Connection_time_out error when trying to access my wordpress site - tried all solutions - wordpress

I have a website that is hosted with gandi, the website was only showing initially for the wordpress admin and anyone who was not an admin could not see the website. After I tried somewhat haphazardly to find solutions, the website got completely disabled with a connection_timed_out error and I don't know if this was due to my actions. I remember disabling and enabling DNS records, Disabling and enabling DNSSEC. Deleting my HTTPS free SSL certificate and requesting another. I've reuploaded a version of the website that is from a week before the problem occurred using FTP a couple of days ago but the problem still persists. I now only have access through FTP and have deactivated all the plugins, renamed all the theme folders so Wordpress defaults to the original theme. I've increased the memory limit on wp-config.php file by adding 'define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M' );' at the end, set the debug mode to true in that same file and I've also added'php_value max_execution_time 60' in .htaccess file but to no avail the website continues to give the connection timed out error.
I also bought the domain as, I remember the website completely crashing after I changed the site url on wordpress to from and I'm thinking that may have thrown off wordpress and now it is redirecting back and forth to a domain that is not the wordpress website? maybe DNSSEC destroyed the domain? Maybe I have too many themes on the website even though I have tried to deactivate them? I just don't know and all the solutions online are the saying the same things that I have already tried and not telling me anything new.
I mean, I have around 5 websites on gandi but it can't be the memory limit either as my hosting company says I only have 7GB/20GB and it also says my website is published and accessible?? so the problem is on Wordpress's end? Any help would be very much appreciated...
Thank you,

Try this
php_value max_execution_time 300
in .htaccess file
Hope it will work


Wordpress Wp-login.php 500 internal server error

I have run into a bit of a weird problem on a site i created a couple of years ago. No new plugins have been added recently or anything else changed on the site for the last 6 months. Besides from the site admins adding content to the page.
But now, they cant acces the wp-login page. They just get a blank page and a 500 error.
I have looked around the web for some solutions, and have tried the most common ones i come accros:
Tried turning plugins off.
Tried changing the theme to default.
Tried deleting .htcacces file.
Checked if the wp-login.php was updated as to the wordpress codex
Some people have reported that they could acces the login page, by trying to access a specific wp-admin page and then get redirected. This does not work for me either.
None of the solutions above gave any results, so i am now at a bit of a loss.
The frontend of the site is working just fine btw.
Any ideas?
Have you tried increasing the PHP memory limit?
you did not mention it and maybe it could help
Create a file called php.ini
Paste memory=64MB in there.
Upload it into your /wp-admin/ folder using FTP
If this answer helps you. it's a memory issue and you need to figure out what takes your PHP memory limit.

What could be causing forced SSL on WordPress Login page? (ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT)

I'm working on a site that is share hosted at ipower(dot)com. I went to login via Wordpress. But after I entered my login credentials, I got forwarded to an https login page with the error: ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT
The url I start with is or /wp-login.php. Every time I enter my login credentials and then press the login button, I get routed to https version of those links.
After I've tried to login, if I go to the front end of the site, I can see the admin toolbar across the top of the page, but if I click on anything in the toolbar, I again get routed to an https page with the ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT error.
This is a wordpress site, v. 4.8.2. PHP version 5.6.30. It's using a basic version of Sitelock, so a firewall/CDN. I don't have, and can't get, SSH access.
Here's what I've done to try and fix it so far:
1) Going into the mysql db into wp_options and checking that the urls in both the siteurl and home are using http and not https
2) Deactivating all my plugins to ensure no conflict
3) Cleaning out my .htaccess file and re-setting it with the default wordpress .htaccess
4) Adding this to my .htaccess file:
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
RewriteRule ^ http://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L,NE]
5) Adding this to my wpconfig file:
6) adding this to my wpconfig file:
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', false);
7) adding this to functions.php:
update_option( 'siteurl', '');
update_option( 'home', '' );
8) Clearing the wordpress cache numerous times throughout the above steps
9) Purging the SiteLock cache numerous times throughout this process
10) Creating a new wp user through the database and trying to login with that. I got the same https results
11) Contacting Sitelock to ask if there was anything in the firewall that might be forcing SSL. I spoke with a great tech support person there, who also happened to be highly experienced with wordpress. He actually took a look at the site himself and replicated the issue. He also looked at several things including all of the above steps I did and verified he saw nothing in the site that could be causing this problem.
If you've read this far, thanks for looking! Please forgive any formatting clumsiness. I'm still a newb on posting here.
Given all of the above, does anyone have any good idea of what else I might try? Or what might be causing this?
I am on Bluehost Plus and had this error on one of my sub domains which had worked before. I had attempted to enable their free Beta CDN in addition to the existing SSL which triggered this issue on one of the sub domains but not another that I did the same to.
Support told me SSL and their CDN were not compatible together - the CDN install on the performance tab of the bluehost wordpress control panel is still hanging 3 days later with the spinning wheel saying "We're setting up your CDN. For now, feel free to start exploring WordPress or jump into building your website." Occasionally an 'unhandled exception' banner error shows up.
The first support agent said he would try to disable the cdn which could take 14 hrs to propogate which made no difference.
The 2nd support agent seemed confident of a fix by changing the A records and said it may take 4 hrs to propogate. This fixed it for me and I can now access all subdomains on SSL. The Performance tab is still hanging and creating errors though.
I ran into this exact same issue after upgrading from Basic Hosting to Plus Hosting on Bluehost and importing a new domain. I used the Free SSL from the Wordpress Tools, and was getting the above error on my HTTPS version (although HTTP was fine).
I had to open three tickets within 24 hours with their support, finally on the third time it was resolved.
The first two support people said it was an issue with SiteLock not working with SSL, so Sitelock would need to be disabled. After waiting the 4-8 hours they said it would take, there was no change.
The second go around was the same, except after waiting a little, my site instead gave the "ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID" error. After clicking the "Proceed Anyway" button, my site actually redirected to a random, completely different site I didn't own. Less than ideal...
The third support tech said the SSL cert needed to be uninstalled and reapplied, again with a 4-8 hour window. However, the site began working minutes after he said the changes were pending - so not really sure what's going on over at Bluehost. I get the feeling many of the Level 1 Support Techs don't have much technical expertise.
I had the same issue and contacted help. They changed the IP address and it started working right away. This was my case ID 00D36qEW6._50036dOPVh
Hope this helps someone

WordPress website down

I'm new to programming & I have learned how to create websites using WordPress technology. I have created a website and it was working fine before.
Recently when I try to access the website, I get the following error.
The page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.
I have attached a screenshot, refer screenshot
This is WordPress based website.
I have renamed the plugins folder and still the website was down.
I have renamed the themes folder still the website was down.
Common Solutions for the 500 Internal Server Error.
The two most common causes of this error are a corrupted .htaccess file and exceeding your server’s PHP memory limit.
The .htaccess file in your WordPress directory can become corrupted after you install a plugin or make another change to your WordPress site. The fix is simple. All you need to do is create a new .htaccess file.
PHP memory limit issues often occur as the result of a poorly-coded plugin running on your site or a site that’s grown considerably over time and is using too many plugins. You’ll begin to exceed the PHP memory limits set by your hosting provider once either of these things happen. The result is a 500 internal server error.
Error 500 is a very generic error message. The information you're providing is not enough for someone here to help you.
The first place you want to look at is the log file. On an Apache server it is a file called error_log in the directory of your site.
You can check if your .htaccess file is properly configured.
Otherwise get in touch with your web host support!
Good luck
Have you tried to delete (after make a backup) the .htaccess file on the root path of the site? If it work, just resaved permalinks from the back-office after that.
Most of the 500 errors on WordPress are due to a problem with this file (corrupted, rights problem ...).
Go to wp-config.php and update it
define( 'WP_DEBUG', false);
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
Make sure that once you have found your issue, to return it back to 'false'. Just as a security 'best practice'.

cPanel - send 404 to a php page?

I have an issue in a WordPress site on Hostgator where the htaccess file keeps disappearing. Before you get all, "Check your plugins, dummy" I have the same install of this site running on a completely separate Hostgator account and it's running fine. Furthermore, I have a local instance which, again, is running fine. So if it was a plugin, the issue would be replicated on the other instances, but it's not.
My suspicion is someone who has access to the hosting account is tampering with it. While that sounds paranoid, I can't rule anything out because htaccess files don't just delete themselves.
The bandaid fix has been to just reset permalinks once the site goes down. Annoying, but simple. What might be even neat would be to set my server 404 page to a php script that, when accessed, hits an endpoint I set up in WordPress to programmatically flush the rewrite rules, thus restoring the htaccess page, and then the 404 tries to forward them on again. However, the suggestions on how to do this say putting the error page definitions in the htaccess page. Which doesn't do me much good if the htaccess page is being deleted.
How stupid is this idea? Please let me know in comments.
I'm open to other solutions, but I'm waiting on my hosting support to figure out how the file is being deleted because I assume others with the account info of tampering.

WP Admin extremely slow

The WP back end of a site I'm working on (It's a multisite) takes about 25 seconds to load.
Everything was working fine until yesterday and the front end still works perfectly well. All other sites on the same server run just as well, so it MUST be a WP back end issue.
I don't remember exactly what change it was that made it so slow. I remember updating WP recently (to version 3.4.2), adding some plugins on one of the sites and changing the max upload file size.
I tried to disable all the plugins, changing the themes back to default, changing the max file size back, and adding define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '1024M'); (and other values) to WP-config but none of it helped.
Also tried to 'Update network', but I got an error - couldn't connect to host.
Any ideas?
I got in touch with our network admin and we resolved the issue.
I will copy his answer here. Hope it helps someone.
Does Wordpress use 'self-referential URLs' ? What I mean by this is...
is wordpress trying to access it's own templates/css using fully
qualified domain names in the URL (e.g. )
Because we use Network Address Translation (NAT) on our firewalls to
hide the real IP address of the server, it has the side effect that if
the server tries to access it's own URLs, it will try to send the
traffic to the external interface on our firewall, which is where the
DNS resolves to.
The fix for this is very simple - we just add the site url into the
/etc/hosts file so that the server knows to use it's own IP address
instead of the address on the firewall.
So he added our address to the hosts file and now it works perfectly.
I've seen this before where the admin pages are trying to poll external Wordpress sites for details of Wordpress upgrades, plugin updates and Wordpress news. If there's no proper access (because of firewall restrictions, bad DNS, etc) then the page has to wait for the HTTP requests (I think WP uses cURL) to timeout.
If you're still unable to identify the cause I'd recommend a catch-all solution of installing xdebug and profiling the page with webgrind, xcachegrind, etc
Had the same problem for a week and now the problem of very slow WP-admin was solved!
Before, I cannot access my sites if I use incognito or I am not logged in as WP user, but all times in the wp-admin, it takes me 40 seconds- minute or even never.
Solution that worked:
I accessed the files in the file manager using the CPanel, and I saw so many unused and unnecessary folders and themes and that's the reason that causes the very slow access to admin.
It was because during the days of being a newbie, I stuffed a lot of files in the Public Http and that made it congested.
I logged in to another CPanel account that I bought personally before, and compared the folders of the "proper" versus the "congested" and compress, backed-up and deleted all the unnecessary.
My host: Hostgator, responded well also.
Hope this would help others.
I also had a very slow Dashboad in wordpress. Reading the James C´s answer, I realized that my site is located in a corporate intranet behind a firewall to access internet.
James C answered:
"I've seen this before where the admin pages are trying to poll external Wordpress sites for details of Wordpress upgrades, plugin updates and Wordpress news. If there's no proper access (because of firewall restrictions, bad DNS, etc) then the page has to wait for the HTTP requests (I think WP uses cURL) to timeout."
My solution was avoid all the internet conections: (1) disable all the wordpress updates using the wordpress plugin "Disable all wordpress updates". (2) activate de wordpress pluging "Disable google fonts"
After these two plugin activations, the Dashboard works to a suitable speed.
