Linear regression with errors on x and y - r

I have two variables, x and y, each of which has an error in x and y associated with each point. I'm trying to fit a linear regression model in R which takes account of the error in both variables. I see that you can use weights in lm() to weight the regression based on errors but as far as I can see this can only incorporate errors on one variable. Is there any way to fit a linear model which takes into account errors on both of the variables?

Thanks to #Stéphane Laurent for the answer.
The package "deming" contains a function to do exactly this.


Generalized Linear Model (GLM) in R

I have a response variable (A) which I transformed (logA) and predictor (B) from data (X) which are both continuous. How do I check the linearity between the two variables using Generalized Additive Model (GAM) in R. I use the following code
model <- gamlss(logA ~ pb(B) , data = X, trace = F)
but I am not sure about it, can I add "family=Poisson" in the code when logA is continuous in GLM? Any thoughts on this?
Thanks in advance
If your dependent variable is a count variable, you can use family=PO() without log transformation. With family=PO() a log link is already applied to transform the variable. See help page for gamlss family and also vignette on count regression section 2.1.
So it will go like:
fit = gamlss(gear ~ pb(mpg),data=mtcars,family=PO())
You can see that the predictions are log transformed and you need to take the exponential:

Type of regression for large dataset, nonlinear, skewed in R

I'm researching moth biomass in different biotopes, and I want to find a model that estimates the biomass. I have measured the length and width of the forewing, abdomen and thorax of 37088 specimens, and I have weighed them individually (dried).
First, I wanted to a simple linear regression of each variable on the biomass. The problem is, none of the assumptions are met. The data is not linear, biomass (and some variables) don't follow a normal distribution, there is heteroskedasticity, and a lot of outliers. Now I have tried to transform my data using log, x^2, 1/x, and boxcox, but none of them actually helped. I have also tried Thiel-Sen regression (not possible because of too much data) and Siegel regression (biomass is not a vector). Is there some other form of non-parametric or median-based regression that I can try? Because I am really out of ideas.
Here is a frequency histogram for biomass:
Frequency histogram dry biomass
So what I actually want to do is to build a model that accurately estimates the dry biomass, based on the measurements I performed. I have a power function (Rogers et al.) that is general for all insects, but there is a significant difference between this estimate and what I actually weighed. Therefore, I just want to build to build a model with all significant variables. I am not very familiar with power functions, but maybe it is possible to build one myself? Can anyone recommend a method? Thanks in advance.
To fit a power function, you could perhaps try nlsLM from the minpack.lm package
m <- nlsLM( y ~ a*x^b, )
Then see if it performs satisfactory.

How to rectify heteroscedasticity for multiple linear regression model

I'm fitting a multiple linear regression model with 6 predictiors (3 continuous and 3 categorical). The residuals vs. fitted plot show that there is heteroscedasticity, also it's confirmed by bptest().
summary of sales_lm
rediduals vs. fitted plot
Also I calculated the sqrt for my train data and test data, as showed below:
2 3533.665
2 3556.036
I tried to fit glm() model, but still didn't rectify heteroscedasticity.
glm.test3<-glm(SALES~.,weights=1/sales_fitted$.resid^2,family=gaussian(link="identity"), data=sales_train)
resid vs. fitted plot for glm.test3
it looks weird.
glm.test3 plot
Could you please help me what should I do next?
Thanks in advance!
That you observe heteroscedasticity for your data means that the variance is not stationary. You can try the following:
1) Apply the one-parameter Box-Cox transformation (of the which the log transform is a special case) with a suitable lambda to one or more variables in the data set. The optimal lambda can be determined by looking at its log-likelihood function. Take a look at MASS::boxcox.
2) Play with your feature set (decrease, increase, add new variables).
2) Use the weighted linear regression method.

Declare the slope coefficient in the Linear Regression model as a variable

Creating linear regressions in R are great because they are simple. However, I have found a lot of difficulty in referring back to the slope of the newly created trend line.
I have the following:
#Reproducible data
However how do I declare the slope coefficients of lm1 and lm2 as variables for later use? I am unable to find anything about declaring it, but quite a lot of the interpretation, which I understand already what the slope of it is.
A step further: What if I create a linear model with more than 1 explanatory variables. How would I get the slope coefficients and declare them as a variable?
#Reproducible data
You can find the coefficients from your regression using:

GLM with autoregressive term to correct for serial correlation

I have a stationary time series to which I want to fit a linear model with an autoregressive term to correct for serial correlation, i.e. using the formula At = c1*Bt + c2*Ct + ut, where ut = r*ut-1 + et
(ut is an AR(1) term to correct for serial correlation in the error terms)
Does anyone know what to use in R to model this?
The GLMMarp package will fit these models. If you just want a linear model with Gaussian errors, you can do it with the arima() function where the covariates are specified via the xreg argument.
There are several ways to do this in R. Here are two examples using the "Seatbelts" time series dataset in the datasets package that comes with R.
The arima() function comes in package:stats that is included with R. The function takes an argument of the form order=c(p, d, q) where you you can specify the order of the auto-regressive, integrated, and the moving average component. In your question, you suggest that you want to create a AR(1) model to correct for first-order autocorrelation in the errors and that's it. We can do that with the following command:
arima(Seatbelts[,"drivers"], order=c(1,0,0),
xreg=Seatbelts[,c("kms", "PetrolPrice", "law")])
The value for order specifies that we want an AR(1) model. The xreg compontent should be a series of other Xs we want to add as part of a regression. The output looks a little bit like the output of summary.lm() turned on its side.
Another alternative process might be more familiar to the way you've fit regression models is to use gls() in the nlme package. The following code turns the Seatbelt time series object into a dataframe and then extracts and adds a new column (t) that is just a counter in the sorted time series object:
Seatbelts.df <- data.frame(Seatbelts)
Seatbelts.df$t <- 1:(dim(Seatbelts.df)[1])
The two lines above are only getting the data in shape. Since the arima() function is designed for time series, it can read time series objects more easily. To fit the model with nlme you would then run:
m <- gls(drivers ~ kms + PetrolPrice + law,
correlation=corARMA(p=1, q=0, form=~t))
The line that begins with "correlation" is the way you pass in the ARMA correlation structure to GLS. The results won't be exactly the same because arima() uses maximum likelihood to estimate models and gls() uses restricted maximum likelihood by default. If you add method="ML" to the call to gls() you will get identical estimates you got with the ARIMA function above.
What is your link function?
The way you describe it sounds like a basic linear regression with autocorrelated errors. In that case, one option is to use lm to get a consistent estimate of your coefficients and use Newey-West HAC standard errors.
I'm not sure the best answer for GLM more generally.
