How to wrap the following code into a for loop in R? - r

I'm new in R and I'm currently working with RandomForest Analysis.
I need to create at least 100 replicates of a RF model, each one with different test/train data.
I would like to automate the task wrapping the code into a loop if that's possible, and save the results of every model.
Without a loop, I have to run the code every time and manually write the output.
This is my code:
#split data into 80 for training/20 for testing
obs_split <- obs_split %>%
split(if_else(runif(nrow(.)) <= 0.8, "train", "test"))
map_int(obs_split, nrow)
# grow random forest with ranger package
detection_freq <- mean(obs_split$train$species_observed)
# ranger requires a factor response to do classification
obs_split$train$species_observed <- factor(obs_split$train$species_observed)
rf <- ranger(formula = species_observed ~ .,
data = obs_split$train,
importance = "impurity",
probability = TRUE,
replace = TRUE,
sample.fraction = c(detection_freq, detection_freq))
I would appreciate any solution! Thank you


How to Create a loop (when levels do not overlap the reference)

I have written some code in R. This code takes some data and splits it into a training set and a test set. Then, I fit a "survival random forest" model on the training set. After, I use the model to predict observations within the test set.
Due to the type of problem I am dealing with ("survival analysis"), a confusion matrix has to be made for each "unique time" (inside the file "unique.death.time"). For each confusion matrix made for each unique time, I am interested in the corresponding "sensitivity" value (e.g. sensitivity_1001, sensitivity_2005, etc.). I am trying to get all these sensitivity values : I would like to make a plot with them (vs unique death times) and determine the average sensitivity value.
In order to do this, I need to repeatedly calculate the sensitivity for each time point in "unique.death.times". I tried doing this manually and it is taking a long time.
Could someone please show me how to do this with a "loop"?
I have posted my code below:
#load libraries
#load data
#split data into train and test
ind <- sample(1:nrow(cost),round(nrow(cost) * 0.7,0))
cost_train <- cost[ind,]
cost_test <- cost[-ind,]
#fit survival random forest model
ranger_fit <- ranger(Surv(time, status) ~ .,
data = cost_train,
mtry = 3,
verbose = TRUE,
num.trees= 1000,
importance = 'permutation')
#optional: plot training results
plot(ranger_fit$unique.death.times, ranger_fit$survival[1,], type = 'l', col = 'red') # for first observation
lines(ranger_fit$unique.death.times, ranger_fit$survival[21,], type = 'l', col = 'blue') # for twenty first observation
#predict observations test set using the survival random forest model
ranger_preds <- predict(ranger_fit, cost_test, type = 'response')$survival
ranger_preds <- data.table(ranger_preds)
colnames(ranger_preds) <- as.character(ranger_fit$unique.death.times)
From here, another user (Justin Singh) from a previous post (R: how to repeatedly "loop" the results from a function?) suggested how to create a loop:
sensitivity <- list()
for (time in names(ranger_preds)) {
prediction <- ranger_preds[which(names(ranger_preds) == time)] > 0.5
real <- cost_test$time >= as.numeric(time)
confusion <- confusionMatrix(as.factor(prediction), as.factor(real), positive = 'TRUE')
sensitivity[as.character(i)] <- confusion$byclass[1]
But due to some of the observations used in this loop, I get the following error:
Error in confusionMatrix.default(as.factor(prediction), as.factor(real), :
The data must contain some levels that overlap the reference.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Certain values in prediction and/or real have only 1 unique value in them. Make sure the levels of the factors are the same.
sapply(names(ranger_preds), function(x) {
prediction <- factor(ranger_preds[[x]] > 0.5, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
real <- factor(cost_test$time >= as.numeric(x), levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
confusion <- caret::confusionMatrix(prediction, real, positive = 'TRUE')
}, USE.NAMES = FALSE) -> result

R training and tuning random forest classifier with hardware challenge

I'm sorry if this is not appropriate to ask here but please forgive a noobie.
I'm training a random forest multiple class(8) classifier using R Caret on my experimental data using my desktop, 32GB RAM and a 4 core CPU. However, I'm facing constant complains from RStudio reporting it cannot allocate vector of 9GB. So I have to reduce the training set all the way to 1% of the data just to run fold CV and some grid search. As a result my mode accuracy is ~50% and the resulting features selected aren't very good at all. Only 2 out of 8 classes are being distinguished somewhat truthfully. Of course it could be that I don't have any good features. But I want to at least test train and tune my model on a decent size of training data first. What are the solutions can help? or is there anywhere I can upload my data and train somewhere? I'm so new that I don't know if something like cloud based things can help me? Pointers will be appreciated.
Edit: I have uploaded the data table and my codes so maybe it is my bad coding screwed things up.
Here is a link to the data:
Here are my codes:
#load libraries
#read the data in
df.raw <-fread("CLL_merged_sampled_same_ctrl_40percent.csv", header =TRUE,data.table = FALSE)
#get the useful data
#subset and get rid of useless labels
df.1 <- subset(df.raw, select = c(18:131))
df <- subset(df.1, select = -c(2:4))
#As I want to build a RF model to classify drug treatments
# make the treatmentsun as factors
#there should be 7 levels
df$treatmentsum <- as.factor(df$treatmentsum)
#find nearZerovarance features
#I did not remove them. Just flagged them
nzv <- nearZeroVar(df[-1], saveMetrics= TRUE)
possible.nzv.flagged <- nzv[nzv$nzv=="TRUE",]
write.csv(possible.nzv.flagged, "Near Zero Features flagged.CSV", row.names = TRUE)
#identify correlated features
df.Cor <- cor(df[-1])
highCorr <- sum(abs(df.Cor[upper.tri(df.Cor)]) > .99)
highlyCor <- findCorrelation(df.Cor, cutoff = .99,verbose = TRUE)
#Get rid off strongly correlated features
filtered.df<- df[ ,-highlyCor]
#identify linear dependecies
linear.combo <- findLinearCombos(filtered.df[-1])
linear.combo #no linear ones detected
#splt datainto training and test
#Here is my problem, I want to use 80% of the data for training
#but in my computer, I can only use 0.002
split <- sample.split(filtered.df$treatmentsum, SplitRatio = 0.8)
training_set <- subset(filtered.df, split==TRUE)
test_set <- subset(filtered.df, split==FALSE)
#scaling numeric data
#leave the first column labels out
training_set[-1] = scale(training_set[-1])
test_set[-1] = scale(test_set[-1])
#build RF
#use Cross validation for model training
#I can't use repeated CV as it fails on my machine
#I set a grid search for tuning
control <- trainControl(method="cv", number=10,verboseIter = TRUE, search = 'grid')
#default mtry below, is around 10
#mtry <- sqrt(ncol(training_set))
#I used ,mtry 1:12 to run, but I wanted to test more, limited again by machine
tunegrid <- expand.grid(.mtry = (1:20))
model <- train(training_set[,-1],as.factor(training_set[,1]), data=training_set, method = "rf", trControl = control,metric= "Accuracy", maximize = TRUE ,importance = TRUE, type="classification", ntree =800,tuneGrid = tunegrid)
prediction2 <- predict(model, test_set[,-1])
cm<-confusionMatrix(prediction2, as.factor(test_set[,1]), positive = "1")

Extracting Class Probabilities from SparkR ML Classification Functions

I'm wondering if it's possible (using the built in features of SparkR or any other workaround), to extract the class probabilities of some of the classification algorithms that included in SparkR. Particular ones of interest are.
Currently, when I use the predict function on these models I am able to extract the predictions, but not the actual probabilities or "confidence."
I've seen several other questions that are similar to this topic, but none that are specific to SparkR, and many have not been answered in regards to Spark's most recent updates.
i ran into the same problem, and following this answer now use SparkR:::callJMethod to transform the probability DenseVector (which R cannot deserialize) to an Array (which R reads as a List). It's not very elegant or fast, but it does the job:
denseVectorToArray <- function(dv) {
SparkR:::callJMethod(dv, "toArray")
start your spark session
#sparkR.session(master = "local")
generate toy data
data <- data.frame(clicked = base::sample(c(0,1),100,replace=TRUE),
someString = base::sample(c("this", "that"),
100, replace=TRUE),
trainidxs <- base::sample(nrow(data), nrow(data)*0.7)
traindf <- as.DataFrame(data[trainidxs,])
testdf <- as.DataFrame(data[-trainidxs,])
train a random forest and run predictions:
rf <- spark.randomForest(traindf,
type = "classification",
maxDepth = 2,
maxBins = 2,
numTrees = 100)
predictions <- predict(rf, testdf)
collect your predictions:
collected = SparkR::collect(predictions)
now extract the probabilities:
collected$probabilities <- lapply(collected$probability, function(x) denseVectorToArray(x))
ofcourse, the function wrapper around SparkR:::callJMethod is a bit of an overkill. You can also use it directly, e.g. with dplyr:
withprobs = collected %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate("probabilities" = list(SparkR:::callJMethod(probability,"toArray"))) %>%
mutate("prob0" = probabilities[[1]], "prob1" = probabilities[[2]])

R object is not a matrix

I am new to R and trying to save my svm model in R and have read the documentation but still do not understand what is wrong.
I am getting the error "object is not a matrix" which would seem to mean that my data is not a matrix, but it is... so something is missing.
My data is defined as:
data = read.table("data.csv")
trainSet =[,1:(ncol(data)-1)])
Where the last line is my label
I am trying to define my model as:
svm.model <- svm(type ~ ., data=trainSet, type='C-classification', kernel='polynomial',scale=FALSE)
This seems like it should be correct but I am having trouble finding other examples.
Here is my code so far:
# load libraries
# load dataset
SVMtimes = 1
data = read.table("head.csv")
# Cross Fold for training and validation datasets
for(timesRun in 1:SVMtimes) {
cat("Running SVM = ",timesRun," result = ")
trainSet =[,1:(ncol(data)-1)])
trainClasses = as.factor(data[,ncol(data)])
model = svm(trainSet, trainClasses, type="C-classification",
kernel = KERNEL, degree = DEGREE, coef0=1, cost=1,
cachesize = 10000, cross = 10)
accAll = model$accuracies
cat(mean(accAll), "/", sd(accAll),"\n")
results10foldAll = rbind(results10foldAll, c(mean(accAll),sd(accAll)))
# create model
svm.model <- svm(type ~ ., data = trainSet, type='C-classification', kernel='polynomial',scale=FALSE)
An example of one of my samples would be:
10.135338 7.214543 5.758917 6.361316 0.000000 18.455875 14.082668 31
Here, trainSet is a data frame but in the svm.model function it expects data to be a matrix(where you are assigning trainSet to data). Hence, set data = as.matrix(trainSet). This should work fine.
Indeed as pointed out by #user5196900 you need a matrix to run the svm(). However beware that matrix object means all columns have same datatypes, all numeric or all categorical/factors. If this is true for your data as.matrix() may be fine.
In practice more than often people want to model.matrix() or sparse.model.matrix() (from package Matrix) which gives dummy columns for categorical variables, while having single column for numerical variables. But a matrix indeed.

R Neural Net Issues

Here is the updated code. My issue is with the output of "results". I'll post below as the format for readability.
setwd("C:/Users/Aaron/Documents/UMUC/R/Data For Assignments")
trainset <- read.csv("SOTS.csv")
## val data classification
## building the neural network
risknet <- neuralnet(Overall.Risk.Value ~ Finance + Personnel + Information.Dissemenation.C, trainset, hidden = 10, lifesign = "minimal", linear.output = FALSE, threshold = 0.1)
##plot nn
plot(risknet, rep="best")
##import scoring set
score_set <- read.csv("SOSS.csv")
##select subsets-training and scoring match
score_test <- subset(score_set, select = c("Finance", "Personnel", "Information.Dissemenation.C"))
##display values of score_test
##neural network compute function score_test and the neural net "risknet"
risknet.results <- compute(risknet, score_test)
##Actual value of Overall.Risk.Value variable wanting to predict. net.result = a matrix containing the overall result of the neural network
results <- data.frame(Actual = score_set$Overall.Risk.Value, Prediction = risknet.results$net.result)
results[1:14, ]
The output of results is not as expected. For instance, the actual data is a number between 5 and 8, whereas "Prediction" displays outputs of .9995...for each result.
Thanks again for the help.
This is how you train and predict:
Use training data to learn model parameters (the variable risknet in your case)
Use parameters to predict scores on test data
Here is an example very much similar to yours that explains how this is done.
The default activation function in neuralnet is "logistic". When linear.output is set as FALSE, it ensures that the output is mapped by the activation function to the interval [0,1].(R_Journal (neuralnet)- Frauke Günther)
I just updated linear.output=TRUE in your code and final result looks much better.
Thanks for the help!
