Cordova ios-The default Firebase app has not yet been configured - firebase

I'm using cordova plugin to integrate firebase sign in in my cordova ios application. So I searched google and found GoogleService-Info.plist is missing in platfor/ios/app/Resources folder. I have downloaded the file in the same folder and also copied the file in xcode still the application is throwing [Firebase/Core][I-COR000003] The default Firebase app has not yet been configured. Add[FIRApp configure];(FirebaseApp.configure()in Swift) to your application initialization Can some one help me to solve this? Thank you.

The file GoogleService-Info.plist should not be created manually. Instead, you download this file from Firebase Console, after you can a project and an ios app inside this project. Do not forget to place the file with the root of your Cordova app


Firebase - upload additional files to already deployed app

I have already deployed an app in firebase. Now I have to upload additional files to my app. How can I add additional files to already deployed app?
Well, that's quiet simple!
Add all the files that you want to upload to your app in the directory that you have fixed for firebase. Eg: public
Then in command prompt, type firebase deploy --only hosting.
Now your app is ready with additional file!!

NativeScript firebase plugin

I'm developing a mobile app using nativeScript.
When i'm trying to use nativeScript firebase plugin, nativeScript sidekick app gives the following error:
Plugin nativescript-plugin-firebase is not included in preview app on device 7D3433B1-7016-41A1-AAF7-66B7B163BB17 and will not work.
I tried to run it on preview app,
can anyone help with this.?
As the error log confirms, Preview app only works with limited set of plugins. Plugins those do not require native dependencies to be more precise. Hence Firebase plugin can't be used with Preview app, you will actually have to build the project in your local machine if you want to try this plugin.

Can't init firebase on iOS in Unity without having an Android project

I've tried initializing Firebase on Unity for iOS app only, and I'm getting this error while running:
Unable to load options for default app ([/Users/yaniv/Downloads/21312111222/New Unity Project333/Assets/StreamingAssets/google-services-desktop.json, /Users/yaniv/Downloads/21312111222/New Unity Project333/Assets/StreamingAssets/google-services.json] are missing or malformed)
I know that for cross-platform apps, I usually download the google-services.json from the Firebase project settings, but in this case, I have no Android apps under this project (it's an iOS app only).
How can I prevent Firebase from request it?

How to download google-services.json file from firebase for Ionic?

I am developing an Ionic application with firebase. I have to fetch the remote config value from firebase. I don't have any idea how to download the google-services.json file. I cant find any tutorial for Ionic for fetching remote config value. If anybody has idea please help me.

How do I deploy the polymerfire demo to firebase?

I want to try the demo for polymerfire in firebase. To get it run locally I followed these steps. But what exact steps do I need to do to get it to run in firebase?
I figured firebase init and firebase deploy should be run but the browser only displays errors in the console. Must the polymer project be build in a certain way and what should the firebase "public" folder be?
All files from public folder will be deployed to your Firebase static web hosting, so you can access them though your Firebase hosting address like This allows you to upload your web app.
You build your polymer app (I guess you need to run polymer build). You drag all files generated as production build to your public folder. Next, you run firebase deploy and after deployment process your app will be accessible from your hosting address as I mentioned above.
Edit: Polymerfire demo is actually not that simple to export, but I found a really nice tutorial step-by-step from Google Codelabs here is a link Build a Progressive Web App with Firebase, Polymerfire and Polymer Components
I just installed a new version of the polymer cli and Firebase cli. When I do a Polymer build, no build/bundled or build/unbundled is created.
I do get a build/default, which I can run with a firebase serve and a firebase deploy. So something has changed recently. just fyi
