How to hash realmdb password - realm

I want to create/update realmdb password on path __password.
I cannot find clear documentation about it, i just explore realm studio and realmdb graphql API.
From realm studio i found salt, digest (sha512), and hash.
From that key i produce sha512 hash with
the problem is, character length from sha512 just 128 character. i tried to compare with other hash password, they have 684 character.
the other key i found inside path __password such as iterations and keyLength, i don't know what that for.
actually i can use this API for create user.
Realm.Sync.User.login([**serverURL**],Realm.Sync.Credentials.usernamePassword([**username**], [**password**], true));
but i want to update password too. there is no documentation about changing password.
the question is :
How i can produce sha512 with output 684 character ?
How to update realm password directly to path __password ?
What is best practice to update user password ?


How to re-add "unique" salt when user logs in?

I am learning about hashing and encryption and can’t seem to understand this:
Client: New user logs in => Creates password => Sent to a server in plain text
Server: Server generates a random "salt" => plain text and salt are unified => Hash function (e.g. SHA-3) hashes the password+salt into a hash => Hash is stored in DB.
Client: Same user logs out and logs in => Password sent to a server in plain text.
Server: Password needs to re-add the same salt it generated when creating the account to get the same hash.
How does the server generate that same random and unique salt?
Is the salt stored on a different DB altogether?
If a DB is compromised the hackers would also gain access to the salt and just brute force rainbow tables with the salt and unhash them.
The salt that was randomly generated must be stored in the database and linked to the user that logged in. It could be simply added as another column in the user table.
In a typical setting, the salt and the password (or its version after
key stretching) are concatenated and processed with a cryptographic
hash function, and the output hash value (but not the original
password) is stored with the salt in a database
Source: retrieved 19/02/21
The generation of the salt depends on which technology you are using. The following stack overflow answer has an example for PHP:
Can we use uniqid() to generate a unique Salt in PHP
The password should also never be sent in plain text to the server. This can be done via HTTPS for example
When the user logs in again. The password is sent to server side along with email.
The email is used to fetch the user record and then the Hash value saved against that email is compared with the new hash (salt + password entered).
The validate function method matches the 2 different hash values and checks if password entered was same or not.
For example, I am using bcrypt in Node JS and it has a method compareSync which matches the entered password with the saved hash
bcrypt.compareSync(password, databaseHash);

How to remove Db2 encryption password in current connection

Db2 allows to set a password in the connection using
This avoids having to set the password on each ENCRYPT() / DECRYPT() usage.
However, how can I remove the password after I finished my work so that other parts of code that work with the same connection are not able to use my password ?
Setting the password to an empty string SET ENCRYPTION PASSWORD ''caused problems when my code was invoked multiple times in the same process: the second invocation got 'NO PASSWORD SET' SQL20143N / SQLSTATE 51039 even though it did set the correct password again using "SET ENCRYPTION PASSWORD 'mysecretpw'" again before using ENCRYPT/DECRYPT ... Db2 also says that you have to specify a password between 6 and 127 bytes ...
Setting an arbitrary string as new password (e.g. blanks) is also not ideal, as this does not allow Db2 to detect 'no password set' conditions so that you don't realize that you are encrypting / decrypting with a wrong password ...
So how to clear the password correctly ?
The Db2 LUW documentation (at version 11.1) for SET ENCRYPTION PASSWORD does not state it explicitly but the product allows you to set the password to an empty string with the result that subsequent encrypt/decrypt actions in that connection will return -20143 sqlcode. When I test this behaviour with the CLP it behaves as expected on Db2 LUW.
So while both Db2 for Z/OS and Db2 for i-series for SET ENCRYPTION PASSWORD explicitly mention the empty string behaviour for the password (and the Db2 LUW knowledge center does not), it appears all three code bases have the same behaviour as regards the consequence of setting the password to the empty string.
If you have a testcase that proves you get an -20143 sqlcode even after using SET ENCRYPTION PASSWORD to a valid good password, then perhaps you should publish that testcase or open a PMR with IBM. If your code is multi threaded , you may get unexpected results as the password is in special register and changing it is not under transaction control, so there may be timing issues.
Removing the password seems to be possible either via disconnecting the session or setting it to an empty string in a single-connection scenario, and with the CLP the product appears to behave as expected for me when I set the password to an empty string, and subsequently set it to a valid password for the same connection.

AES-256 best practices implementation

I'm reversing an app but I'm not very expert of the AES algorithm.
The application gives the user the opportunity to make an offline login.
The user is asked to provide his username and password
This is the function that is used to store the info of the user
public void EncryptLoginInfo(string username, byte[] secretShared, byte[] salt)
byte[] random = calc.GenerateRandomBytes();
byte[] array = aes.Encrypt(secretShared, random);
OfflineLogin loginInfo = new OfflineLogin()
Username = username,
SecretShared = array,
Iv = random,
Salt = salt
this._userCredentials.StoreOfflineLoginData(username, loginInfo);
And this are the info that are stored inside an internal config file of the app. In the example below, the password passed to the encryptLoginInfo is 123
Username: not_important
SecretShared: 4KVrjy1cQVWYpWF7aolpMS0HzhKyFf+9VXauQrXoXVUbf0bGXIDOLDJuSVhYoFo2
Salt: 5kJio2VQEqjomHRdQMqRVJ0zkBsmqi8K3NypC2VWJk4
If the user want to make an offline login, he is asked to provide username and his password.
Question: Is this algo safe? If an attacker is able to obtain SecretShared+Iv+Salt is he able to recover the password of the user (that in this specific example is 123)
This is the decrypt function
public void DencryptLoginInfo(OfflineLogin loginInfo)
byte[] array = aes.Decrypt(loginInfo.SecretShared, loginInfo.Iv);
loginInfo.SecretShared = array;
loginInfo.Iv = (byte[]) null;
Are you able to spot any security issues in this implementation? The algo used should be AES-256.. Are you able to implement a POC in python to decrypt the PASSWORD given SecretShared+Iv+Salt?
According to your comment, your goal is to authenticate the user. For that we use password base key derivation functions on the password. Often people refer to this as "hashing passwords", which is unfortunate terminology because "hashing" can mean anything. But the main point is that we do not encrypt passwords, instead we send them through a one-way function that is designed to be slow. The slow speed deters brute force attacks.
You do not need an IV to do this. Instead, your app should be deriving a salt and and using a password based key derivation function (sometimes referred to as a "password hashing" algorithm: you will have to excuse that the industry has made a mess out of the terminology on this topic). You can find guidance on this all over the web. But I suggest you have a read of point 4 in Top 10 Developer Crypto Mistakes to see common pitfalls in implementing this.
Don't use openssl to convert a password into a key (or password hash)! The algorithm in openssl is weak. Openssl's EVP_BytesToKey() fails to meet the requirements of slow speed, meaning that it is easy to brute force your key from your password.
The proper solution to this problem is to use an algorithm such as bcrypt or pbkdf2 (Java implementations can be found without much effort) to derive a "hash" from the password. You then verify that the user typed in the password correctly by re-doing the same computation with the user entered password and the salt that was stored for this password. If they match, access is granted, otherwise access is denied.
Note that if this app interacts with a server, normally you do password verification on the server side. If your app does not interact with a server, then you may have a good reason to do it on the device. I don't know what your app does, so I cannot tell you what is right or wrong for you.
A great reference for doing this properly is How to Safely Store Your Users' Passwords in 2016 .

Meteor,why same password after hashing, different string stored in database

I found that Meteor default use sha-256 to hash password. but I am confused that same password for each account after hashing become different string stored in the database. Anyone would tell the detail implementation, thx
Per the Meteor docs, accounts-password uses bcrypt.
If you look at the source code of loginWithPassword, you should be able to find out where the salt is stored. As a second source, read MasterAM's answer to Laravel & Meteor password hashing which indicates that Meteor from 2011 on uses $2y$ hash strings, i.e. PHP CRYPT_BLOWFISH, which uses
CRYPT_BLOWFISH - Blowfish hashing with a salt as follows: "$2a$", "$2x$" or "$2y$", a two digit cost parameter, "$", and 22 characters from the alphabet "./0-9A-Za-z". Using characters outside of this range in the salt will cause crypt() to return a zero-length string. The two digit cost parameter is the base-2 logarithm of the iteration count for the underlying Blowfish-based hashing algorithmeter and must be in range 04-31, values outside this range will cause crypt() to fail. Versions of PHP before 5.3.7 only support "$2a$" as the salt prefix: PHP 5.3.7 introduced the new prefixes to fix a security weakness in the Blowfish implementation. Please refer to » this document for full details of the security fix, but to summarise, developers targeting only PHP 5.3.7 and later should use "$2y$" in preference to "$2a$".
Thus, look for the $2y$ string in the database, and extract the salt from it.

Hashing using SHA1 as inner-most hash in a chain

A client program (over which I have no control) is authenticating by sending me a password, hashed as SHA1(password).
I'm reluctant to store the password hashed using only SHA1 in my database, so I'm proposing to store passwords in the database hashed as SHA256(SHA1(password)) (where the password is hashed over multiple iterations using PBKDF-2 or something similar).
My question is: is there anything insecure about the inner-most hash using SHA1 in this scenario? I realise that the probability of collisions will be increased, but since this is just for storing passwords in the database I don't think I need to be concerned about that. Is there anything else that I'm missing?
Consider adding a salt which is unique-per-row before doing the final encryption. Example:
Lets say that you receive W6ph5Mm5Pz8GgiULbPgzG37mj9g= (a SHA1'd encryption of "password"). That is associated with a User, who should have a unique key, such as a UserID and/or UserName.
My suggestion - to avoid collision - would be to do a conversion of the Bytes to a Base64String (in C# this would be Convert.ToBase64String( byteVariable ) - then concatenate onto the string the user's unique-ID (making the new string something like:
W6ph5Mm5Pz8GgiULbPgzG37mj9g=+103 (where I added +103 to reflect the user's ID) - then apply your SHA256 algorithm. This will produce: mNXRjWsKJ7V+BHbAuwJJ7neGT+V1IrLQSQXmb4Vv1X8= - which you can store in your database. A SHA256 hash - which eliminates the collisions from the less-safe SHA1 algorithm.
And - since you are using 1-way encryption - when you go to check whether the password is valid in the future, you simply append the user's ID again before checking.
If the client always sends you the same password, simply SHA1 hashed, then the SHA1 hash output is the password, to all intents and purposes. Treat it and store it the same way you would any other password, such as by using PBKDF2, SCrypt, or BCrypt.
