Error on firebase admin nodejs Permission iam.serviceAccounts.signBlob is required - firebase

im using this tutorial:
to create a node.js function (deployed to google cloud functions) to authenticate my users. the function is super simple:
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
serviceAccountId: ''
exports.authenticate = (req, res) => {
let pass;
let uid;
if (req.query) {
if (req.query.v == 3) {
pass = req.query.p;
uid = req.query.u;
.then(function(customToken) {
return customToken;
.catch(function(error) {
console.error("Error creating custom token:" + JSON.stringify(error));
} else {
console.error("EMPTY to authentication");
but im getting this annoying error:
{"code":"auth/insufficient-permission","message":"Permission iam.serviceAccounts.signBlob is required to perform this operation on service account projects/-/serviceAccounts/; Please refer to for more details on how to use and troubleshoot this feature."}
in the very same tutorial it says i must go to IAM and adjust some roles for the service account WHICH I DID but still getting this error.
this is a absolutelly simple task and shouldn't being such a hassle...
what i am forgetting? the id is correct! the role is correct! the code is correct!
what is wrong?

Firebase mentions about this error on its docs:
You must initialize your app correctly through a JSON config file.
A simple fix would be:
Go to
Edit your default service account.
Add the role Service Account
Token Creator
In a few minutes your project will be able to create signed tokens.


react native facebook login using expo client: The App_id in the input_token did not match the Viewing App

I am using expo-facebook to integrate a Facebook login using expo and firebase. Everything looks to be working and I log into Facebook but get an OAuthException once I authenticate using Facebook as follows:
Unsuccessful debug_token response from Facebook: {"error":{"message":"(#100) The App_id in the input_token did not match the Viewing App","type":"OAuthException","code":100
I have gone through a lot of issues on Stack Overflow, GitHub and looked at expo documentation as well but to no avail.
I have configured the app id and secrets from Facebook into firebase as required as well as set up the OAuth redirect URI to my Facebook app configuration. The code I have put together to setup the login is as follows:
const signInWithFacebook = async () => {
try {
// const { type, token } = await Facebook.logInWithReadPermissionsAsync(
// facebookAppId,
// {
// permissions: ["public_profile"],
// }
// );
const appId = Constants.manifest.extra.facebook.appId;
const permissions = ["public_profile"]; // Permissions required, consult Facebook docs
await Facebook.initializeAsync({
appId: appId,
const { type, token } = await Facebook.logInWithReadPermissionsAsync({
permissions: permissions,
if (type === "success") {
await firebase
const credential = firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider.credential(token);
const facebookProfileData = await firebase
} catch ({ message }) {
alert(`Facebook Login Error: ${message}`);
I have also setup the relevant configurations in the app.json as follows:
"facebookScheme": "fb123243435566",
"facebookAppId": "123243435566",
"facebookDisplayName": "myapp"
The only aspect I am not sure about is where to grab the facebookScheme. Currenltly I have assumed it's fb+AppID. the documenatation mentioned here
isn't clear. It states:
Configure app.json.
Add the field facebookScheme with your Facebook login redirect URL scheme found here under "4. Configure Your info.plist." It should look like "fb123456". If you do not do this, Facebook will not be able to redirect to your app after logging in.
But I am not sure how to grab that facebookScheme id. I suspect this is where the issue is as expo states that.
Expo Go from the Android Play Store will use the Facebook App ID that you provide, however, all Facebook API calls in the Expo Go from the iOS App Store will use Expo's own Facebook App ID. This is due to underlying configuration limitations.
so I am assuming the facebookScheme is some kind of workaround.
Although I am not sure if it's a working around for the ios standalone app or the expo managed.
Try this:
const { type, token } = await Expo.Facebook.logInWithReadPermissionsAsync(appId, {
permissions: [‘public_profile’, ‘email’],
behavior: Platform.OS === ‘android’ ? ‘web’ : ‘system’,
it should specify for the app to open a web browser on login
here's the ref:

Trying to authenticate a service account with firebase-admin from a Cloud Scheduler call? Error: Firebase ID token has incorrect "iss" (issuer) claim

I'm trying to authenticate an API call made to my server (on Cloud Run) from a Cloud Scheduler cron job.
I'm trying to use a service account to this.
Note: this is all happening inside the same Project.
This is what I'm doing:
STEP 1 - Create the service account
I went to and created a new service account. I've assigned the role as owner.
STEP 2 - Create the cron job.
I went to to create the cron job like I always do.
In the service account field I've put my service account e-mail. In the Audience field, I've put my project id because at some point I got an error saying that it was expecting it to be the name of my project id.
This was the error:
Firebase ID token has incorrect "aud" (audience) claim. Expected "PROJECT_ID"
STEP 3 - Running the job and identify decoding the token:
This is the code on my server:
import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
credential: admin.credential.cert(
SERVICE_ACCOUNT as admin.ServiceAccount
try {
const authHeader = req.headers.authorization;
console.log(`authHeader: ${authHeader}`);
if (authHeader) {
const idToken = authHeader.split(" ")[1]; // GETS THE USER ID TOKEN
const decodedToken = await admin.auth().verifyIdToken(idToken);
console.log(`decodedToken: ${decodedToken}`);
And this is the error I'm currently getting:
Firebase ID token has incorrect "iss" (issuer) claim. Expected ""my-project-id" but got "". Make sure the ID token comes from the same Firebase project as the service account used to authenticate this SDK. See for details on how to retrieve an ID token.
Is there anything wrong with the way I'm doing it? Should I not be using firebase-admin to this?
Should I be using google-auth-library to verify the token?
After a morning in hell trying to debug this, here is what I've found.
It seems that firebase-admin's admin.auth().verifyIdToken() only works for tokens generated from the firebase SDK.
I got it to work by using the google-auth-library directly.
I did the following.
NOTE: The rest of the code is the same (using the same service account as described in the question):
import { OAuth2Client } from "google-auth-library";
export const apiExpressRouteHandler: RequestHandler = async (req, res) => {
try {
const PROJECT_ID = process.env.PROJECT_ID;
const authHeader = req.headers.authorization;
if (authHeader) {
const client = new OAuth2Client(PROJECT_ID);
const ticket = await client.verifyIdToken({
idToken: authHeader.split(" ")[1],
audience: PROJECT_ID
console.log(`userId: ${JSON.stringify(ticket.getUserId())}`);
console.log(`payload: ${JSON.stringify(ticket.getPayload())}`);
console.log(`envelope: ${JSON.stringify(ticket.getEnvelope())}`);
console.log(`attributes: ${JSON.stringify(ticket.getAttributes())}`);
catch(err) {
// ...
I'm not sure if the PROJECT_ID is necessary to initialize the client with new OAuth2Client(PROJECT_ID); but it is working like this.

Programmatically add Google Analytics to Firebase project

I wish to automate all of the steps involved in setting up a new Firebase project without any user interaction. I've accomplished most of the steps via either the gCloud CLI, Firebase CLI or the GoogleApis NodeJS library.
Authentication has been done via the CLI tools or via service accounts.
The only thing I haven't been able to do so far is adding Google Analytics to the newly created Firebase project. I have found this Google Api which should accomplish this, but I'm having problems authenticating the request.
How would I authenticate a request to this API without any user interaction? The API is not available via the CLI tools, so my best guess would be to use a service account with the owner IAM-role, but the request keeps failing.
My steps so far have been:
Ensuring that the management API is enabled
Add a service account to the GCloud project with owner privileges
Download the service account
Run the following code
import { google } from 'googleapis';
import * as fetch from 'node-fetch';
async function addGoogleAnalytics {
const token = await getJWTAcessToken();
await addAnalyticsFetch(token);
async function addAnalyticsFetch(accessToken) {
const url = `<my-project-id>:addGoogleAnalytics`;
const fetchResult = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` },
json: true,
body: JSON.stringify({ analyticsAccountId: '<my-analytics-account-id>' }),
const fetchResultText = await fetchResult.text();
console.log('Fetch result: ', fetchResultText);
function getJWTAcessToken() {
const SCOPES = [''];
const key = require('../../serviceAccount.json');
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT(key.client_email, null, key.private_key, SCOPES, null);
jwtClient.authorize((err, tokens) => {
if (err) {
The result of the API call is a simple 403 - "The caller does not have permission".
I've also attempted this using the GoogleApis NodeJS library with similar results.
If being a project owner doesn't give enough privileges, how do I permit this service account to perform this API call? I have a suspicion that I'm failing because the service account is in no way associated with the Google Analytics account, but the documentation doesn't list that as a requirement. It is also not listed as a step in Google's own guide.
It turns out that the above code is 100 % valid. The problem was indeed that the service account had enough privileges to edit the Firebase-project, but it had no authorization to create a new property for the Google Analytics account.
After giving the service account edit privileges for the Google Analytics account, the connection between Firebase and Google Analytics was successfully established. This process can be automated via this API.

How to bulk delete Firebase anonymous users

Due to my probable misuse of anonymous authentication (see How to prevent Firebase anonymous user token from expiring) I have a lot of anonymous users in my app that I don't actually want.
I can't see any way to bulk delete these users. Do I have to do it manually one-by-one? Is there anyway to use the API to access user accounts and manipulate them for users other than the current user?
This code sample uses the Firebase Admin SDK for Node.js, and will delete any user that has no providerData, which means the user is anonymous:
function deleteAnonymousUsers(nextPageToken) {
.listUsers(20, nextPageToken)
.then(function(listUsersResult) {
listUsersResult.users.forEach(function(userRecord) {
if (userRecord.providerData.length === 0) { //this user is anonymous
console.log(userRecord); // do your delete here
.then(function() {
console.log("Successfully deleted user");
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error deleting user:", error);
if (listUsersResult.pageToken) {
// List next batch of users.
.catch(function(error) {
console.log('Error listing users:', error);
There is no way in the Firebase Console to bulk-delete users.
There is no API to bulk-delete users.
But there is administrative API that allows you to delete user accounts. See
I just wanted to add a method I just used to (sort-of) bulk-delete. Mostly because I felt clever after doing it and I am not that clever.
I downloaded a mouse-automation application that lets you record your mouse clicks then replay it automatically. I just deleted almost 1000 users while playing the piano lol.
I used Macro Recorder and it worked like a charm. Just recorded a few iterations in the console of me deleting users, set it to repeat 500 times and walked away.
I know this isn't a very technical answer, but it saved me hours of monotonous mouse clicking so hopefully someone else looking for a way to bulk-delete will benefit from it as well. I hated the fact that there was no bulk-delete and really needed a way out of it. It only took about 20 manual deletes to realize there were apps that could do what I was doing.
If you do not need to do it on a large scale and you want to delete some anonymous users from Firebase Console UI, but you are lazy to click on 250 users one-by-one, run the following code in your console (screen where table with users is shown):
rows = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('td.auth-user-identifier-cell')).map(td => td.parentNode).filter((tr) => tr.innerText.includes('anonymous'))
var nextTick = null
function openContextMenu(tr) {
console.log('openning menu')
nextTick = deleteUser
function deleteUser() {
console.log('deleting user')
document.querySelector('.cdk-overlay-connected-position-bounding-box button:last-of-type').click()
nextTick = confirmDelete
function confirmDelete() {
console.log('confirming action')
document.querySelector('.cdk-global-overlay-wrapper .confirm-button').click()
nextTick = getUser
function getUser() {
console.log('getting user')
nextTick = getUser
step = 500
setInterval(() => {
}, step)
It basically selects all rows which contain anonymous user and simulate you clicking the three dots, then clicking on delete account and as a last step it confirms action in the modal which appears.
Before running the script, select 250 rows per page in the table's footer. When all anonymous users are removed, you must manually go to next page and re run the script (or code in another "tick" which paginates for you).
It takes 1.5 second to delete one user (you can modify this with step variable, but I do not recommend go lower than 500ms - mind the UI animations).
It runs also in a tab in background so you can watch some YT in meantime :)
Update 2021:
I had around 10,000 anonymous users, and #regretoverflow's solution lead to exceeding the delete user quota. However, slightly tweaking the code to utilize the admin's deleteUsers([userId1, userId2, ...]) API works like a charm.
function deleteAnonymousUsers(nextPageToken: string | undefined) {
.listUsers(1000, nextPageToken)
.then(function (listUsersResult) {
const anonymousUsers: string[] = [];
listUsersResult.users.forEach(function (userRecord) {
if (userRecord.providerData.length === 0) {
.then(function () {
if (listUsersResult.pageToken) {
// List next batch of users.
There is a firebase-functions-helper package, that can help to delete firebase users in bulk.
// Get all users
.then(users => { => {
The code above will get 100 users, and delete all of them. If you don't pass the number, the default value is 1000. You can read the instruction on Github repository.
I faced the same problem today then I found Firebase Admin SDK. I am using Node.js which is very easy to install, so you can try the following code. It is not a complete answer I know but one can build its own script/application to delete stored uids. Yet, there is no way to retrieve a list, so you have to build one somehow every time you create an anonymous account.
First, download your 'serviceAccountKey.json' which can be done through the Firebase Console (Project Settings). In my case I renamed the download file to a more friendly name and saved to documents folder.
Useful links:
Firebase Admin SDK Setup
Firebase Admin User Management
Firebase Admin Database API
Then, play around using Windows cmd.exe or any other shell. The 'npm install -g' installs firebase-admin globally in your machine.
$ npm install firebase-admin -g
$ node
> var admin = require("firebase-admin");
> admin.initializeApp({
credential: admin.credential.cert("./documents/yourprojectname-firebase-admin.json"),
databaseURL: ""
> var db = admin.database();
// Of course use an existent UID of your choice
> admin.auth().getUser('2w8XEVe7qZaFn2ywc5MnlPdHN90s').then((user) => console.log
> admin.auth().deleteUser('2w8XEVe7qZaFn2ywc5MnlPdHN90s').then(function() {
console.log("Successfully deleted user");
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error deleting user:", error);
// To get access to some key/values in your Database:
> var ref = db.ref("users/1234");
> ref.once("value", function(snapshot) {
I was writing myself a firebase functions function with Firebase auth.
It works like a charm for me and i can clean with one API call.
// Delete all Anon User
exports.deleteUser = functions.https.onRequest(async (req, res) => {
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
//initialize auth
//create auth instance
const auth = admin.auth();
//Get the list of all Users
const allUsers = await auth.listUsers();
//Identify the Anon User give other user null
const allUsersUID = => (user.providerData.length === 0) ? user.uid : null);
//remove the null
const filteredallUsersUID = allUsersUID.filter(e => e !== null)
//delete and answer the API call
return auth.deleteUsers(filteredallUsersUID).then(() => res.send("All Anon-User deleted"));
With this you can just simply call your API URL
Just require basic knowledge of Firebase Functions.
I assume this could be also added to a cron job.
I had the same problem. because Firebase doesn't provide any API to delete bulk users but this is how I have deleted all anonymous users.
Download all the users as json via firebase tool
firebase auth:export users --format=json
You can write a firebase cloud function to trigger or write a action method to trigger
import the json file in to your file,
const Users = require('./users.json'); // ES5 <br>
import Users from './users.json'); // ES6 <br>
normally anonymous user doesn't have email so it is easy to delete the record which doesn't have email id => {
setTimeout(() => {
admin.auth().deleteUser(user.localId).then(() =>{
console.log("Successfully deleted user");
.catch((error) => {
console.log("Error deleting user:", error);
}, 20000);
Don't try to reduce the timeout second. It will throw below error
Error deleting user: { Error: network timeout. Please try again.
The Firebase Admin SDK can also delete multiple users at once.
Here is Node.js sample.
admin.auth().deleteUsers([uid1, uid2, uid3])
.then(deleteUsersResult => {
console.log('Successfully deleted ' + deleteUsersResult.successCount + ' users');
console.log('Failed to delete ' + deleteUsersResult.failureCount + ' users');
deleteUsersResult.errors.forEach(err => {
.catch(error => {
console.log('Error deleting users:', error);
Notice: there is a limitation as list all users.
The maximum number of users allowed to be deleted is 1000 per batch.

Firebase - create user on Node.js server

We have a large SPA using Firebase v2. We would like to upgrade to the new API, but we experience the following problem:
As the app is quite large, we have developed many integration tests, and for these tests we always need to reset the database and initialize it to a state, where some users exist. However, we found out there really is no such thing as creating a user on server anymore ( Firebase createUserWithEmailAndPassword method is undefined in node.js ), and we are quite unsure, how to upgrade the API and yet be able to reset and initialize the database from server.
Moreover, we are quite forced to do this upgrade, because we noticed that the Firebase v2, is still using the deprecated Graph API v2.0 for Facebook OAuth, and is not recommended for use after 8.8.2016. We understand that the Firebase v2 will probably not upgrade the calls to the Graph API, as the v2 is legacy. This, however, leaves us quite cornered for now.
Any help on this topic, please?
As of Firebase v3.3.0 you are able to create user accounts using Node, but the documentation isn't great on how to expose these methods.
In order to use the user management methods, you need to initialize an application in node using your Web API key, and not the Service Account config that is walked through in the setup guide.
// The Usual Service Account Init
// This will not contain any user management methods on firebase.auth() = firebase.initializeApp(
serviceAccount: 'path/to/serviceaccount/file.json',
databaseURL: ''
// Web Client Init in Node.js
// firebase.auth() will now contain user management methods = firebase.initializeApp(
"apiKey": "my-api-key",
"authDomain": "",
"databaseURL": "",
"storageBucket": "",
"messagingSenderId": "SomeId"
You can grab your client api key from your Firebase console from the Web Setup guide
This is the only reference I could find that explicitly referenced the need to init with api key to get this to work.!msg/firebase-talk/_6Rhro3zBbk/u8hB1oVRCgAJ
Given below is a working example of creating Firebase user through Node.js
exports.addUser = function(req, res) {
var wine = req.body;
var email =;
var password = req.body.password;
var name =;
console.log(“Creating user for -“+email+”-“+password);
var defaultAuth = admin.auth();
email: email,
emailVerified: false,
password: password,
displayName: name,
disabled: false
.then(function(userRecord) {
console.log(“Created Firebase User successfully with id :”, userRecord.uid);
var wine = req.body;
wine.userId = userRecord.uid;
wine.timestamp =;
delete wine.password;
status = “201”;
var reply = JSON.stringify(wine);
db.collection(‘collname’, function(err, collection) {
collection.insert(wine, {safe:true}, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
wine.status = “200”;
wine.message = “An error occured”;
} else {
console.log(‘Success: ‘ + JSON.stringify(result[0]));
status= “200”;
wine.status = “200”;
wine.message = “Account created Successfully”;
.catch(function(error) {
wine.message = “An error occured—“;
wine.status = “201”;
console.log(“User Creation onf Firebase failed:”, error);
For details you can see the following blog post
