then what the ideal way to do that?
Using a check to see if the data has been loaded is a simple choice.
It would be easy to work with.
The main issue for me is whether the data will change at all once it has been deployed? You would need to think how this would be handled.
Finally, I'm under the impression IndexedDB can only handle up to 5mb so you will need to store this data in sqlite?

Is it good to store Images in DB and retrieve? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Storing Images in DB - Yea or Nay?
I have a requirement to show dynamically changing images in DataList. what I did was I am storing the images in DB as image datatype and retrieving the images. Is that good technique to store images in DB?
FYI, user can upload the images.
The answer is - it depends... Studies have been done ( which have basically concluded if objects are larger than one megabyte on average, NTFS has a clear advantage over SQL Server. If the objects are under 256 kilobytes, the database has a clear advantage. Inside this range, it depends on how write intensive the workload is, and the storage age of a typical replica in the system.
I would store them as physical files on the server, but store the file path in the database, not the actual image. Storing the image in the database will increase it's size dramatically over time.
Images sizes will increase your DB size unnecessarily so not good practice to store it, instead store the file path in your db, which is not that big.
Storing image in DB should be done if you have some strong requirement or use case.
The thing you have to address if you store paths etc. is maintaining referential integrity with your images. What if somebody moves files, what if somebody uploads a new file with the same name (I'd suggest uploads get renamed to reflect some kind of key rather than keeping their original name of bob.jpg). You'll need to look at segmenting your directories etc. to keep the list sensible. Finding the images may be harder than if you store them in a DB also.
However, on the up side, you can form a CDN based on distribution of your images over diverse servers, subdomains, cloud etc. if you don't jam them all in your database
Depends on the size of the images and the DB you use.
For SQL Server it is pretty bad idea if they are larger than 1MB and you do not use the NTFS Filestreams for storage of your BLOB fields.
See for example
If you have a document oriented database like Couch DB it might be ok.
I would store them as physical files on the server, but store the file path in the database, not the actual image. And search the file as per the location store into Databasse. Storing the image in the database will increase it's size dramatically over time.
Storing them in database is also useful if you need to scale your site across multiple web servers.
If they are static then there is no use as they can be deployed with your site but things like avatars are generally better stored in the DB so they are available to all cluster members.
