Remove words per year in a corpus - r

I am working with a corpus with speeches spanning several years (aggregated to person-year level). I want to remove words that occur less than 4 times in a year (not remove it for the whole corpus, but only for the year in which it does not meet the threshold).
I have tried the following:
DT$text <- ifelse(grepl("1998", DT$session), mgsub(DT$text, words_remove_1998, ""), DT$text)
DT$text <- ifelse(grepl("1998", DT$session), str_remove_all(DT$text, words_remove_1998), DT$text)
DT$text <- ifelse(grepl("1998", DT$session), removeWords(DT$text, words_remove_1998), DT$text)
DT$text <- ifelse(grepl("1998", DT$session), drop_element(DT$text, words_remove_1998), DT$text)
However, none seem to work. Mgsub just substitutes the whole speech with "" for 1998, whilst the other options give error messages. The reason that removeWords does not work is that my words_remove_1998 vector is too large. I have tried to split the word vector and loop over the words (see code below), but R does not appear to like this (running forever).
group <- 100
n <- length(words_remove_1998)
r <- rep(1:ceiling(n/group),each=group)[1:n]
d <- split(words_remove_1998,r)
for (i in 1:length(d)) {
DT$text <- ifelse(grepl("1998", DT$session), removeWords(DT$text, c(paste(d[[i]]))), DT$text)
Any suggestions for how to solve this?
Thank you for your help!
Reproducible example:
text <- rbind(c("i like ice cream"), c("banana ice cream is my favourite"), c("ice cream is not my thing"))
name <- rbind(c("Arnold Ford"), c("Arnold Ford"), c("Leslie King"))
session <- rbind("1998", "1999", "1998")
DT <- cbind(name, session, text)
words_remove_1998 <- c("like", "ice", "cream")
newtext <- rbind(c("i"), c("banana ice cream is my favourite"), c("is not my thing"))
DT <- cbind(DT, newtext)
My real word vector that I want removed contains 30k elements.

I ended up not using any wrappings, as none of them could handle the size of the data. Insted I did it the old-fashioned and simple way; separate the text into several rows, count the occurences of each word per session (year) and person, then remove the rows corresponding to less than a threshold (same limit as I used to identify the vector with words I wanted to remove). Lastly, I aggregate the data back to it's initial level (person-year).
This only words because I am removing words according to a threshold. If I had a list of words to remove that I could not remove in this way, I would have been in more trouble.
DT_separate <- separate_rows(DT, text)
df <- DT_separate %>%
dplyr::group_by(session, text) %>%
dplyr::mutate(count = dplyr::n())
df <- df[df$count >5, ]
df <- aggregate(
text ~ x, #where x is a person-year id
FUN=paste, collapse=' '
names(df)[names(df) == 'text'] <- 'text2'
DT <- left_join(DT, df, by="x")
DT$text <- DT$text2
DT <- DT[, !(colnames(DT) %in% c("text2"))]


String match error "invalid regular expression, reason 'Out of memory'"

I have a table that is shaped like this called df (the actual table is 16,263 rows):
title date brand
big farm house 2022-01-01 A
ranch modern 2022-01-01 A
town house 2022-01-01 C
Then I have a table like this called match_list (the actual list is 94,000 rows):
And I'm trying to filter the first table to just be rows where the title contains a word in the words_for_match list. So I do this:
match_list <- match_list$words_for_match
match_list <- paste(match_list, collapse = "|")
match_list <- sprintf("\\b(%s)\\b", match_list)
df %>%
filter(grepl(match_list, title))
But then I get the following error:
Problem while computing `..1 = grepl(match_list, subject)`.
Caused by error in `grepl()`:
! invalid regular expression, reason 'Out of memory'
If I filter the table with 94,000 rows to just 1,000 then it runs, so it appears to just be a memory issue. So I'm wondering if there's a less memory-intensive way to do this or if this is an example of needing to look beyond my computer for computation. Advice on either pathway (or other options) is welcome. Thanks!
You could keep titles sequentially, let's say you have 10 titles that match 'farm' you do not need to evaluate those titles with other words.
Here a simple implementation :
titles <- c("big farm house", "ranch modern", "town house")
words_for_match <- c("farm", "town", "clown", "beach", "city", "pink") <- c()
for(w in words_for_match)
w <- sprintf("\\b(%s)\\b", w)
is.match <- grepl(w, titles) <- c(, titles[is.match])
titles <- titles[!is.match]
print(paste(length(titles), "remaining titles"))
If you have a prior on the frequency of words on match_list, it's better to start with the most frequent ones.
You can also make a mix with your previous strategy to make it faster :
gr.size <- 20
gr.words <- split(words_for_match, ceiling(seq_along(words_for_match) / gr.size))
gr.words <- sapply(gr.words, function(words)
words <- paste(words, collapse = "|")
sprintf("\\b(%s)\\b", words)
and then iterate on gr.words and not on words_for_match in the first code chunk.

How do I create / name dataframes in a for loop in R?

So I'm currently trying to scrape precinct results by county from JSON files on Virginia's Secretary of State. I got code working that gets the data from a URL and creates a dataframe named after the county. To speed up the process, I tried to put the code inside a for loop that iterates through Virginia's counties (which I'm sourcing from a 2020 election by county CSV already on my computer that I constructed from this:, constructs the URL for the county JSON file (since the format's consistent), and saves it to a dataframe. My current code doesn't save the dataframes though, so only the last county remains.
This is the code:
va <- filter(biden_margin, biden_margin$state_po == "VA")
#i put this line here because the spreadsheet uses spaces to separate "X" and "city" but the URL uses an underline
va$county_name <- gsub(" ", "_", va$county_name)
#i put this line here because the URLs have "county" in the name, but the spreadsheet doesn't; however the spreadsheet does have "city" for the independent cities, like the URLs (and the independent cities are the observations with FIPS above 51199)
va$county_name <- if_else(va$county_fips > 51199, va$county_name, paste0(va$county_name, "_COUNTY"))
#i did this as a list but i realize this might be a bad idea
governor_data <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(va))
for (i in nrow(va)) {
precincts <- paste0("", va$county_name[i], "/Governor.json")
name <- paste0(va$county_name[i], "_governor_2021")
java_source <- stream_in(file(precincts))
df <-$Precincts)
df$county <- java_source$Locality$LocalityName
df <- unnest(df, cols = c(Candidates))
df <- subset(df, select = -c(PoliticalParty, BallotOrder))
df <- pivot_wider(df, names_from = BallotName, values_from = c(Votes, Percentage))
#tried append before this, got the same result
governor_data[i] <- assign(name, df)
Any thoughts?

Efficient way to split strings in separate rows (creating an edgelist)

I currently have the following problem. I work with Web-of-Science scientific publication and citation data, which has the following structure: A variable "SR" is a string with the name of a publication, "CR" a variable with a string containing all cited references in the article, separated by a ";".
My task now is to create an edgelist between all publications with the corresponding citations, where every publication and citation combination is in a single row. I do it currently with the following code:
# Some minimal data for example
pub <- c("pub1", "pub2", "pub3")
cit <- c("cit1;cit2;cit3;cit4","cit1;cit4;cit5","cit5;cit1")
M <- cbind(pub,cit)
colnames(M) <- c("SR","CR")
# Create an edgelist
cit_el <- data.frame() #
for (i in seq(1, nrow(M), 1)) { # i=3
cit <- data.frame(strsplit(as.character(M[i,"CR"]), ";", fixed=T), stringsAsFactors=F)
colnames(cit)[1] <- c("SR")
cit$SR_source <- M[i,"SR"]
cit <- unique(cit)
cit_el <- rbind(cit_el, cit)
However, for large datasets of some 10k+ of publications (which tend to have 50+ citations), the script runs 15min+. I know that loops are usually an inefficient way of coding in R, yet didn't find an alternative that produces what I want.
Anyone knows some trick to make this faster?
This is my attempt. I haven't compared the speeds of different approaches yet.
First is the artificial data with 10k pubs, 100k possible citations, max is 80 citations per pub.
pubCount = 10000
citCount = 100000
maxCitPerPub = 80
pubList <- paste0("pub", seq(pubCount))
citList <- paste0("cit", seq(citCount))
cit <- sapply(sample(seq(maxCitPerPub), pubCount, replace = TRUE),
function(x) str_c(sample(citList, x), collapse = ";"))
data <- data.table(pub = pubList,
cit = cit)
For processing, I use stringr::str_split_fixed to split the citations into columns and use data.table::melt to collapse the columns.
temp <- data.table(pub = pubList, str_split_fixed(data$cit, ";", maxCitPerPub))
result <- melt(temp, id.vars = "pub")[, variable:= NULL][value!='']
Not sure if this is any quicker but if I'm understanding correctly this should give the desired result
rbindlist(lapply(1:nrow(M), function(i){
data.frame(SR_source = M[i, 'SR'], SR = strsplit(M[i, 'CR'], ';'))

Removing rows based on character conditions in a column

Good morning, I have created the following R code:
##Insert needed year
url <- "./Quarterly/1990_qtrly.csv"
##Writes data in R with applicable columns
qtrly_data <- read.csv(url, header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote="\"", dec=".", na.strings=" ", skip=0)
relevant_cols <- c("area_fips", "industry_code", "own_code", "agglvl_code", "year", "qtr")
overall <- c(relevant_cols, colnames(qtrly_data)[8:16])
lq <- c(relevant_cols, colnames(qtrly_data)[17:25])
oty <- c(relevant_cols, colnames(qtrly_data)[18:42])
types <- c("overall", "lq", "oty")
overallx <- colnames(qtrly_data)[9:16]
lqx <- colnames(qtrly_data)[18:25]
otyx <- colnames(qtrly_data)[seq(27,42,2)]
###Adding in the disclosure codes from each section
disc_codes <- c("disclosure_code", "lq_disclosure_code", "oty_disclosure_code")
cols_list = list(overall, lq, oty)
denom_list = list(overallx, lqx, otyx)
##Uses a two-loop peice of code to go through data denominations and categories, while melting it into the correct format
for (j in 1:length(types))
cat("Working on type: " , types[j], "\n")
these_denominations <- denom_list[[j]]
type_data <- qtrly_data[ , cols_list[[j]] ]
QCEW_County <- melt(type_data, id=c(relevant_cols, disc_codes[j]))
colnames(QCEW_County) <- c(relevant_cols, "disclosure_code", "text_denomination", "value")
Data_Cat <- j
for (k in 1:length(these_denominations))
cat("Working on type: " , types[j], "and denomination: ", these_denominations[k], "\n")
QCEW_County_Denominated <- QCEW_County[QCEW_County[, "text_denomination"] == these_denominations[k], ]
QCEW_County_Denominated$disclosure_code <- ifelse(QCEW_County_Denominated$disclosure_code == "", 0, 1)
Data_Denom <- k
QCEW_County_Denominated <- cbind(QCEW_County_Denominated, Data_Cat, Data_Denom)
QCEW_County_Denominated$Source_ID <- 1
QCEW_County_Denominated$text_denomination <- NULL
colnames(QCEW_County_Denominated) <- NULL
###Actually writes the txt file to the QCEW folder
write.table(QCEW_County_Denominated, file="C:\\Users\\jjackson\\Downloads\\QCEW\\1990_test.txt", append=TRUE, quote=FALSE, sep=',', row.names=FALSE)
Now, there are some things I need to get rid of, namely, all the rows in my QCEW_County_Denominated dataframe where the "area_fips" column begins with the character "C", in that same column, there are also codes that start with US that I would like to replace with a 0. Finally, I also have the "industry_code" column that in my final dataframe has 3 values that need to be replaced. 31-33 with 31, 44-45 with 44, and 48-49 with 48. I understand that this is a difficult task. I'm slowly figuring it out on my own, but if anyone could give me a helpful nudge in the right direction while I'm figuring this out on my own, it would be much appreciated. Conditional statements in R is looking like it's my Achilles heel, as it's always where I begin to get confused with how its syntax differs from other statistical packages.
Thank you, and have a nice day.
You can remove and recode your data using regex and subsetting.
Using grepl, you can select the rows in the column area_fips that DON'T start with C.
QCEW_County_Denominated <- QCEW_County_Denominated[!grepl("^C", QCEW_County_Denominated$area_fips), ]
Using gsub, you can replace with 0 the values in the area_fips columns that start with 0.
QCEW_County_Denominated$area_fips <- as.numeric(gsub("^US", 0, QCEW_County_Denominated$area_fips))
Finally, using subsetting you can replace the values in the industry_code.
QCEW_County_Denominated$industry_code[QCEW_County_Denominated$industry_code == "31-33"] <- 31
QCEW_County_Denominated$industry_code[QCEW_County_Denominated$industry_code == "44-45"] <- 44
QCEW_County_Denominated$industry_code[QCEW_County_Denominated$industry_code == "48-49"] <- 48

Poor Performing Loop Function - Options?

New to R ... struggling to produce results on 10,000 lines; Data model actually has about 1M lines. Is there a better option than a Loop? Read about vectorization and attempted tapply with no success.
Data set has a column of free form text and a category associated to the text. I need to parse the text into distinct words to then perform statistics on the frequency of words being able to predict the category with a certain degree of accuracy. I read in the data via read.table and create a data.frame called data.
Function attempts to parse Text, and count occurrences of each word:
data <- data.frame(category = c("cat1","cat2","cat3", "cat4"),
text = c("The quick brown fox",
"Jumps over the fence",
"The quick car hit a fence",
"Jumps brown"))
parsefunc <- function(data){
finalframe <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
description <- strsplit(as.character(data[i,2]), " ")[[1]]
category <- rep(data[i,1], length(description))
worddataframe <- data.frame(description, category)
finalframe <- rbind(finalframe, worddataframe)
m1<- ddply(finalframe, c("description","category"), nrow)
m2<- ddply(m1, 'description', transform, totalcount = sum(nrow), percenttotal = nrow/sum(nrow))
m3 <- m2[(m2$totalcount>10) & (m2$percenttotal>0.8), ]
This will get your finalframe and do something close to your m1,2, and 3 part. You'll have to edit it to do exactly what you want. I used a longer data set of 40k rows to make sure it performs alright:
# long data set
data <- data.frame(Category = rep(paste0('cat',1:4),10000),
Text = rep(c('The quick brown fox','Jumps over the fence','The quick car hit a fence','Jumps brown cars'),10000),stringsAsFactors = F)
# split into words
wordbag <- strsplit(data$Text,split = ' ')
# find appropriate category for each word
categoryvar <- rep(data$Category,lapply(wordbag,length))
# stick them in a data frame and aggregate
newdf <- data.frame(category = categoryvar,word = tolower(unlist(wordbag)))
agg <- aggregate(list(wordcount = rep(1,nrow(newdf))),list(category = newdf$category,word =newdf$word),sum)
# find total count in entire data set and put in data set
wordagg <- aggregate(list(totalwordcount = rep(1,nrow(newdf))),list(word =newdf$word),sum)
agg <- merge(x = agg,y = wordagg,by = 'word')
# find percentages and do whatever else you need
agg$percentageofword <- agg$wordcount/agg$totalwordcount
