I want to be able to create a test case in robot framework where i can open maps and locate the marker,
locate pick up and drop locations, vehicle moving and waypoints etc.
Is there any library in robot framework which will allow me to do so?
We create Automation project with Robot Framework in both RIDE and Eclipse (with RED) editor. SO is it possible to import automation project created in Ride to RED and vice versa?
Both are editors. In that sense they will load your Robot Framework scripts (.robot/.resource/.py) in the same way. So in this context the answer will be yes.
When you look at the editor functionality then RIDE and RED have different project files that contain editor specific settings. For example the Run definition for RED is different from RIDE. When looking at the editor project context, the answer is No.
So, in short. Robot Framework functionality is supported, editor specific functionality (predictably) not.
I have created a Xamarin.Forms solution and I want to add another layer to access the API. So I added another PCL Project to the same solution and tried to add a reference to this new project from the PCL Project that comes by default in Xamarin.Forms. But it does not allow me to add a reference and gives me this error. Can you tell me why this is happening, how to get over it or how to add a PCL reference correctly?
You probably want to read up on what a PCL exactly is.
In short: a PCL has a specific profile, which is specified by the platforms you are targeting. If you go into the properties of your PCL project, you can check each platform that you want to target. With each extra target that you check, the profile changes. The profile defines what subset of the .NET framework is available to you.
For instance, the other day there was a question about the String.Copy method. If this method is supported by .NET framework 4.5, but not Xamarin.iOS and you target these two, the method is not available to you. Only the parts of the .NET framework are available that are in the intersection of all platforms that you target. So each target that you target should support the methods that you can use.
That being said; this is also the reason why referencing another PCL should have the same platforms targeted.
I'm new to ROBOT framework and must create library keyword using java and utilize the JAR files in RIDE editor. I have followed the below steps. But still have confusions in where to start up. Please help me to achieve this.
1) Installed Python, wxPython, pybot, RIDE, selenium2library successfully and I'm able to work with RIDE using predefined keywords.
2) For creating own java library, Installed Eclipse Mars, Java, ROBOT IDE manually using the link https://github.com/NitorCreations/RobotFramework-EclipseIDE/wiki/Installation
The question here is,
Anything i'm missing to install?
How to proceed further with Robot Framework coding?
Note: I'm reading many materials in parts to proceed things. But that is confusing me what are the steps to be followed. Is there any single material that i can get having the sequences of steps that need to be followed for my requirements?
The below links I referred with,
Maven error "Failure to transfer..."
Create a Maven project in Eclipse complains "Could not resolve archetype"
Let's start with the basics. RIDE is an editor for Robot Script files. Robot Script files are executed by the Robot Framework robot application. It is important to understand the difference between these two applications. One creates files and the other uses them.
Assuming for a moment here that you have some custom functionality in a Jar file that you would like to make available inside the Robot Script files test cases. If this is indeed the case then your focus should be on create Robot Test Libraries. In the documentation there are numerous java examples given for basing your own library on.
This means that you do not need Maven, unless you want to, to create your library. Also Eclipse IDE is not needed nor is RIDE. The library you create can be used by Robot Framework even when it's run from the command line. Feel free to use them for what they are good at: writing Robot Scripts efficiently and running Robot through menu options instead of command line windows.
When you are familiar with Eclipse and comfortable with it's features, then I can also recommend using the Eclipse Application RED which is a mature Eclipse add on for creating, running and debugging Robot scripts.
There are two ways of implementing a Java routine in Robot Framework and it depends a bit on how you run Robot Framework: Python or Jython. Running Python means that you need to run the Java in a separate JVM container and connect to it. The simplest way is via Command Line interaction. This may cause some security concerns. The second approach is to use the Remote Library approach. A good example of this is the Robot Framework Sikuli Library. An added bonus is that you can run Robot and your Java application on two separate machines/servers.
The Jython way has been discussed on StackOverflow before and I gladly refer to it. Please bear in mind that although the examples refer to RIDE, the Library org.company.Keywordlibrary works in all IDE's, provided robot framework is run using Jython.
In the Jython documentation it clearly explains how to setup an Eclipse based IDE with Jython. Do keep in mind that it's recommended to use the same interpreter in development and production. I.e. if you create your scripts in Jython, do run them in 'production' also using Jython. Otherwise you open yourself up to interpreter differences where functionality does not work or behaves differently then expected.
An alternative approach with Jython is the all-in-one Robot Framework Maven JAR plugin. Adding a custom Java Library in this setup is not too difficult. A nice short tutorial can be found on the blog of Valerio Bruno. If this is your preferred route for development, then you may want to read the RED howto on integrating the Robot Framework Maven jar.
Working on your custom functionality is likely going to be a independent project in Eclipse, but can be linked to an Robot project via the Class Path settings in red.xml if you use RED or the CLASS_PATH environment variable.
Done! I have installed RED and required add on using following below steps. It worked successfully with predefined keywords. Now I'm gonna create user defined keywords/libraries using the same editor. I don't know where to start up. Will it work creating just a java project? Should I need to include any additional libraries?
Steps followed to proceed with RED:
1. RED Version Conclusion: https://github.com/nokia/RED/blob/master/release.md
2. RED Installation Instructions: https://github.com/nokia/RED/blob/master/installation.md
3. ROBOT Framework prerequisites using RED: https://github.com/nokia/RED/blob/master/red_help/first_steps/download_install.html.md
4. To verify Installations in Eclipse: Help -> Installation Details to check if RED is visible on installed features list
5. Create Project and Tests using RED in Eclipse: https://github.com/nokia/RED/blob/master/red_help/first_steps/create_run.html.md
6. RED Steps: https://github.com/nokia/RED/blob/master/First_steps.md
7. Quick STart: https://github.com/nokia/RED/blob/master/red_help/user_guide/quick_start.html.md
How to handle Flex grid with selenium web driver?
Right now I am using sikuli api (image processing) but it is not a good solution. if you have solution for it please give step wise answer which you have tested.
In order to be able to automate a flex application you need to add instrumentation features to your compiled SWF. This can usually be done using a loader application, that applies the instrumentation, or you compile this in to the application you are intending to automate. The webdriver then communicates with these automation-stubs and is able to take full control of the application.
Here is a description of the general Automation concepts:
This article should explain the actual steps needed for Selenium2 with Webdriver:
Handling flex grid in selenium is not a simple task, After some research, this task has been done successfully , Although selenium is providing SeleniumFlexAPI API by which you can perform actions in flex grid.
These are the steps which we need to follow:
you have to download selenium flex API .
you will get a SeleniumFlexAPI.swc file here.
a. you need to put this file in your flex application (In the repository or in your project libs folder).
b. you need to add lib path in flex compiler like this and compile the code
-include-libraries "libs\SeleniumFlexAPI.swc"
Source with Example
I created my own framework, which itself depends on the RestKit framework.
I created an App which uses my framework, and I added to the app the RestKit framework as described by their tutorial.
I use the latest version 0.20.2 and if I build it in Xcode (either simulator or to the device) all works fine.
As soon as I want to create an archive it can't find the <RestKit/RestKit.h> header anymore.
How do I need to adapt the Header Search Paths so it will find the RestKit even when building for an archive? (at the moment my framework only contains "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/../../Headers")
I already tried This solutions but unfortunately without any success.
For your release configuration, specify a recursive search path of: