How to rotate line chart series - javafx

I've the opportunity to plot several series in a line chart. Now I want to rotate one of them. Is there any way I can do this?
Y axes
----X axes
What I want to get:
X axes
Y axes ----

In the end, I was helped by rotation transformation of the original tabulated function and sorting values by y, as well as changing the sorting policy for line chart:
As I wanted, I got
one function along the x axis and another along the y axis


Plotting a legend using legend(x,y ....) but x axis are dates in R

I'm trying to put a legend on a line graph using legend(x,y, legend=c("","").... etc. I've changed the date to numeric data and used that for x and it plots, so I know the rest of its right. but when x is a date I'm not sure what to use for x to get the legend to show on the graph.

plot two lines on the same axes without leading to overlapping values on the y axis

Is there a way to change the y axis in R so that there isn't overlapping numbers when you plot two trend lines ?
I have managed to plot the two lines I am considering in one graph but there is a nasty Y axis - does anyone know how to avoid this happening?

R: why is boxplot(x,log="y") different from boxplot(log(x))?

delme <- exp(rnorm(1000,1.5,0.3))
Why are the whiskers different in this 2 plots?
I would say that in your first plot you just changed the y axis to log, so the values you plot still range between 1 and 10. In this plot the y axis is a log scale. The whiskers on this axis look different because the space between each "tick" (ie axis break) is not constant (there is more space between 2 and 4 than between 10 and 8)
In the second plot, you take the log of the values then plot them, so they range from .2 to 1, and are plotted with a linear y axis.
Look at the summary for both of the normal and log transformed dataframes

R: multiple x axis with annotations

Is it possible to add more than one x-axis to a plot in R? And to put an annotation next to each scale?
Edit > here's the result of Nick Sabbe idea. For the annotation (a little text at the left of each axis), is it possible ?
You can use the line argument of axis() to place an axis higher or lower, this way you can make multiple axes. With mtext() you can then add a label to the side. Do note that the plot itself is only on one scale so you need to rescale the points and labels of the other scale accordingly:
# Plot and first axis:
mtext("Label 1",1,line=1,at=0.2,col="red")
# Secondary points and axis:
points(rnorm(10,50,20)/10, rnorm(10,5,2),pch=16, col="blue" )
mtext("Label 2",1,line=3,at=0.2,col="blue")
You can use ?axis for that. Parameter at is in the scale of the original axis of the plot, and you can pass labels to show other values.
You have to scale the axess labels yourself, though.
A very simple/silly example:
axis(side=4, at=c(3,7), labels=c(30,70))
Finally, note that most people consider adding multiple axes to a plot bad form...

How to plot density of two datasets on same scale in one figure?

How to plot the density of a single column dataset as dots? For example
x <- c(1:40)
On the same plot using the same scale of the x-axis and y-axis, how to add another data set as line format which represent the density of another data that represents the equation of
y = exp(-x)
to the plot?
The equation is corrected to be y = exp(-x).
So, by doing plot(density(x)) or plot(density(y)), I got two separated figures. How to add them in the same axis and using dots for x, smoothed line for y?
You can add a line to a plot with the lines() function. Your code, modified to do what you asked for, is the following:
x <- 1:40
y <- exp(-x)
plot(density(x), type = "p")
Note that we specified the plot to give us points with the type parameter and then added the density curve for y with lines. The help pages for ?plot, ?par, ?lines would be some insightful reading. Also, check out the R Graph Gallery to view some more sophisticated graphs that generally have the source code attached to them.
