Angular app not able to access Firestore database? - firebase

I have an angular app with appropriate firebaseConfig that has the apiKey correctly configured. When the app is initialized it is supposed to go to the corresponding Firestore and collect the email addresses there and store them for later user authentication. The problem is that the app is unable to do this unless there is a user logged in. This is confusing because I thought that the app could access the Firestore database without having someone already authenticated. The only workaround I have been able to come up with is to set the Firestore rules to allow global read access. That way, when the app starts, it is guaranteed to have access to the database and emails therein.
What am I missing here?

If your security rules are like this:
// Allow read/write access on all documents to any user signed in to the application
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth.uid != null;
Then only if the user is authenticated they can access the data. You can change your rules to the following:
// Allow read/write access on all documents to any user signed in to the application
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth.uid != null;
match /{collectionName}/{docId} {
allow read: if collectionName == 'emailCollection';
This way if the user is authenticated then they can access all the documents, and if collection name is equal to emailCollection then a none authenticated user can access it.

You're not missing anything. If you want users to be able to query Firestore collections without being authenticated ahead of time, that collection is going to need full public read access. It's not possible to write security rules that limit access to the database to a particular app or web site.


Firestore security rules without auth

I stored my portfolio app data using Firestore and firebase storage.
There are no user inputs or registration in my app, it's a simple portfolio to show my works.
I want any user to be able to read the data coming from my firestore and firebase storage.
My current rules:
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read: if true;
The problem i have with this rules is that attackers can fluid my app with requests.
I even got warning email says
"Because your project does not have strong security rules, anyone can access your entire database. Attackers can read all of your data, and they can drive up your bill."
I do not have any sensitive data stored but i want to prevent additional charges from google.
How can i set my Firestore security rules to enable any users to read without auth but prevent attacks?
Firebase Security Rules don't like when a database point is left open, while this is normally done with Security Rules and Auth, You can define the readability of the document based on a value from inside the document.
In this example, the document has a bool value for Public
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
// Allow the user to read data if the document has the 'visibility'
// field set to 'public'
match /{document=**} {
allow read: if == true;

Your Cloud Firestore database has insecure rules. What rules would be best for a simple app?

I have received an email from Firebase stating the title of this post with these details:
We've detected the following issue(s) with your security rules:
any user can read your entire database
any user can write to your entire database
My Firebase database rules are as follows:
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if true;
I am not sure what to do. For my app users need to be able to read mostly and write (sometimes to submit stuff). Does anyone have tips to secure this better, or even if I can do anything?
Do you use Firebase Authentication in your app? If yes, then change the security rules to this :
allow read, write: if request.auth != null;
This rule will allow only logged-in user to get and write data to database. This should be a good starting point for a simple app. However, if you are not using Firebase Authentication, then you must implement your own authenticate scheme, but this is just not recommended for security

Firebase security rules confusion

I have a flutter app which uses pdf files and video files. I have put these files in firebase storage and I put the url of these files in database collections to use them in my app.
I do not want any email and password authentication on my app. Are my pdf and video files secure?
Can anybody access them or obtain them?
This is my rules for database:
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write;
This is my rules for firebase storage :
service {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write;
Your rules allows anybody to read, modify or delete your files, so not, your files are not safe at all.
If you want your files to be safe, you must consider implement some kind of authentication and set the appropriate rules to only you or certain group of users be able to access your files.
You can read more about setting rules in the Firebase documentation.
If you don't want to ask your users to enter credentials, but still want a modicum of security, consider using Firebase's anonymous authentication provider. From the documentation:
You can use Firebase Authentication to create and use temporary anonymous accounts to authenticate with Firebase. These temporary anonymous accounts can be used to allow users who haven't yet signed up to your app to work with data protected by security rules. If an anonymous user decides to sign up to your app, you can link their sign-in credentials to the anonymous account so that they can continue to work with their protected data in future sessions.
Of course if you don't want to associate your files or data with a specific user, then anonymous auth is also pretty meaningless. But at that point you're indeed looking to allow pure unauthenticated public access. This may be a fine option too, as long as you realize that your project will be charged for any reads/writes by any users.
If you want any users, without identifying them or providing credentials, to be able to read the data/files, but not write any data/files of their own, you're looking for read-only rules:
allow read; if true;
allow write: if false;
Or shorter, but less explicit to read:
allow read

Google firebase's firestore rules block key creation/edits

I have the following firestore rule to allow user access to only their record. It works fine...
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /users/{userId} {
allow read, update, delete: if request.auth.uid == userId;
allow create: if request.auth.uid != null;
Now under the users collection, each document contains a field/key name "isAuthenticated" which is set to true from the server side backend using service account persmission.
How can I setup the rules to make sure even the authenticated user cannot update that particular key?
To disallow all regular users from creating documents:
allow create: if false;
But note that someone accessing the database with the Admin SDK will still be able to create documents, since they access it with administrative privileges.
**Update*: to prevent the user from updating any fields:
allow update: if false;
To disallow updating a specific field:
allow update: if !("isAuthenticated" in request.writeFields);
Firebase Firestore prevent client side creation of fields in a document
Allow update on single field in firestore
How to check if there is only one specific field who is updated with Firestore rules?

Firebase storage rules based on custom parameters

How can I grant read-write access based on custom parameters, for example,
When a user is registered with my app, a document is created and the document id is used to create a folder in firebase storage(so that I can ensure the uniqueness if every folder in firebase storage) The rule I am setting is a read permission for everyone who is authenticated and the write access is only for the user who created it and the admin only. Here is the rule I presently have in firebase storage.
service {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{userId}/{allPaths=**} {
allow read: if request.auth != null;
allow write:if request.auth.uid == userId || userId == asdfasfasdf
Is this approach correct or correct me if I am doing it wrong. I have gone through the documentation and it is a bit hard for me to understand.
