I have the following data.
date var1 level score_1 score_2
2020-02-19 12:10:52.166661 dog n1 1 3
2020-02-19 12:17:25.087898 dog n1 3 6
2020-02-19 12:34:27.624939 dog n2 4 3
2020-02-19 12:35:50.522116 cat n1 2 0
2020-02-19 12:38:49.547181 cat n2 3 4
There should be just one observation for any combination var1 & level. I want to eliminate duplicates and keep only most recent records. in the previous example the first row should be eliminated as dog-n1 from row 2 is more recent. nevertheless, I want to keep row 3 even if var1 is also equal to "dog" because level is different.
so, what I want to obtain:
date var1 level score_1 score_2
2020-02-19 12:17:25.087898 dog n1 3 6
2020-02-19 12:34:27.624939 dog n2 4 3
2020-02-19 12:35:50.522116 cat n1 2 0
2020-02-19 12:38:49.547181 cat n2 3 4
Using tidyverse
df %>%
group_by(var1, level) %>%
filter(date == max(date)) %>%
In base R, use duplicated. Looks like your data is already sorted by date, so you can use
df[!duplicated(df[c("var1", "level")], fromLast = TRUE), ]
(by default, duplicated will give FALSE for the first occurrence of anything, and TRUE for every other occurrence. Setting fromLast = TRUE will make reverse the direction, so the last occurrence is kept)
If you're not sure your data is already sorted, sort it first!
df = df[order(df$var1, df$level, dfd$date), ]
You can also use data.table approach as follows:
setDT(df)[, .SD[which.max(date)], .(var1, level)]
Another tidyverse answer, using dplyr::slice_max().
To demonstrate with a reproducible example, here is flights data from nycflights13 package:
library(nycflights13) # for the data
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
my_flights <- # a subset of 3 columns
flights |>
select(carrier, dest, time_hour)
my_flights # preview of the subset data
#> # A tibble: 336,776 × 3
#> carrier dest time_hour
#> <chr> <chr> <dttm>
#> 1 UA IAH 2013-01-01 05:00:00
#> 2 UA IAH 2013-01-01 05:00:00
#> 3 AA MIA 2013-01-01 05:00:00
#> 4 B6 BQN 2013-01-01 05:00:00
#> 5 DL ATL 2013-01-01 06:00:00
#> 6 UA ORD 2013-01-01 05:00:00
#> 7 B6 FLL 2013-01-01 06:00:00
#> 8 EV IAD 2013-01-01 06:00:00
#> 9 B6 MCO 2013-01-01 06:00:00
#> 10 AA ORD 2013-01-01 06:00:00
#> # … with 336,766 more rows
Grouping by carrier & dest, we can see many rows for each group.
my_flights |>
count(carrier, dest)
#> # A tibble: 314 × 3
#> carrier dest n
#> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 9E ATL 59
#> 2 9E AUS 2
#> 3 9E AVL 10
#> 4 9E BGR 1
#> 5 9E BNA 474
#> 6 9E BOS 914
#> 7 9E BTV 2
#> 8 9E BUF 833
#> 9 9E BWI 856
#> 10 9E CAE 3
#> # … with 304 more rows
So if we want to deduplicate those in-group rows by taking the most recent time_hour value, we could utilize slice_max()
my_flights |>
group_by(carrier, dest) |>
#> # A tibble: 329 × 3
#> # Groups: carrier, dest [314]
#> carrier dest time_hour
#> <chr> <chr> <dttm>
#> 1 9E ATL 2013-05-04 07:00:00
#> 2 9E AUS 2013-02-03 16:00:00
#> 3 9E AVL 2013-07-13 11:00:00
#> 4 9E BGR 2013-10-17 21:00:00
#> 5 9E BNA 2013-12-31 15:00:00
#> 6 9E BOS 2013-12-31 14:00:00
#> 7 9E BTV 2013-09-01 12:00:00
#> 8 9E BUF 2013-12-31 18:00:00
#> 9 9E BWI 2013-12-31 19:00:00
#> 10 9E CAE 2013-12-31 09:00:00
#> # … with 319 more rows
By the same token, we could have used slice_min() to get the rows with the earliest time_hour value.
I have data resembling the following structure, where the when variable denotes the day of measurement:
## Generate data.
n <- 1000
y <- rnorm(n)
when <- as.POSIXct(strftime(seq(as.POSIXct("2021-11-01 23:00:00 UTC", tryFormats = "%Y-%m-%d"),
as.POSIXct("2022-11-01 23:00:00 UTC", tryFormats = "%Y-%m-%d"),
length.out = n), format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
dta <- data.frame(y, when)
#> y when
#> 1 -0.04625141 2021-11-01
#> 2 0.28000082 2021-11-01
#> 3 0.25317063 2021-11-01
#> 4 -0.96411077 2021-11-02
#> 5 0.49222664 2021-11-02
#> 6 -0.69874551 2021-11-02
I need to compute averages of y over time. For instance, the following computes daily averages:
## Compute daily averages of y.
daily_avg <- dta %>%
group_by(when) %>%
summarise(daily_mean = mean(y)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 366 × 2
#> when daily_mean
#> <dttm> <dbl>
#> 1 2021-11-01 00:00:00 0.162
#> 2 2021-11-02 00:00:00 -0.390
#> 3 2021-11-03 00:00:00 -0.485
#> 4 2021-11-04 00:00:00 -0.152
#> 5 2021-11-05 00:00:00 0.425
#> 6 2021-11-06 00:00:00 0.726
#> 7 2021-11-07 00:00:00 0.855
#> 8 2021-11-08 00:00:00 0.0608
#> 9 2021-11-09 00:00:00 -0.995
#> 10 2021-11-10 00:00:00 0.395
#> # … with 356 more rows
I am having a hard time computing weekly averages. Here is what I have tried so far:
## Fail - compute weekly averages of y.
dta$week <- week(dta$when) # This is wrong.
dta[165: 171, ]
#> y when week
#> 165 0.9758333 2021-12-30 52
#> 166 -0.8630091 2021-12-31 53
#> 167 0.3054031 2021-12-31 53
#> 168 1.2814421 2022-01-01 1
#> 169 0.1025440 2022-01-01 1
#> 170 1.3665411 2022-01-01 1
#> 171 -0.5373058 2022-01-02 1
Using the week function from the lubridate package ignores the fact that my data spawn across years. So, if I were to use a code similar to the one I used for the daily averages, I would aggregate observations belonging to different years (but to the same week number). How can I solve this?
You can use %V (from ?strptime) for weeks, combining it with the year.
dta %>%
group_by(week = format(when, format = "%Y-%V")) %>%
summarize(daily_mean = mean(y)) %>%
# # A tibble: 54 x 2
# week daily_mean
# <chr> <dbl>
# 1 2021-44 0.179
# 2 2021-45 0.0477
# 3 2021-46 0.0340
# 4 2021-47 0.356
# 5 2021-48 0.0544
# 6 2021-49 -0.0948
# 7 2021-50 -0.0419
# 8 2021-51 0.209
# 9 2021-52 0.251
# 10 2022-01 -0.197
# # ... with 44 more rows
There are different variants of "week", depending on your preference.
Week of the year as decimal number (01–53) as defined in ISO 8601.
If the week (starting on Monday) containing 1 January has four or more
days in the new year, then it is considered week 1. Otherwise, it is
the last week of the previous year, and the next week is week 1.
(Accepted but ignored on input.)
Week of the year as decimal number (00–53) using Monday as the first
day of week (and typically with the first Monday of the year as day 1
of week 1). The UK convention.
You can extract year and week from the dates and group by both:
dta %>%
mutate(year = year(when),
week = week(when)) %>%
group_by(year, week) %>%
summarise(y_mean = mean(y)) %>%
# # A tibble: 54 x 3
# # Groups: year, week [54]
# year week y_mean
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 2021 44 -0.222
# 2 2021 45 0.234
# 3 2021 46 0.0953
# 4 2021 47 0.206
# 5 2021 48 0.192
# 6 2021 49 -0.0831
# 7 2021 50 0.0282
# 8 2021 51 0.196
# 9 2021 52 0.132
# 10 2021 53 -0.279
# # ... with 44 more rows
I have a data.frame (df) with two columns (Date & Count) which looks something like shown below:
Date Count
1/1/2022 5
1/2/2022 13
1/3/2022 21
1/4/2022 29
1/5/2022 37
1/6/2022 45
1/7/2022 53
1/8/2022 61
1/9/2022 69
1/10/2022 77
1/11/2022 85
1/12/2022 93
1/13/2022 101
1/14/2022 109
1/15/2022 117
Since I have single variable (count), the idea is to identify if there's been a change in mean in every three days, therefore I want to apply rolling t.test with a window of 3 days and save the resulting p-value next to Count column which I can plot later. Since I have seen people doing these sorts of tests with two variables usually, I can't figure out how to do it with a single variable.
For example, I saw this relevant answer here:
ttestFun <- function(dat) {
myTtest = t.test(x = dat[, 1], y = dat[, 2])
rollapply(df_ts, 7, FUN = ttestFun, fill = NA, by.column = FALSE)
But again, this is with two columns. Any guidance please?
Irrespective of any discussion about the usefulness of the approach, given a fixed number of measurements of 3, you could just shift the counts by 3 and perform t-test between two columns as in your example, such as:
dates <- seq(as.POSIXct("2022-01-01"), as.POSIXct("2022-02-01"), by = "1 day")
dt <- data.table(Date=dates, count = sample(1:200, length(dates), replace=TRUE), key="Date")
dt[, nxt:=shift(count, 3, type = "lead")]
dt[, group:=rep(1:ceiling(length(dates)/3), each=3)[seq_along(dates)]]
dt[, p:= tryCatch(t.test(count, nxt)$p.value, error=function(e) NA), by="group"][]
#> Date count nxt group p
#> 1: 2022-01-01 159 195 1 0.7750944
#> 2: 2022-01-02 179 170 1 0.7750944
#> 3: 2022-01-03 14 50 1 0.7750944
#> 4: 2022-01-04 195 118 2 0.2240362
#> 5: 2022-01-05 170 43 2 0.2240362
#> 6: 2022-01-06 50 14 2 0.2240362
#> 7: 2022-01-07 118 118 3 0.1763296
#> 8: 2022-01-08 43 153 3 0.1763296
#> 9: 2022-01-09 14 90 3 0.1763296
#> 10: 2022-01-10 118 91 4 0.8896343
#> 11: 2022-01-11 153 197 4 0.8896343
#> 12: 2022-01-12 90 91 4 0.8896343
#> 13: 2022-01-13 91 185 5 0.8065021
#> 14: 2022-01-14 197 92 5 0.8065021
#> 15: 2022-01-15 91 137 5 0.8065021
#> 16: 2022-01-16 185 99 6 0.1060465
#> 17: 2022-01-17 92 72 6 0.1060465
#> 18: 2022-01-18 137 26 6 0.1060465
#> 19: 2022-01-19 99 7 7 0.5283156
#> 20: 2022-01-20 72 170 7 0.5283156
#> 21: 2022-01-21 26 137 7 0.5283156
#> 22: 2022-01-22 7 164 8 0.9612965
#> 23: 2022-01-23 170 78 8 0.9612965
#> 24: 2022-01-24 137 81 8 0.9612965
#> 25: 2022-01-25 164 43 9 0.6111337
#> 26: 2022-01-26 78 103 9 0.6111337
#> 27: 2022-01-27 81 117 9 0.6111337
#> 28: 2022-01-28 43 76 10 0.6453494
#> 29: 2022-01-29 103 143 10 0.6453494
#> 30: 2022-01-30 117 NA 10 0.6453494
#> 31: 2022-01-31 76 NA 11 NA
#> 32: 2022-02-01 143 NA 11 NA
#> Date count nxt group p
Created on 2022-04-07 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
You could further clean that up, e.g. by taking the first date per group:
dt[, .(Date=Date[1], count=round(mean(count), 2), p=p[1]), by="group"]
#> group Date count p
#> 1: 1 2022-01-01 117.33 0.7750944
#> 2: 2 2022-01-04 138.33 0.2240362
#> 3: 3 2022-01-07 58.33 0.1763296
#> 4: 4 2022-01-10 120.33 0.8896343
#> 5: 5 2022-01-13 126.33 0.8065021
#> 6: 6 2022-01-16 138.00 0.1060465
#> 7: 7 2022-01-19 65.67 0.5283156
#> 8: 8 2022-01-22 104.67 0.9612965
#> 9: 9 2022-01-25 107.67 0.6111337
#> 10: 10 2022-01-28 87.67 0.6453494
#> 11: 11 2022-01-31 109.50 NA
You can create a grp, and then simply apply a t.test to each consecutive pair of groups:
d <- d %>% mutate(grp=rep(1:(n()/3), each=3))
d %>% left_join(
tibble(grp = 2:max(d$grp),
pval = sapply(2:max(d$grp), function(x) {
t.test(d %>% filter(grp==x) %>% pull(Count),
d %>% filter(grp==x-1) %>% pull(Count))$p.value
)) %>% group_by(grp) %>% slice_min(Date)
Output: (p-value is constant only because of the example data you provided)
Date Count grp pval
<date> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
1 2022-01-01 5 1 NA
2 2022-01-04 29 2 0.0213
3 2022-01-07 53 3 0.0213
4 2022-01-10 77 4 0.0213
5 2022-01-13 101 5 0.0213
Or a data.table approach:
setDT(d)[, `:=`(grp=rep(1:(nrow(d)/3), each=3),cy=shift(Count,3))] %>%
.[!is.na(cy), pval:=t.test(Count,cy)$p.value, by=grp] %>%
.[,.SD[1], by=grp, .SDcols=!c("cy")]
grp Date Count pval
<int> <Date> <num> <num>
1: 1 2022-01-01 5 NA
2: 2 2022-01-04 29 0.02131164
3: 3 2022-01-07 53 0.02131164
4: 4 2022-01-10 77 0.02131164
5: 5 2022-01-13 101 0.02131164
I'm looking to aggregate some pedometer data, gathered in steps per minute, so I get a summed number of steps up until an EMA assessment. The EMA assessments happened four times per day. An example of the two data sets are:
Pedometer Data
ID Steps Time
1 15 2/4/2020 8:32
1 23 2/4/2020 8:33
1 76 2/4/2020 8:34
1 32 2/4/2020 8:35
1 45 2/4/2020 8:36
2 16 2/4/2020 8:32
2 17 2/4/2020 8:33
2 0 2/4/2020 8:34
2 5 2/4/2020 8:35
2 8 2/4/2020 8:36
EMA Data
ID Time X Y
1 2/4/2020 8:36 3 4
1 2/4/2020 12:01 3 5
1 2/4/2020 3:30 4 5
1 2/4/2020 6:45 7 8
2 2/4/2020 8:35 4 6
2 2/4/2020 12:05 5 7
2 2/4/2020 3:39 1 3
2 2/4/2020 6:55 8 3
I'm looking to add the pedometer data to the EMA data as a new variable, where the number of steps taken are summed until the next EMA assessment. Ideally it would like something like:
Combined Data
ID Time X Y Steps
1 2/4/2020 8:36 3 4 191
1 2/4/2020 12:01 3 5 [Sum of steps taken from 8:37 until 12:01 on 2/4/2020]
1 2/4/2020 3:30 4 5 [Sum of steps taken from 12:02 until 3:30 on 2/4/2020]
1 2/4/2020 6:45 7 8 [Sum of steps taken from 3:31 until 6:45 on 2/4/2020]
2 2/4/2020 8:35 4 6 38
2 2/4/2020 12:05 5 7 [Sum of steps taken from 8:36 until 12:05 on 2/4/2020]
2 2/4/2020 3:39 1 3 [Sum of steps taken from 12:06 until 3:39 on 2/4/2020]
2 2/4/2020 6:55 8 3 [Sum of steps taken from 3:40 until 6:55 on 2/4/2020]
I then need the process to continue over the entire 21 day EMA period, so the same process for the 4 EMA assessment time points on 2/5/2020, 2/6/2020, etc.
This has pushed me the limit of my R skills, so any pointers would be extremely helpful! I'm most familiar with the tidyverse but am comfortable using base R as well. Thanks in advance for all advice.
Here's a solution using rolling joins from data.table. The basic idea here is to roll each time from the pedometer data up to the next time in the EMA data (while matching on ID still). Once it's the next EMA time is found, all that's left is to isolate the X and Y values and sum up Steps.
Data creation and prep:
pedometer <- data.table(ID = sort(rep(1:2, 500)),
Time = rep(seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2020-02-04 09:35:00 EST"),
as.POSIXct("2020-02-08 17:00:00 EST"), length.out = 500), 2),
Steps = rpois(1000, 25))
EMA <- data.table(ID = sort(rep(1:2, 4*5)),
Time = rep(seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2020-02-04 05:00:00 EST"),
as.POSIXct("2020-02-08 23:59:59 EST"), by = '6 hours'), 2),
X = sample(1:8, 2*4*5, rep = T),
Y = sample(1:8, 2*4*5, rep = T))
setkey(pedometer, Time)
setkey(EMA, Time)
EMA[,next_ema_time := Time]
And now the actual join and summation:
joined <- EMA[pedometer,
on = .(ID, Time),
roll = -Inf,
j = .(ID, Time, Steps, next_ema_time, X, Y)]
result <- joined[,.('X' = min(X),
'Y' = min(Y),
'Steps' = sum(Steps)),
.(ID, next_ema_time)]
#> ID next_ema_time X Y Steps
#> 1: 1 2020-02-04 11:00:00 1 2 167
#> 2: 2 2020-02-04 11:00:00 8 5 169
#> 3: 1 2020-02-04 17:00:00 3 6 740
#> 4: 2 2020-02-04 17:00:00 4 6 747
#> 5: 1 2020-02-04 23:00:00 2 2 679
#> 6: 2 2020-02-04 23:00:00 3 2 732
#> 7: 1 2020-02-05 05:00:00 7 5 720
#> 8: 2 2020-02-05 05:00:00 6 8 692
#> 9: 1 2020-02-05 11:00:00 2 4 731
#> 10: 2 2020-02-05 11:00:00 4 5 773
#> 11: 1 2020-02-05 17:00:00 1 5 757
#> 12: 2 2020-02-05 17:00:00 3 5 743
#> 13: 1 2020-02-05 23:00:00 3 8 693
#> 14: 2 2020-02-05 23:00:00 1 8 740
#> 15: 1 2020-02-06 05:00:00 8 8 710
#> 16: 2 2020-02-06 05:00:00 3 2 760
#> 17: 1 2020-02-06 11:00:00 8 4 716
#> 18: 2 2020-02-06 11:00:00 1 2 688
#> 19: 1 2020-02-06 17:00:00 5 2 738
#> 20: 2 2020-02-06 17:00:00 4 6 724
#> 21: 1 2020-02-06 23:00:00 7 8 737
#> 22: 2 2020-02-06 23:00:00 6 3 672
#> 23: 1 2020-02-07 05:00:00 2 6 726
#> 24: 2 2020-02-07 05:00:00 7 7 759
#> 25: 1 2020-02-07 11:00:00 1 4 737
#> 26: 2 2020-02-07 11:00:00 5 2 737
#> 27: 1 2020-02-07 17:00:00 3 5 766
#> 28: 2 2020-02-07 17:00:00 4 4 745
#> 29: 1 2020-02-07 23:00:00 3 3 714
#> 30: 2 2020-02-07 23:00:00 2 1 741
#> 31: 1 2020-02-08 05:00:00 4 6 751
#> 32: 2 2020-02-08 05:00:00 8 2 723
#> 33: 1 2020-02-08 11:00:00 3 3 716
#> 34: 2 2020-02-08 11:00:00 3 6 735
#> 35: 1 2020-02-08 17:00:00 1 5 696
#> 36: 2 2020-02-08 17:00:00 7 7 741
#> ID next_ema_time X Y Steps
Created on 2020-02-04 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
I would left_join ema_df on pedometer_df by ID and Time. This way you get
all lines of pedometer_df with missing values for x and y (that I assume are identifiers) when it is not an EMA assessment time.
I fill the values using the next available (so the next ema assessment x and y)
and finally, group_by ID x and y and summarise to keep the datetime of assessment (max) and the sum of steps.
pedometer_df %>%
left_join(ema_df, by = c("ID", "Time")) %>%
fill(x, y, .direction = "up") %>%
group_by(ID, x, y) %>%
Time = max(Time),
Steps = sum(Steps)
DF has end of week dates.
df <- data.frame(Date=seq(as.Date("2014-01-03"), as.Date("2020-12-25"), by="week"))
df$week <- seq(nrow(df))
df <- df[, c("week", "Date")]
#> week Date
#> 1 1 2014-01-03
#> 2 2 2014-01-10
#> 3 3 2014-01-17
#> 4 4 2014-01-24
#> 5 5 2014-01-31
#> 6 6 2014-02-07
#> week Date
#> 360 360 2020-11-20
#> 361 361 2020-11-27
#> 362 362 2020-12-04
#> 363 363 2020-12-11
#> 364 364 2020-12-18
#> 365 365 2020-12-25
I need New year dummy for the respective week. For example 2018-01-05 will have the dummy value 1 for Ney_Year dummy.
You could use lag of lubridate::year()to track change in year
library(dplyr) # for lag()
df$NewYear <- ifelse(is.na(lag(df$Date)) | year(lag(df$Date))!=year(df$Date), 1, 0)
This is what my data frame looks like :
its the data of a song portal(like itunes or raaga)
datf <- read.csv(text =
My aim is to pick out the rare user. A 'rare' user is the one which visits the portal not more than once in each calendar month.
for e.g : 2186 is not rare. 2417 is rare because it occurred only once in 2 diff months, so are 3747,1145 and 8514.
I've been trying something like this :
DuplicateUsers <- duplicated(songsdata[,2:4])
DuplicateUsers <- songsdata[DuplicateUsers,]
DistinctSongs <- songsdata %>%
distinct(sessionid, date_transaction, .keep_all = TRUE)
RareUsers <- anti_join(DistinctSongs, DuplicateUsers, by='sessionid')
but doesn't seem to work.
Using library(dplyr) you could do this:
# make a new monthid variable to group_by() with
songdata$month_id <- gsub("\\/.*", "", songdata$date_transaction)
RareUsers <- group_by(songdata, userid, month_id) %>%
filter(n() == 1)
# A tibble: 5 x 6
# Groups: userid, month_id [5]
albumid date_transaction listened_time_secs userid songid month_id
<int> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <chr>
1 6263 3/28/2017 59 3747 6263 3
2 3691 4/24/2017 53 2417 3691 4
3 2222 3/24/2017 34 2417 9856 3
4 1924 3/16/2017 19 8514 1924 3
5 6652 1/11/2017 33 1145 6652 1
You can try something like:
df %>%
mutate(mth = lubridate::month(mdy(date_transaction))) %>%
group_by(mth, userid) %>%
filter(n() == 1)
which gives:
albumid date_transaction listened_time_secs userid songid mth
<int> <fctr> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
1 6263 3/28/2017 59 3747 6263 3
2 3691 4/24/2017 53 2417 3691 4
3 2222 3/24/2017 34 2417 9856 3
4 1924 3/16/2017 19 8514 1924 3
5 6652 1/11/2017 33 1145 6652 1
You can do it with base R:
# parse date and extract month
datf$date_transaction <- as.Date(datf$date_transaction, "%m/%d/%Y")
datf$month <- format(datf$date_transaction, "%m")
# find non-duplicated pairs of userid and month
aux <- datf[, c("userid", "month")]
RareUsers <- setdiff(aux, aux[duplicated(aux), ])
# userid month
# 1 3747 03
# 2 2417 04
# 3 2417 03
# 4 8514 03
# 5 1145 01
If you need the other columns:
merge(RareUsers, datf)
# userid month albumid date_transaction listened_time_secs songid
# 1 1145 01 6652 2017-01-11 33 6652
# 2 2417 03 2222 2017-03-24 34 9856
# 3 2417 04 3691 2017-04-24 53 3691
# 4 3747 03 6263 2017-03-28 59 6263
# 5 8514 03 1924 2017-03-16 19 1924