Blazor WebAssembly Standalone access multiple AAD protected APIs - .net-core

I have managed to make default template work (my blazor standalone SPA should acquire tokens for several scopes from different ADApps - webAPIs; I've managed to get token only for one scope at the time even if I defined additionalScopes or defaultaccesstokenscopes).
builder.Services.AddMsalAuthentication(options =>
var config = options.ProviderOptions;
config.Authentication.Authority = "";
config.Authentication.ClientId = "clientID";
// tried this too
// config.AdditionalScopesToConsent.Add("");
Now there is a question on how to get the other tokens because it gets the token only for 'clientID' scope if multiple scopes are mentioned...? and use those tokens from wasm page in HttpClient request?
In angular (with MSAL) this is all done automatically, you define scopes you want and it gets all the tokens. Then it intercepts all requests and adds authorization header and corresponding token by domain of the request.
Is there similar mechanism here or should this be done manually by adding corresponding token for every request and using HttpRequestMessage with HttpClient.SendAsync()?
Obviously for business application there is not much of a use without contacting some kind of protected API, which is usually an app in the same AAD. For example let's say it can be a simple query to the Dynamics CRM's webapi.


Is it possible to restrict access to REST API built using Web API 2?

I built a REST API using ASP.NET Web API 2, so I could deliver data from a backend database to my applications running on any platform (mobile, web, desktop etc) However up until now, I simply call the website with the controller I need data from and that's it, it sends back the JSON string in the response.
But, the data is kind of special, and there is nothing to prevent another developer from simply calling the controllers and getting back the exact same data and building their own application around it.
My question is - is there anyway to restrict access to the API so that only my applications can get valid response from the server. (i.e. prevent other developers from using my REST API)
I already read these documentation Security, Authentication, and Authorization in ASP.NET Web API I'm just not sure which of these scenarios apply to me, or if any will do what I am asking.
EDIT - Another piece of info, my web service is running on Azure in case it is relevant.
Did you happen to check token based authentication?Please go through and must be a good to start with.
there are different way to validate your web api.
Authentication Filters in ASP.NET Web API 2
using you can customise your authentication filter
you can refer sample Reference link
Token Based Authentication using ASP.NET Web API 2, Owin, and Identity
//App_Start/Startup class
public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions OAuthServerOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions()
AllowInsecureHttp = true,
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/v1/accesstoken"),
AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(AppConfiguration.AccessTokenExpireDuration),
Provider = new SampleOAuthProvider() // class that override your method
// Token Generation
You can find reference from inherits Default implementation of IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider used by Authorization
i hope it sholud helps you thanks.

Spring-Security-OAuth2 - how to add fields to access token request?

I have a Spring Boot application, that is using Spring Security with OAuth 2.0. Currently, it is operating against an Authentication Server based on Spring Example code. However, running our own Auth Server has always been a short-term target to facilitate development, not a long-term goal. We have been using the authorization_code grant type and would like to continue using that, irrespective of the Auth Server implementation.
I am attempting to make changes to use OAuth 2.0 Endpoints in Azure Active Directory, to behave as our Authentication Server. So far, I have a successful call to the /authorize endpoint. But the call to get the /token fails with an invalid request error. I can see the requests going out.
It appears that parameters that Azure states as mandatory are not being populated in the POST request. Looking at the Azure doco, it expects the client_id to be defined in the body of the message posted to the endpoint, and that is not added, by default, by Spring.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for how I can add fields to the Form Map that is used when constructing the Access Token request? I can see where the AccessTokenRequest object is being setup in OAuth2ClientConfiguration....
#Scope(value = "request", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
protected AccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequest(#Value("#{request.parameterMap}")
Map<String, String[]> parameters, #Value("#{request.getAttribute('currentUri')}")
String currentUri) {
DefaultAccessTokenRequest request = new DefaultAccessTokenRequest(parameters);
return request;
Should I be trying to define the map in a request.parameterMap spring property? If so, I'm not too sure how that works.
Or should I be using one of the interfaces defined in the AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter class?
I have the information to include when sending the AccessTokenRequest, I just don't know the best way to configure Spring to include it? Thanks for any help.
Actually, I found this out. I needed to change the client authentication scheme. Simply adding the following to my application properties added the client_id to the form....
If you're using yaml, then yaml-ize it. Thank you Spring!

Authorization by Role/Group in ASP.NET using Auth0

Thanks in advance for your help in this matter!
I was hoping someone could help me figure out how to authorize API access by Group assigned in the Auth0 Authorization extension.
I currently am using the [Authorize] attribute in the web api perfectly - it allows an api call if they have signed in successfully and blocks it if not.
However, if I try [Authorize(Roles = "myGroupName")] authorization fails. Same occurs if I add it to the users app_metadata manually in the Users dashboard on the Auth0 website instead of assigning through the extension.
My project is set up by following the Angular Quick Start and Asp.Net Quick Start. My webapiconfig where I validate the token server side is:
class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration configuration)
var clientID = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["auth0:ClientId"];
var clientSecret = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["auth0:ClientSecret"];
configuration.MessageHandlers.Add(new JsonWebTokenValidationHandler()
Audience = clientID,
SymmetricKey = clientSecret
configuration.Routes.MapHttpRoute("API Default", "api/{controller}/{id}",
new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
The Auth0 Authorization extension currently supports authorization decisions through the concept of groups. You can create a group, assign users to that group and that configure an application to only be accessible to user within a specific group. All of this would be handled automatically and any user outside of the application expected groups would be denied complete access.
Your use case is a bit different, but valid nonetheless. You want the groups configured with the extension to be sent along the generated token so that the application itself makes authorization decisions based on those values.
In order for the groups configured within the extension to be sent along in the token, the first thing you need to do is request them. For this, you need to include the groups scope when performing the authentication requests.
Add the user's group membership to the outgoing token (which can be requested via the OpenID groups scope);
(emphasis is mine, source: Authorization Extension Docs, section Rule Behavior)
If you request a token using that scope and then decode it in, you would get something similar to this (the actual groups would vary by user):
"groups": [
"iss": "https://[tenant]"
Now, for the validation of this information on the ASP .NET API side. Assuming the sample you're using is this one (ASP.NET Web API), the group information contained within the token would be mapped to the following claims:
Type: groups | Value: GROUP-1
Type: groups | Value: GROUP-2
This happens because of the logic that exists in the JsonWebToken class which handles arrays coming from the JWT payload by creating per-value claim that share the same type.
The final part is making sure the AuthorizeAttribute checks these claims of type groups instead of trying to lookup role claims. You should be able to accomplish this, by changing the RoleClaimType constant in the JsonWebToken class to have the value "groups" instead of "".
Like you certrainly know, the Authorize attribute works using what is in the principal: something that inherits IPrincipal.
In web api, it is even more specific; it is something that inherits ClaimsPrincipal (this implements himself IPrincipal).
As you certainly know already, a claim is like a key-value pair.
The ClaimsPrincipal contains a serie of key-value pairs that are directly taken from the authentication token. This authentication token is issued by the authentication server most of time as JWT (Json Web Token). Most of time as well, the authentication server is using OAuth, like is your case.
If the user group, that you expect to be the role in your application doesn't work by using the out-of-the-box Authorize attribute, it's because it is not mapped correctly: Auhtorize checks the claim with claim type: (the "claim type" is the "key" of the key-value pair). That means that if you want your Authorize to work, this claim must be valued with the group.
You can do several things to have a clean authorization in your application.
Make a custom Authorize attribute. This Authorize attribute would check the role using a different claim type. The claim type that refers to the user group depends on your authentication server. If you don't find what claim type is used for groups in the doc of your authentication server, run your application in debug, and check every claim that is contained in the property User of your controller. You will certainly find what the claim type you are interested in.
Change the setup of your authorization server by redefining the mapping between user information and claims of the token that is produced (in your case, map groups of the user to the claim that has the type Generally, this can be setup per client application or even globally. For example this is the way that must be done if you use an ADFS authentication, AzureAD or WSO2 authentication server (
Add an owin middleware to modify the current principal. It will change the current principal by copying the value of the claim that contains groups into the claim type This middleware must be inserted in the flow after the authentication middleware
I have no rights to comment so I'm going to inquire from here. Why are you doing this
[Authorize(Roles = "myGroupName")]
as far as I remember when I was implementing group based authorization I was still typing
[Authorize(Roles = "myRoleName")]
Not other way around.

Implementing Authorization in a Self Hosted SignalR Server accessed from Web

I'm looking for some guidance on how to implement authorization security for SignalR on a back end service running in a self-hosted (non-IIS) environment, that is called from a Web application. The backend app is basically a monitor that fires SignalR events back to the HTML based client. This all works fine (amazingly well actually).
However, we need to restrict access to the server for authenticated users from the Web site. So basically if a user is authenticated on the Web site, we need to somehow pick up the crendentials (user name is enough) and validation state in the backend app to decide whether to allow the connection as to avoid unauthorized access.
Can anybody point at some strategies or patterns on how to accomplish this sort of auth forwarding?
I am having similar issues here, as in my web app I use a simple cookie authentication system which uses an AoP style approach to check for any controllers with an attribute, then will get the current context (be it from the static HttpContext.Current or from the target invocation object depending on the type of interceptor) and then verify the cookie exists, it contains right data, then finally verify the token with the db or cache etc.
Anyway this approach can also be used for Signalr, although its a bit more long winded and you are using dependency injection. You would basically wrap the hub calls with the desired attribute, then set up your DI/IoC configuration to intercept these calls, then either get the hub instance within your interceptor and get the cookie (or your custom authentication mechanism) from the request, verify it is all valid or not, and if not then throw a new HttpException("403", "Not authenticated"); which should kick the user out and return back before it even hits your hub method, this way you can put the logic in one place (your interceptor, or a class the interceptor consumes) then just wrap any method that needs to use this authentication using your attribute.
I use Ninject and the interception extension, but most major DI frameworks these days have some form of IoC plugin/extensions, such as Autofac, Windsor, Spring etc.
If you were not happy going down the route of introducing DI and/or AOP to your current project, then maybe you could just create a custom hub instance which contains your authentication logic and then just use that in your hubs, so ok you will still be manually calling some authentication logic from within each hub method you want to protect, but its less code, so something like:
public class AuthorisableHub : Hub
private ISomeAuthenticationToken GetSomeAuthenticationTokenFromRequest(Request request) // probably a SignalR specific request object
// Get your token from the querystring or cookie etc
private bool IsAuthenticationTokenValid(ISomeAuthenticationToken token)
// Perform some validation, be it simple or db based and return result
protected void PerformUserAuthentication()
var token = GetSomeAuthenticationTokenFromRequest(Context.Request);
var isRequestValid = IsAuthenticationTokenValid(token);
{ throw new HttpException(403, "<Some forbidden message here>"); }
public class MyFancyPantsHub : AuthorisableHub
public void TellAllClientsSomethingSecret(ISecret secret)
// Do stuff with the secret as it should have bombed the user out
// before it reaches here if working correctly
It is not perfect but would work (I think), also I am sure I once read somewhere that Hubs are newly instantiated for each request, and if this is indeed true, you could possibly just put this logic in your constructor if you want to apply the authentication to every action within the hub.
Hope that helps, or gives you ideas... would be interested in knowing how you did solve it in the end.
SignalR does not provide any additional features for authentication. Instead, it is designed to work with the authentication mechanism of your application.
You should do authentication as you normally would and then use the Authorize attribute provided by SignalR to enforce the results of the authentication on the Hubs.
The Authorize attribute can be applied to an entire Hub or particular methods in the Hub. Some examples:
[Authorize] – only authenticated users
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin,Manager")] – only authenticated users in the specified .NET roles
[Authorize(Users = "user1,user2")] – only authenticated users with the specified user names
You can also require all Hubs to require authentication by adding the following method in the Application_Start method:
Persistent Connections
You can use the user object in the request to see if the user is authenticated:

Passing Auth to API calls with Web Service References

I am new to web services. The last time I dealt with SOAP was when I created a bunch of wrapper classes that sent requests and received responses back per some response objects/classes I had created. So I had an object to send certain API requests and likewise a set of objects to hold the response back as an object so I could utilize that 3rd party API.
Then someone came to me and said why not just use the wsdl and a web service. Ok, so today I went and created a "Service Reference". I see that this is what's called a "Proxy Class". You just instantiate an instance of this and then walla you have access to all the methods from the wsdl.
But this leaves me with auth questions. Back when I created my own classes manually, I had a class which exposed properties that I would set then access for things like signature, username, password that got sent along with the Http request that were required by whatever 3rd party API I was using to make API calls.
But then with using a Service Reference, how then would I pass this information just like I had done in my custom classes? For instance I'm going to be working with the PayPal API. It requires you to send a signature and a few other pieces of information like username and password.
// Determins if API call needs to use a session based URI
string requestURI = UseAuthURI == true ? _requestURIAuthBased + aSessionID : _requestURI;
byte[] data = XmlUtil.DocumentToBytes(doc);
// Create the atual Request instance
HttpWebRequest request = CreateWebRequest(requestURI, data.Length);
So how do I pass username, password, signature, etc. when using web service references for each method call? Is it as simple as specifying it as a param to the method or do you use the .Credentials and .URL methods of your proxy class object? It seems to me Credentials means windows credentials but I could be wrong. Is it limited to that or can you use that to specify those required header values that PayPal expects with each method call/API request?
Using Web Service or Web Service Reference
