WordPress setup page is not showing - wordpress

I am trying to setup Wordpress manually.
First, I created the database and user and connected them both with all privileges.
Next, I downloaded the Wordpress setup file and added the database name, username and password to the wp-config.php file and uploaded the Wordpress file to the file manager under public_html.
But when I visit my website, it's still not showing the setup wizard. I also tried manually entering the URL - www.example.com/wp-admin/install.php, but it redirects to me the same page (page image is below)
this the page i am getting instead of wordpress setup wizard

According to the screenshot, you haven't set up your Wix account to use your domain name. If you have, was this done recently? DNS propagation can take 24 - 48 hours.
If the domain name and server are connected, then you need to make sure all WP files are uploaded. You should have downloaded a zip file to your computer. Unzip the file, then FTP the entire folder inside your public_html folder.
Once that is done, then you can proceed with the installation.
The problem is, Wix has their own software and blog features. You will need to set up WP on a subdomain. You can learn how to set up a subdomain through Wix here and how to install the WP to a subdomain here.
The biggest problem, though, is Wix. You would be a lot better off getting stand alone hosting such as SiteGround, A2hosting, etc. If you are looking for cheap hosting, HostGator and Green Geeks are decent enough.


Moving a wordpress site without passwords or access

I am looking after a site where I have no access from the previous web designer. I have gained access to the domain name, and now want to move the site to my server.
So far I have been able to copy the site using some software I found, and I have the files locally on my computer.
How do I keep the existing site but gain access so that I can update the site?
Will all the links and SEO be disturbed, if I just transfer all files to my server?
there is no way to directly copy the site if you don't have access to the server. What you can do is replicate the site. In other words, copy paste all text and images down from the old site. It sounds like you have already done that. Then you set up a fresh WordPress installation on a new server, install the same theme and plugins as you had on the old server and then copy paste in all text and images that you saved previously. Then you can register your site with for example Google Search Console and via that keep track of which URLs that are now returning 404 and set up redirects or new pages for those URLs.

Client transferred/changed domain names...how do I salvage the WordPress site

So I built this client a WordPress site and after if was completed and paid for he decided he didn't like his domain name. So he logged into HostGator and then bought/transferred to a new domain.
Then a day later he calls and wonders why his page isn't loading. I'm able to go into the FTP and save all the wp-content and every file that was originally there... My question is how do I get the WordPress site I built onto the new domain name?
I've read all kinds of tutorials about how to export/import but they require the site you're transferring from to be live.. I can't log into the wp-admin portion because it looks like the domain does not exist anymore.
I'm definitely not a back-end guy.. I've build a few sites off line with xamp but i have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to trying to salvage this site. Any help?
WordPress is flexible to handle situations like moving to another server. First back up your WordPress directory, images, plugins, and other files on your site as well as the database. The detailed steps on how to do it is well documented in the website https://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress.

wordpress database not showing in PhpMyAdmin

I am new to wordpress and have bought udesign theme from themeforest. from my Plesk I have installed WP and then from the dashboard of WP tried to upload the theme, but failed. hence went directly to dedicated server and hosted on the root folder.
Theme started reflecting on the dashboard and I have started customization. Once site completes I need to move the site to production server. When I check PhpMyAdmin from the plesk, it shows there is no DB table. how do I copy/move the site without DB?
Can i manage site without PhpMyAdmin? like copying the entire assets to new server and it starts working automatically?
Please help me to find DB or Let me know how to work with the themes to make sure everything in right place.
Many Thanks,
If you’ve ever had the need to find the name of your WordPress database, then there’s an easy way to do that – simply look for it in your wp-config.php file located in the root folder of your WordPress install.
Accessing Your WP-Config.php File
If you are doing something where you need the name of your database, then I’m assuming you have access to your server.
Simply go to the main folder of your WordPress install and locate the file called wp-config.php.
Edit file and find name in:
define('db_name','your database here');

Wordpress - Moving website admin section

I have successfully moved a wordpress site from /test directory to the root, so now the website url looks like www.example.com. Fine.
However the admin section (wp-admin) still points to /test directory and so the url looks like www.example.com/test/wp-admin/...
How can I make it like www.example.com/wp-admin/...?
Please notice that I'm not interested in a simple redirection (now the customer is able to access the admin section with www.example.com/wp-admin, but then he's redirected to www.example.com/test/wp-admin/..., and it's not what he wants.
Thanks in advance
Everything is documented in http://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress
You may need to change many URLs in post/page content; if so, see https://github.com/interconnectit/Search-Replace-DB as suggested in the above Docs.
There is no need to create a new Wordpress install.
Also see http://codex.wordpress.org/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory#Using_a_pre-existing_subdirectory_install if you want to keep core Wordpress files and folders in a subfolder, but have the site appear to be at root for the end user.
You should not move wordpress this way. Here is what you do:
Install Clean Wordpress Installation on the new domain.
Use a plugin* to make back-up on your test domain.
Install plugin* on the new domain, and restore back-up from test
domain. (www.orignal.com)
Update your style.css, header.php, index.php & footer.php if it
contains hard written links to your test domain.
You cannot simply move a wordpress installation - as most entries, links etc. are stored in the database. If you move folders in your ftp they will still point to the old database. This is why you have to duplicate your site, where the database entries will be automatically updated to your new site domain. Hard written links in any theme php files will have to be updated.
Although your problem depends on how your pointers/sites are set-up in c-panel. If you have to change pointers for your directory, you might have to back-up your website and upload it to a different domain so your new site can access the restoration back-up file via http request.
*Plugins such as wp clone, duplicator.

How to install WordPress in subdomain?

At the moment I have a WordPress installation in a subfolder of my current site (example.com/wordpress). How do I make it so that wordpress is accessible from a subdomain?
I.e. I would like wordpress to be accessible from this address: wordpress.example.com, and that all the links, posts and pages will still work flawlessly, e.g. wordpress.example.com/my-wp-post/
If it makes a difference which host one is with, I am asking specifically about 1&1.
Thank you
I am not a big fan of video tutorials, but I used this one to successfully set up a new subdomain and install wordpress.
Here is an overview of the process
Use cpanel to create the subdomain
Download the latest version of wordpress to your local drive
Upload to subdomain folder on your host
Extract the files, and move them into the subdomain folder
Use cpanel SQL Wizard to create a new data base
Make a note of the username, db name and db password
Copy wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php in the subdomain folder
Edit wp-config.php to add the username, db name and db password
Open the URL "your-subdomain.your-domain.com/wp-admin/install.php"
Fill out the fields on the form and press "install wordpress"
After creating the a subdomain I use WP clone to create and install a backup of my live site into the new subdomain. The clone site allows me to verify updates before deploying them my public site.
Hopefully the OP has resolved this issue, but maybe this will be of use to others.
I think you have 2 options.
1) Manually:
Copy your wordpress install from the subfolder of your main domain to the subdomain's folder. Using a database editing tool (of your choice) go into the wp_options table and change the option_value of the option_name 'siteurl' and 'home'.
You might have a few other options that will need editing, but they are more often than not plugin specific.
2) A little better:
Create a new wordpress install in your subdomain. Copy your plugins, themes and uploads into it. Then, install the plugin wp-migrate-db-pro from https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-migrate-db-pro/ Use this plugin to copy the database from the subfolder install to the subdomain install. This plugin will globally search and replace the URLs and Folders for you.
I've been using this plugin for a while...and it saves me hours and hours of work.
Purchase your unique URL or subdomain or wherever you want the wordpress to live from your host provider.
upload Wordpress to that root. /
Or define a custom folder for it;
NOTE: If your looking for the free (no hosting required - though less custom website friendly) wordpress with similar URL, please use wordpress.com version and you don't need to do anything.
http://wordpress.com/ is different from http://wordpress.org/
Wordpress.com is like google blogger and you simply create an account and they give you a URL - and free blogging area with small templates. You can transfer your free wordpress.com to custom wordpress.org -- if you would like to use wordpress hosting naming convention, consult wordpress.
If you are changing the location from your original install; to a different path or location. You should then uninstall the Wordpress that is elsewhere or previous, and reinstall at where you want it to currently live to avoid any wholes or errors, etc.
So, if now it must be at: wordpress.example.com -- work with your host provider (hopefully not godaddy) locate the root to this domain, and reinstall with a fresh latest version and you should be OK. If you have further DNS issues, please try to describe your question more clearly.
