How can I code this equation with double summation in R? - r

So I'm having hard time coding the above equation, mainly the part which contains that double sum over i's and over j.
I'n my case, my n = 200 and p = 15. My yi:s are in a vector Y = (y1,y2,...yn) that is vector of length 200 and Xij:s are in a matrix which has 15 columns and 200 rows. Bj:s are in a vector of length 15.
My own solution, which I'm fairly certain is wrong, is this:
b0 <- 1/200 * sum(Y - sum(matr*b))
And here is code which you can use to reproduce my vectors and matrix:
matr <- t(mvrnorm(15,mu= rep(0,200),diag(1,nrow = 200)))
Y <- rnorm(n = 200)
b <- rnorm(n = 15)

Use matrix multiplication:
mean(y - x %*% b)
Note that if y and x are known and b is the least squares regression estimate of the coefficients then we can write it as:
fm <- lm(y ~ x + 0)
and that necessarily equals 0 if there is an intercept, i.e. a constant column in x, since the residual vector must be orthogonal to the range of x and taking the mean is the same as taking the inner product of the residuals and a vector whose elements are all the same (and equal to 1/n).


How can I calculate the second-order derivative of a vector using finite differences if the interval is non-constant?

Say I have vectors x and y and want to calculate the second derivative of y with respect to x using finite differences.
I'd do
x <- rnorm(2000)
y <- x^2
y = y[order(x)]
x = sort(x)
dydx = diff(y) / diff(x)
d2ydx2 = c(NA, NA, diff(dydx) / diff(x[-1]))
plot(x, d2ydx2)
As you can see, there are a few points which are wildly inaccurate. I believe the problem arises because values in dydx do not exactly correspond to those of x[-1] leading a second differentiation to have inaccurate results. Since the step in x is non-constant, the second-order differentiation is not straight forward. How can I do this?
Each time you are taking the numerical approximation derivative, you are losing one value in the vector and shifting the output value over one spot. You are correct, the error is due to the uneven spacing in the x values (incorrect divisor in dydx & d2ydx2 calculations).
In order to correct, calculate a new set of x values corresponding to the mid point between the adjacent x values at each derivative. This is the value where the slope is calculated.
Thus y'1 = f'((x1+x2)/2).
This method is not perfect but the resulting error is much smaller.
#create the input
x <- sort(rnorm(2000))
y <- x**2
#calculate the first deriative and the new mean x value
xprime <- x[-1] - diff(x)/2
dydx <- diff(y)/diff(x)
#calculate the 2nd deriative and the new mean x value
xpprime <- xprime[-1] - diff(xprime)/2
d2ydx2 <- diff(dydx)/diff(xprime)
plot(xpprime, d2ydx2)
Another way is using splinefun, which returns a function from which you can calculate cubic spline derivatives.
Of course, given your example function y= x^2 the second derivatives will be always 2
x <- rnorm(2000)
y <- x^2
y = y[order(x)]
x = sort(x)
fun = splinefun(x,y)

R Derivatives of an Inverse

I have an expression that contains several parts. However, for simplicity, consider only the following part as MWE:
Let's assume we have the inverse of a matrix Y that I want to differentiate w.r.t. x.
Y is given as I - (x * b * t(b)), where I is the identity matrix, x is a scalar, and b is a vector.
According to The Matrix Cookbook Equ. 59, the partial derivative of an inverse is:
Normally I would use the function D from the package stats to calculate the derivatives. But that is not possible in this case, because e.g. solve to specify Y as inverse and t() is not in the table of derivatives.
What is the best workaround to circumvent this problem? Are there any other recommended packages that can handle such input?
Example that doesn't work:
f0 <- expression(solve(I - (x * b %*% t(b))))
D(f0, "x")
Example that works:
f0 <- expression(x^3)
D(f0, "x")
3 * x^2
I assume that the question is how to get an explicit expression for the derivative of the inverse of Y with respect to x. In the first section we compute it and in the second section we double check it by computing it numerically and show that the two approaches give the same result.
b and the null space of b are both eigenspaces of Y which we can readily verify by noting that Yb = (1-(b'b)x)b and if z belongs to the nullspace of b then Yz = z. This also shows that the corresponding eigenvalues are 1 - x(b'b) with multiplicity 1 and 1 with multiplicity n-1 (since the nullspace of b has that dimension).
As a result of the fact that we can expand such a matrix into the sum of each eigenvalue times the projection onto its eigenspace we can express Y as the following where bb'/b'b is the projection onto the eigenspace spanned by b and the part pre-multiplying it is the eigenvalue. The remaining terms do not involve x because they involve an eigenvalue of 1 independently of x and the nullspace of b is independent of x as well.
Y = (1-x(b'b))(bb')/(b'b) + terms not involving x
The inverse of Y is formed by taking the reciprocals of the eigenvalues so:
Yinv = 1/(1-x(b'b)) * (bb')/(b'b) + terms not involving x
and the derivative of that wrt x is:
(b'b) / (1 - x(b'b))^2 * (bb')/(b'b)
Cancelling the b'b and writing the derivative in terms of R code:
1/(1 - x*sum(b*b))^2*outer(b, b)
Double check
Using specific values for b and x we can verify it against the numeric derivative as follows:
x <- 1
b <- 1:3
# Y inverse as a function of x
Yinv <- function(x) solve(diag(3) - x * outer(b, b))
all.equal(matrix(jacobian(Yinv, x = 1), 3),
1/(1 - x*sum(b*b))^2*outer(b, b))
## [1] TRUE

Faster alternative to R car::Anova for sum of square crossproduct matrix calculation for subsets of predictors

I need to compute the sum of squares crossproduct matrix (indeed the trace of this matrix) in a multivariate linear model, with Y (n x q) and X (n x p). Standard R code for doing that is:
# Example data
q <- 10
n <- 1000
p <- 10
Y <- mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, q), Sigma = diag(q))
X <-, mu = rnorm(p), Sigma = diag(p)))
# Fit lm
fit <- lm( Y ~ ., data = X )
# Type I sums of squares
# Type III sums of squares
type = 3 # could be also 2 (II)
car::Anova(fit, type = type)$SSP
This has to be done thousands of times, unfortunately, it gets slow when the number of predictors is relatively large. As often I am interested only in a subset of s predictors, I tried to re-implement this calculation. Although my implementation directly translating linear algebra for s = 1 (below) is faster for small sample sizes (n),
# Hat matrix (X here stands for the actual design matrix)
H <- tcrossprod(tcrossprod(X, solve(crossprod(X))), X)
# Remove predictor of interest (e.g. 2)
X.r <- X[, -2]
H1 <- tcrossprod(tcrossprod(X.r, solve(crossprod(X.r))), X.r)
# Compute e.g. type III sum of squares
SS <- crossprod(Y, H - H1) %*% Y
car still goes faster for large n:
I already tried Rcpp implementation which much success, as these matrix products in R already use a very efficient code.
Any hint on how to do this faster?
After reading the answers, I tried the solution proposed in this post which relies on QR/SVD/Cholesky factorization for hat matrix calculation. However it seems that car::Anova is still faster to compute all p = 30 matrices than me computing just one (s = 1)!! for e.g. n = 5000, q = 10:
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
ME 1137.5692 1202.9888 1257.8979 1251.6834 1318.9282 1398.9343 10
QR 1005.9082 1031.9911 1084.5594 1037.5659 1095.7449 1364.9508 10
SVD 1026.8815 1065.4629 1152.6631 1087.9585 1241.4977 1446.8318 10
Chol 969.9089 1056.3093 1115.9608 1102.1169 1210.7782 1267.1274 10
CAR 205.1665 211.8523 218.6195 214.6761 222.0973 242.4617 10
The best solution for now was to go over the car::Anova code (i.e. functions car:::Anova.III.mlm and subsequently car:::linearHypothesis.mlm) and re-implement them to account for a subset of predictors, instead of all of them.
The relevant code by car is as follows (I skipped checks, and simplified a bit):
B <- coef(fit) # Model coefficients
M <- model.matrix(fit) # Model matrix M
V <- solve(crossprod(M)) # M'M
p <- ncol(M) # Number of predictors in M
I.p <- diag(p) # Identity (p x p)
terms <- labels(terms(fit)) # terms (add intercept)
terms <- c("(Intercept)", terms)
n.terms <- length(terms)
assign <- fit$assign # assignation terms <-> p variables
SSP <- as.list(rep(0, n.terms)) # Initialize empty list for sums of squares cross-product matrices
names(SSP) <- terms
for (term in 1:n.terms){
subs <- which(assign == term - 1)
L <- I.p[subs, , drop = FALSE]
SSP[[term]] <- t(L %*% B) %*% solve(L %*% V %*% t(L)) %*% (L %*% B)
Then it is just a matter of selecting the subset of terms.
This line and the similar one below it for H1 could probably be improved:
H <- tcrossprod(tcrossprod(X, solve(crossprod(X))), X)
The general idea is that you should rarely use solve(Y) %*% Z, because it is the same as solve(Y, Z) but slower. I haven't fully expanded your tcrossprod calls to see what the best equivalent formulation of the expressions for H and H1 would be.
You could also look at this question for a description of doing it via QR decomposition.

Pointwise multiplication and right matrix division

I'm currently trying to recreate this Matlab function in R:
function X = uniform_sphere_points(n,d)
% X = uniform_sphere_points(n,d)
%function generates n points unformly within the unit sphere in d dimensions
z= randn(n,d);
r1 = sqrt(sum(z.^2,2));
X = X.*repmat(r,1,d);
Regarding the the right matrix division I installed the pracma package. My R code right now is:
uniform_sphere_points <- function(n,d){
# function generates n points uniformly within the unit sphere in d dimensions
z = rnorm(n, d)
r1 = sqrt(sum(z^2,2))
X = mrdivide(z, repmat(r1,1,d))
r = rnorm(1)^(1/d)
X = X * matrix(r,1,d)
But it is not really working since I always end with a non-conformable arrays error in R.
This operation for sampling n random points from the d-dimensional unit sphere could be stated in words as:
Construct a n x d matrix with entries drawn from the standard normal distribution
Normalize each row so it has (2-norm) magnitude 1
For each row, compute a random value by taking a draw from the uniform distribution (between 0 and 1) and raise that value to the 1/d power. Multiply all elements in the row by that value.
The following R code does these operations:
unif.samp <- function(n, d) {
z <- matrix(rnorm(n*d), nrow=n, ncol=d)
z * (runif(n)^(1/d) / sqrt(rowSums(z^2)))
Note that in the second line of code I have taken advantage of the fact that multiplying a n x d matrix in R by a vector of length n will multiply each row by the corresponding value in that vector. This saves us the work of using repmat to construct matrices of exactly the same size as our original matrix for these sorts of row-specific operations.

PCA Feature selection using R

I am a biologist. An output of my experiment contains large number of features(which are stored as numbers of columns and 563 rows). The columns are the features which are 8603 in number which are quite high.
So, when I tried to do PCA analysis in R and it gives "out of memory" errors.
I have tried also doing princomp in pieces, but it does not seem to work for our
I tried using the Script given in the link...
But still it does not wok :(
I am trying to use the following code
bumpus <- read.table("",
skip=20, nrows=49,
boxplot(bumpus, main="Boxplot of Bumpus' data") ## in this step it is showing the ERROR
# we first standardize the data:
bumpus.scaled <- data.frame( apply(bumpus,2,scale) )
boxplot(bumpus.scaled, main="Boxplot of standardized Bumpus' data")
pca.res <- prcomp(bumpus.scaled, retx=TRUE)
# note:
# PC.1 is some kind of average of all the measurements
# => measure of size of the bird
# PC.2 has a negative weight for 'sternum'
# and positive weights for 'alar', 'head' and 'humerus'
# => measure of shape of the bird
# first two principal components:
plot(pca.res$x[,1:2], pch="", main="PC.1 and PC.2 for Bumpus' data (blue=survived, red=died)")
text(pca.res$x[,1:2], labels=c(1:49), col=c(rep("blue",21),rep("red",28)))
abline(v=0, lty=2)
abline(h=0, lty=2)
# compare to segment plot:
palette(rainbow(12, s = 0.6, v = 0.75))
stars(bumpus, labels=c(1:49), nrow=6, key.loc=c(20,-1),
main="Segment plot of Bumpus' data", draw.segment=TRUE)
# compare to biplot:
biplot(pca.res, scale=0)
# what do the arrows mean?
# consider the arrow for sternum:
abline(0, pca.res$rotation[5,2]/pca.res$rotation[5,1])
# consider the arrow for head:
abline(0, pca.res$rotation[3,2]/pca.res$rotation[3,1])
But second line
boxplot(bumpus, main="Boxplot of Bumpus' data") ## shows an error
The error is
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 1.4 Mb
In addition: There were 27 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
Please help!
In cases where the number of features is either huge or exceeds the number of
observations, it is well advised to calculate the principal components based on
the transposed dataset. This is especially true in your case because the default
implies calculation of a 8603 x 8603 covariance matrix which itself already
consumes about 500 MB of memory (oh well, this isn't too much, but hey...).
Assuming that the rows of your matrix X correspond to observations
and columns correspond to features, center your data and then perform PCA on the
transpose of the centered X. There won't be more eigenpairs than number of
observations anyway. Finally, multiply each resulting eigenvector by X^T. You do
not need to do the latter for the eigenvalues (see way below for a detailed explanation):
What you want
This code demonstrates the implementation of PCA on the transposed dataset and compares the results of prcomp and the "transposed PCA":
pca.reduced <- function(X, center=TRUE, retX=TRUE) {
# Note that the data must first be centered on the *original* dimensions
# because the centering of the 'transposed covariance' is meaningless for
# the dataset. This is also why Sigma must be computed dependent on N
# instead of simply using cov().
if (center) {
mu <- colMeans(X)
X <- sweep(X, 2, mu, `-`)
# From now on we're looking at the transpose of X:
Xt <- t(X)
aux <- svd(Xt)
V <- Xt %*% aux$v
# Normalize the columns of V.
V <- apply(V, 2, function(x) x / sqrt(sum(x^2)))
# Done.
list(X = if (retX) X %*% V else NULL,
V = V,
sd = aux$d / sqrt(nrow(X)-1),
mean = if (center) mu else NULL)
# Example data (low-dimensional, but sufficient for this example):
X <- cbind(rnorm(1000), rnorm(1000) * 5, rnorm(1000) * 3)
original <- prcomp(X, scale=FALSE)
transposed <- pca.reduced(X)
# See what happens:
> print(original$sdev)
[1] 4.6468136 2.9240382 0.9681769
> print(transposed$sd)
[1] 4.6468136 2.9240382 0.9681769
> print(original$rotation)
[1,] -0.0055505001 0.0067322416 0.999961934
[2,] -0.9999845292 -0.0004024287 -0.005547916
[3,] 0.0003650635 -0.9999772572 0.006734371
> print(transposed$V)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.0055505001 0.0067322416 -0.999961934
[2,] 0.9999845292 -0.0004024287 0.005547916
[3,] -0.0003650635 -0.9999772572 -0.006734371
To see why it is possible to work on the transposed matrix consider the
The general form of the eigenvalue equation is
A x = λ x (1)
Without loss of generality, let M be a centered "copy" of your original
dataset X. Substitution of M^T M for A yields
M^T M x = λ x (2)
Multiplication of this equation by M yields
M M^T M x = λ M x (3)
Consequent substitution of y = M x yields
M M^T y = λ y (4)
One can already see that y corresponds to an eigenvector of the "covariance"
matrix of the transposed dataset (note that M M^T is in fact no real
covariance matrix as the dataset X was centered along its columns and not its
rows. Also, scaling must be done by means of the number of samples (rows of M)
and not the number of features (columns of M resp. rows of M^T).
It can also be seen that the eigenvalues are the same for M M^T and M^T M.
Finally, one last multiplication by M^T results in
(M^T M) M^T y = λ M^T y (5)
where M^T M is the original covariance matrix.
From equation (5) it follows that M^T y is an eigenvector of M^T M with
eigenvalue λ.
