How to yield multiple requests but only accept one request in Simpy - python-requests

Within Simpy, I have multiple resources that can do the same job, but they are different so I can't just increase the capacity. Picture a single queue in a shopping centre that leads to all tellers. Some are manned and some are self serve. I put a request for both (two separate requests), and then yield rq_manned OR rq_selfserve, satisfied if atleast one of the requests is granted.
The problem is, what if they both become available at the same time, I don't want to actually request them both. What to do?

Something like this might work:
with rq_manned.request() as manned_req, rq_selfserve.request() as sserve.req:
result = yield manned_req | sserve.req
if manned_req in result:
do selfserved_register_stuff()

I guess that the central issue is that SimPy doesn't see a User asking for any of several resources. It sees independent Requests on each one of the resources, without worrying about who made them.
Therefore, as you pointed out, SimPy's yield env.any_of() is not useful here, given that every single Request will go through the process of queueing, using and releasing its respective resource.
I was personally struggling with similar issues and ended up deciding to create a higher layer of abstraction on top of SimPy, which is now the Chronon project.
In Chronon, your request would be expressed as something like:
yield user.waits(
[self_teller01, self_teller02, ..., manned_teller01, manned_teller02, ...],
by which the user waits for any of the resources in the list, withdrawing all the other requests when access is obtained to one of them.
This example of a bike sharing system demonstrates all the functionality you probably need.


REST API streaming versus repeated GET requests

I'm making a turn based game kind of like multiplayer checkers that works with firebase realtime database, so each client needs to know when moves are made.
I'm limited by third party framework that only allows REST API requests, but doesn't allow REST API streaming because there is no way to "Set the client's Accept header to text/event-stream" or "Respect HTTP Redirects, in particular HTTP status code 307".
So, I'm thinking of reading the database with GET requests every second to see if there is new data, but I'm worried that this could be inefficient in terms of data and cause a large bill. How much worse is this solution than a REST API streaming one and is it practical?
Since in multiplayer games response time is very critical, I think you should think about how this may be inefficient in terms of user experience. But of course that will depend on how the game works.
But if you think it is ok users to have 1000ms delay, then the question is how much players will be playing the game daily, how long does each game take to finish (turn wise).
((avg. turns per game) * (avg .# of players in a single game)) * (games played per day) will be the minimum reads for only the game play part. Also you must consider if you will have to constantly check multiple documents. Probably there will be many writes also reads on the other parts of the game.
So I think overall, it is very inefficient way to solve this problem in many ways.
What is the platform you are using? Maybe someone could find a way around somehow.
Firebase provides callback listeners for requests. You can attach ChildEventListener to your request to track real time changes in your database. As long as it is connected it will be considered a single request.
Refer to this link

What is the expected logic of a batched POST request to a subresource

I like the idea of vectorized/batched requests similar to what the StackExchange API offers and would like to implement something for my own API, i.e. GET /users/1;2;3;4;5 would return the selected user resources with id 1 to 5.
I think this is fairly simple when reading data, but what would be the expected behavior for i.e. a POST request to a subresource?
POST /1;2;3;4;5/subresource
Would this mean:
Creation of five new subresources, assigned to each id (1:1)
Creation of a single new subresource, but assigned to each resource id (1:n)
I have a couple of concerns regarding this approach. First, resources should be uniquely addressable via certain resource locators (URIs). Using your approach however bypasses this requirement in some way IMO. This approach may also lead to other issues later on, i.e. plenty of frameworks do not allow URIs that exceed a certain character size.
Furthermore, instead of consecutive resource IDs the resource should use UUIDs instead. This will first and foremost prevent guessing attacks and also prevent logical issues on moving resources or inserting some in between.
The POST method requests that the target resource process the
representation enclosed in the request according to the resource's
own specific semantics.
In regards to HTTP POST operations, the specification clearly states that the semantics of any body received via POST is up to the service developer. So you are basically allowed to do anything within a POST request. As the semantics is totally up to you, you have to document the behavior explicitely. Not documenting the applied logic will leave a large grey-zone for service users.

How should Transient Resources be retrieved in a RESTful API

For a while I was (wrongly) thinking that a RESTful API just exposed CRUD operation to persisted entities for a web application. When you code something up in "the real world" you soon find out that this is not enough. For example, a bank account transfer doesn't have to be a persisted entity. It could be a transient resource where you POST to /transfers/ and in the payload you specify the details:
{"accountToCredit":1234, "accountToDebit":5678, "amount":10}
Using POST here makes sense because it changes the state on the server ($10 moves from one account to another every time this POST occurs).
What should happen in the case where it doesn't affect the server? The simple first answer would be to use GET. For example, you want to get a list of savings and checking accounts that have less than $100. You would then call something like GET to /accounts/searchResults?minBalance=0&maxBalance=100. What happens though if your search parameter need to use complex objects that wouldn't fit in the maximum length of a GET request.
My first thought was to use POST, but after thinking about it some more it should probably be a PUT since it isn't changing the state of the server, but from my (limited) understanding I always though of PUT as updating a resource and POST as creating a resource (like creating this search results). So which should be used in this case?
I found the following links which provide some information but it wasn't clear to me what should be used in the different cases:
Transient REST Representations
How to design RESTful search/filtering?
RESTful URL design for search
I would agree with your approach, it seems reasonable to me to use GET when searching for resources, and as said in one of your provided links, the whole point of query strings is for doing things like search. I also agree that PUT fits better when you want to update some resource in an idempotent way (no matter how many times you hit the request, the result will be the same).
So generally, I would do it as you propose. Now, if you are limited by the maximum length of GET request, then you could use POST or PUT, passing your parameters in a JSON, in a URI like:
PUT /api/search
You could see this as a "search resource" where you send new parameters. I know it seems like a workaround and you may be worried that REST is about avoiding verbs in the URIs. Well, there are few cases that it's still acceptable and RESTful to use verbs, e.g. in cases where calculation or conversion is involved to generate the result (for more about this, check this reference).
PS. I think this workaround is still RESTful, but even if it wasn't, REST isn't an obsession and an ultimate goal. Being pragmatic and keeping a clean API design might be a better approach, even if in few cases you are not RESTful.

GET vs. POST does it really really matter?

Ok, I know the difference in purpose. GET is to get some data. Make a request and get data back. POST should be used for CRUD operations other than read I believe. But when it comes down to it, does the server really care if it's receiving a GET vs. POST in the end?
According to the HTTP RFC, GET should not have any side-effects, while POST may have side-effects.
The most basic example of this is that GET is not appropriate for anything like a purchase-transaction or posting an article to a blog, while POST is appropriate for actions-that-have-consequences.
By the RFC, you can hold a user responsible for actions done by POST (such as a purchase), but not for GET actions. 'Bots always use GET for this reason.
From the RFC 2616, 9.1.1:
9.1.1 Safe Methods
Implementors should be aware that the
software represents the user in
their interactions over the Internet,
and should be careful to allow the
user to be aware of any actions they
might take which may have an
unexpected significance to themselves
or others.
In particular, the convention has
been established that the GET and
HEAD methods SHOULD NOT have the
significance of taking an action
other than retrieval. These methods
ought to be considered "safe". This
allows user agents to represent other
methods, such as POST, PUT and
DELETE, in a special way, so that the
user is made aware of the fact that
a possibly unsafe action is being
Naturally, it is not possible to
ensure that the server does not
generate side-effects as a result of
performing a GET request; in fact,
some dynamic resources consider that a
feature. The important distinction
here is that the user did not request
the side-effects, so therefore
cannot be held accountable for them.
It does if a search engine is crawling the page, since they will be making GET requests but not POST. Say you have a link on your page:
Without some sort of authorization check performed before the delete, it's possible that Googlebot could come in and delete items from your page.
Since you're the one writing the server software (presumably), then it cares if you tell it to care. If you handle POST and GET data identically, then no, it doesn't.
However, the browser definitely cares. Refreshing or clicking back to a page you got as a response to a POST pops up the little "Are you sure you want to submit data again" prompt, for example.
GET has data limit restrictions based on the sending browser:
The spec for URL length does not dictate a minimum or maximum URL length, but implementation varies by browser. On Windows: Opera supports ~4050 characters, IE 4.0+ supports exactly 2083 characters, Netscape 3 -> 4.78 support up to 8192 characters before causing errors on shut-down, and Netscape 6 supports ~2000 before causing errors on start-up
If you use a GET request to alter back-end state, you run the risk of bad things happening if a webcrawler of some kind traverses your site. Back when wikis first became popular, there were horror stories of whole sites being deleted because the "delete page" function was implemented as a GET request, with disastrous results when the Googlebot came knocking...
"Use GET if: The interaction is more like a question (i.e., it is a safe operation such as a query, read operation, or lookup)."
"Use POST if: The interaction is more like an order, or the interaction changes the state of the resource in a way that the user would perceive (e.g., a subscription to a service), or the user be held accountable for the results of the interaction."
You be aware of a few subtle security differences. See my question
GET versus POST in terms of security?
Essentially the important thing to remember is that GET will go into the browser history and will be transmitted through proxies in plain text, so you don't want any sensitive information, like a password in a GET.
Obvious maybe, but worth mentioning.
By HTTP specifications, GET is safe and idempotent and POST is neither. What this means is that a GET request can be repeated multiple times without causing side effects.
Even if your server doesn't care (and this is unlikely), there may be intermediate agents between your client and the server, all of whom have this expectation. For example proxies to cache data at your ISP or other providers for improved performance. THe same expectation is true for accelerators, for example, a prefetching plugin for your browser.
Thus a GET request can be cached (based on certain parameters), and if it fails, it can be automatically repeated without any expecation of harmful effects. So, really your server should strive to fulfill this contract.
On the other hand, POST is not safe, not idempotent and every agent knows not to cache the results of a POST request, or retry a POST request automatically. So, for example, a credit card transaction would never, ever be a GET request (you don't want accounts being debited multiple times because of network errors, etc).
That's a very basic take on this. For more information, you might consider the "RESTful Web Services" book by Ruby and Richardson (O'Reilly press).
For a quick take on the topic of REST, consider this post:
The funny thing is that most people debate the merits of PUT v POST. The GET v POST issue is, and always has been, very well settled. Ignore it at your own peril.
GET has limitations on the browser side. For instance, some browsers limit the length of GET requests.
I think a more appropriate answer, is you can pretty much do the same things with both. It is not so much a matter of preference, however, but a matter of correct usage. I would recommend you use you GETs and POSTs how they were intended to be used.
Technically, no. All GET does is post the stuff in the first line of the HTTP request, and POST posts stuff in the body.
However, how the "web infrastructure" treats the differences makes a world of difference. We could write a whole book about it. However, I'll give you some "best practises":
Use "POST" for when your HTTP request would change something "concrete" inside the web server. Ie, you're editing a page, making a new record, and so on. POSTS are less likely to be cached, or treated as something that's "repeatable without side-effects"
Use "GET" for when you want to "look at an object". Now, such a look might change something "behind the scenes" in terms of caching or record keeping, but it shouldn't change anything "substantial". Ie, I could repeat my GET over and over and nothing bad would happen, except for inflated hit counts. GETs should be easily bookmarkable, so a user can go back to that same object later on.
The parameters to the GET (the stuff after the ?, traditionally) should be considered "attributes to the view" or "what to view" and so on. Again, it shouldn't actually change anything: use POST for that.
And, a final word, when you POST something (for example, you're creating a new comment), have the processing for the post issue a 302 to "redirect" the user to a new URL that views that object. Ie, a POST processes the information, then redirects the browser to a GET statement to view the new state. Displaying information as a result of a POST can also cause problems. Doing the redirection is often used, and makes things work better.
Should the user be able to bookmark the resulting page? Another thing to think about is some browsers/servers incorrectly limit the GET URI length.
Edit: corrected char length restriction note - thanks ars!
It depends on the software at the server end. Some libraries, like in perl handles both by default. But there are situations where you more or less have to use POST instead of GET, at least for pushing data to the server. Large amounts of data (where the corresponding GET url would become too long), binary data (to avoid lots of encoding/decoding trouble), multipart files, non-parsed headers (for continuous updates pre-AJAX style...) and similar.
The server technically couldn't care one way or the other about what kind of request it receives. It will blindly execute any request coming across the wire.
Which is the problem. If you have an action that destroys or modifies data in a GET action, Google will tear your site up as it crawls through indexing.
The server usually doesn't care. But it's mostly for following good practices, as you mentioned. The client side also matter - as mentioned you cannot bookmark a POST'd page usually, and some browsers have limits on the length of the URL for really long GET queries.
Since GET is intended for specifying resource you wanna get, depending on exact software on the server side, the web server (or the load balancer in front of it) may have a size limit on GET requests to prevent Denial Of Service attacks...
Be aware that browsers may cache GET requests but will generally not cache POST requests.
Yes, it does matter. GET and POST are quite different, really.
You are right in that normally, GET is for "getting" data from the server and displaying a page, while POST is for "posting" data back to the server. Internally, your scripts get the same data whether it's GET or POST, so no, the server doesn't really care.
The main difference is GET parameters are specified in URLs, while POST is not. This is why POST is used for signup and login forms - you don't want your password in a URL. Similarly, if you're viewing different pages or displaying a specific view of some data, you normally want a unique URL.
It really does matter. I have gathered like 11 things you should know abut them.
11 things you should know about GET vs POST
No, they shouldn't except for #jbruce2112 answer and uploading files require POST.

How to build large/busy RSS feed

I've been playing with RSS feeds this week, and for my next trick I want to build one for our internal application log. We have a centralized database table that our myriad batch and intranet apps use for posting log messages. I want to create an RSS feed off of this table, but I'm not sure how to handle the volume- there could be hundreds of entries per day even on a normal day. An exceptional make-you-want-to-quit kind of day might see a few thousand. Any thoughts?
I would make the feed a static file (you can easily serve thousands of these), regenerated periodically. Then you have a much broader choice, because it doesn't have to run below second, it can run even minutes. And users still get perfect download speed and reasonable update speed.
If you are building a system with notifications that must not be missed, then a pub-sub mechanism (using XMPP, one of the other protocols supported by ApacheMQ, or something similar) will be more suitable that a syndication mechanism. You need some measure of coupling between the system that is generating the notifications and ones that are consuming them, to ensure that consumers don't miss notifications.
(You can do this using RSS or Atom as a transport format, but it's probably not a common use case; you'd need to vary the notifications shown based on the consumer and which notifications it has previously seen.)
I'd split up the feeds as much as possible and let users recombine them as desired. If I were doing it I'd probably think about using Django and the syndication framework.
Django's models could probably handle representing the data structure of the tables you care about.
You could have a URL that catches everything, like: r'/rss/(?(\w*?)/)+' (I think that might work, but I can't test it now so it might not be perfect).
That way you could use URLs like (edited to cancel the auto-linking of example URLs):
http:// feedserver/rss/batch-file-output/
http:// feedserver/rss/support-tickets/
http:// feedserver/rss/batch-file-output/support-tickets/ (both of the first two combined into one)
Then in the view:
def get_batch_file_messages():
# Grab all the recent batch files messages here.
# Maybe cache the result and only regenerate every so often.
# Other feed functions here.
feed_mapping = { 'batch-file-output': get_batch_file_messages, }
def rss(request, *args):
items_to_display = []
for feed in args:
items_to_display += feed_mapping[feed]()
# Processing/returning the feed.
Having individual, chainable feeds means that users can subscribe to one feed at a time, or merge the ones they care about into one larger feed. Whatever's easier for them to read, they can do.
Without knowing your application, I can't offer specific advice.
That said, it's common in these sorts of systems to have a level of severity. You could have a query string parameter that you tack on to the end of the URL that specifies the severity. If set to "DEBUG" you would see every event, no matter how trivial. If you set it to "FATAL" you'd only see the events that that were "System Failure" in magnitude.
If there are still too many events, you may want to sub-divide your events in to some sort of category system. Again, I would have this as a query string parameter.
You can then have multiple RSS feeds for the various categories and severities. This should allow you to tune the level of alerts you get an acceptable level.
In this case, it's more of a manager's dashboard: how much work was put into support today, is there anything pressing in the log right now, and for when we first arrive in the morning as a measure of what went wrong with batch jobs overnight.
Okay, I decided how I'm gonna handle this. I'm using the timestamp field for each column and grouping by day. It takes a little bit of SQL-fu to make it happen since of course there's a full timestamp there and I need to be semi-intelligent about how I pick the log message to show from within the group, but it's not too bad. Further, I'm building it to let you select which application to monitor, and then showing every message (max 50) from a specific day.
That gets me down to something reasonable.
I'm still hoping for a good answer to the more generic question: "How do you syndicate many important messages, where missing a message could be a problem?"
