QTextBrowser insertPlainText() insert much data causes NO RESPONSE - qt

I use insertPlainText() to insert data to QTextBrowser in the slot function, but It seems result in lag even no response along with data increasement. But when I add '\n' at the end of data to simulate the append(), the lag phenomenon disappeared. But I don't want to add a new line, how to solve this problem?
I tried to use qApp->processEvents() after the insertPlainText(), but it cause crash.
I tried to start a timer to run qApp->processEvents() to refresh the UI, but it didn't solve the problem.
Should I start a new thread to receive serial port data? But the inserted data(I mean received data) size is not big, but the total data size in the browser is big. Receive data may not cost a lot of time.

insertPlainText() performed not well in my machine(i7,16G). It will take about 100ms to insert data when the total data length is about 4096 bytes. I tried the QScintilla open source widget which is better but still not perfect. So I think maybe it's wrong thoughts to use insertPlainText().
I changed my thoughts. I use QByteArray to store all data and use setText() to display the recent 4096 bytes. It looks like I divide the data into many pages and display the recent page. This method solved the problem of how to store the much data. But there is another little problem is that 4096 bytes data can not fill up my screen when I maximize my application. It's not looking good but more data will result in slow response because the app has high data refresh frequency.


How are you supposed to update a texture per frame in Vulkan?

I'm trying to work with 2D in vulkan along with 3D. So right now testing out updating a texture for every frame as whatever 2D is going on. I've gotten something of a texture updater working, the problem is that it's very slow and probably not the way it's supposed to be done. Is there any better way of getting this done? The code is based on the https://vulkan-tutorial.com/ code.
void UpdateTexture()
vkFreeMemory(device, textureImageMemory, nullptr);
VkBuffer stagingBuffer;
VkDeviceMemory stagingBufferMemory;
createBuffer(imageSize, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT, stagingBuffer, stagingBufferMemory);
void* data;
vkMapMemory(device, stagingBufferMemory, 0, imageSize, 0, &data);
memcpy(data, pixel2.data(), static_cast<size_t>(imageSize));
vkUnmapMemory(device, stagingBufferMemory);
copyBufferToImage(stagingBuffer, textureImage, static_cast<uint32_t>(texWidth), static_cast<uint32_t>(texHeight));
vkDestroyBuffer(device, stagingBuffer, nullptr);
vkFreeMemory(device, stagingBufferMemory, nullptr);
This code looks like a direct translation of some OpenGL code, and not particularly good/modern OpenGL code at that.
There's a lot wrong in this code, but most of it boils down to over-synchronization.
First, you should always view any call to vkDeviceWaitIdle as the wrong thing to do. The only exception would be when you are preparing to destroy the VkDevice itself. There is no other reason to do a full CPU/GPU sync like that.
Presumably, this synchronization exists so that you can be sure the GPU is finished using the image before modifying it. This is the wrong thing to do. You should instead employ multiple-buffering. That is, you should have two images that you use. One is currently being used in a rendering process, while the other is being transferred into.
Instead of doing a full device sync, you instead synchronize with the batch you sent two frames ago. That is, if you're wanting to transfer data for use by frame 10, then you must first do a fence-sync operation with the batch you sent in frame 8. Frame 9 is still being processed, but frame 8 is probably done by now. So the synchronization shouldn't hurt too much.
Second, never allocate memory in the middle of an operation like this. Memory gets allocated early in your application, and you leave it allocated until it's time to destroy your application. If you need a staging buffer, then keep it around and reuse it in subsequent frames. Make sure to allocate sufficient storage up-front.
Whatever your createBuffer call is doing, it seems very much like a bad idea. Vulkan is not OpenGL; Vulkan separated memory from buffers/textures that use it for a reason. Creating APIs that hide this separation basically throws all of that away.
Similarly, never unmap memory, unless you're about to destroy that memory object. There's no problem in Vulkan (or OpenGL) with leaving a piece of memory mapped indefinitely. Just map the entire memory's range and leave it mapped. Indeed, you could just pass the mapped pointer directly to your image loader, depending on how the memory get written by the image loading code (if it tries to read data from this pointer, they could be trouble).
Lastly, the commands doing the transfer need to be synchronized with the commands that consume the image. How this happens depends on which queues are being used to do the transfer.
And of course, if you want optimal performance, you may want to check to see if your implementation can read from linear images in your shader. If it can, then you may not need staging at all; you can just write the data directly to the memory in Vulkan's image format, and use it directly.
Employing all of the above is going to add a lot of complexity to your application. But that's how it's supposed to work.
A naive way consists in using the CPU to define the update depending on the time or data and then update the data for the shader, such as a MVP transformation matrix. But this is inefficient with lots of syncing and too low refresh rates, and also overloading the cpu in a loop.
So people recommend using many buffers sometimes mentioning old drivers. If someone can clarify it, that would be nice. I have a naive and probably wrong guess. If they know exactly the frame rate, then they can calculate the time for each frame and dispatch several frames in advance. But it confuses me because the frame rate is dynamic, especially for new screens with the FreeSync functionality that have dynamic refresh rates.
I have thought of a third possibility. One can use the clock directly in the shader. GL_EXT_shader_realtime_clock provides clockRealtimeEXT. It has no defined unit, and will wrap when exceeding the maximum value. But it is said "globally coherent by all invocations on the GPU". During initialization, you can measure its rate using a uniform buffer, and then assume the rate will be constant. And also manage the wrapping.
Then if you can write your shaders as a function of time, for example in a translation, that would be efficient. You just need the initial data. Remember that one must avoid if conditions in shaders.

QTextBrowser display issue in Qt 4.8.6 - always displayed wrongly

I hope to read some characters or strings and display them with QTextBrowse from serial port by Qt 4.8.6 and called the following functions( textBrowser is a object of QTextBrowser):
connect(com, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readSerialPort()));
connect(textBrowser, SIGNAL(textChanged()), SimApplianceQtClass, SLOT(on_textBrowser_textChanged()));
void SimApplianceQt::on_textBrower_textChanged()
void SimApplianceQt::readSerialPort()
QByteArray temp = com->readAll();
However, every time I cannot display characters or strings in the textBrowser rightly. Those input strings are always cut into smaller strings to be displayed in multiple lines in the textBrowser. For example, a string "0123456789" may be displayed as (in multiple lines):
How to deal with this issue? Many thanks.
What happens is that the readyRead signal is fired not after everything has been received, but after something has been received and is ready to read.
There is no guarantee that everything will have arrived or is readable by the time you receive the first readyRead.
This is a common "problem" for almost any kind of IO, especially if the data is larger than very few bytes. There is usually no automatic way to know when all the data has been received.
There are a few possible solutions:
All of them will require you to put the data in a buffer in readSerialPort() instead of adding it directly to the text browser. Maybe a simple QByteArray member variable in SimApplianceQt would already do the trick in your case.
The rest depends on the exact solution.
If you have access to the sender of the data, you could send the
number of bytes that will be sent before sending the actual string.
This must always be in an integer type of the same size (for
example, always a quint32). Then, in readSerialPort(), you would
first read that size, and then continue to read bytes to your buffer
in readSerialPort() until everything has been received. And then,
you could finally print it. I'd recommend that one. It is also what is used in almost all cases where this problem arises.
If you have access to the sender of the data, you could send some
kind of "ending sequence" at the end of the string. In your
readSerialPort(), you would then continue to read bytes into your
buffer until you receive that ending sequence. Once the ending
sequence has been received, you can print everything that came in
prior to it. Note that the ending sequence itself could be interrupted,
so you'd have to take care of that, too.
If you do not have access to the sender, the best idea I could come
up with would be to work with a timer. You put everything into a
buffer and re-start that timer each time you readSerialPort() is
called. When the timer runs out, that means no new data has been
sent for a while and you can probably print what you have so far.
This is... risky and I wouldn't recommend it if there is any other way.

Qt: API to write raw QAudioInput data to file just like QAudioRecorder

I'm trying to monitor an audio input and record the audio to a file but only when a level threshold is exceeded. There seems to be two main options for recording in Qt; QAudioRecorder and QAudioInput.
Long story short: I'm trying to find the API that can take raw audio sample data read from QAudioInput and record it to a file just like QAudioRecorder does, but strangely it doesn't seem to exist. To give an example, the setup of the QAudioRecorder would be something like the following (but instead of specifying a input device with setAudioInput() you pass it sampled bytes):
QAudioEncoderSettings audioSettings;
QAudioRecorder recorder = new QAudioRecorder;
I'm using QAudioInput because I need access to the raw samples. The problem with QAudioInput is, Qt does not seem to provide an easy way to take the raw samples I get out of the QAudioInput and pipe them into a file encoding them along the way. QAudioRecorder does this nicely, but you can't feed raw samples into QAudioRecorder; you just tell it which device to record from and how you want it stored.
Note I tried using QAudioInput and QAudioRecorder together - QAudioInput for the raw access and QAudioRecorder whenever I need to record, but there is two main issues with that: A) Only one of these can be reading a given device at a time. B) I want to record the data at and just before the threshold is exceeded and not just after the threshold is exceeded.
I ended up using QAudioRecorder+QAudioProbe. There are a couple of limitations though:
Firstly the attached QAudioProbe only works if QAudioRecorder is actually recording, so I had to write a wrapper over QAudioRecorder to switch on/off recording by switching output device to|from actual_file|/dev/null.
Second, as I stated "I want to record the data at and just before the threshold is exceeded and not just after the threshold is exceeded". Well, I had to compromise on that. The probe is used to detect the recording condition, but there is no way to stuff the data from the probe back into the recorder. I mean, I guess you could record to a buffer file in idle state and somehow prepend part of that data ... but the complexity wasn't worth it for me.
Aside; there was another issue with QAudioRecorder that motivated me to write a wrapper over it. Basically I found QAudioRecorder::stop() sometimes hangs indefinitely. To get around this, I had to heap allocate a recorder and delete it and init a new one with each new recording.

The operation could not be performed because the filter is in the wrong state GetCurrentBuffer

The operation could not be performed because the filter is in the wrong state
I am getting this error when attemting to run hr = m_pGrabber->GetCurrentBuffer(&cbBuffer, NULL);.
Strange part is - it initially worked when I stopped the graph, now it fails on running or stopped graph.
So - what state it should be in??
The sample grabber code in MSDN I copied does not say if the graph should be stopped or running to get the buffer size - but the way it is presented the graph is running. I assume the graph should be running to fill the buffer, but I am not getting pass the sizing the buffer.
The graph is OK, all filters are conncted and renders as required, in may app and in GraphEdit.
I am trying to save the captured still frame into bitmap file so I need the capured data in the buffer.
Buffering and GetCurrentBuffer expose you a copy of last known media sample. Hence, you might hit conditions "no media sample available yet to copy from" and "last known media sample is released due to transition to stopped state". In both cases the request in question might fail. Copy data from SampleCB instead of buffered mode and this is going to be one hundred percent reliable.
See also: ISampleGrabber::GetCurrentBuffer() returning VFW_E_WRONG_STATE
Using GetCurrentBuffer is a bad idea in most cases. Proper way to use sample grabber is by setting your callback and receiving data in SampleCB.

How to automatically update time in cics

I have two questions first is the main one.
1. I was able to display date in a cics map but what i need is, i want it to be ticking i.e., it should be display everysecond updated.
2. I have a COBOL-DB2 program which automatically inserts the data from database(DB2) to a file. I want this program to be called on a timestamp basis i.e., every 1hr, 2hr, or every day.
Thank you
You can do this, but you will need to change modify traditional psuedo-conversationl approach. Instead of returning and waiting for a user event, you can start your tran after some number of seconds with your current commarea and quit. If a user event occurs in that time, you can cancel your start request, if it doesn't, you can refresh the screen timestamp and repeat.
It is kinda a pain just to get a timestamp refreshed. Doesn't make much sense to bother with unless you have a really good reason.
The DB2 stuff is plain easy. Start your tran using interval control, the same START AFTER() described above, and you can have it run hourly, or bihourly, or whatever.
I don't think that you need to modify your pseudo-conversational approach to achieve what you need. Just issue a EXEC CICS START command with a one second delay (just do this once) for a small program that just issues a Send Map (or TC Write) to the terminal facility. Ideally reserve a common area on the screen so all transactions can use a common program. At some point, when the updates are no longer required, CANCEL the START request.The way I see it, the timer update transaction will mix in nicely with you user-initiated transaction flow. If a user transaction is active when the start timer pops, the timer update program will just be delayed a little.
While this should work, you need to bear in mind that you might be driving 3,600 transactions per hour for each user. Is this feature really worth all that?
This is not possible in standard CICS using maps. The 3270 protocol does not lend itself to continually updating screens. The majority of automatic updating screens such as consoles and monitoring displays use native VTAM methods, building their own data streams.
It might be possible to do this using unformatted data, but I would not recommend it in CICS. Pseudo-conversational CICS does not have a program in control during screen display, and conversational programming is highly discouraged.
You can't really do this in CICS, which was designed for pseudo-interactive responses at best. It was designed for use on mainframes where your terminal was sent a whole page or screen, the program read the screen as received (which has some fields the user would update and if you didn't change them the terminal did not send the data back) then, the CICS transaction having taken a part of a screen containing changes, sends the response back and quits.
This makes for very efficient data entry and inquiry programs. But realize, when the program has finished processing the screen, it's quit, it's gone, and it's not even in memory any more, all the resources have been reclaimed. This allows the company to run a mainframe with 300 terminals and maybe 10 megabytes of real memory, because when the program is waiting for you to respond, it's not using any resources at all, if there are 200 people running a data entry program, they are running a re-entrant program in which all 200 of them are running the same copy of the same program and the only thing they're using is maybe 1K of writable storage per user for the part that has to read a screen or a file record and do some calculations. Think about that, 200 people are running the same program and all of them, simultaneously, are using one module that uses 20K of memory for the application - and it's the same 20K for every single one of them - and 1K each of actual read/write data.
Think about that for a moment, the first user to start that data entry program uses 20K of memory for the application, plus 1K for the writable data. Each user after that who is being processed on that program uses an additional 1K of memory, that's all. When they're sitting there looking at the terminal, all they might be using is 4 bytes in a table to tell the system there's a terminal connected. No resources are used at all.
To be able to have a screen updated on a regular basis means that something has to keep running, which is not something CICS does very well. CICS is not intended to be used for interactive processing the way a PC does because you're actually running live on the PC.
EXEC CICS ASK TIME END-EXEC to update the timestamp.
However, using the suggested
EXEC CICS START TRANSID ('name' | namefld)
DELAY (time)
is actually the better way.
