How to get rid of RSS link in Hugo template? - rss

I'd like to get rid of the default rss feed link that appears in my website's main menu. I was able to delete the default Archives link by deleting the corresponding code under [[menu.main]] in config.toml, but no similar code block exists for rss. I also tried going into index.html and deleting lines that appeared to correspond to rss to no avail. I'm using blogdown and the Hugo template Noteworthy to build my site.

To remove the RSS link from the menu in the Noteworthy theme, remove line 8 from the file /layouts/partials/nav.html. The line should look like this:
<a class="color-link nav-link" href="{{ .Site.RSSLink }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener" type="application/rss+xml">RSS</a>
As you can see, the RSS link was hardcoded into the template, so it would not be possible to remove it by editing the menu in config.toml.
Edit: The full location of the file will probably be themes/noteworthy/layouts/partials/nav.html.


Wordpress - TwenteenSeventeen picture instead of a title

I'm really new in coding, especially in css. I already read some tutorials but I like to change a specific thing. For my Website I use Wordpress. I also edited a few things in my CSS which already worked. Now I can't find a answer for how I can replace the title with a custom picture.
Click here to watch a picture to understand what I mean.
Click here to acess my website.
I already tried some things, but it would be nice if someone can explain me how to do it.
You can edit header.php in the twenty seventeen to display only a picture.
This source code is on your wordpress server in wp-content/themes/twenty-seventeen/header.php:
You'll want to replace line 31:
<?php get_template_part( 'components/header/header', 'image' ); ?>
With something like
<img src="banner.png" />
You'll have to adjust the location of banner.png to where you actually upload the image.
After you've got that working and it's basically what you want, you can wrap the image tag in a a tag so the banner links back to your home page, if you'd like.

how do i locate files in wordpress by inspecting element a particular element in google chrome?

I want to change some particular line on my Wordpress site which I cannot change in the customization. How do I locate a certain line with inspect element in chrome?
My website is and I want to edit this line:
"<h5 class="subscribe-description">Learn more</h5>"
Please, can anyone help me out?
Let me show you how you can use WordPress's hints in html body class to find the php file:
WordPress gives hint in the HTML's body tag that which particular template was used to display this page.
In your case we have following classes in the body tag:
<body class="home page-template page-template-page-templates page-template-page_front-page page-template-page-templatespage_front-page-php page page-id-466 custom-background wp-custom-logo blog-post">
Now there is a specific class which ends with php, which tells that template was used by your theme to build this page. i.e. page-template-page-templatespage_front-page-php
Now it could mean that in your theme folder:
There could be sub folder or folders called: **page-template/page-templates** and inside it is page_front-page.php PHP file, which is being used to create this layout. See if you can locate the code you are trying to modify there.

Wordpress very strange 404 error with email at end of Url

For my site under wordpress i am having a very wired issue with 404 warning appearing from Google (GWT) and my 404 plugin.
I get hundred of 404 like : /article-name​/
I checked everywhere the email doesnt appear on the site and i checked database, those links are nowhere to be found.
Also i removed my email from everywhere on the site and it doesnt help gogle still think those are broken links on my site.
Would you have an idea of how to fix this ?
thx u !
I ran into the exact same problem today and was able to solve it.
Here is my solution:
The root cause for my problem, (likely this one as well) is that I did some social media linking via the theme I installed. There are Facebook page etc, and there is Email.
When rendered
<li class="facebook">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<i class="fa fa-facebook"></i>
And for the email icon, it is the following:
<li class="mail">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<i class="fa fa-envelope"></i>
when you click on this <a> tag, it will point to /article-name​/ because it is interpreted as a relative url, whereas the Facebook link is an absolute url since it has https://
To Fix This
use instead of for your email address.
The theme probably should wrote a href="mailto:{{email}}" in their template. But if they didn't, you should write mailto: yourself.
According to my experience, There is some additional script added in your wordpress file. try to remove header.php, footer.php one by one and see error comes or not. If error doesn't come then check your code in these files. I am sure there is some script added in any file.
Resave your permalink settings, that should sort it out, but information can only get appended to urls via the .access file, which is set in the permalinks section. I'd check that if I was you.

how to remove wordpress site error "missing author missing updates"?

I am working on wordpress. and when checking in webmaster tool these error displayed.
missing author missing updates ?HOw to remove these errors?
On your Template Click Edit HTML.
Now using Google Chromes press Ctrl+F to find the code "timestamp-link". Skip the first code you'll find, Stop the second code you'll find, like below:
<a class='timestamp-link' expr:href='data:post.url' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' expr:title='data:post.timestampISO8601'><data:post.timestamp/></abbr></a>
Now change it to the code below code :
<a class='timestamp-link' expr:href='data:post.url' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='updated published' expr:title='data:post.timestampISO8601'><data:post.timestamp/></abbr></a>

Wordpress: get link title

I want to use the jGrowl plugin with my custom wordpress theme.
my case: you click on a link and a growl-like message box opens. My message should be the link's title text.
But how can I echo/display this title? where can I get it from? I already did some research but couldn't find any solution.
(I really don't mean "the_title()" .. more like this one <a href="" title="">
just google it: "php get title from url".
You'll find some php classes.
You can use them to get Title of page from given url and use it in jGrowl.
