Menu page not showing in WP Admin section - wordpress

I have a WordPress eCommerce website in this website all working but admin menu page not working and the page showing blank, and I was trying to add a new image that image does not upload and not showing the old image in media library only loading process see attachment

In order to solve this issue, you need to see what error is causing this blank page. By default, PHP suppresses errors display for security reasons, but Wordpress has a setting to show the errors.
In order to turn on error display, open your wp-config.php in the root folder
And add these two lines:
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
NOTE: You must insert this BEFORE /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ in the wp-config.php file.
You can read more here:
Only after you do that you will be able to see the error instead of a blank page, and then share it here to help us solve it or google for solution yourself.


How to fix a WordPress edit beta white blank page?

I created a site using local wp and created a new theme using VSCode. When I tried to open the edit beta page to edit my site I got a white blank page and I got no errors.
When I use the devtools to inspect, I find all the HTML elements and no network errors. I tried every solution I could find on internet but I couldn't resolve it.
Here is the editor page I got :
Can you please give me a solution?
You'll want to navigate to the root of your project and open the wp-config.php file. There you'll find the following:
define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );
If it is set to "false" you'll want to change it to "true" to allow WordPress to show error output on the page you are getting the white screen.
If you did not find the above script in the wp-config.php file you'll want to add the following.
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
When you do you'll likely see a "Fatal" error that is causing the site to crash and information on the file and line in the code where you can find the offending script.

Site whitening when loading

I created a site with WordPress
I also use the Promosys template
When I open the site, the site is white for 30 seconds and then it shows the information
Interestingly, the site is loaded but shows a white screen and is displayed after 30 seconds
I am using the wprocket plugin, I felt that there might be a problem with this plugin, I disabled it but it did not work
first, try to increase PHP memory limit by adding the code below to your wp-config.php
define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
could be a problem with your theme as well.
try with a default wordpress theme and let us know how it goes after adding the code.

wordpress site showing warrning in some section

my wordpress site is running ok but in some section this warning is shown
Warning: Parameter 2 to gdlr_core_page_builder::search_page_builder() expected to be a reference, value given in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php on line 287
wordpress ver:5.4.1
i deactive all plugin and active one by one and found when i deactive one of the plugin (Goodlayers Core
) not showning error anymore but all element of site is disappear because it's core of theme it seems.
The error describe itself.
From somewhere the 2nd parameter of the function gdlr_core_page_builder::search_page_builder() is passed as value which should be a reference.
The error showing in file class-wp-hook.php on line 287 because of there is some hook is added into the above function.
You can contact that plugin author who will fix this issue if it is exist and release that plugin update.
This is a plugin issue. However, you can simply disable the displayed warning by adding the below lines of code in wp-config.php file.
Locate your file under cPanel FileManager:
Add the below lines of code to hide the displayed warning:
ini_set('display_errors', 'Off');
define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
Had the same issue, fixed by removing vars passed by reference (&$) on the file /wp-content/plugins/goodlayers-core/framework/function/page-builder.php:
open the file
search for &$, replace by $
save, refresh website (clear cache if needed), error is gone

Blank White Screen Wordpress

I was working in my functions.php file, and i was trying to comment something out and when i refreshed the page it was all blank. Not only my website but also my /wp-admin page.
I have tried re-downloading my themes function.php and replacing it but this hasn't worked.
Please help!
open your wp-config.php and find
define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );
set it to
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
it will show which file is causing problem, Its a starting level to check white screen problem in wordpress otherwise you can follow Ahmad's answer
Uninstall your all plugins by renaming the plugins folder , ie plugins1.
And also change the theme and try. If not work then Go to following link.

Admin bar appears empty in WordPress

Admin bar appears after adding code to the functions.php
add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_true' );
but empty except for the WP logo and the search on the right.
I installed latest version of twentyTwelve, it didn't appear,after adding the same code to the theme's functions.php it appears with the same problem.
So I don't think it has to do with the theme.. So I deactivated all plugins, And I still have the same problem.
Note: There is no problem with the admin bar in the Dashboard. Also I checked the HTML structure, it's not hidden by CSS.
<?php wp_footer(); ?> + <?php wp_header(); ?> are defined in the themes header and footer.
If the toolbar is forced to load (via show_admin_bar) but a user is not logged in it has nothing to show the user. When this happens it looks exactly like your screen shot with just the WP and search icons present. The toolbar will load anytime a user is logged in though so there is no reason to force it to load unless you intend to modify its behavior to include actions for anonymous users.
I was able to recreate this easily in a clean install but only if there was no user logged in. If this is happening to you when a user is logged in then I suggest a fresh install of WP in a subdirectory, or locally, then enabling your theme and plugins one by one until it breaks so you know which component is causing the problem.
