MariaDB Maxscale throwing Access Denied though UserID/Password is Correct - mariadb

Database Version : 10.2.14
Maxscale Version : 2.4.6
Application is using jdbc driver to connect to database
userid1 & userid2 is allowed to connect from anywhere i.e.
If we connect to database directly from application server we are not receiving any issues, and connection establishes successfully, but when we connect to database via maxscale we receive intermittent Access Denied error
userid1 : Connect to database via Maxscale with ID/Password throws Access Denied Error intermittently, sometimes connects successfully
Userid1 : Connect to database directly from application, works fine no issues
userid2 : Connect to database via Maxscale with ID/Password throws Access Denied Error intermittently, sometimes connects successfully
Userid2 : Connect to database directly from application, works fine no issues
Earlier Maxscale Version was 2.2.19 and we never faced issues.
From both (application & Maxscale) logs we can see only ACCESS DENIED errors for those id's.
What am unable to understand is
1) Userid and Password never changed, so why we are receiving ACCESS DENIED when using Maxscale that too intermittently and no issue if we connect directly database.
2) IF Userid/Password passes wrongly then it should be always access denied, but in this case it's intermittently

Similar behavior is reported as MXS-2891 in the MariaDB Jira. I'd recommend reporting these problems on that Jira issue.


ASP Error: SqlException (0x80131904): Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\MACHINENAME$'. When trying to launch ASP page

This had been working fine in our prior server Windows 2012. New server is 2019.
IIS Setup:
DefaultAppPool using ApplicationPoolIdentity as its identity.
Anonymous and Windows Authentication enabled.
Both prior and current server hitting same SQL Server.
When we try launching the ASP Page, we get this error:
SqlException (0x80131904): Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\MACHINENAME$'.
In other posts I've read that it could be the connection string Trusted Connection setting that is incorrect, but the connection string is built inside the page code and it's never changed.
We've also read that since ApplicationPoolIdentity uses NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE as its user, then we'd need to add that service account to the SQL Server.
Again, it had been fine without it in the prior server. But just to try it, we added it to the User list as DB_OWNER in SQL Server.
But still get same error.
Connecting to the SQL server outside of this scenario is no an issue, we can get to it in SSMS and otherwise.
Any ideas and help appreciated!
If you see a failure like this: Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\MACHINENAME$'. It means that a process running as NETWORK SERVICE or LocalSystem accessed a remote resource, authenticated itself as a machine account and was denied authorization. When access to the machine account is denied, the machine account must be granted access. If the server denies login to 'DOMAIN\MACHINE$', then you must grant login permission to 'DOMAIN\MACHINE$' instead of NETWORK SERVICE.

User created in SQLPlus cannot be connected with SQL Developer

I created a user in SQLPlus and granted all privileges to it. I can connect this user in SQLPlus but cannot connect in SQL Developer. I can connect hr and system in SQL Developer but not this user. It shows this error -> Status : Failure -Test failed: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied.
I have checked the username, password and it is correct.
I have checked the tnsnames.ora file and the SID and Port No are correct too.
I have Oracle 11g installed.

Failed to login when creating DataSet from DataStore using Azure Machine Learning Designer

I'm new to Azure and its ML Designer. I have an Azure SQL Database set up with my Client IP allowed through the Firewall. I can connect using SSMS without issue using the server path and credentials Azure supplied.
I have set up a Machine Learning Resource and launched the Learning Studio.
Inside the Learning Studio I created a DataStore pointing to my Azure SQL Database and everything seems just fine:
Azure SQL Database DataStore
However, when I try to create a DataSet from that DataStore I am getting Login errors:
Login error when creating DataSet
In "More details" I see the following:
ScriptExecutionException was caused by DatabaseConnectionException.\n DatabaseConnectionException was caused by AuthenticationException.\n 'MSSQl' encountered connection erro with error code '18456' while opening connection to server ([REDACTED]), database ([REDACTED]). Either the database name is not valid or username and password is wrong. Exception class: '14'. HResult: x80131904.\n Failed due to inner exception of type: SqlException\n
I am sure the database name and login credentials are correct i.e. they work just fine when connecting from my SSMS. What else can this be? I've checked the Azure SQL Database profile - is there something here regarding security or access that I should be setting?
Firewall Settings
** UPDATE **
Solved this by going to SQL Server > Active Directory admin. There was nothing set here so I clicked Set Admin and then from the right panel scrolled down to the ML service I had set up. Once I saved it and then created a Dataset in ML I could see the data Preview just fine.
To get a preview of the dataset, it goes through Azure ML's service. If the only kind of restriction are IP restrictions (nothing around vnets/private links), then you can add Azure ML's IP ranges to your network settings.
Alternatively, you can choose to "skip validation" where Microsoft will not parse the data while trying to create the dataset, but this means preview won't be shown.
Furthermore, ensure that you have created a server-level IP firewall rule in the firewall settings and allowed access to the server, entered valid authentication details when creating the datastore, and specified a valid table when querying your database.
Note: I was able to connect successfully using above guidelines. Thanks.

Maxscale slow and lost connection

i have maxscale installed, I obtain this error:
Refresh rate limit exceeded for load of users' table.
what can I do? I have mariadb database
When the authentication of a user fails, MaxScale reloads the list of database users. This reloading is rate limited which causes the error message in question to be logged.
Inspecting the error logs of MaxScale for any clues about the failed authentication attempts will allow you to fix of the root cause of the problem.
The MaxScale tutorial over at the MariaDB KB shows How to set up MaxScale and how to configure database grants for use with MaxScale.

Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the users local application data path

Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on internet i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed"
