voice recording using pyaudio not working as expected - audio-recording

This is the code I wrote to record my audio until I stop the program and save it in output.wav. The problem is that the output.wav is all silent and when I print the frames, they are all zeros. I am running it on Mac OS. I tried recording an audio using the Mac voice recorder and it works so there shouldn't be a problem with the microphone, I guess. Any suggestions why that is the case?
import pyaudio
import wave
CHUNK = 1024
FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
RATE = 44100
def record():
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
stream = p.open(format=FORMAT,
print("Start recording")
frames = []
while True:
data = stream.read(CHUNK)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Done recording")
except Exception as e:
sample_width = p.get_sample_size(FORMAT)
return sample_width, frames
def record_to_file(file_path):
wf = wave.open(file_path, 'wb')
sample_width, frames = record()
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('#' * 80)
print("Please speak word(s) into the microphone")
print('Press Ctrl+C to stop the recording')
print("Result written to output.wav")
print('#' * 80)

Running this code on my Windows 10 machine and python 3.7 produced an audio file. Make sure that your microphone is enabled on your mac


decode register to 32bit float big endian in python code on raspberry pi 3B with python library pymodbus2.5.3

I'm trying to get the data stream of a sensor transmitter that uses the modbus rtu communication protocol on my raspberry pi 3B. I'm able to get the data with the pymodbus2.5.3 library.
For this I use this code:
from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusSerialClient # Import the pymodbus library part for syncronous master (=client)
client = ModbusSerialClient(
method='rtu', #Modbus Modus = RTU = via USB & RS485
port='/dev/ttyUSB0', #Connected over ttyUSB0, not AMA0
baudrate=19200, #Baudrate was changed from 38400 to 19200
timeout=3, #
parity='N', #Parity = None
stopbits=2, #Bites was changed from 1 to 2
bytesize=8 #
if client.connect(): # Trying to connect to Modbus Server/Slave
#Reading from a holding register
res = client.read_holding_registers(address=100, count=8, unit=1) #Startregister = 100, Registers to be read = 8, Answer size = 1 byte
if not res.isError(): #If Registers don't show Error
print(res.registers) #Print content of registers
print(res) #Print Error Message, for meaning look at (insert git hub)
else: #If not able to connect, do this
print('Cannot connect to the Transmitter M80 SM and Sensor InPro 5000i.')
print('Please check the following things:')
print('Does the RS485-to-USB Adapter have power? Which LEDs are active?')
print('Are the cables connected correctly?')
And get the following output:
[15872, 17996, 16828, 15728, 16283, 45436, 16355, 63231]
With the help of the Modbus Poll and Slave Programms I know that those results should decoded be:
[0.125268, --, 23.53, --, 1.21094, --, 1.77344, --]
To get to the right results I tried the command that the pymodbus github suggests .decode():
res.decode(word_order = little, byte_order = little, formatters = float64)
[I know that those aren't the needed options but I copied the suggested github code to check if it works.]
After putting the code segment into the code the changed part looks like this:
if not res.isError(): #If Registers don't show Error
res.decode(word_order = little, byte_order = little, formatters = float64)
print(res.registers) #Print content of registers
print(res) #Print Error Message, for meaning look at (insert git hub)
When I run this code, I get the following output, that traces to the decoding segment:
NameError: name 'little' is not defined
After this, I imported also the pymodbus part translation. But it showed the same output.
How can I decode my incoming data?
You can use BinaryPayloadDecoder to help decoding your payload, here is a simplified example, change Endian.Big and Endian.Little if needed.
if client.connect(): # Trying to connect to Modbus Server/Slave
#Reading from a holding register
res = client.read_holding_registers(address=100, count=8, unit=1) #Startregister = 100, Registers to be read = 8, Answer size = 1 byte
# ====== added code start ======
decoder = BinaryPayloadDecoder.fromRegisters(res.registers, Endian.Little, wordorder=Endian.Little)
first_reading = decoder.decode_32bit_float()
second_reading = decoder.decode_32bit_float()
# ====== added code end ======
if not res.isError(): #If Registers don't show Error
print(res.registers) #Print content of registers
print(res) #Print Error Message, for meaning look at (insert git hub)
Remember to import from pymodbus.payload import BinaryPayloadDecoder at top and add necessary exception handlers in your final code.
Reference document: https://pymodbus.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/library/pymodbus.html#pymodbus.payload.BinaryPayloadDecoder

Active BLE Scanning (BlueZ) - Issue with DBus

I've started a project where I need to actively (all the time) scan for BLE Devices. I'm on Linux, using Bluez 5.49 and I use Python to communicate with dbus 1.10.20).
I' m able to start scanning, stop scanning with bluetoothctl and get the BLE Advertisement data through DBus (GetManagedObjects() of the BlueZ interface). The problem I have is when I let the scanning for many hours, dbus-deamon start to take more and more of the RAM and I'm not able to find how to "flush" what dbus has gathered from BlueZ. Eventually the RAM become full and Linux isn't happy.
So I've tried not to scan for the entire time, that would maybe let the Garbage collector do its cleanup. It didn't work.
I've edited the /etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf to remove any interface that I didn't need
<policy user="root">
<allow own="org.bluez"/>
<allow send_destination="org.bluez"/>
That has slow down the RAM build-up but didn't solve the issue.
I've found a way to inspect which connection has byte waiting and confirmed that it comes from blueZ
Connection :1.74 with pid 3622 '/usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd --experimental ' (org.bluez):
and lastly, I've found that someone needs to read what is waiting in DBus in order to free the memory. So I've found this : https://stackoverflow.com/a/60665430/15325057
And I receive the data that BlueZ is sending over but the memory still built-up.
The only way I know to free up dbus is to reboot linux. which is not ideal.
I'm coming at the end of what I understand of DBus and that's why I'm here today.
If you have any insight that could help me to free dbus from BlueZ messages, it would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
EDIT Adding the DBus code i use to read the discovered devices:
import dbus
BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME = "org.bluez"
DBUS_OM_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager"
DEVICES_IFACE = "org.bluez.Device1"
def main_loop(subproc):
devinfo = None
objects = None
dbussys = dbus.SystemBus()
dbusconnection = dbussys.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, "/")
bluezInterface = dbus.Interface(dbusconnection, DBUS_OM_IFACE)
while True:
objects = bluezInterface.GetManagedObjects()
except dbus.DBusException as err:
print("dbus Error : " + str(err))
all_devices = (str(path) for path, interfaces in objects.items() if DEVICES_IFACE in interfaces.keys())
for path, interfaces in objects.items():
if "org.bluez.Adapter1" not in interfaces.keys():
device_list = [d for d in all_devices if d.startswith(path + "/")]
for dev_path in device_list:
properties = objects[dev_path][DEVICES_IFACE]
if "ServiceData" in properties.keys() and "Name" in properties.keys() and "RSSI" in properties.keys():
#[... Do someting...]
Indeed, Bluez flushes memory when you stop discovering. So in order to scan continuously you need start and stop the discovery all the time. I discover for 6 seconds, wait 1 second and then start discovering for 6 seconds again...and so on. If you check the logs you will see it deletes a lot of stuff when stopping discovery.
I can't really reproduce your error exactly but my system is not happy running that fast while loop repeatedly getting the data from GetManagedObjects.
Below is the code I ran based on your code with a little bit of refactoring...
import dbus
BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME = "org.bluez"
DBUS_OM_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager"
ADAPTER_IFACE = "org.bluez.Adapter1"
DEVICES_IFACE = "org.bluez.Device1"
def main_loop():
devinfo = None
objects = None
dbussys = dbus.SystemBus()
dbusconnection = dbussys.get_object(BLUEZ_SERVICE_NAME, "/")
bluezInterface = dbus.Interface(dbusconnection, DBUS_OM_IFACE)
while True:
objects = bluezInterface.GetManagedObjects()
for path in objects:
name = objects[path].get(DEVICES_IFACE, {}).get('Name')
rssi = objects[path].get(DEVICES_IFACE, {}).get('RSSI')
service_data = objects[path].get(DEVICES_IFACE, {}).get('ServiceData')
if all((name, rssi, service_data)):
print(f'{name} # {rssi} = {service_data}')
#[... Do someting...]
if __name__ == '__main__':
I'm not sure what you are trying to do in the broader project but if I can make some recommendations...
A more typical way of scanning for service/manufacturer data is to subscribe to signals in D-Bus that trigger callbacks when something of interest happens.
Below is some code I use to look for iBeacons and Eddystone beacons. This runs using the GLib event loop which is maybe something you have ruled out but is more efficient on resources.
It does use different Python dbus bindings as I find pydbus more "pythonic".
I have left the code in processing the beacons as it might be a useful reference.
import argparse
from gi.repository import GLib
from pydbus import SystemBus
import uuid
DEVICE_INTERFACE = 'org.bluez.Device1'
remove_list = set()
def stop_scan():
"""Stop device discovery and quit event loop"""
def clean_beacons():
BlueZ D-Bus API does not show duplicates. This is a
workaround that removes devices that have been found
during discovery
not_found = set()
for rm_dev in remove_list:
except GLib.Error as err:
for lost in not_found:
def process_eddystone(data):
"""Print Eddystone data in human readable format"""
_url_prefix_scheme = ['http://www.', 'https://www.',
'http://', 'https://', ]
_url_encoding = ['.com/', '.org/', '.edu/', '.net/', '.info/',
'.biz/', '.gov/', '.com', '.org', '.edu',
'.net', '.info', '.biz', '.gov']
tx_pwr = int.from_bytes([data[1]], 'big', signed=True)
# Eddystone UID Beacon format
if data[0] == 0x00:
namespace_id = int.from_bytes(data[2:12], 'big')
instance_id = int.from_bytes(data[12:18], 'big')
print(f'\t\tEddystone UID: {namespace_id} - {instance_id} \u2197 {tx_pwr}')
# Eddystone URL beacon format
elif data[0] == 0x10:
prefix = data[2]
encoded_url = data[3:]
full_url = _url_prefix_scheme[prefix]
for letter in encoded_url:
if letter < len(_url_encoding):
full_url += _url_encoding[letter]
full_url += chr(letter)
print(f'\t\tEddystone URL: {full_url} \u2197 {tx_pwr}')
def process_ibeacon(data, beacon_type='iBeacon'):
"""Print iBeacon data in human readable format"""
print('DATA:', data)
beacon_uuid = uuid.UUID(bytes=bytes(data[2:18]))
major = int.from_bytes(bytearray(data[18:20]), 'big', signed=False)
minor = int.from_bytes(bytearray(data[20:22]), 'big', signed=False)
tx_pwr = int.from_bytes([data[22]], 'big', signed=True)
print(f'\t\t{beacon_type}: {beacon_uuid} - {major} - {minor} \u2197 {tx_pwr}')
def ble_16bit_match(uuid_16, srv_data):
"""Expand 16 bit UUID to full 128 bit UUID"""
uuid_128 = f'0000{uuid_16}-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
return uuid_128 == list(srv_data.keys())[0]
def on_iface_added(owner, path, iface, signal, interfaces_and_properties):
Event handler for D-Bus interface added.
Test to see if it is a new Bluetooth device
iface_path, iface_props = interfaces_and_properties
if DEVICE_INTERFACE in iface_props:
on_device_found(iface_path, iface_props[DEVICE_INTERFACE])
def on_device_found(device_path, device_props):
Handle new Bluetooth device being discover.
If it is a beacon of type iBeacon, Eddystone, AltBeacon
then process it
address = device_props.get('Address')
address_type = device_props.get('AddressType')
name = device_props.get('Name')
alias = device_props.get('Alias')
paired = device_props.get('Paired')
trusted = device_props.get('Trusted')
rssi = device_props.get('RSSI')
service_data = device_props.get('ServiceData')
manufacturer_data = device_props.get('ManufacturerData')
if address.casefold() == '00:c3:f4:f1:58:69':
print('Found mac address of interest')
if service_data and ble_16bit_match('feaa', service_data):
elif manufacturer_data:
for mfg_id in manufacturer_data:
# iBeacon 0x004c
if mfg_id == 0x004c and manufacturer_data[mfg_id][0] == 0x02:
# AltBeacon 0xacbe
elif mfg_id == 0xffff and manufacturer_data[mfg_id][0:2] == [0xbe, 0xac]:
process_ibeacon(manufacturer_data[mfg_id], beacon_type='AltBeacon')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-d', '--duration', type=int, default=0,
help='Duration of scan [0 for continuous]')
args = parser.parse_args()
bus = SystemBus()
adapter = bus.get('org.bluez', '/org/bluez/hci0')
mainloop = GLib.MainLoop()
if args.duration > 0:
GLib.timeout_add_seconds(args.duration, stop_scan)
adapter.SetDiscoveryFilter({'DuplicateData': GLib.Variant.new_boolean(False)})
print('\n\tUse CTRL-C to stop discovery\n')
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Modified Google pushtotalk.py crashes on missing attribute 'DeviceRequestHandler'

I am running on a Raspberry Pi 3b+ with latest Raspbian. I have created a Python 2.7 virtual environment to test a few things. I installed the Google Assistant Api using the following instructions:
-except the audio, I am using the Respeaker 4-mic hat as I already had that working fine.
When I run the sample code for pushtotalk.py it works fine except CTRL-C no longer functions (have to close the terminal window to kill it).
I made a few minor (or I thought minor) changes and when I run the code I get a strange error.
My version of the code:
# Original pushtotalk.py file Copyright (C) 2017 Google Inc.
# modified by #captstephan for T3 project
# my imports for the mechanical functions, motor drivers, etc.
from Raspi_PWM_Servo_Driver import PWM
from voice_engine.source import Source
from voice_engine.channel_picker import ChannelPicker
from voice_engine.kws import KWS
from voice_engine.doa_respeaker_4mic_array import DOA
from pixels import pixels
# imports from the original Google pushtotalk.py file
import concurrent.futures
import json
import logging
import os
import os.path
import pathlib2 as pathlib
import sys
import time
import uuid
import click
import grpc
import google.auth.transport.grpc
import google.auth.transport.requests
import google.oauth2.credentials
from google.assistant.embedded.v1alpha2 import (
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, retry_if_exception
import assistant_helpers
import audio_helpers
import browser_helpers
import device_helpers
# set up Google Assistant variables (from pushtotalk.py)
ASSISTANT_API_ENDPOINT = 'embeddedassistant.googleapis.com'
END_OF_UTTERANCE = embedded_assistant_pb2.AssistResponse.END_OF_UTTERANCE
DIALOG_FOLLOW_ON = embedded_assistant_pb2.DialogStateOut.DIALOG_FOLLOW_ON
CLOSE_MICROPHONE = embedded_assistant_pb2.DialogStateOut.CLOSE_MICROPHONE
PLAYING = embedded_assistant_pb2.ScreenOutConfig.PLAYING
# set up items for motor hats
# Initialise the PWM device using the default address
pwm = PWM(0x6F)
# set max and min, servo0=Horiz, servo1=vert
servoMin0 = 155 # Min pulse length out of 4096
servoMid0 = 370
servoMax0 = 585 # Max pulse length out of 4096
servoMin1 = 410 # Min pulse length out of 4096
servoMid1 = 530
servoMax1 = 650 # Max pulse length out of 4096
pwm.setPWMFreq(60) # Set frequency to 60 Hz
# class assignment from pushtotalk.py file:
class SampleAssistant(object):
"""Sample Assistant that supports conversations and device actions.
device_model_id: identifier of the device model.
device_id: identifier of the registered device instance.
conversation_stream(ConversationStream): audio stream
for recording query and playing back assistant answer.
channel: authorized gRPC channel for connection to the
Google Assistant API.
deadline_sec: gRPC deadline in seconds for Google Assistant API call.
device_handler: callback for device actions.
def __init__(self, language_code, device_model_id, device_id,
conversation_stream, display,
channel, deadline_sec, device_handler):
self.language_code = language_code
self.device_model_id = device_model_id
self.device_id = device_id
self.conversation_stream = conversation_stream
self.display = display
# Opaque blob provided in AssistResponse that,
# when provided in a follow-up AssistRequest,
# gives the Assistant a context marker within the current state
# of the multi-Assist()-RPC "conversation".
# This value, along with MicrophoneMode, supports a more natural
# "conversation" with the Assistant.
self.conversation_state = None
# Force reset of first conversation.
self.is_new_conversation = True
# Create Google Assistant API gRPC client.
self.assistant = embedded_assistant_pb2_grpc.EmbeddedAssistantStub(
self.deadline = deadline_sec
self.device_handler = device_handler
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, etype, e, traceback):
if e:
return False
def is_grpc_error_unavailable(e):
is_grpc_error = isinstance(e, grpc.RpcError)
if is_grpc_error and (e.code() == grpc.StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE):
logging.error('grpc unavailable error: %s', e)
return True
return False
#retry(reraise=True, stop=stop_after_attempt(3),
def assist(self):
"""Send a voice request to the Assistant and playback the response.
Returns: True if conversation should continue.
continue_conversation = False
device_actions_futures = []
logging.info('Recording audio request.')
def iter_log_assist_requests():
for c in self.gen_assist_requests():
yield c
logging.debug('Reached end of AssistRequest iteration.')
# This generator yields AssistResponse proto messages
# received from the gRPC Google Assistant API.
for resp in self.assistant.Assist(iter_log_assist_requests(),
if resp.event_type == END_OF_UTTERANCE:
logging.info('End of audio request detected.')
logging.info('Stopping recording.')
if resp.speech_results:
logging.info('Transcript of user request: "%s".',
' '.join(r.transcript
for r in resp.speech_results))
if len(resp.audio_out.audio_data) > 0:
if not self.conversation_stream.playing:
logging.info('Playing assistant response.')
if resp.dialog_state_out.conversation_state:
conversation_state = resp.dialog_state_out.conversation_state
logging.debug('Updating conversation state.')
self.conversation_state = conversation_state
if resp.dialog_state_out.volume_percentage != 0:
volume_percentage = resp.dialog_state_out.volume_percentage
logging.info('Setting volume to %s%%', volume_percentage)
self.conversation_stream.volume_percentage = volume_percentage
if resp.dialog_state_out.microphone_mode == DIALOG_FOLLOW_ON:
continue_conversation = True
logging.info('Expecting follow-on query from user.')
elif resp.dialog_state_out.microphone_mode == CLOSE_MICROPHONE:
continue_conversation = False
if resp.device_action.device_request_json:
device_request = json.loads(
fs = self.device_handler(device_request)
if fs:
if self.display and resp.screen_out.data:
system_browser = browser_helpers.system_browser
if len(device_actions_futures):
logging.info('Waiting for device executions to complete.')
logging.info('Finished playing assistant response.')
return continue_conversation
def gen_assist_requests(self):
"""Yields: AssistRequest messages to send to the API."""
config = embedded_assistant_pb2.AssistConfig(
if self.display:
config.screen_out_config.screen_mode = PLAYING
# Continue current conversation with later requests.
self.is_new_conversation = False
# The first AssistRequest must contain the AssistConfig
# and no audio data.
yield embedded_assistant_pb2.AssistRequest(config=config)
for data in self.conversation_stream:
# Subsequent requests need audio data, but not config.
yield embedded_assistant_pb2.AssistRequest(audio_in=data)
#click.option('--api-endpoint', default=ASSISTANT_API_ENDPOINT,
metavar='<api endpoint>', show_default=True,
help='Address of Google Assistant API service.')
metavar='<credentials>', show_default=True,
help='Path to read OAuth2 credentials.')
metavar='<project id>',
help=('Google Developer Project ID used for registration '
'if --device-id is not specified'))
metavar='<device model id>',
help=(('Unique device model identifier, '
'if not specifed, it is read from --device-config')))
metavar='<device id>',
help=(('Unique registered device instance identifier, '
'if not specified, it is read from --device-config, '
'if no device_config found: a new device is registered '
'using a unique id and a new device config is saved')))
#click.option('--device-config', show_default=True,
metavar='<device config>',
help='Path to save and restore the device configuration')
#click.option('--lang', show_default=True,
metavar='<language code>',
help='Language code of the Assistant')
#click.option('--display', is_flag=True, default=False,
help='Enable visual display of Assistant responses in HTML.')
#click.option('--verbose', '-v', is_flag=True, default=False,
help='Verbose logging.')
#click.option('--input-audio-file', '-i',
metavar='<input file>',
help='Path to input audio file. '
'If missing, uses audio capture')
#click.option('--output-audio-file', '-o',
metavar='<output file>',
help='Path to output audio file. '
'If missing, uses audio playback')
metavar='<audio sample rate>', show_default=True,
help='Audio sample rate in hertz.')
metavar='<audio sample width>', show_default=True,
help='Audio sample width in bytes.')
metavar='<audio iter size>', show_default=True,
help='Size of each read during audio stream iteration in bytes.')
metavar='<audio block size>', show_default=True,
help=('Block size in bytes for each audio device '
'read and write operation.'))
metavar='<audio flush size>', show_default=True,
help=('Size of silence data in bytes written '
'during flush operation'))
#click.option('--grpc-deadline', default=DEFAULT_GRPC_DEADLINE,
metavar='<grpc deadline>', show_default=True,
help='gRPC deadline in seconds')
#click.option('--once', default=False, is_flag=True,
help='Force termination after a single conversation.')
def main(api_endpoint, credentials, project_id,
device_model_id, device_id, device_config,
lang, display, verbose,
input_audio_file, output_audio_file,
audio_sample_rate, audio_sample_width,
audio_iter_size, audio_block_size, audio_flush_size,
grpc_deadline, once, *args, **kwargs):
# Inserted the following code to set up the snowboy keyword activation using "Hey T3"
src = Source(rate=16000, channels=4, frames_size=320)
ch1 = ChannelPicker(channels=4, pick=1)
kws = KWS()
doa = DOA(rate=16000)
pwm.setPWM(0, 0, 370)
pwm.setPWM(1, 0, 640)
# When snowboy detects the custom keyword, set the camera position to near direction of voice
def on_detected(keyword):
position = doa.get_direction()
print('detected {} at direction {}'.format(keyword, position))
if position >= 30 and position <= 180:
pwm.setPWM(0, 0, 175)
pwm.setPWM(1, 0, 500)
elif position > 180 and position <= 330:
pwm.setPWM(0, 0, 560)
pwm.setPWM(1, 0, 500)
elif position > 330 or position < 30:
pwm.setPWM(0, 0, 370)
pwm.setPWM(1, 0, 6200)
pwm.setPWM(0, 0, 370)
pwm.setPWM(1, 0, 640)
# end of stuff I inserted
# Setup logging.
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if verbose else logging.INFO)
# Load OAuth 2.0 credentials.
with open(credentials, 'r') as f:
credentials = google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials(token=None,
http_request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()
except Exception as e:
logging.error('Error loading credentials: %s', e)
logging.error('Run google-oauthlib-tool to initialize '
'new OAuth 2.0 credentials.')
# Create an authorized gRPC channel.
grpc_channel = google.auth.transport.grpc.secure_authorized_channel(
credentials, http_request, api_endpoint)
logging.info('Connecting to %s', api_endpoint)
# Configure audio source and sink.
audio_device = None
if input_audio_file:
audio_source = audio_helpers.WaveSource(
open(input_audio_file, 'rb'),
audio_source = audio_device = (
audio_device or audio_helpers.SoundDeviceStream(
if output_audio_file:
audio_sink = audio_helpers.WaveSink(
open(output_audio_file, 'wb'),
audio_sink = audio_device = (
audio_device or audio_helpers.SoundDeviceStream(
# Create conversation stream with the given audio source and sink.
conversation_stream = audio_helpers.ConversationStream(
if not device_id or not device_model_id:
with open(device_config) as f:
device = json.load(f)
device_id = device['id']
device_model_id = device['model_id']
logging.info("Using device model %s and device id %s",
except Exception as e:
logging.warning('Device config not found: %s' % e)
logging.info('Registering device')
if not device_model_id:
logging.error('Option --device-model-id required '
'when registering a device instance.')
if not project_id:
logging.error('Option --project-id required '
'when registering a device instance.')
device_base_url = (
'https://%s/v1alpha2/projects/%s/devices' % (api_endpoint,
device_id = str(uuid.uuid1())
payload = {
'id': device_id,
'model_id': device_model_id,
'client_type': 'SDK_SERVICE'
session = google.auth.transport.requests.AuthorizedSession(
r = session.post(device_base_url, data=json.dumps(payload))
if r.status_code != 200:
logging.error('Failed to register device: %s', r.text)
logging.info('Device registered: %s', device_id)
with open(device_config, 'w') as f:
json.dump(payload, f)
device_handler = device_helpers.DeviceRequestHandler(device_id)
def onoff(on):
if on:
logging.info('Turning device on')
logging.info('Turning device off')
def blink(speed, number):
logging.info('Blinking device %s times.' % number)
delay = 1
if speed == "SLOWLY":
delay = 2
elif speed == "QUICKLY":
delay = 0.5
for i in range(int(number)):
logging.info('Device is blinking.')
with SampleAssistant(lang, device_model_id, device_id,
conversation_stream, display,
grpc_channel, grpc_deadline,
device_handler) as assistant:
# If file arguments are supplied:
# exit after the first turn of the conversation.
if input_audio_file or output_audio_file:
# changed the wait for keypress to a wait for keyword using the snowboy module
# If no file arguments supplied:
# keep recording voice requests using the microphone
# and playing back assistant response using the speaker.
# When the once flag is set, don't wait for a trigger. Otherwise, wait.
wait_for_user_trigger = not once
while True:
if wait_for_user_trigger:
#click.pause(info='Press Enter to send a new request...
continue_conversation = assistant.assist()
# wait for user trigger if there is no follow-up turn in
# the conversation.
wait_for_user_trigger = not continue_conversation
# If we only want one conversation, break.
if once and (not continue_conversation):
if __name__ == '__main__':
I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py", line 174, in _run_module_as_main
"main", fname, loader, pkg_name)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py", line 72, in _run_code
exec code in run_globals
File "/home/pi/T3google.py", line 501, in
File "/home/pi/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/core.py", line 722, in call
return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/pi/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/core.py", line 697, in main
rv = self.invoke(ctx)
File "/home/pi/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/core.py", line 895, in invoke
return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
File "/home/pi/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/core.py", line 535, in invoke
return callback(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/pi/T3google.py", line 425, in main
device_handler = device_helpers.DeviceRequestHandler(device_id)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DeviceRequestHandler'
I am still new to python, but the sample code from Google works and the code snippet I inserted works stand-alone in another file.
I checked device_helpers.py and DeviceRequestHandler is a class that takes the device_id as input. It works fine if I call it in pushtotalk.py, but not in the modified code.
Any thoughts anyone?
Thanks in advance,
I shut down for other reasons, came back and restarted the next day and problem disappeared. Likely something required a reboot to complete install and I missed it. That part is working fine now, haven't been able to completely get this to work as expected.

Taking off using dronekit and PX4

I'm using an Intel Aero RTF drone with PX4 and I want to test a simple take off of this drone but the script I followed didn't give me results it just arms the dron and disarms but never takes off
This is the script:
#! /usr/bin/python
from dronekit import connect, VehicleMode, LocationGlobalRelative
import time
vehicle = connect('tcp:', wait_ready=False)
def arm_and_takeoff(aTarget):
### I commented this lines because the code doesn't pass from
this loop ###
#print 'Pre arm-checks'
#while not vehicle.is_armable:
# print "Initializing...'
# time.sleep(1)
print 'Arming motors'
vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("GUIDED")
vehicle.armed = True
while not vehicle.armed:
print "waiting for arming"
print "Take Off!"
while True:
print "Altitude: ",vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt
if vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt >= aTarget * 0.95:
print "Altitude target reached"
print "Take off complete!"
print "Landing"
vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("LAND")
As I said it just arms for a few seconds and the disarms, what am I doing wrong??
Dronekit doesn't officially support PX4 flight stack, you should Dronecode SDK for PX4 (https://sdk.dronecode.org/en/) or change your fligh stack to ArduPilot, but there is a limited support for PX4 too you can read about it here https://dev.px4.io/en/robotics/dronekit.html.

How to get the Tor ExitNode IP with Python and Stem

I'm trying to get the external IP that Tor uses, as mentioned here. When using something like myip.dnsomatic.com, this is very slow. I tried what was suggested in the aforementioned link (python + stem to control tor through the control port), but all you get is circuit's IPs with no assurance of which one is the one on the exitnode, and, sometimes the real IP is not even among the results.
Any help would be appreciated.
Also, from here, at the bottom, Amine suggests a way to renew the identity in Tor. There is an instruction, controller.get_newnym_wait(), which he uses to wait until the new connection is ready (controller is from Control in steam.control), isn't there any thing like that in Steam (sorry, I checked and double/triple checked and couldn't find nothing) that tells you that Tor is changing its identity?
You can get the exit node ip without calling a geoip site.
This is however on a different stackexchange site here - https://tor.stackexchange.com/questions/3253/how-do-i-trap-circuit-id-none-errors-in-the-stem-script-exit-used-py
As posted by #mirimir his code below essentially attaches a stream event listener function, which is then used to get the circuit id, circuit fingerprint, then finally the exit ip address -
import functools
import time
from stem import StreamStatus
from stem.control import EventType, Controller
def main():
print "Tracking requests for tor exits. Press 'enter' to end."
with Controller.from_port() as controller:
stream_listener = functools.partial(stream_event, controller)
controller.add_event_listener(stream_listener, EventType.STREAM)
raw_input() # wait for user to press enter
def stream_event(controller, event):
if event.status == StreamStatus.SUCCEEDED and event.circ_id:
circ = controller.get_circuit(event.circ_id)
exit_fingerprint = circ.path[-1][0]
exit_relay = controller.get_network_status(exit_fingerprint)
t = time.localtime()
print "datetime|%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d % (t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec)
print "website|%s" % (event.target)
print "exitip|%s" % (exit_relay.address)
print "exitport|%i" % (exit_relay.or_port)
print "fingerprint|%s" % exit_relay.fingerprint
print "nickname|%s" % exit_relay.nickname
print "locale|%s" % controller.get_info("ip-to-country/%s" % exit_relay.address, 'unknown')
You can use this code for check current IP (change SOCKS_PORT value to yours):
import re
import stem.process
import requesocks
tor_process = stem.process.launch_tor()
proxy_address = 'socks5://{}'.format(SOCKS_PORT)
proxies = {
'http': proxy_address,
'https': proxy_address
response = requesocks.get("http://httpbin.org/ip", proxies=proxies)
print re.findall(r'[\d.-]+', response.text)[0]
If you want to use socks you should do:
pip install requests[socks]
Then you can do:
import requests
import json
import stem.process
import stem
SOCKS_PORT = "9999"
tor = stem.process.launch_tor_with_config(
'SocksPort': SOCKS_PORT,
tor_cmd= 'absolute_path/to/tor.exe',
r = requests.Session()
proxies = {
'http': 'socks5://localhost:' + SOCKS_PORT,
'https': 'socks5://localhost:' + SOCKS_PORT
response = r.get("http://httpbin.org/ip", proxies=proxies)
self.current_ip = response.json()['origin']
