Not able to connect to snowflake from powerbi using odbc driver - odbc

Getting this error.
Details: "ODBC: ERROR [HY000] [Snowflake][Snowflake] (4)
REST request for URL https://jaa09657:443/session/v1/login-request?requestId=5bcbbadc-39d9-4271-9bf3-52393e2539af&request_guid=e145e6e8-502b-40c3-b7f2-4164dfbe6fea&warehouse=COMPUTE_WH failed: CURLerror (curl_easy_perform() failed) - code=5 msg='Couldn't resolve proxy name' osCode=2 osMsg='No such file or directory'.

I think the issue is with your server property, you just have your account name, but you really need the Fully Qualified Domain there. IE:
Base that on the URL you connect with.
If that does not work, could you provide your entire ODBC config?


How to connect R to Clickhouse?

I am new to Clickhouse and am experiencing difficulties connecting R to Clickhouse.
con <- DBI::dbConnect(RClickhouse::clickhouse(),host="srv-clickhouse",username="user",
This returns the error
Error in connect(config[["host"]], strtoi(config[["port"]]), config[["db"]], :
DB::Exception: default: Authentication failed: password is incorrect or there is no user with such name
There definitely has to be a user by that name and password which leads me to believe that I've done something wrong while at the same time I'm not sure what I have to put into the host part of the address, nor the port nor in the beginning. Should I add the full URL to the host part? Right now I'm using RClickhouse but my database uses the port 8123. Is there any kind of proper documentation and how to solve this issue?

Meteor - Accounts.forgotPassword triggers internal server error whil Email.send is working fine

I'm meeting an issue on Meteor with Accounts.forgotPassword method.
My email smtp is well set up as I can use Email.send() without any issue once app is deployed.
But strangely, accounts.forgotPassword return an internal error.
When looking at the logs I have this error :
Exception while invoking method 'forgotPassword' Error: Mail command failed: 550-Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
I do not really understand why I would have mailbox unavailable error with Accounts.forgotPassword but not with Email.send()
Does anyone already met that kind of issues ?
I have already searched on the web for any clues but did not find anything :(
FYI I use ionos smtp
Since Email.send is working, I assume your MAIL_URL is set correctly, but your Accounts.emailTemplates is not. From
In addition to configuring the email package’s MAIL_URL, it is critical that you set proper values (specifically the from address) in Accounts.emailTemplates to ensure proper delivery of e-mails!

The authentication endpoint Kerberos was not found on the configured Secure Token Service

I've encountered a challenge regarding internet-facing deployment installation for CRM using a AD FS server. After the setup is complete, users are able to access the CRM server - but when trying to run custom pages the following error message is prompted:
"The authentication endpoint Kerberos was not found on the configured Secure Token Service!"
I've found several solutions on the internet for this issue:
First I found a KB article from Microsoft providing a possible
solution, this involves updating MEX endpoints by running a provided
PowerShell script.
But this doesn't seem to be the issue.
Another solution could be to update the CRM rollup version (currently have version 14 installed, latest is version 18) - this is something that I want to avoid as it might lead to further issues.
Have anybody else encountered a similar issue, and in that case how did you solve it?
I have just spent last few days to figure this exact same error message and it turned out that it was the "Domain" attribute in crm connection string. Copied my answer to my own question at the Microsoft Dynamics CRM community forum here:
"Well, I found the culprit - it was the Domain attribute in the connection string:
For connecting from outside the domain, it does not like to have a Domain in the connection string:
Connection string format 1 (without Domain attribute): "Authentication Type=Passport;Server=;;Password=pwd" - this works both inside and outside the domain ""
Connection string format 2 (with Domain attribute): "Authentication Type=Passport;Server=;Domain=myco;;Password=pwd" - this only works inside the domain but NOT outside (exception: The authentication endpoint Kerberos was not found on the configured Secure Token Service!)

The key is in the Xrm.Client.CrmConnection.ClientCredential:
If Domain is NOT specified in the connection string, when connecting from outside domain, Xrm.Client.CrmConnection.ClientCredentials.UserName is populated whereas the ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredentials.UserName is empty.
But if the Domain is specified, Xrm.Client.CrmConnection.ClientCredentials.UserName becomes null and Xrm.Client.CrmConnection.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredentials.UserName populated, which led to the service trying to authenticate user as a Windows AD user so of course it would fail when running app from outside Windows domain. And it explains why the same app works inside the domain even with Domain specified in the connection string.
For more detail, refer here for my original post asking for help in Dynamics CRM Forum

Webservice Error from remote system

Could any one help me in finding the solution for this error.
I have a normal web service which is working fine in intranet, when when the vendors try to access the same from internet, they get this below error.
There was an error downloading
The remote name could not be resolved:
Metadata contains a reference that
cannot be resolved:
There was no endpoint listening at
that could accept the message. This is
often caused by an incorrect address
or SOAP action. See InnerException, if
present, for more details.
The remote name could not be resolved:
If the service is defined in the
current solution, try building the
solution and adding the service
reference again.
Does any one know the solution for this.
It seems like domain "" (website) is not accessible from outside office network because error says "The remote name could not be resolved: ''". Please make sure your domain is public and can be accessible from outside. If it is not public, you have ask your vendor to put ipaddress mapping in host file.

Remote Name could not be resolved

While accessing a webservice which is availbale at, I am getting this Exception. "Remote name could not be resolved"
Any Suggesytion..what to do..
The server error you got in the previous comment is good - it means your original problem, being unable to resolve the remote host, is solved.
As to your HTTP 500 error, check the event log for that time on the remote host. If you don't have access to it, contact its administrator.
Try using the URL:
If this works, whereever you are calling the web service from has a problem with DNS. If that does not work report back.
