don't show timestamp from each line in zsh shell - zsh

I have just installed zsh shel in my terminal.
But with every line I have a timestamp logged (see screenshot)
I want to get rid of the timestamp.
Can somebody please help me?
Many thanks

Switching to a different theme like "agnoster" can solve the issue you're experiencing.
To do that,
Open ZSH file (~/.zshrc) and set the theme to agnoster (ZSH_THEME="agnoster")
Close and quit the current session or save the change (source ~/.zshrc)

I suppose you use Powerlevel theme then
Open zsh config file (~/.zshrc) and set the theme to powerlevel
Add this line at the bottom of the .zshrc file --


How to refresh a package after changing the config.settings in Atom? ( script)

I'd like to add a command to Atom to quickly change the spell-checking language. To do so I use the given code in the script. I found the right spot to change the config data.
My problem is that Atom (or spell-check) does not recognize the change. How do I tell the package: "the config changed, please refresh yourself"?
atom.commands.add 'atom-workspace', 'Spell-DE', ->
atom.config.settings['spell-check'].locales = ['de-DE']
sc = atom.packages.getLoadedPackage('spell-check')
# sc.PLEASE_READ_SETTINGS_AGAIN(); <<< what could this be?
The change is recognized by Atom once I opened the spell-check-settings.
Okay, got it: atom.config.set('spell-check.locales', ['de-DE']); is doing the trick.

RVM showing Ruby version in ZSH

I just installed rvm to upgrade ruby using the method outlined here. After installation my zsh instance now always displays rvm:ruby-2.3.0, as per this image:
I'd rather it not appear but I'm having trouble finding where it's set, any thoughts? It's pretty annoying.
If, like me, you ended up here because of this problem with the powerlevel10k theme, do the following:
Open ~/.p10k.zsh
Find the line:
rvm # ruby version from rvm (
Comment it out:
# rvm # ruby version from rvm (
Open a new terminal
Your prompt is set in a .zsh-theme file that is specified in your
.zshrc file in your home directory.
Changing to another theme:
If you want to change your prompt to a preexisting one, open your .zshrc file with your favorite text editor. Your can find your .zshrc in ~/.zshrc. When you open that file you will see a line that looks something like this: ZSH_THEME="gallois". (It looks like you're using gallois)
This is the line that you should change if you want to change your entire prompt. For example, change your this from ZSH_THEME="gallois" to ZSH_THEME="dallas" to change to the preexisting dallas theme. Click here For a list of all the default themes and what they look like. These themes are located in ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes.
You should then run . ~/.zshrc to source zsh and you will see the new prompt.
Editing the gallois theme to remove the right prompt
These themes are located in ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes. I would recommend copying the gallois.zsh-theme file and making some other file like yourname.zsh-theme. In the theme file you can remove the right prompt entirely by removing the line below this comment:
# Combine it all into a final right-side prompt
RPS1='$(git_custom_status)$(ruby_prompt_info) $EPS1'
You should probably remove this from the theme file as well for good measure:
# RVM component of prompt
#Customized git status, oh-my-zsh currently does not allow render dirty status before branch
git_custom_status() {
local cb=$(git_current_branch)
if [ -n "$cb" ]; then
echo "$(parse_git_dirty)%{$fg_bold[yellow]%}$(work_in_progress)%{$reset_color%}$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX$(git_current_branch)$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX"
Keep in mind, this will also remove any descriptions about git repos from your prompt. You should then run . ~/.zshrc to source zsh and you will see the new prompt.
Editing the gallois theme to only remove the ruby prompt
These themes are located in ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes. I would recommend copying the gallois.zsh-theme file and making some other file like yourname.zsh-theme. In the theme file you can remove just the rvm prompt by removing a portion of this line:
# Combine it all into a final right-side prompt
RPS1='$(git_custom_status)$(ruby_prompt_info) $EPS1'
If you just remove the $(ruby_prompt_info) portion so that it looks like this:
# Combine it all into a final right-side prompt
RPS1='$(git_custom_status) $EPS1'
Then you can skip to the end and only remove the rvm portion of the prompt. I would also recommend removing these lines to avoid cluttering the theme file:
# RVM component of prompt
You should then run . ~/.zshrc to source zsh and you will see the new prompt.
Another way to hide the ruby version information is to override the ruby_prompt_info() function used to determine what gets included in the prompt.
To do this, edit your ~/.zshrc and add the following after $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm has been sourced:
# hide ruby version from ps1
function ruby_prompt_info() { echo '' }

R animation error: how to install ImageMagick?

I intend to run some R Animation demo code but this error message returns
Warning messages:
1: In im.convert(img.files, output =, convert = convert, :
Please install ImageMagick first or put its bin path into the system PATH variable
I've downloaded ImageMagic for mac. It's a folder with subfolders like bin, lib, share etc. How can put its bin path into system path? Thanks.
Option 1:
Put something like
in ~/.bashrc file.
$PATH is the original PATH variable;
: is used to separate different candidates;
the final blablabla/ImageMagic/bin denotes the path to the executable.
Whenever you open up a new terminal, ~/.bashrc file will be run, hence environmental variable PATH will be set as above. If you start up your R from terminal, this should do the work.
Option 2:
If you normally invoke R by clicking its icon, then ~/.bashrc may not work. In this case, use the ~/.profile file instead. This is run whenever you log in. Add the following to the bottom of this file:
export PATH=$PATH:blablabla/ImageMagic/bin
(Note export here. You may need to log out and log in again so that the setting takes effect.)
Both ~/.bashrc and ~/.profile are hidden files. You may use ls -a ~ to see them. To edit/save them, use the normal text editor.
The link #Gregor gives, suggests using ~/.bash_profile. Well, These days this file is normally replaced by ~/.profile. But you should use ls -a ~ to check.
follow up:
OK, so you have .bash_profile instead of .profile on your machine.
To open this file, do:
sudo nano ~/.bash_profile
Then move to the bottom, and add the line you need:
export PATH=$PATH:blablabla/ImageMagic/bin
To save edit, do ctrl + O (maybe hitting an ENTER as well); then you quit editor by ctrl + X.
If you do not want to log out and log in again to let new setting take effect, try:
source ~/.bash_profile
I had the same problem with Windows a few weeks ago. I don't know if it is the same on Mac or not, but it is worth a try.
When you go to download ImageMagick there should be a prompt that says something like "select additional tasks." Be sure to check "Install Legacy Utilities (e.g. convert)." I think they changed the names of a few things between versions. That selection names things properly for R. Also, if this happens to be the same issue I had (maybe, maybe not) be sure to restart R before trying again after you've downloaded it.

Print with syntax color in R-Studio

In R I always like to print out the script since it gives a good overview and one can adjust eventual errors. I like the syntax highlighting in R-Studio because it facilitates reading and fast comprehension of code.
Is there a way to print out the text with the highlighting I see in the editor?
Its not an R-Studio solution, but notepad++ will print R source with syntax highlighting.
RStudio will not print in colour, but it's easy to save the code as a PDF; in this case the syntax format is preserved. My favourite package is knitr.
The default output is PDF/Markup in .tex. If you prefer not to typeset, running the below will export as .html
stitch(script="file_name.R", system.file("misc", "knitr-template.Rhtml", package="knitr"))
Brief explanation
The reason this is an answer to this question in because of the last line of the question:
Is there a way to print out the text with the highlighting I see in
the editor?
so we are not limited to only and only using Rstudio software here.
After exploring the awesome answer by #rrg and realizing that it runs the code line by line, I wrote a comment below his answer and continued googling. My problem is that the code I wrote is so large and so time consuming to run that running it for the sake of having a syntax highlighted version is not feasible.
Most of the solution out there online involves having notepad++ which is a Windows application and I'm a dedicated Linux user, so I searched for a way I can do this in Linux (and possibly Mac)
The way I solved it:
Inspired by a blog post, I used the famous and beloved Vim to convert R to syntax highlighted HTML and then because you can open HTML in your browser, you can what ever you want with it (print, screenshot, etc.)
Activate synax highlighting in Vim:
open terminal
then open the vim config file by typing vim ~/.vimrc
press i from keyboard to go to "insert mode"
go to the end of the file using arrow keys on your keyboard
type syntax on at the end of the file
now you need to save and exit. For this you need to press Esc button from keyboard to come out of "insert mode" and then type :x and press Enter to save and close the file.
if you want to change the color scheme of the syntax highlighting, visit the bottom part of this website
From terminal open your file with Vim:
Having you R code open in vim, you can turn on the line numbers if you like by pressing Esc and then write :set number and press Enter.
For converting R to HTML, press Esc to make sure you are not in "insert mode" and then type :TOhtml and press Enter. This will result is having a split window in terminal, half is your R code and the other half id your new HTML code.
For saving the files, type :x along with Enter button from keyboard twice to save both files (your R file will be unchanged if you have not typed anything extra in it and your HTML file will be created with the same name near your R code)
Now open it with your favorite browser (in my case Vivaldi) and do what ever you want (in my case converting the whole HTML into PNG)
Best way:
download and paste in the r code. then choose syntax highlighting Xcode
For those using a Mac (and thus without access to Notepad++) cutting and pasting into Xcode and printing from there will also work.
As with Ron Jensen's earlier comment, this isn't an R Studio solution, but in the interests of "just getting it to work", I hope this helps someone.

What is the equivalent to R_HISTFILE for R data files

.RData files are starting to invade my directory structure. I would like to retain a single one in a specified directory. Is there such an ENV variable similar to R_HISTFILE?
This is in reference to the default save/restore directory for R workspaces.
UPDATE The answer by JThorpe led to the following solution:
set Env var RPROFILE_USER to a desired location . I am using my home dir
export RPROFILE_USER=/Users/steve
In that directory create a file with setwd (set working directory)
$cat ~/.Rprofile
Now the .RData will always load/save to the home dir (or whatever dir you put in setwd)
I personally dislike having R retain anything between sessions b/c it makes for difficult to find errors owing to variables that persist between sessions. Hence I set the “no-save” and “no-restore” options so that R neither writes its current state to an .Rdata file nor attempts to read in an old state. If I do happen to want to save an R session (this happens VERY rarely) I call savehistory().
Methods for setting command line options in OSX can be found here, and what follows describes setting command line options for R (or any other program) in windows.
To set the no-save and no-restore options in Windows, right-click on the R icon that you use to start an R session and select the ‘properties’ option. In the properties box, the “target” string should look something like this:
“C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.2\bin\i386\Rgui.exe”
To this string, add this string ‘ --no-save --no-restore’. Note that there is a space before each of the double-dashes. The target should now look something like this:
“C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.2\bin\i386\Rgui.exe” --no-save --no-restore
Click ‘Ok’ or ‘Apply’ to save these options. Note that these are per-icon (shortcut) settings. I have several icons with different command line options depending on the setting I want in the R session. Additional command line arguments to R can be found here.
Try the Load command in the Hmisc package. It uses the LoadPath option for this.
If you create a .Rprofile file you can specify a default working directory. See ?Startup for more details including the ability to set a site-wide profile. I just referred to that help page to make sure the .RData would be affected by that setting.
