Speedup split and merge dataframe rows in R - r

I have a data on which I want to separate the rows.
df <- data.frame(text=c("Lately, I haven't been able to view my Online Payment Card. It's prompting me to have to upgrade my account whereas before it didn't. I have used the Card at various online stores before and have successfully used it. But now it's starting to get very frustrating that I have to said \"upgrade\" my account. Do fix this... **I noticed some users have the same issue..","I've been using this app for almost 2 years without any problems. Until, their system just blocked my virtual paying card without any notice. So, I was forced to apply for an upgrade and it was rejected thrice, despite providing all of my available IDs. This app has been a big disappointment."), id=c(1,2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
I want split the sentences in the text column and come up with the following:
df <- data.frame (text = c("Lately, I haven't been able to view my Online Payment Card. It's prompting me to have to upgrade my account whereas before it didn't. I have used the Card at various online stores before and have successfully used it. But now it's starting to get very frustrating that I have to said \"upgrade\" my account. Do fix this... **I noticed some users have the same issue..",
"I've been using this app for almost 2 years without any problems. Until, their system just blocked my virtual paying card without any notice. So, I was forced to apply for an upgrade and it was rejected thrice, despite providing all of my available IDs. This app has been a big disappointment.",
"Lately, I haven't been able to view my Online Payment Card.",
"It's prompting me to have to upgrade my account whereas before it didn't.",
"I have used the Card at various online stores before and have successfully used it.",
"But now it's starting to get very frustrating that I have to said upgrade my account.",
"Do fix this|", "**I noticed some users have the same issue|",
"I've been using this app for almost 2 years without any problems.",
"Until, their system just blocked my virtual paying card without any notice.",
"So, I was forced to apply for an upgrade and it was rejected thrice, despite providing all of my available IDs.",
"This app has been a big disappointment."), id = c(1, 2, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2), tag = c("DONE", "DONE", NA, NA, NA,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
I have done it using this code however I think for-loop is so slow. I need to do this for 73,000 rows. So I need a faster approach.
Attempt 1:
df$tag <- NA
for (review_num in 1:nrow(df)) {
x = sent_detect(df$text[review_num])
if (length(x) > 1) {
for (sentence_num in 1:length(x)) {
df <- rbind(df, df[review_num,])
df$text[nrow(df)] <- x[sentence_num]
df$tag[review_num] <- "DONE"
Attempt 2: Rows: 73000, Time Spent: 252 minutes or ~4 hours
reviews_df1 <- data.frame(id=character(0), text=character(0))
for (review_num in 1:nrow(df)) {
preprocess_sent <- sent_detect(df$text[review_num])
if (length(preprocess_sent) > 0) {
x <- data.frame(id=df$id[review_num],
reviews_df <- rbind(reviews_df1, x)
colnames(reviews_df) <- c("id", "text")
Attempt 3: Rows: 29000, Time Spent: 170 minutes or ~2.8 hours
df <- data.frame(text=c("Lately, I haven't been able to view my Online Payment Card. It's prompting me to have to upgrade my account whereas before it didn't. I have used the Card at various online stores before and have successfully used it. But now it's starting to get very frustrating that I have to said \"upgrade\" my account. Do fix this... **I noticed some users have the same issue..","I've been using this app for almost 2 years without any problems. Until, their system just blocked my virtual paying card without any notice. So, I was forced to apply for an upgrade and it was rejected thrice, despite providing all of my available IDs. This app has been a big disappointment."), id=c(1,2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df %>%
group_by(text) %>%
mutate(sentences = list(sent_detect(df$text))) %>%
unnest(cols=sentences) -> out.df

It seems puzzling to me that it would take that long. You could turn your input into a list and use mclapply (if you are not on Windows) to further speed things up.
Here is an example using data.table and parallel::mclapply on Womens Clothing E-Commerce Reviews.csv (23k lines). It takes about 21 seconds with lapply and 5.5 seconds with mclapply on 4 cores.
Granted, those are not very long reviews and sentences, but it demonstrates the usefulness of running things in parallel.
#> Loading required package: qdapDictionaries
#> Loading required package: qdapRegex
#> Loading required package: qdapTools
#> Attaching package: 'qdapTools'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:data.table':
#> shift
#> Loading required package: RColorBrewer
#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'qdap':
#> method from
#> t.DocumentTermMatrix tm
#> t.TermDocumentMatrix tm
#> Attaching package: 'qdap'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#> Filter
dt <- fread("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NadimKawwa/WomeneCommerce/master/Womens%20Clothing%20E-Commerce%20Reviews.csv")
dfl <- setNames(as.list(dt$`Review Text`), dt$V1)
makeDT <- function(x) data.table(text = sent_detect(x))
out.dt <- rbindlist(mclapply(dfl, makeDT, mc.cores=4L), idcol = "id")
out.dt[, tag := NA_character_]
out.dt <- rbind(data.table(id=dt$V1, text=dt$`Review Text`, tag = "DONE"), out.dt)
#> user system elapsed
#> 21.078 0.482 5.467
#> id
#> 1: 0
#> 2: 1
#> 3: 2
#> 4: 3
#> 5: 4
#> ---
#> 137388: 23484
#> 137389: 23484
#> 137390: 23484
#> 137391: 23485
#> 137392: 23485
#> text
#> 1: Absolutely wonderful - silky and sexy and comfortable
#> 2: Love this dress! it's sooo pretty. i happened to find it in a store, and i'm glad i did bc i never would have ordered it online bc it's petite. i bought a petite and am 5'8"". i love the length on me- hits just a little below the knee. would definitely be a true midi on someone who is truly petite.
#> 3: I had such high hopes for this dress and really wanted it to work for me. i initially ordered the petite small (my usual size) but i found this to be outrageously small. so small in fact that i could not zip it up! i reordered it in petite medium, which was just ok. overall, the top half was comfortable and fit nicely, but the bottom half had a very tight under layer and several somewhat cheap (net) over layers. imo, a major design flaw was the net over layer sewn directly into the zipper - it c
#> 4: I love, love, love this jumpsuit. it's fun, flirty, and fabulous! every time i wear it, i get nothing but great compliments!
#> 5: This shirt is very flattering to all due to the adjustable front tie. it is the perfect length to wear with leggings and it is sleeveless so it pairs well with any cardigan. love this shirt!!!
#> ---
#> 137388: the medium fits my waist perfectly, but was way too long and too big in the bust and shoulders.
#> 137389: if i wanted to spend the money, i could get it tailored, but i just felt like it might not be worth it.
#> 137390: side note - this dress was delivered to me with a nordstrom tag on it and i found it much cheaper there after looking!
#> 137391: This dress in a lovely platinum is feminine and fits perfectly, easy to wear and comfy, too!
#> 137392: highly recommend!
#> tag
#> 1: DONE
#> 2: DONE
#> 3: DONE
#> 4: DONE
#> 5: DONE
#> ---
#> 137388: <NA>
#> 137389: <NA>
#> 137390: <NA>
#> 137391: <NA>
#> 137392: <NA>
On second thought, your code may be the problem - try changing
df %>%
group_by(text) %>%
mutate(sentences = list(sent_detect(df$text))) %>%
unnest(cols=sentences) -> out.df
df %>%
group_by(text) %>%
mutate(sentences = list(sent_detect(text))) %>%
unnest(cols=sentences) -> out.df
and see if that was the culprit (I think it was).


How to find heavy objects that are not stored in .GlobalEnv?

I am trying to find which objects are taking a lot of memory in my R session, but the problem is that the object might have been invisibly created with an unknown name in an unknown environment.
If the object is stored in .GlobalEnv or a known environment, I can easily use a strategy like ls(enviro)+get()+object.size() (see lsos on this post for example) to list all objects and their size, allowing me to identify the heavy objects.
However, the object in question might not be stored in .GlobalEnv, but might be in some obscure environment implicitly created by an external package. How can in that case identify which object is using a lot of RAM?
The best case study is ggplot2 creating .last_plot in a dedicated environment. Looking under the hood one can find that it is stored in environment(ggplot2:::.store$get), so one can find it and eventually remove it. But if I didn't know that location or name a priori, would there be a way to find that there is a heavy object called .last_plot somewhere in memory?
#> 34.7 MB
## example: implicit creation of heavy and hidden object by ggplot
path <- tempfile()
saveRDS(as.data.frame(matrix(rep(1,1e07), ncol=5)), path)
#> 34.9 MB
p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(readr::read_rds(path), ggplot2::aes(V1))
#> 127 MB
## Hidden object is not in .GlobalEnv
ls(.GlobalEnv, all.names = TRUE)
#> [1] "path"
## Here I know where to find it: environment(ggplot2:::.store$get)
ls(all.names = TRUE, envir = environment(ggplot2:::.store$get))
#> [1] ".last_plot"
pryr::object_size(get(".last_plot", environment(ggplot2:::.store$get))$data)
#> 80 MB
## But how could I have found this otherwise?
Created on 2020-11-03 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
I don't think there's any existing way to do this. If you combine #AllanCameron's answer with my comment, where you'd also run ls(y) for y environments calculated as
ns <- loadedNamespaces()
for (x in ns) {
y <- loadNamespace(x)
# look at the size of everything in y
you still won't find all the environments. I think you could do it if you also examined every object that might contain a reference to an environment (e.g. every function, formula, list, and various exotic objects) but it would be tricky not to miss something or count things more than once.
Edited to add: Actually, pryr::object_size is pretty smart at reporting on the environments attached to objects, so we'd get close by searching namespaces. For example, to find the top 20 objects:
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'pryr':
#> method from
#> print.bytes Rcpp
#> 35 MB
path <- tempfile()
saveRDS(as.data.frame(matrix(rep(1,1e07), ncol=5)), path)
#> 35.2 MB
p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(readr::read_rds(path), ggplot2::aes(V1))
#> 127 MB
envs <- c(globalenv = globalenv(),
sapply(loadedNamespaces(), function(ns) loadNamespace(ns)))
sizes <- lapply(envs, function(e) {
objs <- ls(e, all = TRUE)
sapply(objs, function(obj) pryr::object_size(get(obj, envir = e)))
head(sort(unlist(sizes), decreasing = TRUE), 20)
#> base..__S3MethodsTable__. utils..__S3MethodsTable__.
#> 96216872 83443704
#> grid..__S3MethodsTable__. ggplot2..__S3MethodsTable__.
#> 80945520 80636768
#> ggplot2..store methods..classTable
#> 80418936 10101152
#> graphics..__S3MethodsTable__. tools..check_packages
#> 9325608 5185880
#> compiler.inlineHandlers methods..genericTable
#> 3444600 2808440
#> Rcpp..__T__show:methods colorspace..__T__show:methods
#> 2474672 2447880
#> Rcpp..RcppClass Rcpp..__C__C++OverloadedMethods
#> 2127584 1990504
#> Rcpp..__C__RcppClass Rcpp..__C__C++Field
#> 1982576 1980176
#> Rcpp..__C__C++Constructor Rcpp..__T__$:base
#> 1979992 1939616
#> tools..install_packages Rcpp..__C__Module
#> 1904032 1899872
Created on 2020-11-03 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
I don't know why those methods tables come out so large (I suspect it's because ggplot2 adds methods to those tables, so its environment gets captured); but somehow they are finding your object, because they aren't so big if I don't create it.
A hint about the issue is in the 5th object, listed as ggplot2..store (i.e. the object named .store in the ggplot2 namespace). Doesn't tell you to look in the environments of the functions in .store, but at least it gets you started.
Second edit:
Here are some tweaks to make the output a bit more readable.
# Unlist first, so we can clean up the names
sizes <- unlist(sizes)
# Replace the first dot with :::
names(sizes) <- sub(".", ":::", names(sizes), fixed = TRUE)
# Remove internal R objects
keep <- !grepl(".__", names(sizes), fixed = TRUE)
sizes <- sizes[keep]
With these changes, the output from sort(sizes[keep], decreasing = TRUE) starts out as
If you do
unlist(lapply(search(), function(y) sapply(ls(y), function(x) object.size(get(x)))))
You will get a complete list of all the objects in all the environments on your search path, including their sizes. You can then sort these and find the offending objects.

How do I use rvest to sort text into different columns?

I am using rvest to (try to) scrape all the author affiliation data from a database of academic publications called RePEc. I have the authors' short IDs, which I'm using to scrape affiliation data. However, each time I try, it gives me the 404 error: Error in open.connection(x, "rb") : HTTP error 404
It must be an issue with my use of sapply because when I test it using an individual ID, it works. Here is the code I'm using:
df$author_reg <- c("paa6","paa2","paa1", "paa8", "pve266", "pya500")
df$websites <- paste0("https://ideas.repec.org/e/", df$author_reg, ".html")
df$affiliation <- sapply(df$websites, function(x) try(x %>% read_html %>% html_nodes("#affiliation h3") %>% html_text()))
I actually need to do this for six columns of authors and there are NA values I'd like to skip so if anyone knows how to do that as well, I would be enormously grateful (but not a big deal if I not). Thank you in advance for your help!
EDIT: I have just discovered that the error is in the formula for the websites. Sometimes it should be df$websites <- paste0("https://ideas.repec.org/e/", df$author_reg, ".html") and sometimes it should be df$websites <- paste0("https://ideas.repec.org/f/", df$author_reg, ".html")
Does anyone know how to get R to try both and give me the one that works?
You can have the two links and use try on bottom of them. I am assuming there is only 1 that would give a valid website. Otherwise we can always edit the code to take in everything that works:
df = data.frame(id=1:6)
df$author_reg <- c("paa6","paa2","paa1", "paa8", "pve266", "pya500")
http1 <- "https://ideas.repec.org/e/"
http2 <- "https://ideas.repec.org/f/"
df$affiliation <- sapply(df$author_reg, function(x){
links = c(paste0(http1, x, ".html"),paste0(http2, x, ".html"))
# here we try both links and store under attempt
attempts = links %>% map(function(i){
try(read_html(i) %>% html_nodes("#affiliation h3") %>% html_text())
# the good ones will have "character" class, the failed ones, try-error
gdlink = which(sapply(attempts,class) != "try-error")
return("True 404 error")
Check the results:
id author_reg
1 1 paa6
2 2 paa2
3 3 paa1
4 4 paa8
5 5 pve266
6 6 pya500
1 Statistisk SentralbyråGovernment of Norway
2 Department of EconomicsCollege of BusinessUniversity of Wyoming
3 (80%) Institutt for ØkonomiUniversitetet i Bergen, (20%) Gruppe for trygdeøkonomiInstitutt for ØkonomiUniversitetet i Bergen
4 Centraal Planbureau (CPB)Government of the Netherlands
5 Department of FinanceRotterdam School of Management (RSM Erasmus University)Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
6 Business SchoolSwinburne University of Technology

Issue reading data with ipumsr using PUMAs

I'm trying to read some data from ipums USA and it's worked before, but I'm suddenly getting the error "Error in levels<-(*tmp*, value = as.character(levels)) : factor level [2] is duplicated" Earlier, when just trying to display the PUMA data, I also got "Error: 'labels' must be unique" on a different computer. I'll put the code I was using below, but I've been using this data with PUMA and it hasn't happened before. Can anyone tell me what this means or what changed?
ddi <- read_ipums_ddi("usa_00021.xml")
data <- read_ipums_micro(ddi)
data[13] #13 is the IND column and this produces the error
data$IND #this does not produce an error
this gets the "Error in levels<-(*tmp*, value = as.character(levels)) : factor level [2] is duplicated" error on my current computer
ddi <- read_ipums_ddi("usa_00021.xml")
data <- read_ipums_micro(ddi)
data[8] #this is the PUMA column
this gets the 'Error: 'labels' must be unique' error on the other computer. This computer has the same issue listed above, but also gives me this. This is also the computer I had been using with no previous issue
(Sorry if anything is formated wrong--first question)
This is related to an error in the print formatting introduced by recent versions of ipumsr and haven.
It has been fixed as a pull request into haven, so if you're able to install C++ packages from github, you can run the following command:
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("tidyverse/haven", pull = 425)
If that's not an option, you can disable the printing behavior by doing the following:
options(haven.show_pillar_labels = FALSE)
options(ipumsr.show_pillar_labels = FALSE)
Just to confirm - this is how the options work on my computer - I'm curious why this wouldn't work on yours. If you have time, can you see if this code works for you?
x <- tibble::tibble(x = haven::labelled(c(1, 2, 3), c(x = 1, x = 2)))
#> Error in `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.character(levels)): factor level [2] is duplicated
options(haven.show_pillar_labels = FALSE)
options(ipumsr.show_pillar_labels = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 1
#> x
#> <dbl+lbl>
#> 1 1
#> 2 2
#> 3 3
Created on 2019-04-10 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

Can I filter out certain rows/records when retrieving data from Salesforce using the RForcecom function "rforcecom.retrieve"?

Thanks for helping me with my first Stack Overflow question. I am trying to retrieve all the data from several fields in an Object called "Applied Questionnaire"; however, I do not want to retrieve any records that have the name "Training Site".
Currently, this is my code, which works:
quarterly_site_scores = rforcecom.retrieve(session, "AppliedQuestionnaire__c",
c("Site__c", "Site_Name__c", "Total_Score__c"))
%>% rename(site_id = Site__c, site_name = Site_Name__c)
quarterly_site_scores = quarterly_site_scores[!(quarterly_site_scores$site_name == "TRAINING PARK SITE" |
quarterly_site_scores$status != "Completed"),]
However, I'm wondering if there's a more elegant, streamlined solution here. Can I filter at the same time I retrieve? Or is there a better way to filter here?
(I've simplified the code here - I'm actually pulling in about ten fields and filtering on about five or six criteria, just in this one example).
Thank you.
Adding what the OP discovered as an answer using the salesforcer package which returns the SOQL resultset as a tbl_df.
sf_auth(username, password, security_token)
# list all object names in a Salesforce org
ped_objects <- sf_list_objects() %>% .$sobjects %>% map_chr(~pluck(., "name"))
# list all the fields on a particular object
fields <- sf_describe_object_fields('AppliedQuestionnaireBundle2__c')
# write a query to retrieve certain records from that object
site_scores_soql <- "SELECT Site__c,
FROM AppliedQuestionnaireBundle2__c
WHERE Site_Name__c != 'GENERIC SITE'
AND Status__c = 'Completed'"
# run the query
quarterly_site_scores <- sf_query(site_scores_soql)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#> Site__c Site_Name__c Total_Score__c
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 A Site Name1 78
#> 2 B Site Name2 52
#> 3 C Site Name3 83

Slow wordcloud in R

Trying to create a word cloud from a 300MB .csv file with text, but its taking hours on a decent laptop with 16GB of RAM. Not sure how long this should typically take...but here's my code:
dfTemplate <- read.csv("CleanedDescMay.csv", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
template <- dfTemplate
template <- Corpus(VectorSource(template))
template <- tm_map(template, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
template <- tm_map(template, stripWhitespace)
template <- tm_map(template, removePunctuation)
dtm <- TermDocumentMatrix(template)
m <- as.matrix(dtm)
v <- sort(rowSums(m), decreasing=TRUE)
d <- data.frame(word = names(v), freq=v)
head(d, 10)
png(file="WordCloudDesc1.png", width=1000, height=700, bg="grey30")
wordcloud(d$word, d$freq, col=terrain.colors(length(d$word), alpha=0.9), random.order=FALSE, rot.per = 0.3, max.words=500)
title(main = "Top Template Words", font.main=1, col.main="cornsilk3", cex.main=1.5)
Any advice is appreciated!
Step 1: Profile
Have you tried profiling your full workflow yet with a small subset to figure out which steps are taking the most time? Profiling with RStudio here
If not, that should be your first step.
If the tm_map() functions are taking a long time:
If I recall correctly, I found working with stringi to be faster than the dedicated corpus tools.
My workflow wound up looking like the following for the pre-cleaning steps. This could definitely be optimized further -- magrittr pipes %>% do contribute to some additional processing time, but I feel like that's an acceptable trade-off for the sanity of not having dozens of nested parenthesis.
## This function handles the processing pipeline
textCleaner <- function(InputText, StopWords, Words, NewWords){
InputText %>%
stri_enc_toascii(.) %>%
toupper(.) %>%
stri_replace_all_regex(.,"[[:cntrl:]]"," ") %>%
stri_replace_all_regex(.,"[[:punct:]]"," ") %>%
stri_replace_all_regex(.,"[[:space:]]+"," ") %>% ## Replaces multiple spaces with
stri_replace_all_regex(.,"^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$","") %>% ## Remove leading and trailing spaces
stri_replace_all_regex(.,"\\b"%s+%StopWords%s+%"\\b","",vectorize_all = FALSE) %>% ## Stopwords
stri_replace_all_regex(.,"\\b"%s+%Words%s+%"\\b",NewWords,vectorize_all = FALSE) ## Replacements
## Replacement Words, I would normally read in a .CSV file
Replace <- data.table(Old = c("LOREM","IPSUM","DOLOR","SIT"),
New = c("I","DONT","KNOW","LATIN"))
## These need to be defined globally
GlobalStopWords <- c("AT","UT","IN","ET","A")
GlobalOldWords <- Replace[["Old"]]
GlobalNewWords <- Replace[["New"]]
## Generate some sample text
DT <- data.table(Text = stringi::stri_rand_lipsum(500000))
## Running Single Threaded
DT[,CleanedText := textCleaner(Text, GlobalStopWords,GlobalOldWords, GlobalNewWords)]
# user system elapsed
# 66.969 0.747 67.802
The process of cleaning text is embarrassingly parallel, so in theory you should be able some big time savings possible with multiple cores.
I used to run this pipeline in parallel, but looking back at it today, it turns out that the communication overhead makes this take twice as long with 8 cores as it does single threaded. I'm not sure if this was the same for my original use case, but I guess this may simply serve as a good example of why trying to parallelize instead of optimize can lead to more trouble than value.
## This function handles the cluster creation
## and exporting libraries, functions, and objects
parallelCleaner <- function(Text, NCores){
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(NCores)
clusterEvalQ(cl, library(magrittr))
clusterEvalQ(cl, library(stringi))
clusterExport(cl, list("textCleaner",
Text <- as.character(unlist(parallel::parLapply(cl, Text,
fun = function(x) textCleaner(x,
## Run it Parallel
DT[,CleanedText := parallelCleaner(Text = Text,
NCores = 8)]
# user system elapsed
# 6.700 5.099 131.429
If the TermDocumentMatrix(template) is the chief offender:
Update: I mentioned Drew Schmidt and Christian Heckendorf also submitted an R package named ngram to CRAN recently that might be worth checking out: ngram Github Repository. Turns out I should have just tried it before explaining the really cumbersome process of building a command line tool from source-- this would have saved me a lot of time had been around 18 months ago!
It is a good deal more memory intensive and not quite as fast -- my memory usage peaked around 31 GB so that may or may not be a deal-breaker for you. All things considered, this seems like a really good option.
For the 500,000 paragraph case, ngrams clocks in at around 7 minutes of runtime:
ng1 <- ngram::ngram(DT[["CleanedText"]],n = 1)
ng2 <- ngram::ngram(DT[["CleanedText"]],n = 2)
ng3 <- ngram::ngram(DT[["CleanedText"]],n = 3)
pt1 <- setDT(ngram::get.phrasetable(ng1))
pt1[,Ngrams := 1L]
pt2 <- setDT(ngram::get.phrasetable(ng2))
pt2[,Ngrams := 2L]
pt3 <- setDT(ngram::get.phrasetable(ng3))
pt3[,Ngrams := 3L]
pt <- rbindlist(list(pt1,pt2,pt3))
# user system elapsed
# 411.671 12.177 424.616
pt[Ngrams == 2][order(-freq)][1:5]
# ngrams freq prop Ngrams
# 1: SED SED 75096 0.0018013693 2
# 2: AC SED 33390 0.0008009444 2
# 3: SED AC 33134 0.0007948036 2
# 4: SED EU 30379 0.0007287179 2
# 5: EU SED 30149 0.0007232007 2
You can try using a more efficient ngram generator. I use a command line tool called ngrams (available on github here) by Zheyuan Yu- partial implementation of Dr. Vlado Keselj 's Text-Ngrams 1.6 to take pre-processed text files off disk and generate a .csv output with ngram frequencies.
You'll need to build from source yourself using make and then interface with it using system() calls from R, but I found it to run orders of magnitude faster while using a tiny fraction of the memory. Using it, I was was able generate 5-grams from ~700MB of text input in well under an hour, the CSV result with all the output was 2.9 GB file with 93 million rows.
Continuing the example above, In my working directory, I have a folder, ngrams-master, in my working directory that contains the ngrams executable created with make.
writeLines(DT[["CleanedText"]],con = "ExampleText.txt")
system2(command = "ngrams-master/ngrams",args = "--type=word --n = 3 --in ExampleText.txt", stdout = "ExampleGrams.csv")
# ngrams have been generated, start outputing.
# Subtotal: 165 seconds for generating ngrams.
# Subtotal: 12 seconds for outputing ngrams.
# Total 177 seconds.
Grams <- fread("ExampleGrams.csv")
# Read 5917978 rows and 3 (of 3) columns from 0.160 GB file in 00:00:06
Grams[Ngrams == 3 & Frequency > 10][sample(.N,5)]
# Ngrams Frequency Token
I think I may have made a couple tweaks to get the output format how I wanted it, if you're interested I can try to find the changes I made to generate a .csvoutputs that differ from the default and upload to Github. (I did that project before I was familiar with the platform so I don't have a good record of the changes I made, live and learn.)
Update 2: I created a fork on Github, msummersgill/ngrams that reflects the slight tweaks I made to output results in a .CSV format. If someone was so inclined, I have a hunch that this could be wrapped up in a Rcpp based package that would be acceptable for CRAN submission -- any takers? I honestly have no clue how Ternary Search Trees work, but they seem to be significantly more memory efficient and faster than any other N-gram implementation currently available in R.
Drew Schmidt and Christian Heckendorf also submitted an R package named ngram to CRAN, I haven't used it personally but it might be worth checking out as well: ngram Github Repository.
The Whole Shebang:
Using the same pipeline described above but with a size closer to what you're dealing with (ExampleText.txt comes out to ~274MB):
DT <- data.table(Text = stringi::stri_rand_lipsum(500000))
DT[,CleanedText := textCleaner(Text, GlobalStopWords,GlobalOldWords, GlobalNewWords)]
# user system elapsed
# 66.969 0.747 67.802
writeLines(DT[["CleanedText"]],con = "ExampleText.txt")
system2(command = "ngrams-master/ngrams",args = "--type=word --n = 3 --in ExampleText.txt", stdout = "ExampleGrams.csv")
# ngrams have been generated, start outputing.
# Subtotal: 165 seconds for generating ngrams.
# Subtotal: 12 seconds for outputing ngrams.
# Total 177 seconds.
Grams <- fread("ExampleGrams.csv")
# Read 5917978 rows and 3 (of 3) columns from 0.160 GB file in 00:00:06
Grams[Ngrams == 3 & Frequency > 10][sample(.N,5)]
# Ngrams Frequency Token
While the example may not be a perfect representation due to the limited vocabulary generated by stringi::stri_rand_lipsum(), the total run time of ~4.2 minutes using less than 8 GB of RAM on 500,000 paragraphs has been fast enough for the corpuses (corpi?) I've had to tackle in the past.
If wordcloud() is the source of the slowdown:
I'm not familiar with this function, but #Gregor's comment on your original post seems like it would take care of this issue.
GramSubset <- Grams[Ngrams == 2][1:500]
wordcloud(GramSubset[["Token"]],GramSubset[["Frequency"]],color = GramSubset[["Frequency"]],
rot.per = 0.3,font.main=1, col.main="cornsilk3", cex.main=1.5)
