What port does DynamoDB use - amazon-dynamodb

What port do communications to AWS DynamoDB use? Is it HTTPS on port 443?
The only references I can find are to do with the stand-alone DynamoDB that AWS provides (not the cloud version) which looks like it is HTTP over port 8000.

All AWS APIs use the standard HTTPS port 443.


How to configure the grpc client's source ip address and/or port?

We are working on a grpc project and we are trying to identify a way to configure the IP that grpc client is using to connect to grpc server.
Our implementation in on c++ and we are using grpc v1.30. So far, we have observed that the default external interface is used and a random port is selected. Is it possible to configure the IP address and port of grpc client?
We are creating the grpc channel like this:
// target with grpc server's ip and port is of format ""
shared_ptr\<Channel\> channel = grpc::CreateChannel(target, grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials());
Thank you very much for your time!
gRPC C++ doesn't have a way to configure the IP address and port of the client.

What is the default tcp port jfrog.exe uses to talk to Artifactory?

Our Artifactory is on a different subnet from Jenkins and Octopus. I need to have firewall rules established for this. We use jfrog.exe to push and retrieve the artifacts as it is much faster than the REST API. What is the default port jfrog.exe uses?
Opening ports 80, 443 and 8080 didn't do the trick.
It uses what you have configured it to use.
See here: https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/CLI/CLI+for+JFrog+Artifactory#CLIforJFrogArtifactory-Configuration
If you are configuring it without a port it will use the protocol default, http : 80, https: 443.
By default Artifactory is running port 8081.
Also, if you are using RSA key to authenticate, you might need to open ssh port to Artifactory (This is not very common)
See here:
In general, you should open the port your users are using to access Artifactory.

Pivotal cloud foundry - Application listening on TCP port

I am trying to run an test app on pivotal cloud foundry, that listens on TCP port 2222. I was able to create a TCP route however i was not able to reach this server from a client outside, any ideas? on the same vm i am able to connect.
You need to talk to your platform operator. In addition to mapping a TCP route to your app, you need to have load balancers configured to route TCP traffic into the platform.
Please check with your platform operator to see if the following steps have been performed.

How actually server ports work

Imagine we have a hosting containing:
a search engine running on port 5678 (it's required this port it's open in order to work).
nginx running on port 80.
When a user connects to our website and search something on it, he is only connecting through port 80, but never through 5678. We can check this running "netstat -an".
So my question is: If the client it's never connecting directly with the search engine's port, why we need to keep it open?
Normally client requests are coming to your web server (port 80 or 443), and your web server (your php,or your java code) has a logic to connect to your search engine and send back the result to the client via port 80/443 (local socket connection, if web server and search server running on the same server). so clients need not to connect directly to your search engine port (5678). (from external networks). may be your web server internal interface and search engines internal interface connect locally via local s socket connection.
I'm not sure how you run your web server and search engine, is it two different servers or nginx act as a load balancer and send the client request to your multiple search servers. i think your search engine port use internally to communicate with your web server hosted software. or may be you run both nginx and search server on the same server.
other guess is your firewall or router forwarding port 80 request to your search server port 5678 (port forwarding).
try this on your search server
netstat -pant
this will give your all connection details, like local address,foreign address,state, and PID/Program name
Hope that helps
You can connect to a webserver using a different port. Port 80 is the default for web servers. (port 443 for secure, https, connections) so it's not normally specified since it's 'understood'
But you can, actually, specify a different port to connect to. In your example, a user would specify which port they want to connect to in the URL
The same reason why some services live on other ports, like 22, 3000, 3306, 8080, 9000, you might not access those ports directly but maybe some other apps/services/protocols connect to it internally, or could even be not on the same server, like if you have separate app/db/mail servers, they would contact each others by ports.

Using same port for two types of traffic

So we have a node MQTT broker and a general node server. We want to host them both on the same service as a single instance. The default port for the MQTT protocol is 1883. However, our hosting solution (nodejitsu) only allows external access through port 80. We will also be running standard http traffic through port 80.
If we decided to stick with this nodejitsu and run both the MQTT broker and our regular server off port 80, are there any points of concern? Or are there any benefits to running switching to a solution that allows other ports?
