Can I host wordpress on Google site? - wordpress

I made a wordpress for client and I want to shifted it to their hosting. He told me that his existing website is on google site as he has a paid Gsuite and if it possible to host thw wordpress website there.
Is that possible? I found some information that I can host it through google cloud but I am not sure if this is right.

No, it is impossible to host Wordpress on Google Sites.
Google Cloud is a completely different service and yes, you can fire up a cloud instance and host anything you want, including Wordpress, but GSuite services do not include this and it will cost additional money for your client.


Google Site Kit Plugin has been copied to multiple sites, so Analytics information is inaccurate

My company manages several websites for clients. We build Wordpress sites and manage them all on Flywheel. Whenever we make a new website, we typically duplicate an existing site so that we can reuse some general settings. I recently found out that the Google Site Kit plugin has been getting duplicated, along with its existing settings, so that multiple separate websites have been pointing to the same google analytics account. Because they are all pointing to the same account, the Google Analytics account is just tracking slugs, thinking all traffic is coming from the same base url. Now all traffic on common pages, such as Home, Contact, and About are being clumped together, highly inflating the numbers of what traffic would be on any one of the sites. Is there a way to separate the data by base url, so I could see accurate data for each site?
In that case what you'll need to do on the sites with the same property is revisit the Site Kit settings and connect to the correct Google Analytics property (and Tag Manager / AdSense if applicable).
Note also that if your site URL changes Site Kit does recognize this, asking users to connect once more on the new domain. If you then connect on the new site you'll need to change the connected Google Analytics property.
Going forward, before you duplicate a site that has Site Kit active you can disconnect the Google Analytics, AdSense and Tag Manager modules before duplicating, before connecting once more after copying. Alternatively you can reset Site Kit before duplicating. Resetting will mean you'll need to connect all services once more (after duplicating).
Hopefully the above helps.

UTM tracking across sub-domains

I have a main website (e.g. ) with static pages mostly developed on and I have a full application hosted on AWS on a sub-domain, e.g.
For tracking the traffic coming from different social media channels, we are building UTMs. My understanding is that the UTM tracking doesn't work when you hop between the sub-domains. Can you please suggest some clever options?
One option for us is to re-do the Wix website in WordPress and host WordPress ourselves on AWS next to our WebApp to completely avoid the domain hoping. But if we have a more elegant solution while keeping the Website, it would be preferred.
You can use a simple parameter in querystring (i.e. then in Analytics count unique page with that parameter in the URL.

Hosting ASP.NET Web API alongside a WordPress site on a GoDaddy Windows Hosting

The gist is, my I was requested to make an ASP.NET Web API backend for an app, but the website that the person will be hosting it on already has a wordpress site configured. Is there any way to host that api under, for example, with that specific hosting?
The thing is, I'm not familiar with how WordPress is handling its URL routing, I don't have access to the control panel to experiment and without direct access to IIS Management Console I basically have no clue what to do.
Or maybe, if not that, would it be possible to set up a this API on some random port with that hosting? I.e.
In my opinion, it is better to create a subdomain for your API like because then you won't need to configure your WP site not to catch requests for and with this solution you won't need to do anything except registering a new subdomain

How webmails work with Google cloud hosting? Also how can I setup newsletter solution with MailWizz WordPress plugin in GCH?

I have been building a WordPress website and I am using Google Cloud Hosting as my hosting solution. I am very new in using the Google cloud hosting and I found it's not easy to understand things as I'm even not anyone with IT skill but previously worked with Cpanel hosting several times.
I am trying to establish similarities between GCloud and CPanel hosting but still failing. Researching a lot and I have a way to setup GCloud in CPanel but not sure if it will work and I am not doing that.
However, I want to create and access webmails (eg. for my personal and business uses. I am aware that I can create them with Zoho or any other mail servers with some costs but I am looking for a single tap solution keeping everything in one place. Hence, I am preferring Google cloud itself.
I am going to use MailWizz for Newsletters which will be also hosted in my own storage/server. It's just that MailChimp gives us email server but we need our own for email list/templates and data. But how can do all these? Can I create and access all these in Google cloud hosting?
If there is anyone to give me a solution regarding all these considering the preferences (I am not likely to use any other email hosting) this will be awesome and help me to make a decision for my upcoming websites. Thanks in advance.
R. K. Mahin
GCP by default does not allow outbound connections for the port 25. 1
However there other approaches to achieve this too:
You got SendGrid, MailGun and Google Apps. They provide solutions which doesn't require SMTP access from a GCE instance.
There is also an alpha feature you can try to request called Cloud Mail. You can request to get your project whitelisted through Google Cloud Support.
If you can configure MailWizz to use other port than 25, you wont get into any trouble. You can create your own instance groups with a MailWizz server and a Load Balancer. GCP even got a Marketplace where you can find a lot of solutions to work with Wordpress and automatically create your own environment.

Running Wordpress on a subdomain of a URL used for Google App Engine (GAE)

I currently have a Google App Engine application, myapp, to which I have assigned a custom domain, is currently registered through Google Domains. I set up the custom domain as instructed by Google's docs and it is all working as expected.
Now, I would like to create a subdomain, and point it to my hosting company (i.e. not direct it to my GAE app), where I have a self-hosted Wordpress installation.
I have tried doing this through an NS entry for the subdomain blog through Google Domains, but this does not work.
Could someone direct me if they know how to do this? Thanks.
