Get LinkedIn CDN image url for ugcPosts - linkedin

For many ugcPosts the thumbnail URL returned is an external URL which is often invalid. For instance, one post is a link to a Facebook page and the URL returned by LinkedIn is an expired Facebook CDN url. I also tried the shares api but the resolvedUrl is the same.
Is there any way to request the image URL hosted on the LinkedIn cdn?
FYI: For now we are hitting the website directly and getting the og:image but this isn't guaranteed to work and can still lead to inconsistencies between what is shown on LinkedIn and what we show in our application (e.g. different images).


Google Analytics Shows Referral path of just " / " when there should be a path. What might cause this?

I have a small but not insignificant segment of traffic coming from a third-party landing page creation tool. The pages live on their servers and ultimately drive users to pages on our site.
All the URLs of these landing pages start with a subdomain of the platform, i.e., The source should be that subdomain, and that's correct.
Referral paths however should start with "/our-account" and then whatever we set as the URL slug for the page, so the referral path of anything coming from these landing pages should only be paths like /our-account/july-sale, which some of them are, but the bulk (40%) of the traffic with a source of has a referral path of just " / " (or Full Referrer Path of if you use that dimension).
I should mention that we only have a handful of these landing pages right now (like 3) so we know for sure that the traffic with no referral path is coming from 1 of 3 places, we just don't know which one in the case of 40% of the total landing page traffic. just forwards to the main website for the tool, and there's no way any of this traffic would be coming from there naturally.
Why would anything after be stripped from Google Analytics? Anyone have any thoughts?
The landing pages are HTTP, and they're linking to our site which is HTTPS, but I read that shouldn't be a problem. It's only an issue the other way around.
The landing pages are also not traditional regular HTML pages, but rather generated by JavaScript.
The landing pages also use symlinks if that matters. Users navigate to them as but then it turns into
You can consult this and double check which policy is applied in the originating document.
You can also check the requests in the network tab to check which referrer is set in the request headers
You can inspect the requests that Google analytics send to its server to check what is being sent.

Mixed Content: Iframe converting https call to http and the request gets blocked

We have a website which provides referral options for healthcare provider via digital signature. We are upgrading our website security policy to not redirect to the third party website for esignature. instead of redirecting to the thirdparty website we are trying to embed the thirdparty website inside our website for esignature.
now the technical question:
we are using iFrame to embed the thirdparty website. we have the custom third party link for each signature which needs to load in this iFrame.
our website is on HTTPS and the third party site is also on HTTPS.
We are getting below error even though the third party URL used is on https
**The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource 'http://MyThirdPartyIntegratedWebsite' This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS**
URL is formed for each user which is customized for his signature
$scope.detailFrame = 'https://MyThirdPartyIntegratedWebsite/userID=123'
Whiltelisted the third party website too.
// Allow same origin resource loads.
// Allow loading from our assets domain. Notice the difference between * and **.
How to avoid iFrame from calling thirdparty website insecurely?
It was actually the internal redirects from the third party website which was causing the problem. We initiated a call with them to resolve this. Thank you sideshowba

Wordpress Website Link Preview not working in LinkedIn Groups

I want to share this article link ( in the LinkedIn groups but the link preview is not working. This same thing happens for my previous two link share. Before the last two share, Link preview was working fine, but now it is not working.
When I checked the response from LinkedIn link preview service I got Error Code 500 for the link share in my status.
For Link share in group, I got below response : {"data":[{"images":[],"id":"","type":"UrlPreview","status":"FAILED"}],"meta":{},"id":"/communities-api/v1/url-preview/"}
This is my Open Graph Check
and social debug :
I have also refered Stackoverflow
: LinkedIn doesn't fetch metadata when sharing website post, and but nothing worked.
Please help...
I have been seeing this problem as well and have isolated what is going on.
Here is the behavior I have seen with LinkedIn recently when sharing pages from my site:
- Sharing in my own feed works with the content preview... sometimes.
- Sharing in a LinkedIn Group does not work at all. The LinkedIn XHR request that builds the preview actually returns a 500.
Using the LinkedIn Post Inspector tool I was able to see that their crawler was hitting a redirect loop. They would request an HTTPS URL, get redirected to an HTTP URL, then get redirected to an HTTPS URL, on and on.
When browsing to the same pages with Safari or Chrome I was not redirected. Finally I tried the same using the user-agent of the LinkedIn crawler. Aha! That was the key. is treating the LinkedIn (and Facebook) user-agents differently and redirecting them into a loop.
Example using curl:
curl -v -I -A 'LinkedInBot/1.0 (compatible; Mozilla/5.0; Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1 +' -k --http1.1 --header 'Host:' 'https://wordpress origin IPv4 address'
After a week of back and forth with support they say now that this is intentional. The reason this redirect behavior is in place is that Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. count the number of times a URL is shared. And the redirect prevents these sites from counting an HTTPS URL separately from an HTTP URL for the same resource. Their redirect is an attempt to canonicalize the URL.
This sharing count "fix" is moot if the redirect prevents anyone from sharing the URL, which is where I am right now.
Good luck!

W3 Total Cache, HTTPS and Goog Analytics

I have a website, I've implemented the SSL functionability a few days ago.
Now the website is correctly reachable at HTTPS url.
When I visit any page of my website, the URL shown in the navigator address bar is correct... example:
That's fine.
However, Google Analytics is registering those visits as webpages with another URL. Google analytics shows another url where the visit was done, and that url is in this example: /wp-content/cache/page_enhanced/
How can I resolve that problem? Where is the issue?
Things I've done:
1) 301 redirect from all old http url to all new https url.
2) Google Analytics property was configured, the url of the website was changed to HTTPS.
Thanks all for reading and hope to find a solution for this problem.
This depends on how you included Analytics.
1) If the WordPress framework send the 'click' to Analytics in the back-end code, then there might be a problem with sending the wrong 'url' that is visited. (Have a look at PHP's $_SERVER variables; probably the SCRIPT_FILENAME is sent instead of REQUEST_URI.)
2) If you manually insterted the embed code from Analytics in your template, the url detection is all done based on the url in the browser, so you would never see your own filepath info there, unless it's being sent.

Referral URL Window Application

I have a situation where my web application is opened from a CRM (win-based application).
Can I get the name of the application through a request variable? In a web application, the referral url works. Is there something which I can explore?
There's no way your web server is going to know which application opened the browser ... unless ... you give the application a different URL than normal traffic. (Same method advertising campaigns use to tell who has been clicking on their ads.) Have the desktop application use a URL with an added query parameter:
If this is impossible for you because you can't change the desktop app, then the only other (imperfect) thing I can think of is to assume that people with no referral URL are coming from the application. The problem with this of course is that you will mistakenly identify visitors with no referral URL who still did not come from the desktop app, such as people who typed your website's URL into their address bar, or who clicked on a bookmarked link.
