Nginx - Passing parameters through to proxy_pass - nginx

I'm new to nginx - am using Vouch proxy and trying to utilise its logout redirect:
In my app I'm hitting a URL like:{somevalue}
Then in nginx I'm passing this onto vouch proxy with
location /tools/app/logout {
proxy_pass http://vouch/logout;
However is it possible to pass that ?url={somevalue} parameter too? Basically append to proxy_pass http://vouch/logout?
Any help appreciated.


Can a response from an http request alter the base address in the next client request?

I have an octoprint server running at I also have an nginx server hosting myDomain. I want to be able to use the nginx server to pass on a request for http://myDomain/octo to using a reverse proxy. Here is my nginx code...
server {
server_name myDomain;
location /octo/ {
rewrite ^/octo/(.*) /$1 break; #strip /octo from url
The first http://myDomain/octo request is passed on to correctly. But after the first response the code in the client makes another request to http://myDomain/moreUri. Since this uri doesn't have /octo nginx doesn't know to send it to Is there a way to have nginx change something in the first response so that the client then makes following requests to http://myDomain/octo/moreUri?
I was able to accomplish this for a case where the octoprint server responded with a redirect. I used ...
proxy_redirect http://myDomain/octo/;
and it worked. But that only works on redirects and the following requests were wrong again.
Is there a way to have nginx change something in the first response so
that the client then makes following requests to
I am not aware that this is possible.
What about to adjust the nginx configuration accordingly ? using location / to process all requests within that block and add an additional redirect directive to address the "Since this uri doesn't have /octo nginx doesn't know to send it to" should do the trick.
server {
server_name myDomain;
location / {
rewrite ^/octo/(.*) /$1 break; #strip /octo from url
rewrite ^/(.*)/(.*) /octo/$2 break; #rewrite /moreURI to /octo/moreURI
No matter if the above nginx reconfiguration fixes your issue, i assume the root cause why you need to configure the nginx as reverse proxy in this way might be a misconfigured (or not optimally configured) application. Check the config file if it is possible to configure the applications base path. If so, set it to /octo/ (so the application itself prepends /octo/ to all the links it presents to the user and all requests to the backend automatically) and adjust the rewrite rules accordingly.

How can I rewrite parts of a Location header with nginx?

I'm trying to setup a reverse proxy nginx in a docker-compose setup I have. It works fairly well, but I have a problem with a 302 redirect.
The nginx server runs on https://localhost:1253. When I return the redirect within my internal server, nginx will use the internal name (serviceweb) of my docker container in the redirect uri. This is my redirect uri:<...>&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%serviceweb%2Fsignin-google...
I'd like to change serviceweb to localhost:1253.
How can I do this with nginx?
I've tried this simple setup:
location / {
proxy_pass https://serviceweb;
proxy_redirect serviceweb localhost:1253;
But this does not quite work. The location header still contains the original value. I'm sure I somehow have a problem in the proxy_redirect rule , but I'm not sure how. There's a regex based way of doing it according to, and I think my current setup would work with that.
What am I doing wrong?

How to escape "?" in nginx rewrite rule output

I am trying to reverse proxy in nginx, rewriting a front end page like "/a/b?page=2" into a backend request to "/a/b%3fpage=2"
I cannot figure out how to get nginx to make reverse proxy requests which include "%3f".
With the following config:
rewrite ^/one$ /a%3fb;
rewrite ^/two$ /a?b;
rewrite ^/three$ /a\?b;
/one makes a backend request like GET /a%253fb HTTP/1.0
/two makes a backend request like GET /a?b HTTP/1.0
/three makes a backend request like GET /a\?b HTTP/1.0
How can I get a backend request like GET /a%3fb HTTP/1.0?
Thanks to #Richard Smith's comment, I was able to fix this for my specific case with the following code:
location / {
set $backend_uri $request_uri;
if ($args ~* "page=(\d+)") {
set $page $1;
set $backend_uri $uri%3fpage=$1;
I think that I might also have been able to do something more general with the lua rewrite directive, but I was unable to install mod-lua on an Amazon Linux 2 machine, see

NGINX: proxy_pass for a dynamic url

I have a docker container which serves a web application on:
When I request that URL with a browser, it is automatically redirected to the login page:
I'm trying to proxy the app so that I can avoid to use the port number.
Two possible ways to achieve that are:
1) http://my.server.domain/appname
Either way, will work for me.
But I'm struggling with making the right NGINX configuration.
I tried with:
location /appname {
proxy_pass http://my.server.domain:8080/;
But when I load http://my.server.domain/appname it gets redirected to http://my.server.domain/login which doesn't exist.
If I use / it works as expected:
location / {
proxy_pass http://my.server.domain:8080/;
But that's not what I need.
I can add more directives like:
location /login {
proxy_pass http://my.server.domain:8080/login;
But then it will fail on the next redirect and so on ..

Routing in nginx URI with same prefix as another URI

Currently trying to use Nginx as a proxy and finding some difficulties with routes having another URI as a prefix. Example :
location /api/route/to/specific/application {
location /api {
When visiting, I get a 404 from Nginx while when I visit directly I get the expected page.
Any idea how I can make it work ?
