Cypress click() failed because this element is detached from the DOM in iteration - integration-testing

I try to test my Single Page Application with cypress.
The first page has multiple buttons as anchor tags which direct you to the second site(Angular routing).
On the second site i have a "back" button.
So i want my test to click on a button, wait for the second site to appear, click on the back and repeat this for all remaining buttons.
This is my cypress test:
describe('Select products', function () {
before(() => {
it('Clicking through products', function () {
// getting each anchor to click
($el) => {
// click to get on next site
// click to go back
cy.contains('go back').click()
It works fine for the first run(get all buttons => click the first => go back) but after getting back on the start site before clicking the next button cypress throws an error:
Can someone help me with this?
Thanks for any help!

cy.get('a[data-cy=submit]') must get a list of the buttons and store them to iterate via .each(), but the code within .each() navigates away from the first page - I guess that Angular destroys the original elements that .each() is trying to iterate over.
This is similar to iterating over a list and altering the list within the iteration, the loop fouls up because the list changes.
If you know how many buttons there are, this would be a better way
const buttonCount = 4;
for (let i = 0; i < buttonCount; i++) {
cy.contains('go back').click();
If the buttons are dynamic (you don't know the count), use
cy.get('a[data-cy=submit]').then($buttons => {
const buttonCount = $buttons.length;
for (let i = 0; i < buttonCount; i++) {
cy.contains('go back').click();


Is there a way to return true or false if an element is clickable. I want to check if one of 3 imprint links is clickable

I want to find out if imprint links are working. Sometimes there are cookie consistent banners and you can not click the link on the page.
But is there a way to find out if there is a second imprint link is clickable on the modal?
export const ttValidateImprintClickable = () => {
cy.log("validateImprintClickable - NCA TESTIFY");
.each((item) => {
let isClick = item.;
Example page
Plugin to publish solution open source
The problem is not that you need to find one of the options that is clickable. All the links are all non-clickable because the cookie dialog is covering them.
This is how you can dismiss the cookie dialog and the gray mask which covers the main page
// in case the cookie is already set and the mask does not appear
// use a conditional check first
cy.get('body').then($body => {
if ($body.find('#SgCookieOptin').length) {
// now just click the link
cy.contains('a', 'Impressum').click()
// and confirm the new page appears
cy.contains('h1', 'Impressum', {timeout:10_000}).should('be.visible')
It seems to me that in the test runner, the cookie dialog always appears, in which case you can simplify the test
// remove the cookie dialog
// now just click the link
cy.contains('a', 'Impressum').click()
// and confirm the new page appears
cy.contains('h1', 'Impressum', {timeout:10_000}).should('be.visible')
Clicking the "Impressum" link on the cookie modal
This code will click the "Impressum" link that is on the footer of the cookie modal.
I added some code to clear application data to force the modal, but it's not consistently showing the cookie modal.
cy.get('#SgCookieOptin') // cookie modal
.find('a:contains(Impressum)') // find the link in the modal footer
.then($a => $a.removeAttr('target')) // stop new browser tab opening
Take a look at this page Is focusable
Is focusable
Returns a boolean indicating whether an element can receive focus.
Cypress internally uses this method everywhere to figure out whether an element is hidden,
mostly for actionability.
So try mapping the elements to the true/false result of this method
cy.contains('a', 'Impressum')
.each($el => {
const isActionable = Cypress.dom.isFocusable($el)
... // continue test
Looking at your gist, this may be what you need
cy.contains('a', 'Impressum')
.filter((index, el) => Cypress.dom.isFocusable(Cypress.$(el)) )
Where the filter command takes a function and passes only those that return true.
Since Cypress.dom.isFocusable() needs a jQuery object (same as passed to .each()) we first need to wrap the "raw" element given to .filter().
Next, take the first only in case multiple items are clickable.
Or click multiple items at once like this (but probably you only want one item).
cy.contains('a', 'Impressum')
.filter((index, el) => Cypress.dom.isFocusable(cy.wrap($el)) )

cypress - click iframe element while the body of the iframe change after few seconds

I have a problem when using cy.getIframeBody().find('#some-button') that the #some-button element is not yet available, because the iframe is still loading, but the body element is not empty so the .find() is triggered.
This is the custom command to get the iframe body
Cypress.Commands.add('getIframeBody', ()=> {
return cy.get('')
How I can do it without using cy.wait()?
You can add random timeouts and .should() assertions, but if they work at all the test is likely to be flaky.
The key is to repeat the query of the body element (this line)
until the button shows up.
So not
but something like
.should('have.child', '#some-button') // force a retry on body query
.should() with callback will do this
Cypress.Commands.add('getIframeBodyWithSelector', (waitForSelector) => {
return cy.get('')
.should(body => {
it('finds some button', () => {
.find('#some-button') // passes
You can add an timeout and also add should('be.visible'). should assertion will make sure that till the timeout value is reached it rerties and make sure that the iframe is loaded successfully.
Cypress.Commands.add('getIframeBody', () => {
return cy
.get('', {timeout: 7000})

Why is my infiniteScroll function in Apify not working?

I am trying to get out product data from a website that loads the product list as the user scrolls down. I am using Apify for this. My first thought was to see if somebody had already solved this and I found 2 useful links: How to make the Apify Crawler to scroll full page when web page have infinite scrolling? and How to scrape dynamic-loading listing and individual pages using Apify?. However, when I tried to apply the functions they mention, my Apify crawler failed to load the content.
I am using a web-scraper based on the code in the basic web-scraper repository.
The website I am trying to get data out of is in this link. For the moment I am just learning so I just want to be able to get the data out of this one page, I do not need to navigate to other pages.
The PageFunction I am using is the following:
async function pageFunction(context) {
// Establishing uility constants to use throughout the code
const { request, log, skipLinks } = context;
const $ = context.jQuery;
const pageTitle = $('title').first().text();'Wait for website to render')
await context.waitFor(2000)
//Creating function to scroll the page til the bottom
const infiniteScroll = async (maxTime) => {
const startedAt =;
let itemCount = $('.upcName').length;
for (;;) {`INFINITE SCROLL --- ${itemCount} initial items loaded ---`);
// timeout to prevent infinite loop
if ( - startedAt > maxTime) {
scrollBy(0, 99999);
await context.waitFor(1000);
const currentItemCount = $('.upcName').length;`INFINITE SCROLL --- ${currentItemCount} items loaded after scroll ---`);
if (itemCount === currentItemCount) {
itemCount = currentItemCount;
};'Initiating scrolling function');
await infiniteScroll(60000);`Scraping URL: ${context.request.url}`);
var results = []
$(".itemGrid").each(function() {
name: $(this).find('.upcName').text(),
product_url: $(this).find('.nombreProductoDisplay').attr('href'),
image_url: $(this).find('.lazyload').attr('data-original'),
description: $(this).find('.block-with-text').text(),
price: $(this).find('.upcPrice').text()
return results
I replaced the while(true){...} loop for a for(;;){...} because I was getting a Unexpected constant condition. (no-constant-condition)ESLint error.
Also, I have tried varying the magnitude of the scroll and the await periods.
In spite of all this, I cannot seem to get the crawler to get me more than 32 results.
Could someone please explain to me what am i doing wrong?
################ UPDATE ##################
I continued to work on this and could not make it work from the Apify platform so my original question still stands. However, I did manage to make the scroll function work by running the script from my pc.
in this particular case, you can check for the loading spinner visibility after scrolling, instead of trying to count the number of items.
by changing your code a bit, you can make it like this:
async function pageFunction(context) {
// Establishing uility constants to use throughout the code
const { request, log, skipLinks } = context;
const $ = context.jQuery;
const pageTitle = $('title').first().text();'Wait for website to render')
// wait for initial listing
await context.waitFor('.itemGrid');`Scraping URL: ${context.request.url}`);
let tries = 5; // keep track of the load spinner being invisible on the page
const results = new Map(); // this ensures you only get unique items
while (true) { // eslint-disable-line`INFINITE SCROLL --- ${results.size} initial items loaded ---`);
// when the style is set to "display: none", it's hidden aka not loading any new items
const hasLoadingSpinner = $('.itemLoader[style*="none"]').length === 0;
if (!hasLoadingSpinner && tries-- < 0) {
// scroll to page end, you can adjust the offset if it's not triggering the infinite scroll mechanism, like `document.body.scrollHeight * 0.8`
scrollTo({ top: document.body.scrollHeight });
$(".itemGrid").each(function() {
const $this = $(this);
results.set($this.find('#upcProducto').attr('value'), {
name: $this.find('.upcName').text(),
product_url: $this.find('.nombreProductoDisplay').attr('href'),
image_url: $this.find('.lazyload').data('original'),
description: $this.find('.block-with-text').text(),
price: $this.find('.upcPrice').text()
// because of the `tries` variable, this will effectively wait at least 5 seconds to consider it not loading anymore
await context.waitFor(1000);
// scroll to top, sometimes scrolling past the end of the page does not trigger the "load more" mechanism of the page
scrollTo({ top: 0 });
return [...results.values()]
this method also works for virtual pagination, like React Virtual or Twitter results that remove DOM nodes when they are not in the viewport.
using timeouts is very brittle and depending on how fast/slow your scraper is working, your results will vary. so you need a clear indication that the page is not delivering new items.
you can also keep track of the document.body.scrollHeight, as it will change when there are new items.

Scraping infinite scroll href with Cypress

I'm using Cypress to scrape a site with an infinite scroll.
The site is made with React, and after the user enters a search term in an input, as they scroll more products appear on the page matching the search term entered.
The code I've got so far opens a URL, navigates to the URL and collects all the hrefs that are currently visible.
I'm wondering is how I can tell cypress to scroll down further, slowly harvesting all the hrefs as it scrolls down the page, and then finally writing the hrefs to the json.
This is the code I have so far, minus the scrolling:
const arrayOfHrefs = [];
describe('Get links', () => {
it.only('should do a product search', () => {
cy.contains('socks').click(); // renders new content on the client side
cy.get('a').each(($a) => {
const link = $a.attr('href');
arrayOfHrefs.push(link); // grabs all visible links and pushes them to array
}).then(() => {
cy.writeFile('data.json', { urls: arrayOfHrefs }) // writes array to disk
You did not detail what you have tried so far and what issues you're currently having regarding scrolling, but I assume scrolling down the window and then adding some logic to wait until more links become visible is sufficient.
This command scrolls down the whole window to the bottom over 5000ms:
cy.scrollTo('bottom', {duration: 5000})
Note that it's not chained off from an element like:
I googled a page that has some similar dynamic infinite scroll behaviour, maybe you could base your code on the following snippet:
describe('', () => {
before('', () => {
cy.route('GET', '**/blog/page/**').as('blog')
it('', () => {
let numberOfChildren = 4
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
.then(children => {
.should('eq', numberOfChildren)
cy.scrollTo('bottom', {duration: 5000})
.then(() => numberOfChildren += 4)
This code scrolls down the page to the bottom 5 times, and in each iteration we check the number of children which are dynamically added, also we wait until the xhr request finishes. Not very useful on its own but you get the idea.

Angular JS: Detect when page content has rendered fully and is visible

My situation
I have a BIG list of people which all have their own profile pic and information. All items have some CSS3 styling/animations.
Im using:
<li ng-repeat="person in people">
Where people is an array with over 150 objects from an external JSON file that all have to show on the same page.
The page loads/renders slowly, and its not because of the $http GET function that gets the JSON data with people (which only takes about 100ms), but the rendering of the page and seemingly the rendering of all the css3 styling applied to each item (if i turn my CSS off it gets much faster).
My main problem
I can live with the page rendering slowly but what i really want is to detect whenever my heavy page has loaded its content in order to start and stop a loading indicator. Ive tried making a directive like this:
directive("peopleList", function () {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$watch("people", function (value) {
var val = value || null;
console.log("Loading started");
if (val){
console.log("Loading finished");
And put this directive on the wrapper div that is loading my list of people. But the loading appears to stop whenever my object with JSON data has been filled, which only takes around 100ms, but the actual visual rendering of the page takes more like 4-5s.
Ive also tried solutions like but i get the same result there.
What i need
When i navigate through my pages (which all have the same kind of lists) i need something that tells me whenever the page has fully loaded and is visible for the user so that i know when to hide my loading indicator.
Try adding this directive -- the magic is in the link function:
.directive('onFinishRender', function ($timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attr) {
if (scope.$last === true) {
Add a loader as the first item:
<li ng-show="!isDoneLoading">
<div class="loading">Loading...</div>
Then in your li, add this:
<li ng-repeat="..." on-finish-render="isDoneLoading = true;"> ... </li>
