IIS ASP.NET application responds to IP but not to domain name - asp.net

I've got a problem with IIS. I got a ASP.NET application there running and I am able to connect to it from local network ( and from outer network too ( , connecting via phone, because router doesn't support this feature).
The thing is when I try to connect via a domain name queue.laststep.eu, it says error: timed out.
I've asked my friend to tracert this domain name and it finished at the router the server is connected to, so I suppose DNS is configured properly.
Does anyone got an idea what may be blocking inbound traffic? (Firewall is off, ports on our primary router are forwarded...)
I am attaching a screenshot of the site bindings(got to put it on 3rd party server due to low reputation... https://imgur.com/a/hTvqivY)
Thank you for help!


Having Issue with Cloudflare and Nginx proxy manager where it does not connect to my local server. (Error 522/523)

I'm trying for the first time to connect my local server (Synology) through NGINX and Cloudflare so I can access it through my own domain name. I have the proxy host all set up pointing to my local IP address with the port and I have an SSL encryption using Let's Encrypt. The site gives me either a timed out error or unreachable, however one time somehow the site took my to ASUS aicloud which is through my ASUS ac68u router but I was not even pointing NGINX to that.
using cloudflare diagnostic center site it syas the request failed because the web server did not respond.
I'm not sure whether my router is blocking Cloudflare or if there is any other issue going on, would appreciate any help with the matter!

'Invalid hostname' response from http.sys

We have web service running hosted on an OwinHttpListener (http.sys behind the scenes). Whenever we send requests to the app on the IP address, it responds with 'Invalid hostname'.
After much trawling of stack overflow and google, im not really any closer to a solution. The requests are getting through to http.sys, as i can see them in the HTTP error log. I can log onto the server in question and access the service locally (using localhost or and i can use the server name to successfully get through, the only failure condition is using the servers IP address.
Ive tried the following:
Ensure the app is listening on all interfaces (http://+:8080)
Ensure IIS is not trying to use the port (it isnt)
Ensure windows firewall is configured to allow traffic on that port (it is)

Published asp.net website not accessible in other system in same network

I have developed a asp.net website and published in a server.Whereas everything works perfectly in that server if i give browser from that IIS manager, and in server ( published system ) everything works perfect.But i need to access the same published application also in the other systems also ( which are connected in same network ). How is it possible..??
1. Used IIS 7.
When tried to connect from another system from same networ getting error as follows
The socket connection to failed.
ErrorCode: 10060.A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
If Your are accessing Your application on Hosted Server like this then just replace
localhost with ipaddress of hosted server to access it over the network
then like this:
It is possible that the HTTP traffic on port 80 incoming from the local network is blocked.
You should check if ISA server is installed on your server and if so if HTTP traffic on port 80 is allowed or not. If it's blocked try to allow it for the local network ip range.
Edit: Or port 90 as your error code states, but why are you working on port 90?

website Hosted on Ec2 not responding, what happened with My instance?

On Friday I hosted a WordPress site on my micro instance - I installed LAMP stack, and WordPress on it.
Instance state is Running, but when I try to access website with public domain given in console, it says
web page Not available
I have set an Outbound rule to allow everyone and Inbound rule for my IP address only.
This is about accessing website from outside world, but when I try to connect to my instance with JAVA Interface, MindTerm Web SSH, it says
Network connection timeout error
Can't figure out anything, Just started working on AWS.
I think you have confused the Outbound and Inbound rules - Outbound means traffic going out from the server, while Inbound means traffic from the internet to the server.
As you say, you added an Inbound rule for your IP address only, and you can access the website from you IP only, just like you requested.
Add an Inbound rule for port 80 for0.0.0.0/0, and you should be able to access the site from other locations as well.
If you need to open it to HTTP and SSH, open it for both for
Please verify your settings and permission based on this :
You might also want to check your firewall, in case that is blocking the access..

Problems with DNS

Good afternoon in my timezone.
I am developing a web appp in J2EE.
This web app is called and access inside a sharepoint portal.
When i enter through the sharepoint portal i can access my application, using chrome developes tools i can see all the HTTP traffic, and i see that the browsers sends a request to the following server that is where my app is running serverprd.enterprisename.com.
But when i use the command line in my windows 7 , to ping the machine(server) , for example :
ping serverprd.enterprisename.com it returns me the following message:
"Ping request could not find host serverprd.enterprisename.com"
I am using a proxy.
Can anyone tells me why this happening ? Why through the browser i can access the server and the ping command does not find me the server ?
With the best regards.
Thanks in advance.
Your proxy server id the one who have an access to outside world. All http requests are sent to proxy server and proxy server does DNS lookup. In case of pin, your host have to do DNS lookup and this operation obviously now allowed ( firewall or so).
