System signal interception in Julia - julia

In a Julia program which run under Linux, I need to launch a dedicated action when a console window is resized. So how in Julia, can I intercept the system signal SIGWINCH (window resizing) and attach to it a function which performs the required action ?
In Ada it is rather straightforward to declare it :
protected Signalhandler is
procedure Handlewindowresizing;
pragma Attach_Handler (Handlewindowresizing, SIGWINCH);
end Signalhandler;
TENTATIVE SOLUTION BASED ON IDEA OF SCHEMER : I try to use a C Library which conducts the SIGWINCH interruption monitoring.
void Winresize (void Sig_Handler());
#include "myLibrary.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
void Winresize(void sig_handler (void)) {
signal(SIGWINCH, sig_handler);
Compilation & Library preparation
gcc -c -Wall -fPIC myLibrary.c
gcc -shared -fPIC -o myLibrary.o
Program in Julia which uses the C-Library :
function getc1()
ret = ccall(:jl_tty_set_mode, Int32, (Ptr{Cvoid},Int32), stdin.handle, true)
ret == 0 || error("unable to switch to raw mode")
c = read(stdin, UInt8)
ccall(:jl_tty_set_mode, Int32, (Ptr{Cvoid},Int32), stdin.handle, false)
function traitement() println(displaysize(stdout)); end
Mon_traitement_c = #cfunction(traitement, Cvoid, ())
ccall((:Winresize, "/home/Emile/programmation/Julia/"), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), Mon_traitement_c)
while true
The Julia program run properly but when the terminal window is resized a Segmentation fault (core dumped) is issued and program is said exited with code: 139.
So the question is where does this segmentation fault come from ? From the compilation model ? Julia has not the right to control code execution in the memory part where C manages the signal monitoring ?
Removing println operation in Sig_handler suppress the segmentation fault :
curr_size = displaysize(stdout)
new_size = curr_size
function traitement() global new_size ; new_size = displaysize(stdout); return end
Mon_traitement_c = #cfunction(traitement, Cvoid, ())
ccall((:Winresize, "/home/Emile/programmation/Julia/"), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), Mon_traitement_c)
while true
global curr_size, new_size
if new_size != curr_size
curr_size = new_size

Since no one has answered this question so far, one possible workaround could be asynchronously monitoring the size of the terminal in some time intervals.
function monitor_term(func)
#async begin
curr_size = displaysize(stdout)
while (true)
new_size = displaysize(stdout)
if new_size != curr_size
curr_size = new_size
And now sample usage:
julia> monitor_term(() -> print("BOO!"))
Task (runnable) #0x0000000013071710
As long as the terminal is alive, any change to its size will print BOO!.

Yes, it is indeed a fallback solution which is hardly what one expects from a new language full of promises ... but for lack of thrushes we can actually eat blackbirds (smile).
But if Julia hasn't planned to be able to take into account the system signals of the Unix/Linux world, it might be possible to do it using a C library like the one that signal.h accesses.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
void sig_handler(int signum)
printf("Received signal %d\n", signum);
int main()
signal(SIGINT, sig_handler);
sleep(10); // This is your chance to press CTRL-C
return 0;
We would have to define a julia function doing what is expected when the system signal is received. Make it usable in C as Sig_handler and call from julia the C statement signal(SIGWINCH, Sig_handler);
I am not enough familiar with julia to write the exact code. But this is the idea...


Accessing an external variable from a C library

I am currently learning C and am trying to understand the possibilities of dynamic libraries.
My current question is, if I have a simple "Hello World" application in C called "ProgA", and this program dynamically loads a shared library with some example code called "LibB", can LibB access a global variable in ProgA, which was declared as external?
Given is the following example code for demonstration of the problem:
file header.h
#ifndef TEST_H
#define TEST_H
typedef struct test_import_s {
int some_field;
} test_import_t;
extern test_import_t newtestimport;
file prog_a.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "header.h"
test_import_t newtestimport = {
.some_field = 42
int main()
typedef void (*FunctionPointer)();
newtestimport.some_field = 42;
hinstLib = LoadLibrary("lib_b.dll");
if (hinstLib != NULL)
FunctionPointer initialize_lib_b;
initialize_lib_b = (FunctionPointer)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "initialize_lib_b");
if (initialize_lib_b != NULL)
return 0;
file lib_b.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "header.h"
test_import_t *timp;
void initialize_lib_b() {
timp = &newtestimport;
int some_field = timp->some_field;
printf("Result from function: %d\n", some_field);
file CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.24)
project(dynamic-library-2 C)
add_library(lib_b SHARED lib_b.c)
set_target_properties(lib_b PROPERTIES PREFIX "" OUTPUT_NAME "lib_b")
add_executable(prog_a prog_a.c)
target_link_libraries(prog_a lib_b)
In the above example, the headerfile header.h defines the struct test_import_t and an external variable newtestimport using this struct. In the C file of the main program prog_a.c one property of this struct is assigned the value 42. It then dynamically loads the library lib_b.c using the Windows API and executes a function in it. The function then should access the variable newtestimport of the main program and print out the value of the variable (42).
This example does not work. The compiler throws the following error:
====================[ Build | prog_a | Debug ]==================================
C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps\CLion\ch-0\223.8617.54\bin\cmake\win\x64\bin\cmake.exe --build C:\Users\user1\projects\learning-c\cmake-build-debug --target prog_a -j 9
[1/2] Linking C shared library dynamic-library-2\lib_b.dll
FAILED: dynamic-library-2/lib_b.dll dynamic-library-2/liblib_b.dll.a
cmd.exe /C "cd . && C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps\CLion\ch-0\223.8617.54\bin\mingw\bin\gcc.exe -fPIC -g -Wl,--export-all-symbols -shared -o dynamic-library-2\lib_b.dll -Wl,--out-implib,dynamic-library-2\liblib_b.dll.a -Wl,--major-image-version,0,--minor-image-version,0 dynamic-library-2/CMakeFiles/lib_b.dir/lib_b.c.obj -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lcomdlg32 -ladvapi32 && cd ."
C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps\CLion\ch-0\223.8617.54\bin\mingw\bin/ld.exe: dynamic-library-2/CMakeFiles/lib_b.dir/lib_b.c.obj:lib_b.c:(.rdata$.refptr.newtestimport[.refptr.newtestimport]+0x0): undefined reference to `newtestimport'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
How can the example be fixed to accomplish the described goal?
Windows DLLs are self-contained, and can not have undefined references similar to newtestimport, unless these references are satisfied by another DLL.
How can the example be fixed to accomplish the described goal?
The best fix is to pass the address of newtestimport into the function that needs it (initialize_lib_b() here).
If for some reason you can't do that, your next best option is to define the newtestimport as a dllexport variable in another DLL, e.g. lib_c.dll.
Then both the main executable and lib_b.dll would be linked against lib_c.lib, and would both use that variable from lib_c.dll.
P.S. Global variables are a "code smell" and a significant source of bugs. You should avoid them whenever possible, and in your example there doesn't seem to be any good reason to use them.

OpenMP code in CUDA source file not compiling on Google Colab

I am trying to run a simple Hello World program with OpenMP directives on Google Colab using OpenMP library and CUDA. I have followed this tutorial but I am getting an error even if I am trying to include %%cu in my code. This is my code-
/* Main Program */
int main(int argc , char **argv)
int Threadid, Noofthreads;
printf("\n\t\t Objective : OpenMP program to print \"Hello World\" using OpenMP PARALLEL directives\n ");
/* Set the number of threads */
/* omp_set_num_threads(4); */
/* OpenMP Parallel Construct : Fork a team of threads */
#pragma omp parallel private(Threadid)
/* Obtain the thread id */
Threadid = omp_get_thread_num();
printf("\n\t\t Hello World is being printed by the thread : %d\n", Threadid);
/* Master Thread Has Its Threadid 0 */
if (Threadid == 0) {
Noofthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
printf("\n\t\t Master thread printing total number of threads for this execution are : %d\n", Noofthreads);
}/* All thread join Master thread */
return 0;
And this is the error I am getting-
/tmp/tmpxft_00003eb7_00000000-10_15fcc2da-f354-487a-8206-ea228a09c770.o: In function `main':
tmpxft_00003eb7_00000000-5_15fcc2da-f354-487a-8206-ea228a09c770.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x54): undefined reference to `omp_get_thread_num'
tmpxft_00003eb7_00000000-5_15fcc2da-f354-487a-8206-ea228a09c770.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x78): undefined reference to `omp_get_num_threads'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Without OpenMP directives, a simple Hello World program is running perfectly as can be seen below-
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "Welcome To GeeksforGeeks\n";
return 0;
Welcome To GeeksforGeeks
There are two problems here:
nvcc doesn't enable or natively support OpenMP compilation. This has to be enabled by additional command line arguments passed through to the host compiler (gcc by default)
The standard Google Colab/Jupyter notebook plugin for nvcc doesn't allow passing of extra compilation arguments, meaning that even if you solve the first issue, it doesn't help in Colab or Jupyter.
You can solve the first problem as described here, and you can solve the second as described here and here.
Combining these in Colab got me this:
and then this:

breakpad not generate minidump on erase iterator twice

I find breakpad does not handle sigsegv sometimes.
and i wrote a simple example to reproduce it:
#include <vector>
#include <breakpad/client/linux/handler/exception_handler.h>
int InitBreakpad()
char core_file_folder[] = "/tmp/cores/";
google_breakpad::MinidumpDescriptor descriptor(core_file_folder);
auto exception_handler_ =
new google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler(descriptor,
int main()
// int* ptr = nullptr;
// *ptr = 1;
std::vector<int> sum;
auto it = sum.begin();
return 0;
and gcc is 4.8.5 and my comiple cmd is
g++ test_breakpad.cpp -I./include -I./include/breakpad -L./lib -lbreakpad -lbreakpad_client -std=c++11 -lpthread
run a.out, get "Segmentation fault" but no minidump is generated.
if i uncomment nullptr write, breakpad works!
what should i do to correct it?
GDB debug output:
(gdb) b google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::~ExceptionHandler()
Breakpoint 2 at 0x402ed0: file src/client/linux/handler/, line 264.
(gdb) c
The program is not being run.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/zen/tmp/a.out
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/".
Breakpoint 1, google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::ExceptionHandler (this=0x619040, descriptor=..., filter=0x0, callback=0x0, callback_context=0x0, install_handler=true, server_fd=-1) at src/client/linux/handler/
224 ExceptionHandler::ExceptionHandler(const MinidumpDescriptor& descriptor,
Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc-2.17-157.el7_3.1.x86_64 libgcc-4.8.5-11.el7.x86_64 libstdc++-4.8.5-11.el7.x86_64
(gdb) c
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff712f19d in __memmove_ssse3_back () from /lib64/
(gdb) c
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff712f19d in __memmove_ssse3_back () from /lib64/
(gdb) c
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
The program no longer exists.
and i tried breakpad out of process dump, but still got nothing(nullptr write works).
After some debugging I think that the reason that the sum.erase(it) does not create a minidump in your example is due to stack corruption.
While debugging you can see that the variable g_handler_stack_ in src/client/linux/handler/ is correctly initialized and the google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler instance is correctly added to the vector. However when google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::SignalHandler is called the vector is reported empty despite no calls to google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::~ExceptionHandler or any of the std::vector methods that would change the vector.
Some further data points that point to stack corruption is that the code works with clang++. Additionally, as soon as we change the std::vector<int> sum; to a std::vector<int>* sum, which will ensure that we don't corrupt the stack, the minidump is written to disk.

How to load a dynamic library on demand from a C++ function/Qt method

I have dynamic library created as follows
struct Tcl_Interp;
extern "C" int My_Init(Tcl_Interp *) { return 0; }
1) complile the cc file
g++ -fPIC -c
2) Creating a shared library
g++ -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc -shared -o myfile.o -L/tools/linux64/qt-4.6.0/lib -lQtCore -lQtGui
3) load the library from a TCL proc
then I give command
and given command
% load
is there any C++ function/ Qt equivalent to load that can load the shared library on demand from another C++ function.
My requirement is to load the dynamic library on run time inside the function and then use the qt functions directly
1) load the qt shared libraries (for
2) call directly the functions without any call for resolve
For example we have dopen, but for that for each function call we have to call dsym. My requirement is only call for shared library then directly call those functions.
You want boilerplate-less delay loading. On Windows, MSVC implements delay loading by emitting a stub that resolves the function through a function pointer. You can do the same. First, let's observe that function pointers and functions are interchangeable if all you do is call them. The syntax for invoking a function or a function pointer is the same:
void foo_impl() {}
void (*foo)() = foo_impl;
int main() {
The idea is to set the function pointer initially to a thunk that will resolve the real function at runtime:
extern void (*foo)();
void foo_thunk() {
foo = QLibrary::resolve("libmylib", "foo");
if (!foo) abort();
return foo();
void (*foo)() = foo_thunk;
int main() {
foo(); // calls foo_thunk to resolve foo and calls foo from libmylib
foo(); // calls foo from libmylib
When you first call foo, it will really call foo_thunk, resolve the function address, and call real foo implementation.
To do this, you can split the library into two libraries:
The library implementation. It is unaware of demand-loading.
A demand-load stub.
The executable will link to the demand-load stub library; that is either static or dynamic. The demand-load stub will automatically resolve the symbols at runtime and call into the implementation.
If you're clever, you can design the header for the implementation such that the header itself can be used to generate all the stubs without having to enter their details twice.
Complete Example
Everything follows, it's also available from
The top-level project consists of:
lib1 - the dynamic library
lib1_demand - the static demand-load thunk for lib1
main - the application that uses lib1_demand
TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS = lib1 lib1_demand main
main.depends = lib1_demand
lib1_demand.depends = lib1
We can factor out the cleverness into a separate header. This header allows us to define the library interface so that the thunks can be automatically generated.
The heavy use of preprocessor and a somewhat redundant syntax is needed due to limitations of C. If you wanted to implement this for C++ only, there'd be no need to repeat the argument list.
// Configuration macros:
// DEMAND_NAME - must be set to a unique identifier of the library
// DEMAND_LOAD - if defined, the functions are declared as function pointers, **or**
// DEMAND_BUILD - if defined, the thunks and function pointers are defined
#if defined(DEMAND_FUN)
#error Multiple inclusion of demand_load.h without undefining DEMAND_FUN first.
#if !defined(DEMAND_NAME)
#error DEMAND_NAME must be defined
#if defined(DEMAND_LOAD)
// Interface via a function pointer
#define DEMAND_FUN(ret,name,args,arg_call) \
extern ret (*name)args;
#elif defined(DEMAND_BUILD)
// Implementation of the demand loader stub
#ifndef DEMAND_CAT
#define DEMAND_CAT_(x,y) x##y
#define DEMAND_CAT(x,y) DEMAND_CAT_(x,y)
void (* DEMAND_CAT(resolve_,DEMAND_NAME)(const char *))();
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define DEMAND_FUN(ret,name,args,arg_call) \
extern ret (*name)args; \
ret name##_thunk args { \
name = reinterpret_cast<decltype(name)>(DEMAND_CAT(resolve_,DEMAND_NAME)(#name)); \
return name arg_call; \
ret (*name)args = name##_thunk;
#define DEMAND_FUN(ret,name,args,arg_call) \
extern ret (*name)args; \
ret name##_impl args { \
name = (void*)DEMAND_CAT(resolve_,DEMAND_NAME)(#name); \
name arg_call; \
ret (*name)args = name##_impl;
#endif // __cplusplus
// Interface via a function
#define DEMAND_FUN(ret,name,args,arg_call) \
ret name args;
Then, the dynamic library itself:
SOURCES = lib1.c
HEADERS = lib1.h
Instead of declaring the functions directly, we'll use DEMAND_FUN from demand_load.h. If DEMAND_LOAD_LIB1 is defined when the header is included, it will offer a demand-load interface to the library. If DEMAND_BUILD is defined, it'll define the demand-load thunks. If neither is defined, it will offer a normal interface.
We take care to undefine the implementation-specific macros so that the global namespace is not polluted. We can then include multiple libraries the project, each one individually selectable between demand- and non-demand loading.
#ifndef LIB_H
#define LIB_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "demand_load.h"
DEMAND_FUN(int, My_Add, (int i, int j), (i,j))
DEMAND_FUN(int, My_Subtract, (int i, int j), (i,j))
#ifdef __cplusplus
The implementation is uncontroversial:
#include "lib1.h"
int My_Add(int i, int j) {
return i+j;
int My_Subtract(int i, int j) {
return i-j;
For the user of such a library, demand loading is reduced to defining one macro and using the thunk library lib1_demand instead of the dynamic library lib1.
if (true) {
# Use demand-loaded lib1
LIBS += -L../lib1_demand -llib1_demand
} else {
# Use direct-loaded lib1
LIBS += -L../lib1 -llib1
QT = core
CONFIG += console c++11
CONFIG -= app_bundle
TARGET = demand-load-39291032
SOURCES = main.cpp
#include "lib1/lib1.h"
#include <QtCore>
int main() {
auto a = My_Add(1, 2);
Q_ASSERT(a == 3);
auto b = My_Add(3, 4);
Q_ASSERT(b == 7);
auto c = My_Subtract(5, 7);
Q_ASSERT(c == -2);
Finally, the implementation of the thunk. Here we have a choice between using dlopen+dlsym or QLibrary. For simplicity, I opted for the latter:
QT = core
CONFIG += staticlib
SOURCES = lib1_demand.cpp
HEADERS = ../demand_load.h
#include "lib1/lib1.h"
#include <QLibrary>
void (* resolve_LIB1(const char * name))() {
auto f = QLibrary::resolve("../lib1/liblib1", name);
return f;
Quite apart from the process of loading a library into your C++ code (which Kuber Ober's answer covers just fine) the code that you are loading is wrong; even if you manage to load it, your code will crash! This is because you have a variable of type Tcl_Interp at file scope; that's wrong use of the Tcl library. Instead, the library provides only one way to obtain a handle to an interpreter context, Tcl_CreateInterp() (and a few other functions that are wrappers round it), and that returns a Tcl_Interp* that has already been initialised correctly. (Strictly, it actually returns a handle to what is effectively an internal subclass of Tcl_Interp, so you really can't usefully allocate one yourself.)
The correct usage of the library is this:
Tcl_FindExecutable(NULL); // Or argv[0] if you have it
Tcl_Interp *interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
// And now, you can use the rest of the API as you see fit
That's for putting a Tcl interpreter inside your code. To do it the other way round, you create an int My_Init(Tcl_Interp*) function as you describe and it is used to tell you where the interpreter is, but then you wouldn't be asking how to load the code, as Tcl has reasonable support for that already.

Killing a Haskell binary

If I press Ctrl+C, this throws an exception (always in thread 0?). You can catch this if you want - or, more likely, run some cleanup and then rethrow it. But the usual result is to bring the program to a halt, one way or another.
Now suppose I use the Unix kill command. As I understand it, kill basically sends a (configurable) Unix signal to the specified process.
How does the Haskell RTS respond to this? Is it documented somewhere? I would imagine that sending SIGTERM would have the same effect as pressing Ctrl+C, but I don't know that for a fact...
(And, of course, you can use kill to send signals that have nothing to do with killing at all. Again, I would imagine that the RTS would ignore, say, SIGHUP or SIGPWR, but I don't know for sure.)
Googling "haskell catch sigterm" led me to System.Posix.Signals of the unix package, which has a rather nice looking system for catching and handling these signals. Just scroll down to the "Handling Signals" section.
EDIT: A trivial example:
import System.Posix.Signals
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
termHandler :: MVar () -> Handler
termHandler v = CatchOnce $ do
putStrLn "Caught SIGTERM"
putMVar v ()
loop :: MVar () -> IO ()
loop v = do
putStrLn "Still running"
threadDelay 1000000
val <- tryTakeMVar v
case val of
Just _ -> putStrLn "Quitting" >> return ()
Nothing -> loop v
main = do
v <- newEmptyMVar
installHandler sigTERM (termHandler v) Nothing
loop v
Notice that I had to use an MVar to inform loop that it was time to quit. I tried using exitSuccess from System.Exit, but since termHandler executes in a thread that isn't the main one, it can't cause the program to exit. There might be an easier way to do it, but I've never used this module before so I don't know of one. I tested this on Ubuntu 12.10.
Searching for "signal" in the ghc source code on github revealed the installDefaultSignals function:
struct sigaction action,oact;
// install the SIGINT handler
action.sa_handler = shutdown_handler;
action.sa_flags = 0;
if (sigaction(SIGINT, &action, &oact) != 0) {
sysErrorBelch("warning: failed to install SIGINT handler");
siginterrupt(SIGINT, 1); // isn't this the default? --SDM
// install the SIGFPE handler
// In addition to handling SIGINT, also handle SIGFPE by ignoring it.
// Apparently IEEE requires floating-point exceptions to be ignored by
// default, but alpha-dec-osf3 doesn't seem to do so.
// Commented out by SDM 2/7/2002: this causes an infinite loop on
// some architectures when an integer division by zero occurs: we
// don't recover from the floating point exception, and the
// program just generates another one immediately.
#if 0
action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
action.sa_flags = 0;
if (sigaction(SIGFPE, &action, &oact) != 0) {
sysErrorBelch("warning: failed to install SIGFPE handler");
#ifdef alpha_HOST_ARCH
// ignore SIGPIPE; see #1619
// actually, we use an empty signal handler rather than SIG_IGN,
// so that SIGPIPE gets reset to its default behaviour on exec.
action.sa_handler = empty_handler;
action.sa_flags = 0;
if (sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, &oact) != 0) {
sysErrorBelch("warning: failed to install SIGPIPE handler");
From that, you can see that GHC installs at least SIGINT and SIGPIPE handlers. I don't know if there are any other signal handlers hidden in the source code.
