R dplyr - running total with row-wise calculations - r

I have a dataframe that keeps track of the activities associated with a bank account (example below).
The initial balance is $5,000 (type "initial). If type is "in", that means a cash deposit. In this example each deposit is $1,000. If type is "out", that means a withdrawal from the account. In this example each withdrawal is 10% of the account balance.
data <- tibble(
Is there a dplyr solution to keep track of the balance after each activity?? I have tried several ways but I can't seem to find a way to efficiently calculate running totals and the withdrawal amount (which depends on the running total).
For this example the output should be:
result <- tibble(
Thanks in advance for any suggestions or recommendations!

You can use purrr::accumulate2() to condition the calculation on the value of type:
data %>%
mutate(balance = accumulate2(input, type[-1], .f = function(x, y, type) if(type == "out") x - x * y/100 else x + y)) %>%
# A tibble: 6 x 4
activity type input balance
<int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 initial 5000 5000
2 2 in 1000 6000
3 3 out 10 5400
4 4 out 10 4860
5 5 in 1000 5860
6 6 in 1000 6860


Function for writing an automated report in R

So I am trying to write an automated report in R with Functions. One of the questions I am trying to answer is this " During the first week of the month, what were the 10 most viewed products? Show the results in a table with the product's identifier, category, and count of the number of views.". To to this I wrote the following function
most_viewed_products_per_week <- function (month,first_seven_days, views){
month <- views....February.2020.2
first_seven_days <- function( month, date_1, date_2){
date_1 <-2020-02-01
date_2 <- 2020-02-07
return (first_seven_days)}
views <-function(views, desc){
return (views.head(10))}
However the output I get is this:
function (month,first_seven_days, views){
month <- views....February.2020.2
first_seven_days <- function( month, date_1, date_2){
date_1 <-2020-02-01
date_2 <- 2020-02-07
return (first_seven_days)}
views <-function(views, desc){
return (views.head(10))}
How do I fix that?
This report has more questions like this, so I am trying to get my function writing as correct as possible from the start.
Thanks in advance,
It is a good practice to code in functions. Still I recommend you get your code doing what you want and then think about what parts you want to wrap in a function (for future re-use). This is to get you going.
In general: to support your analysis, make sure that your data is in the right class. I.e. dates are formatted as dates, numbers as double or integers, etc. This will give you access to many helper functions and packages.
For the case at hand, read up on {tidyverse}, in particular {dplyr} which can help you with coding pipes.
simulate data
As mentioned - you will find many friends on Stackoverflow, if you provide a reproducible example.
Your questions suggests your data look a bit like the following simulated data.
Adapt as appropriate (or provide example)
library(tibble) # tibble are modern data frames
library(dplyr) # for crunching tibbles/data frames
library(lubridate) # tidyverse package for date (and time) handling
df <- tribble( # create row-tibble
~date, ~identifier, ~category, ~views
,"2020-02-01", 1, "TV", 27
,"2020-02-02", 2, "PC", 40
,"2020-02-03", 1, "TV", 12
,"2020-02-03", 2, "PC", 2
,"2020-02-08", 3, "UV", 200
) %>%
mutate(date = ymd(date)) # date is read in a character - lubridate::ymd() for date
This yields
> df
# A tibble: 5 x 4
date identifier category views
<date> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 2020-02-01 1 TV 27
2 2020-02-02 2 PC 40
3 2020-02-03 1 TV 12
4 2020-02-03 2 PC 2
5 2020-02-08 3 UV 200
Notice: date-column is in date-format.
work your algorithm
From your attempt it follows you want to extract the first 7 days.
Since we have a "date"-column, we can use a date-function to help us here.
{lubridate}'s day() extracts the "day-number".
> df %>% filter(day(date) <= 7)
# A tibble: 4 x 4
date identifier category views
<date> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 2020-02-01 1 TV 27
2 2020-02-02 2 PC 40
3 2020-02-03 1 TV 12
4 2020-02-03 2 PC 2
Anything outside the first 7 days is gone.
Next you want to summarise to get your product views total.
df %>%
## ---------- c.f. above ------------
filter(day(date) <= 7) %>%
## ---------- summarise in bins that you need := groups -------
group_by(identifier, category) %>%
summarise(total_views = sum(views)
, .groups = "drop" ) # if grouping is not needed "drop" it
This gives you:
# A tibble: 2 x 3
identifier category total_views
<dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 1 TV 39
2 2 PC 42
Now pick the top-10 and sort the order:
df %>%
## ---------- c.f. above ------------
filter(day(date) <= 7) %>%
group_by(identifier, category) %>%
summarise(total_views = sum(views), .groups = "drop" ) %>%
## ---------- make use of another helper function of dplyr
top_n(n = 10, total_views) %>% # note top-10 makes here no "real" sense :), try top_n(1, total_views)
arrange(desc(total_views)) # arrange in descending order on total_views
wrap in function
Now that the workflow is in place, think about breaking your code into the blocks you think are useful.
I leave this to you. You can assign interim results to new data frames and wrap the preparation of the data into a function and then the top_n() %>% arrange() in another function, ...
This yields:
# A tibble: 2 x 3
identifier category total_views
<dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 2 PC 42
2 1 TV 39

Obtaining Percentage for Date Observations

I am very new to R and am struggling with this concept. I have a data frame that looks like this:
enter image description here
I have used summary(FoodFacilityInspections$DateRecent) to get the observations for each "date" listed. I have 3932 observations, though, and wanted to get a summary of:
Dates with the most observations and the percentage for that
Percentage of observations for the Date Recent category
I have tried:
> count(FoodFacilityInspections$DateRecent) Error in UseMethod("count")
> : no applicable method for 'count' applied to an object of class
> "factor"
Using built in data as you did not provide example data
dtcars <- data.table(mtcars, keep.rownames = TRUE)
dtcars[, .("count"=.N, "percent"=.N/dtcars[, .N]*100),
You can use the table function to find out which date occurs the most. Then you can loop through each item in the table (date in your case) and divide it by the total number of rows like this (also using the mtcars dataset):
percent <- c()
for (i in 1:length(table(mtcars$cyl))){
percent[i] <- table(mtcars$cyl)[i]/nrow(mtcars) * 100
output <- cbind(table(mtcars$cyl), percent)
4 11 34.375
6 7 21.875
8 14 43.750
A one-liner using table and proportions in within.
within(as.data.frame.table(with(mtcars, table(cyl))), Pc <- proportions(Freq)*100)
# cyl Freq Pc
# 1 4 11 34.375
# 2 6 7 21.875
# 3 8 14 43.750
An updated solution with total, percent and cumulative percent table based on your data.
"DateRecent"=c("7/23/2021", "7/8/2021","5/25/2021","5/19/2021","5/20/2021","5/13/2021","5/17/2021","5/18/2021","5/18/2021"),
"Facility_Type_Description"=c("Retail Food Stores", "Retail Food Stores","Food Service Establishment","Food Service Establishment","Food Service Establishment","Food Service Establishment","Food Service Establishment","Food Service Establishment","Food Service Establishment"),
"Opening_Date"=c("6/27/1988","6/29/1988","10/20/2009","2/28/1989","10/20/2009","10/20/2009","10/20/2009","10/20/2009", "10/20/2009"))
tab <- function(dataset, var){
dataset %>%
group_by({{var}}) %>%
summarise(n=n()) %>%
mutate(total = cumsum(n),
percent = n / sum(n) * 100,
cumulativepercent = cumsum(n / sum(n) * 100))
tab(data, Facility_Type_Description)
Facility_Type_Description n total percent cumulativepercent
<chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Food Service Establishment 7 7 77.8 77.8
2 Retail Food Stores 2 9 22.2 100

Calling specific cells in the same column (using dplyr?)

I have a dataframe with character and numeric data. I would like to use dplyr to create a summary grouped by time points and trials generating the following:
standard deviations
ratio between time points
(etc etc)
I feel like all of this could be done in the dplyr pipe, but I am struggling to make a ratio of averages between time points within trials.
I fully admit that I may be carrying around a hammer looking for nails, so please feel free to recommend solutions that utilize other packages or functions, but ideally I'd like simple/straight forward code for ease of use by multiple collaborators.
# creating an example DF
num <- runif(100, 50, 3200)
smpl <- 1:100
df <- data.frame( num, smpl)
df$time <- "time1"
df$time[seq(2,100,2)] <- "time2"
df$trial <- "a"
df$trial[26:50] <- "b"
df$trial[51:75] <- "c"
df$trial[75:100] <- "d"
# using the magic of pipelines to calculate useful things
df1 <- df %>%
group_by(time, trial) %>%
summarise(avg = mean(num),
var = var(num),
stdev = sd(num))
I'd love to get [the ratio time2/time1 of the avg for each trial] included in this block above, but I don't know how to call "avg" specifically by "time1" vs "time2" within the pipe.
From here on, nothing does quite what I'm hoping for...
df1 <- df1[with(df1,order(trial,time)),]
# this better ressembles my actual DF structure,
# so reordering it will make some of my next attempts to solve this make more sense
I tried to use the fact that 'every other line' is different (this is not ideal because each df will have a different number of rows, so I will either introduce NAs or it will require constantly change these #'s (or writing a function to constantly change them))
tm2 <- data.frame(x=df1$avg[seq(2,4,2)])
tm1 <- data.frame(x=df1$avg[seq(1,3,2)])
so minimally, this is the ratio I'd like included in the df, but tied to the avg & trial columns:
It doesn't matter to me 'which' time row this ratio ends up in, so long as it is consistent across all the trials (so if a column of ratios has "blank" for every "time1" and "value" for every "time2", that's fine).
# I added in a separate column to allow 'match' later
tm1$time <- "time1"
tm2$time <- "time1" # to keep them all 'in row'
df1$avg_tm1 <- tm1$x[match(df1$time, tm1$time)]
df1$avg_tm2 <- tm2$x[match(df1$time, tm2$time)]
but this fails to match by 'trial' also, since that info is lost in this new tm1 df ; this really makes me think it should all be done in dplry the first time...
Then I tried to create a new column in the tm1 df with the ratio
tm2$ratio <-tm2$x/tm1$x
and add in the ratio values only if the avg matches
df1$ratio <- tm2$ratio[match(tm2$x, df1$avg)]
This might work, but when I extract the avg values, it rounds, so the numbers do not match exactly. I'm also cautious about this because if I process ridiculous amounts of data, there's a higher and higher chance that two random averages will be similar enough to misplace these ratios.
I tried several other things that completely failed, so let's pretend that something worked and entered the ratio into the df1 as separate columns
Then any further calculations or annotations are straight forward:
df2 <- df1 %>%
mutate(ratio = avg_tm2/avg_tm1,
lost = 1- ratio,
word = paste0(round(lost*100),"%"))
But I am still stuck on 'how' to call specific cells inside the pipe or which other tools/packages to use to calculate deltas or ratios between cells in the same column.
Thanks in advance
We could group by 'trial' and mutate to create the 'ratio' column
df1 %>%
group_by(trial) %>%
mutate(ratio = last(avg)/first(avg))
# A tibble: 8 x 6
# Groups: trial [4]
# time trial avg var stdev ratio
# <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 time1 a 1815. 715630. 846. 0.795
#2 time1 b 2012. 1299823. 1140. 0.686
#3 time1 c 1505. 878168. 937. 1.09
#4 time1 d 1387. 902364. 950. 1.17
#5 time2 a 1444. 998943. 999. 0.795
#6 time2 b 1380. 720135. 849. 0.686
#7 time2 c 1641. 1205778. 1098. 1.09
#8 time2 d 1619. 582418. 763. 1.17
NOTE: We used set.seed(2) for creating the dataset
Work out a separate data.frame:
# your code above to generate df1
df2 <- select(df1, time, trial, avg) %>%
spread(time, avg) %>%
mutate(ratio = time2/time1)
# # A tibble: 4 × 4
# trial time1 time2 ratio
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 a 1815.203 1443.731 0.7953555
# 2 b 2012.436 1379.981 0.6857266
# 3 c 1505.474 1641.439 1.0903135
# 4 d 1386.876 1619.341 1.1676176
and now you can merge the relevant column onto the original frame:
left_join(df1, select(df2, trial, ratio), by="trial")
# Source: local data frame [8 x 6]
# Groups: time [?]
# time trial avg var stdev ratio
# <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 time1 a 1815.203 715630.4 845.9494 0.7953555
# 2 time1 b 2012.436 1299823.3 1140.0979 0.6857266
# 3 time1 c 1505.474 878168.3 937.1063 1.0903135
# 4 time1 d 1386.876 902363.7 949.9282 1.1676176
# 5 time2 a 1443.731 998943.3 999.4715 0.7953555
# 6 time2 b 1379.981 720134.6 848.6074 0.6857266
# 7 time2 c 1641.439 1205778.0 1098.0792 1.0903135
# 8 time2 d 1619.341 582417.5 763.1629 1.1676176

R - Normalise column groups based on column names and add column with conditional value

I'm new to R and dplyr (coming from a pandas/python background) and am currently trying to do more data manipulation in R. The dplyr syntax has really grown on me, but working on my current data normalisation I can't help but think "there must be a 'cleaner' way of doing it".
I have two data.frames, the first has values which I'd like to use to dynamically normalise subsets of the second. I then want to average all columns which have names that end identically, then group and classify rows by the higher/lower means. If this was too unclear, I hope the code clears some things up.
Normalisation (works, but messy?)
> main
airport location x1.takeoffs x1.landings x2.takeoffs x2.landings x3.takeoffs x3.landings x4.takeoffs x4.landings
1 YYZ N.A. 301029 300976 291615 291614 259649 259613 40326 40297
2 LHR U.K. 211013 210983 360456 360389 241972 241964 309509 309495
3 JFK N.A. 432521 432491 205626 205592 1877087 1877060 865802 865771
4 MUC E.U. 101023 101011 43562 43509 234134 234071 30110 30087
5 VIE E.U. 250102 250079 128620 128561 152017 152015 1418485 1418471
> norm
name counts
1 x1 10
2 x2 20
3 x3 30
4 x4 40
What I'd like to do is take all columns that start with x1, and divide them by norm[which(norm$name == "x1"),]$counts, and so on for x2, x3, and x4.
Here's my code:
mainNorm <- main
for (n in norm$name) {
mainNorm[grep(n, colnames(mainNorm))] <- main %>%
select(starts_with(n)) %>%
mutate_each(funs(. / norm[which(norm$name == n),]$counts))
Now I average all .takeoffs and .landings:
mainNorm <- mainNorm %>%
mutate(avg.takeoff=select(., ends_with(".takeoffs")) %>%
mainNorm <- mainNorm %>%
mutate(avg.landings=select(., ends_with(".landings")) %>%
Dynamic column assignment based on min/max of other column
Last, I would like to add a new column, which looks at location groups and assigns either "high", or "low" based on the value in avg.takeoff
I've been trying the rowSums approach suggested in a different question ( R - Assign a value/factor in a data.frame to column conditioned on value(s) of other columns ) but am hitting a bit of a wall.
> mainNorm %>%
group_by(location) %>%
mutate(volume=c("high", "low")[rowSums(select(., avg.takeoff) <1)+1])
Error: Position must be between 0 and n
So, in summary my questions are:
Is there a more dplyrish way around the for loop? I wouldn't mind meltin the data from norm in to main if that helps?
How do I assign "low" and "high" in the group_by call? I'm guessing I'll have to pass it to a custom function?
Regarding my second question I'm guessing this always would be an option:
mainNorm %>%
group_by(location) %>%
filter(avg.takeoff == min(avg.takeoff)) %>%
But if I now want to handle the other half of the data I'd have to repeat, and then join the two tables. Is there a way of doing this in a single filter call? (Back to functions, I guess?)
Edit: Exptected result
Incorporating #alistair's suggestion helped, but I'm still unsure about the last part: assigning "high", "low". What I'd like to end up with (in some shape or form) is the following table:
# A tibble: 40 × 9
airport location name variable value_norm counts avg.takeoff avg.landings volume
<fctr> <fctr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <fctr>
1 YYZ N.A. x1 takeoffs 30102.9 10 13586.692 13584.873 low
2 LHR U.K. x1 takeoffs 21101.3 10 13731.890 13730.148 high
3 JFK N.A. x1 takeoffs 43252.1 10 34437.000 34435.410 high
4 MUC E.U. x1 takeoffs 10102.3 10 5209.404 5207.773 low
5 VIE E.U. x1 takeoffs 25010.2 10 17992.640 17991.220 high
6 YYZ N.A. x1 landings 30097.6 10 13586.692 13584.873 low
7 LHR U.K. x1 landings 21098.3 10 13731.890 13730.148 high
8 JFK N.A. x1 landings 43249.1 10 34437.000 34435.410 high
9 MUC E.U. x1 landings 10101.1 10 5209.404 5207.773 low
10 VIE E.U. x1 landings 25007.9 10 17992.640 17991.220 high
# ... with 30 more rows

How to subset data for a specific column with ddply?

I would like to know if there is a simple way to achieve what I describe below using ddply. My data frame describes an experiment with two conditions. Participants had to select between options A and B, and we recorded how long they took to decide, and whether their responses were accurate or not.
I use ddply to create averages by condition. The column nAccurate summarizes the number of accurate responses in each condition. I also want to know how much time they took to decide and express it in the column RT. However, I want to calculate average response times only when participants got the response right (i.e. Accuracy==1). Currently, the code below can only calculate average reaction times for all responses (accurate and inaccurate ones). Is there a simple way to modify it to get average response times computed only in accurate trials?
See sample code below and thanks!
# Create sample data frame.
Condition = c(rep(1,6), rep(2,6)) #two conditions
Response = c("A","A","A","A","B","A","B","B","B","B","A","A") #whether option "A" or "B" was selected
Accuracy = rep(c(1,1,0),4) #whether the response was accurate or not
RT = c(110,133,121,122,145,166,178,433,300,340,250,674) #response times
df = data.frame(Condition,Response, Accuracy,RT)
Condition Response Accuracy RT
1 1 A 1 110
2 1 A 1 133
3 1 A 0 121
4 1 A 1 122
5 1 B 1 145
6 1 A 0 166
# Calculate averages.
avg <- ddply(df, .(Condition), summarise,
N = length(Response),
nAccurate = sum(Accuracy),
RT = mean(RT))
# The problem: response times are calculated over all trials. I would like
# to calculate mean response times *for accurate responses only*.
Condition N nAccurate RT
1 6 4 132.8333
2 6 4 362.5000
With plyr, you can do it as follows:
.(Condition), summarise,
N = length(Response),
nAccurate = sum(Accuracy),
RT = mean(RT[Accuracy==1]))
this gives:
Condition N nAccurate RT
1: 1 6 4 127.50
2: 2 6 4 300.25
If you use data.table, then this is an alternative way:
setDT(df)[, .(N = .N,
nAccurate = sum(Accuracy),
RT = mean(RT[Accuracy==1])),
by = Condition]
Using dplyr package:
df %>%
group_by(Condition) %>%
summarise(N = n(),
nAccurate = sum(Accuracy),
RT = mean(RT[Accuracy == 1]))
