Trading off between User Bandwidth and Download Interval - tcp

I am designing a non commercial open source client app which needs to download data of exactly 100 KB from server on regular interval and show an alert in client app based on the data changes. Now I need to trade off between the user bandwidth and download interval.
If I set the interval = 1 hour. That means within 1 month app will download 30*24*100KB = 72MB.
If I set the interval = 30 mins. That means within 1 month app will download 30*48*100KB = 144MB.
And so on.
Now, I am considering only the file size where in practice there will be some portion of bandwidth used for control flow apart from data flow. For downloading file of exactly 100 KB from server, how much overhead bandwidth of control flow should I consider in my analysis for TCP communication? Is there any guideline/reference or research on that topic?
Assume, if 10KB is used for control flow, total monthly usage will include 14.4MB extra data which needed to be identified in my analysis.
Note: (1) I am limited to analyse only the client app part. (2) No changes in server side can be done at that moment (i.e. pull based to push based, partial data change api etc. cannot be applied). (3) I am limited to download the file using TCP. (4) Although, that much granularity is not often be considered in practice, let's assume, for my case the analysis required to be that much granular that I need to know the data vs control bandwidth ratio.

If you are asking only for the TCP/IP part, the payload/PDU ratio is 1460/1500 for IPv4 and 1440/1500 for IPv6, assuming an MTU of 1500 bytes (sources: this already mentioned discussion, this other discussion, this other article).
I also found this really nice page that allows you to see all the header sizes for an arbitrary protocol stack and this academic paper.
However besides the protocol headers, there are more effects that reduce the bandwidth:
TCP will send additional messages, e.g. for performing a handshake when establishing the connection,
Retransmission of data may occur,
Actual frame sizes are negotiated on the lower communication layers, so TCP segments might be smaller than assumed.
In summary, this is not easy to answer precisely, because there are influences in the transmission process that are beyond your control.
Have you considered to measure the actual amount of data needed for transmitting one (or more) 100KB chunk(s) of payload rather than performing a theoretical analysis?


Making Carbon in Graphite accept all data, no matter what

The Carbon listener in Graphite has been designed and tuned to make it somewhat predictable in its load on your server, to avoid flooding the server itself with IO wait or skyrocketing the system load overall. It will drop incoming data if necessary, putting server load as the priority. After all, for the typical data being stored, it's no big deal.
I appreciate all that. However, I am trying to prime a large backlog of data into graphite, from a different source, instead of pumping in live data as it happens. I have a reliable data source from a third party that comes to me in bulk, once/day.
So in this case, I don't want any data values dropped on the floor. I don't really care how long the data import takes. I just want to disable all the safety mechanisms, let carbon do its thing, and know ALL my data has made it in.
I'm searching the docs and finding all kinds of advice on tuning the parameters of carbon_cache in carbon.conf, but I can't find this. It is starting to sound more like art than science. Any help appreciated.
First thing of course is to receive data through tcp listener (line receiver) instead of udp to avoid loosing incoming points.
There are several settings in graphite that throttle part of the pipeline, though it is not always clear of what graphite does when threshold are reached. You'll have to test and/or read the carbon code.
You'll probably want to tune:
MAX_UPDATES_PER_SECOND = 500 (max number of disk updates in a second)
MAX_CREATES_PER_MINUTE = 50 (max number of metric creation per minute)
For the cache, USE_FLOW_CONTROL = True and MAX_CACHE_SIZE = inf (inf is a good value so revert to this if you changed it)
If you use a relay and/or aggregator, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 10000 and USE_FLOW_CONTROL = True are important.
I set this property to "inf":
and make sure that this is infinite too:
During the bulk load, I monitor /opt/graphite/storage/log/carbon-cache/carbon-cache-a/creates.log to make sure that the whisper DBs are being created.
To make sure, you can run the load a second time and there should be no further creations.

Predicting/calculating congestion in telecom network

I have an application installed at my phone which is providing below details every minute: - Bandwidth , -Packet loss ,-signal strength,- RTT for every minute.
I am trying to predict congestion based on these 4 attribute , but some how it doesn't look accurate to me , previously i have only used bandwidth .
I want predict congestion at any point more appropriately , appreciate any recommendations .
I think you are saying you are trying to measure network 'responsiveness', and from these measurements get a sense of how congested the network is. You also mention you want to predict which I guess means you want to make an estimate of the future 'responsiveness' based on your measurements and observations.
The items you are measuring look sensible, although you may want to include jitter if you are interested in VoIP or other real time streamed media.
The issue you have is that there are many variables which can effect your measurements, for example:
congestion in the radio cell you are in at the time
congestion in the backhaul network
delays in the server you are using to measure the RTT
congestion or faults with the particular APN your mobile is using to access data services
network faults
As some of these can be irregularly occurring but can have a large impact, it is quite hard to build up an accurate view of the overall network 'responsiveness' with a single handset. For example your local cell may be busy or have a problem but others users of in other cells will have perfectly good response, or may be busy or delayed and other users in your cell accessing a different server may again have perfectly good response.
It would likely be useful for you to look at some of the generally available web speedtest applications to see the type of information they provide - they have the advantage of being able to gather results from many thousands of users, and also generally have access to the servers to understand any issues on that side.
Depending on what you are trying to achieve it might be that a combination of measurements from one of the general speedtest services, combined with your own measurements will give you enough data to draw some sort of meaningful conclusions.

Compensating for jitter

I have a voice-chat service which is experiencing variations in the delay between packets. I was wondering what the proper response to this is, and how to compensate for it?
For example, should I adjust my audio buffers in some way?
You don't say if this is an application you are developing yourself or one which you are simply using - you will obviously have more control over the former so that may be important.
Either way, it may be that your network is simply not good enough to support VoIP, in which case you really need to concentrate on improving the network or using a different one.
VoIP typically requires an end to end delay of less than 200ms (milli seconds) before the users perceive an issue.
Jitter is also important - in simple terms it is the variance in end to end packet delay. For example the delay between packet 1 and packet 2 may be 20ms but the delay between packet 2 and packet 3 may be 30 ms. Having a jitter buffer of 40ms would mean your application would wait up to 40ms between packets so would not 'lose' any of these packets.
Any packet not received within the jitter buffer window is usually ignored and hence there is a relationship between jitter and the effective packet loss value for your connection. Packet loss typically impacts users perception of voip quality also - different codes have different tolerance - a common target might be that it should be lower than 1%-5%. Packet loss concealment techniques can help if it just an intermittent problem.
Jitter buffers will either be static or dynamic (adaptive) - in either case, the bigger they get the greater the chance they will introduce delay into the call and you get back to the delay issue above. A typical jitter buffer might be between 20 and 50ms, either set statically or adapting automatically based on network conditions.
Good references for further information are:
It is also worth trying some of the common internet connection online speed tests available as many will have specific VoIP test that will give you an idea if your local connection is good enough for VoIP (although bear in mind that these tests only indicate the conditions at the exact time you are running your test).

defining the time it takes to do something (latency, throughput, bandwidth)

I understand latency - the time it takes for a message to go from sender to recipient - and bandwidth - the maximum amount of data that can be transferred over a given time - but I am struggling to find the right term to describe a related thing:
If a protocol is conversation-based - the payload is split up over many to-and-fros between the ends - then latency affects 'throughput'1.
1 What is this called, and is there a nice concise explanation of this?
Surfing the web, trying to optimize the performance of my nas (nas4free) I came across a page that described the answer to this question (imho). Specifically this section caught my eye:
"In data transmission, TCP sends a certain amount of data then pauses. To ensure proper delivery of data, it doesn’t send more until it receives an acknowledgement from the remote host that all data was received. This is called the “TCP Window.” Data travels at the speed of light, and typically, most hosts are fairly close together. This “windowing” happens so fast we don’t even notice it. But as the distance between two hosts increases, the speed of light remains constant. Thus, the further away the two hosts, the longer it takes for the sender to receive the acknowledgement from the remote host, reducing overall throughput. This effect is called “Bandwidth Delay Product,” or BDP."
This sounds like the answer to your question.
BDP as wikipedia describes it
To conclude, it's called Bandwidth Delay Product (BDP) and the shortest explanation I've found is the one above. (Flexo has noted this in his comment too.)
Could goodput be the term you are looking for?
According to wikipedia:
In computer networks, goodput is the application level throughput, i.e. the number of useful bits per unit of time forwarded by the network from a certain source address to a certain destination, excluding protocol overhead, and excluding retransmitted data packets.
Wikipedia Goodput link
The problem you describe arises in communications which are synchronous in nature. If there was no need to acknowledge receipt of information and it was certain to arrive then the sender could send as fast as possible and the throughput would be good regardless of the latency.
When there is a requirement for things to be acknowledged then it is this synchronisation that cause this drop in throughput and the degree to which the communication (i.e. sending of acknowledgments) is allowed to be asynchronous or not controls how much it hurts the throughput.
'Round-trip time' links latency and number of turns.
Or: Network latency is a function of two things:
(i) round-trip time (the time it takes to complete a trip across the network); and
(ii) the number of times the application has to traverse it (aka turns).

Why I cannot get equal upload and download speed on symmetrical channel?

I'm assigned to a project where my code is supposed to perform uploads and downloads of some files on the same FTP or HTTP server simultaneously. The speed is measured and some conclusions are being made out of this.
Now, the problem is that on high-speed connections we're getting pretty much expected results in terms of throughput, but on slow connections (think ideal CDMA 1xRTT link) either download or upload wins at the expense of the opposite direction. I have a "higher body" who's convinced that CDMA 1xRTT connection is symmetric and thus we should be able to perform data transfer with equivalent speeds (~100 kbps in each direction) on this link.
My measurements show that without heavy tweaking the code in terms of buffer sizes and data link throttling it's not possible to have same speeds in forementioned conditions. I tried both my multithreaded code and also created a simple batch file that automates Windows' ftp.exe to perform data transfer -- same result.
So, the question is: is it really possible to perform data transfer on a slow symmetrical link with equivalent speeds? Is a "higher body" right in their expectations? If yes, do you have any suggestions on what should I do with my code in order to achieve such throughput?
I completely re-wrote the question, so it would be obvious it belongs to this site.
CDMA 1x consists of up to 15 channels of 9.6kbps traffic. This results in a total throughput of 144kbps.
Two channels are used for command and control signals (talking to base stations, associating/disassociating, SMS traffic, ring signals, etc).
That leaves you with up to 124.8kbps.
--> Each channel is one way. <--
They are dynamically switched and allocated depending on the need.
Generally you'll get more download than upload because that's the typical cell phone modem usage. But you'll never get more than 120kbps total aggregate bandwidth.
In practise, due to overhead of 1xRTT encoding, error correction, resends, etc, you'll typically experience between 60kbps and 90kbps even if you have all the channels possible.
This means that you can probably only get 30kbps-60kbps of upload and download simultaneously.
Further, due to switching the channels dynamically (and the fact that the base station controls this more than your modem - they need to manage base station channels carefully to keep channels free for voice calls) you'll lose time when it switches channels - it's not an instantaneous process.
So - 1xRTT can, in theory, give you 124kbps one way, but due to overhead, switching times, base station capacity, or the phone company simply limiting such connections for other reasons, you can't depend on a symmetrical link.
This will vary to some degree based on the provider and the modem. For instance, some modems have 16 channels, and some providers support 16 channels. In some cases those modems and providers work well together and can provide a full 144kbps aggregate raw bandwidth to the application, with only one dedicated channel (which has to work pretty hard) to deal with control, switching, and other issues. Even then, though, with the overhead of the modem communications, then the overhead of PPP, then the overhead of IP, then the overhead of TCP, you're still looking at maybe 100-120kbps total bandwidth, both up and down.
Lastly, no provider yet supports transparent transfer of IP traffic. In other words if you're modem is moving, the modem will switch to a new base station, but you'll completely drop the PPP session and have to restart it, as well as all the TCP sessions and such. You typically won't get the same IP address, and so your TCP sessions will not recover gracefully.
The "fun" aspect to this twist is that this can happen even if you aren't moving. If one base station gets loaded down, you may be transferred to another base station if you are close enough - there are other things that may make your modem transfer even without you moving. So make sure you take this into account, since you seem to be keen on maintaining a full duplex, symmetric channel open. It's tough to write stuff that will recover gracefully, nevermind anticipate it and do it quickly. You would do well to work very closely with a modem manufacturer (such as Kyocera) on this - otherwise you won't get the documentation on how to control the modem chipset at the low level that you need.
I think the whole drama with high equal speeds on both directions is because my higher body thinks that they have 144 kbps on uplink AND 144 kbps on DOWNLINK (== TWO pipes). Whereas in reality we have 144 kbps of ONE pipe which is switching directions when I transfer files.
Comment me if I right or wrong, please.
