XAMPP wordpress LAN, redirect to localhost - wordpress

I cant access my local site installed on pc from other device.
If i put 192.168.x.x, is loading 192.168.x.x/dashboard. The same for lan. its good.
Putting 192.168.x.x/site will be loaded my wordpress site for local pc without problems, but will redirect to localhost/site for lan devices! Why??
No hosts modified, no xampp files modified. In wordpress settings, the urls (2) are setted as 192.168.x.x/site
Restart apache does not help.
What happens?
I have modified one thing:
httpd.conf, Listen 192.168.x.x:80
I added new folder 'test' and 'index.html' with 'TEST' text. Is working, i can access from any device with 192.168.x.x/test. So, is some problem with wordpress? I will try to install wordpress again, to new folder.
Solution: reinstall wordpress.

If you are using Windows OS, first of all, check your sharing settings:
Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Network and Sharing Center\Advanced sharing settings.
Make your network discoverable. If you don't know which type of network you are using you can find it from here: Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Network and Sharing Center > View your active networks.
If you couldn't find that, choose "Turn on network discoverable" for all of them but please note that this is an unsecured way.
Then use ping command from other devices to check that your local PC is reachable.
If your PC was reachable from other devices, then you can open your local-website by opening your local IP address:
You can use these configurations for your Apache:
Listen 192.168.x.x:80 OR
Listen 80 OR


blank page with domain name inside

I set up a server on Ubuntu 20.04, installed and configured UFW and fail2ban, installed nginx, opened 80 and 443 ports. Created a config file for my domain and started the server. It works, but from my IP address (from which I set up the server), I cannot get to the site. When I request a domain, I get a white page on which my domain is written in plain text. But as soon as I register the domain and IP in the hosts file, the site becomes available. I see the problem only from my IP, from others - the site is available. I can provide server settings, but they are corny simple. The site is still pure HTML. Even php didn't install.
Help me find the problem, or at least a direction to fix it.
It might be related to cached DNS queries. Remove the entry from /etc/hosts file and restart your local machine.

I need to run a file that I placed on an AWS server using sftp

I have a bitnami WordPress instance using AWS lightsail. I need to migrate the site to another identical AWS instance. I created a PHP installer from the first instance using the Wordpress Duplicator plugin.
I then uploaded the file onto the new server to a folder (opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs/).The instructions I've seen online they say I just need to navigate to the location of the installer in a browser and it will run. However, when I attempt to access the PHP file from a browser I just get an error on the front-end saying:
I have seen suggestions online that the installer be placed into a public folder called html_public but my instance doesn't have a folder like that. I changed the access rights to the folder, and the installer, to be full rw access.
Any ideas how I can get this to work?
You must config the Security Groups firewall to open the HTTP port.
Open the Amazon VPC console at [https://console.aws.amazon.com/vpc/]
On the Inbound Rules tab, choose Edit the port range 80, 443 - Source: Anywhere - IP Address: and Save.

How to move wordpress website with ssl on localhost?

Website with ssl on wordpress. Moved it on localhost, changed wp-config, changed https://olddomain.ru to http://newdomain.ru.
But still have error ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in browser and Invalid method in request \x16\x03\x01 in apache2 logs.Trying to start it via MAMP. How to disable SSL?
This question relates to current and previous MAMP and MAMP PRO versions. MAMP PRO assists in replicating basic web host production environment on a users local Windows based system.
First, it's best to isolate the problem by disconnecting your system from internet.
Turning off GroupStart for Apache and MySQL by un-checking "Include MySQL in GroupStart" is another isolation problem solving technique:
Emptying logs by erasing the log files prior to trying out the steps below is another way to isolate problems:
Most local systems have AntiVirus program and the antivirus program usually has software firewall bundled. Be sure to add Web Server and HTTPS ports under ports and services of your choice of AntiVirus software.
1. Custom Domain:
First issue is related to assigning custom domains. A custom domain is assigned by modifying Windows Hosts file to point localhost host with IP to a fictitious domain name.
Here is how the default hosts file looks like:
Here is the required modification:
hosts file newdomain.ru
::0 localhost
::0 is the bus/port designation of a systems network adapter. Usually the first available network adapter software on a device has ::0 address.
After modifying hosts file be sure to flush dns by using Windows command prompt:
ipconfig /flushdns
2. Location of Virtual Hosts data
MAMP documentation recommends you store virtual Hosts data outside of default C:\MAMP\htdocs directory.
3. Serverside language application
MAMP recommends to serve serverside language applications such as WordPress on port 80 in your local development environment.

Access wordpress website on localhost from remote network

I want to show my client the WordPress website on localhost being developed by me (it's still in the beginning stage, not ready to go live yet). This is what I have done so far:
- I have done port forwarding and have tested it (whenever I access my Xampp localhost from the remote network by entering my computer's ip, it opens up the localhost dashboard).
Now this where I'm stuck:
- Whenever, I specify a directory of website (in htdocs) on my remote network's url (like this: mycomputer's ip/folder's name it changes the url to localhost/folder's name and the page doesn't open).
How do I resolve this issue?
Add this line to your wp-config.php might help:
and comment or delete that line when your work from home.
But there's something can be improved. Try to some DDNS services and install their application to your local machine. After installed, you can access your computer from mymachine.ddns.net even you're home or not. So with below setting, you no need to edit anything when you change your work location.

Not able to open website on localhost

I am developing a website on localhost wamp using Wordpress. Today when I tried to open my wordpress account it was displaying an error "This webpage is not available ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED",also I am not able to see any of my webpages.
I tried using IP address instead and tried to open on other browser like firefox,IE also (initially, I was working on chrome) but nothing worked.
Can anyone please suggest some solution to this??
Skype reserves port 80 for its incoming connection which conflicts with WAMP, so simply configure Skype to use another port by doing the following:
In Skype go to Tools|Options|Advanced|Connection uncheck the option --> Use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connections, that's it
For this change to take effect restart Skype and Restart all services on WAMP by doing the following:
Left-click WAMP tray icon > Restart All Services"
Now Wamp and Skype can co-exist together, hope this solves your problem!!
Have a look at this post:WAMP Server not working
